Never Let Me Go

By carlilloyd2020

41.6K 1.1K 355

Tobin finds out about Alex's trade to Orlando through the news. Will tobin want to keep what they already hav... More

The Morning Of
Beach Trip
Needing Space
Find Yourself
Fighting for all the right reasons
Your Mess Is Mine
When a Heart Breaks
We'll Sleep When We Die
Play it Again
Id Go Crazy
Turning page
Same old love
Not so Hallelujah
Not About Angels
See You Again
I lived
You Deserve It
Marry Me

Only One Call Away

1.4K 42 6
By carlilloyd2020

The whole tournament had gone...smoothly is what some of the gals would say.

Their passes were on point. The backline was a brick wall. Hope barely touched the ball (which she was fine with but deep down she was beyond bored in goal). The forwards were making incredible shots, all on goal. And babyhorse actually ended up getting a hattrick in the semifinal against England. And yes of course, carli had multiple of them.

What was even better than all of this, all of the celebrations and great play, was that they had done it all together despite the past year they had. Despite the heartbreak and tears and sweat that came along with it, they had won gold.

They. Won. Fucking. Gold.

All throughout the tournament moe wore 12 with a passion. She wore it with pride sending in some of the greatest crosses the game of soccer has ever seen.

Amy scored 4 goals this whole tournament and after the last one, she kissed her wrist, patted her heart, and pointed both fingers to the sky. As did the whole team. They all pointed to the sky, sending up their love to cheney who was watching the whole game in the best seat in the house.

They didnt want to let her down, and boy she wasnt. At most she was beyond proud of her bestfriends. Proud of the obstacles they've over come.

They freakin did it.


At the gold medal ceremony, standing ontop of the podium and hearing the National Anthem, they all sang from the bottom of their hearts, taking pride in every word said.

This was their time, and nobody could ruin it. They were World Champions...back to back. Never done before. They had made history again, and they would continue to do it.

After the medal ceremony, the gals went back to their hotel rooms to change and get ready for the after party with all their families.

Tobin had a big surprise for alex and only Hope knew considering she was the one keeping it safe.

Tobin was getting ready, standing at the side of her bed in unbuttoned jeans trying to figure out which shirt to wear.

Alex was just walking out of the bathroom when she saw tobin standing there, deep in thought with her brow creased. Alex couldnt help but find the sight totally adorable and stood there watching a little longer until she couldnt stand it.

"Any longer staring at those and we'll definitely miss the party. Dont think Momma Heath would like that, do you?" She says in a joking tone walking over to tobin and resting her chin on her shoulder.

"Of course not, but for the life of me i cant find a shirt to wear. Which one do you like best?" She asks alex.

"Go with the black vneck, i like being able to see your abs through your shirt." Alex says with a wink while turning around to put her shoes on.

"Yenno sometimes i think you only like me for my bod..." tobin says with a smirk.

"Definitely not, its just a plus that your easy on the eyes though."

"Ditto to you too, c'mon my moms probably freaking out that we arent downstairs right now." Tobin grabs alexs' hand and guides them out the door and down the hall to the elevator meeting hope and kelley in the process.

"WE'RE FUCKING WORLD CHAMPS GUYS!!" Kelley yells out excitedly.

"Yea kell, not like the gold medal gives it away or anything" tobin says sarcastically.

"Well news flash tobin, its a big fucking deal. I dont get how your not as excited as i am." Kelley says concerned.

"Oh trust me, i am, but i hold it in for appropriate times, say the celebration party we're going to."

"Ok wel-"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Alex yells out which immediately makes the two stop and look at her with scared expressions.

"Yes ma'am" they both whisper.

The elevator opens and they are met with a swarm of people, ranging from little kids, to adults, to their teammates.

Hope hands tobin the surprise as alex and kelley step out first, not noticing the exchange.

Hope and kelley make their way towards the bar as alex and tobin make their way towards tobins family, who just so happens to be with alexs family.

"Tobin powell heath what took you so long? You were suppose to be down her 20 mins ago!" Cindy heath says frustrated.

"Oh cindy, your daughter her has a bit of an indecisive problem considering she spent 15 mins trying to choose a shirt. Luckily i was there." Alex explains while looking up into tobins eyes, getting lost in the browness of them. She cant help but smile that she gets to wake up to this beautiful girl everyday now. Getting lost in each other they almost miss all of the conversation tobins mom had begun.

"...two are just so adorable! Pam! Pam come here! Dont you agree these two were made for each other?" Cindy states while calling over alexs' mom.

"Oh god, here we go again." Tobin states annoyed but alex can see the blush creeping up onto her cheeks. "Mom, we're going to go say hi to our teammates okay? We'll be back in a little bit." Tobin says while pulling alex away quickly before anything else embarassing is said.

"Your mom is so cute, i love her. Cant wait for what christmas is like this year." Alex says while laughing at tobins antics.

"Oh trust me, its way worse, atleast here she doesnt have the home videos." Tobin says while looking down.

Alex grabs tobins chin and pulls it her way, crashing their lips together in one swift motion. Its rough but tobin gets lost in it immediately, just like she gets lost in alex so easily. She goes to wrap her arms around alexs waist but alex pulls back in time and smiles up at her playