Be My Princess: Prince Roberto

By AngelynFelices

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BASED ON THE APP BY VOLTAGE Prince Roberto of Altaria, the most easygoing of the six princes of the major kin... More

Commemorating the Start of a Friendship
Love's Cupid
Alone in His Room
The Prince's Escort
Friends Through a Window
A Growing Crush
Moving Back Home!?
Private Jet
A Keepsake from the Queen

The Castle's Wall

425 4 0
By AngelynFelices

[Please note: Please read the prologue first before reading this story.]

In the middle of the dizzyingly busy airport, I looked up at the departures board.

[To Altaria Airport]

Those words burned into my eyes, sticking out more clearly than any others. I was going to wager on my own talent and I was going to do it in the kingdom of Altaria. Monsieur Pierre's pep talk still seemed to be echoing in my ears...

"Ma petite, you know that you are still inexperienced."

"Yes, sir. I know that."

"So all you need to do is focus on doing your best out there, all right?"

"Yes, sir. I have plenty of motivation."

"Good. That's why you're ma petite!"


"What? What don't you have enough of then?"

"I guess... confidence?"

"I'm rather surprised you would think so!"


"After all, the moment you start feeling confident is the moment everything ends!" Monsieur Pierre slapped himself on the forehead, looking troubled. "Let me tell you right now, I've never had confidence in my life and I'm doing just fine! All I'm trying to do is create the things I want to create, without having to give up my ideals."

Even the one and only Jean Pierre doesn't have any confidence in himself!?

"But don't people say that you have to have confidence in yourself in order to grow?"

"Oh, no. You don't actually believe that claptrap, do you? Growth stops the very instant that a human starts feeling confident. Just discover the designs that you really want to make. That's all you need to do."

"The designs I want to make..."

"That's right. If you can figure that out, then you come back and show me what you can do!" He held my face in his hands. "Environment really can shape a person and you are lucky enough to have stumbled into an amazing situation for someone this early in your career. This is just one more thing that is special about you." I was touched by his earnest eyes as he looked straight into me.

That's right. There's really no other way to describe this but luck. I can't waste a chance like this.

"Yes, sir. I will keep that in mind and do my best."

Then Monsieur Pierre tapped his finger against his lip in a considering manner. "But Altaria. That's..."

"That's what?"

"That's the home of my dear Robbie, isn't it?"


"Ooh, I almost want to go in your place! I could take my meals together with Prince Roberto every day, and go for long strolls through the gardens together, and there, among the flowers, we... No, Robbie! My heart can't take it!" Monsieur Pierre squealed excitedly, completely lost in his fantasies. I couldn't help a pained smile as I watched him.

Prince Roberto, huh?

Prince Roberto, who ditched fancy balls and gave the other princes strange nicknames...

He's always seemed friendly, he may be easier to work for than any of the other princes.

My heart was pounding with a combination of nerves and excitement as I passed through the boarding gate.

I wonder what the future holds for me in Altaria!


I stood inside Villa Altaria but I hardly felt as if my feet were actually standing on the ground. After introducing myself to the guards at the entrance, I had been allowed into the royal villa. I had been waiting for ages, but there was no sign of anyone coming over to meet me or tell me where to go.

The guards told me to wait here, but...

The villa was filled with people, all busily rushing around to get things done and not a one of them noticing me.

Are royal palaces always like this?

I looked around curiously and my eyes caught one woman in particular.

"Are you Miss [Y/N]? The new designer?" She rushed toward me as she spoke and I stepped back without thinking.


The woman, who I assumed was a servant, paused for only the briefest moment in front of me, before she set off again with her long, powerful strides. It was all I could do to keep up with her.

"We're actually holding a party tonight, so everyone is a bit swamped trying to get ready for it."

"I'm sorry to take up your time during such a busy..."

"Turn there and then a left and a right. Your room will be the second door. Sorry I can't take you myself, but you should find it easily enough. Don't worry." She gave me a thumbs up and winked.

"Hold on, you said right, left? Or was it..." My fingers twisted from side to side as I tried to work out the path in my head, but the woman was long gone.

Shoot. Well, I guess I'll just have to try to figure it out for myself.

There were elaborate chandeliers hanging from the high, arched ceilings. The hall stretched on so far that it made me feel a little faint just looking ahead as I started walking with my luggage in tow.

Okay, so... right, right, left...

I headed through the halls just as I had been directed to. Or so I thought. I arrived at what seemed to be the second door in the appropriate hall, but there was nothing that looked like a guest room to me. I tried to backtrack, but I soon lost track of my turns and had no idea how to get back to the foyer.

I'm completely lost now, what do I do?

I was peering around nervously, a cold sweat trickling down my back, when a voice called out from behind me.

"Oh? You're here already!" I turned around and saw Prince Roberto walking toward me with a smile.

P-Prince Roberto...!

"Sorry I couldn't go to welcome you myself." His eyes were warm and kind as he spoke.

"N-No, I wouldn't dream of having you come yourself, Your Highness. But thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I look forward to working here at Villa Altaria." I curtsied deeply.

"You don't have to act that formal! We're too close for that kind of stiff talk, dear [Y/N]."

Umm, we are? How close does he think we are?

I smiled vaguely, trying to play off the strange comment.

"Anyway, just relax." he continues. "This will be your home, too, from now on. You'll just wear yourself out walking on eggshells all the time!"

That's probably true...

I felt as if some tension left my shoulders.

"See you later then." He raised one hand in parting and then left. I automatically dropped into a curtsy. 

Wait, I'm still lost!

"Y-Your Highness!" I yell out loud.


"Um, I'm terribly sorry to have to ask you, but..." It's pretty embarrassing to have to admit that I'm lost already, too...

"Hm? You can ask me anything." He looked straight at me with an easy smile.

"I... the truth is that I'm lost."

"Hey, it's okay; everyone feels a bit lost sometimes. So you're not sure what to do with your life?"

"N-No, that's not exactly what I..." Why would I be trying to get his advice about something like that? He's a prince, for goodness sake...

"First of all, let's take care of that luggage, shall we? It looks heavy." He tried to wrestle my bag away from me.

"I-It's fine! I can't ask Your Highness to..." I wrapped my arms tightly around my luggage, not letting it go.

"It's fine! I can't just sit by and watch a girl lug that sort of heavy bag around."

Prince Roberto tried again to pull it away from me. We struggled over the bag for several moments. When I refused to loosen my stubborn hold on the bag, Prince Roberto finally let go with a troubled expression.

There's no way I can make him carry my things!

"Where are you going?" he asks me. "I'll just carry it to your room, so tell me where it is."

"Um, that's why I told you that I was lost. I can't find my room."

"Ohhh, that's what you meant."

"I was given directions, but it looks like I took a wrong turn somewhere..."

Prince Roberto crossed his arms over his chest, looking a bit flummoxed.


"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"The truth is I don't really know the rooms in the servant quarters either. I don't think I've ever even been in the parts of the villa where all the staff live."

Wow, to have a house so big that you've never even been in parts of it!?

"The villa is indeed very... expansive."

"Well, I guess this'll be a good opportunity to do some exploring then, huh? This way we can both learn something!" He grinned and then tried again to grab my bag. 

"Your Highness, I cannot possibly let you..."

"Hey, this is Altaria. We take chivalry very seriously around here, so you'd better get used to it and respect our customs!"

That's not exactly... Argh, what should I do?

When I hesitated, Prince Roberto took the opportunity to scoop up my bag and walk away with it.

O-Oh! Wait...!

He turned and saw me hurrying to catch him and then he grinned, sprinting ahead.

"Prince Roberto!" I tried to chase after him, but he was just too quick. No matter how I tried, he kept pulling farther and farther ahead of me.

I guess I have no choice... 

I stopped, breathing hard, and Prince Roberto loped back toward me without even breaking a sweat.

"Giving up?" he asks me.

"I'm afraid I may have to... but as you said, I suppose customs are important."

"Yup, especially when they're mine."


"Men have to look after such beautiful women as yourself, don't you agree?" He winked at me.

So if he believes something then that makes it an Altarian custom, does it?

"Umm..." I mumble.

"Hm? What is it?" He directed a smile at me as we walked.

I feel a little bad saying it, but...

"It looks like this is a dead end, Your Highness."

"Oh, you're right! Huh? That sure is strange..."

"Are we perhaps... lost again?"

"It sure looks like it, doesn't it? Getting lost in my own house... it's pretty funny when you think about it!" I couldn't help but smile in the face of his carefree cheerfulness.

I normally wouldn't find a situation like this funny, but thanks to him being with me...

Then, a tall figure hurried toward us.

"Prince Roberto!"

"Ah! Al!" Prince Roberto cries.


The gentleman approaching us spoke in a dignified voice.

"Your Highness, we are already obscenely late for the meeting about today's party. Where have you been? Just taking a little walk..."

"Oh, here. Let me introduce you. This is our new designer. She just arrived today."

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance. My name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]." I curtsied in front of the tall gentleman.

"I had heard that you would be coming. I am Prince Roberto's private butler, Alberto. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine." His butler? Not a word I thought I'd ever use in my daily life...

By the time I realized what had happened, Alberto had my bag in his hand.

"Allow me to guide you to your room."

"O-Oh! Yes, if you please..." Alberto glanced at the prince briefly. "Your Highness, I trust you can find your way back to the office from here?"

"O-Of course! It's my house, isn't it?" His eyes wandered, avoiding Alberto's sharp look.

"Naturally. Thought it may please you to know the quickest route is to follow the carpet back to the center lobby and take the right staircase."

"Yeah, yeah."

"A simple 'yes' would suffice, sir."

Prince Roberto's shoulders hunched up around his ears. "Yes..."

Who's the master and who's the servant around here, really?

"Then if you will excuse me..."

"See you later, dear [Y/N]!" He waved with a twinkling smile on his face. I couldn't wave back, of course, but I dropped my head in a quick bow. "Oh, and come to the party today!"

Huh? Me...?

But, the Prince was already gone before I could ask. I looked to Alberto for confirmation, but he was so expressionless that I couldn't get any hint from him whether Prince Roberto had been serious.

Does he really mean for me to attend?


Still not sure what I should do, I at least headed to the room of the party when it was about to start. My vision was filled by a crowd of women, all beautifully dressed up. I tried to look around for Prince Roberto, but I couldn't see him.

I guess the guest of honor still hasn't arrived...?

Just then I thought I heard his voice. Looking again, I caught a glimpse of the prince surrounded by women in the center of the room.

"Wow..." Amazing. He's so popular.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, all of the women trying to worm their way to the center of the circle to talk to him. I couldn't help overhearing a couple of the men muttering near me.

"He just gets more popular every year, doesn't he?"

"Well, he is the sole heir to the king's throne. For the women of this country, there's no one they'd rather get their claws into. And with his friendly personality and that face, how could any of us compete?

I see...

Watching from a distance as Prince Roberto kindly responded to each woman with a smile, I thought I saw a pensive, almost pained expression flash across his face before he regained himself.

It must be tough...

Every time he tried to free himself from the circle, more women fought their way toward him. It seemed like a human tornado, the tittering women all rotating endlessly around the poor price caught in their midst. Prince Roberto noticed me and called out, looking relieved.

"My dear [Y/N], you're finally here!" He fought his way toward me and of course a herd of women followed on his heels. The tornado was headed my way.

This is kind of... scary...

Prince Roberto somehow managed to break free of the women and arrived at my side. I could immediately feel the vicious hatred of their stares boring into me.

"Prince Roberto! Pray tell me who that is you are speaking with?" one of the women cries. "Is she the daughter of some noble?"

"Don't you wish to introduce us?"

"Uhhh, sure." Prince Roberto says. "This is my dear [Y/N]. [Y/N]... um..."

I could see him wracking his brain to remember my last name, so I murmured it under my breath. "[Y/L/N]."

"That's right, [Y/L/N]. This is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]." He slung an arm around my shoulders.


"She's my girlfriend, in fact." At these words, the elegant organza of the tittering women came to a crashing halt. Then, in the next moment, a strong thunder of displeasure arose from the maelstrom of the dresses. My mouth was hanging open in dumbfounded shock. Then Prince Roberto leaned over to whisper in my ear. "I'll explain later."

"What?" I say.

He still spoke to me out of the side of his lips, the rest of his face in a composed grin directed toward to other ladies. "Just play along for now, could you?"

I guess there's not much choice. "O-Of course..." Ugh, I feel like I'm going to need power tools to unscrew this smile from my face later.

Prince Roberto hugged me even tighter around the shoulders.

"What!? Are you serious, Your Highness!?"

"When did this happen!?"

The faces of the women were growing darker and darker with angry jealousy.

They look positively homicidal.

Alberto came running up to us, looking alarmed. "Is something the matter, Your Highness?"

Prince Roberto muttered under his breath to his butler. "Whose bright idea was it to invite all these women?"

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I didn't expect there to be this many myself." Then Alberto turned toward the angry women and addressed them. "Ladies, Prince Roberto will be alighting the stage to give a speech in just a moment. So if you could all please direct your attention to the front?"

The women hardly waited for him to finish before they began toward the stage that was set up in the front of the room. Alberto's plan had relieved us of our tense audience and Prince Roberto seemed to relax.

"Then, Prince Roberto, if you will..." The butler held his open hand toward the stage.

"Right..." He seems a bit tired.

As Prince Roberto walked by me, he muttered in my ear. "Do you wanna ditch? I can't take much more of this."


I blinked several times, doubting my own ears. "You're my private designer, aren't you?"

"Well, yes. I suppose I am, but what..."

"Then you have to do what I say? So I'll meet you at the villa's back gate. I'll leave right after my speech." Am I the only one here who sees a big problem with this plan!?

Prince Roberto winked and headed toward the stage.

But, I don't really want to stay, either... not after seeing all those women our for blood.


I left the party and somehow ended up wandering out to the back gate.

Is this really okay?

Then, a voice called out.

"My dear [Y/N]!" I turned and saw Prince Roberto standing in the shallow of the wall. "There are a bunch of guards that way! We can't do out there!" I was quickly yanked to the side. I noticed a guard approaching the gate at the same moment. "Watch it!" Prince Roberto had suddenly wrapped his arms around me, hiding us both in the shadow of the building. Stuck pressed against him, I could hear the prince's heartbeat as I stood petrified and unable to move.

M-My heart is racing...

"All right. It looks like he left." He looked down at me, his arms still wrapped around my back. Pressed so tightly against him and with his face just inches from mine, I could feel myself starting to blush.

Can't he see me blushing in the dark?

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing at all, Your Highness." I gently pulled away from Prince Roberto.

I've got to get a hold of myself...

"There are a surprising number of guards around here. I'd thought we'd be safe if we took the back gate, but..."

"Your Highness..."

"Hm? What?"

"Trying to escape your own party... Won't that be a bit of a problem?"

"Naw, it's fine. I always do it." I was momentarily deflated by his easygoing answer.

B-But... "But why do you want to get away that desperately?"

"Oh, you want to know?" Uh oh, should I not have asked? "Because there's a wall there. Why else?"


"You know, it's like people always say when they're asked 'Why'd you climb that mountain?' or something. Because it was there."

"So because there's a wall there, you feel like you want to break through it."

"Think about it."

"But won't you get in trouble with Alberto?"

"That much is obvious, right?" Well, yes, he is a servant. So there's no way Alberto could scold his master. "He chews me out every single time!" Oh, maybe he can. "What's with all the questions, anyway? Do you not want to bust out of here, dear [Y/N]?"

"It's not that, exactly... it's just a bit much to take in, I guess."

"Well, if you're going to be designing all my clothes, then I guess you should know what kind of lifestyle I lead, huh?"

"Huh? I don't really think that's what we're doing here..."

"So you don't want to come? Because I'm going." If he's that determined... "Besides, can you even find your way back alone?"

I remembered the nearly miraculous way that I had found my way here from the party. And how I had only arrived there in the first place thanks to the flagging down passing servants and asking for directions.

"No, I definitely can't."

"Then the only way to go is forward!"

He grabbed my hand and, feeling guilty, I trotted after him as we left the villa behind.

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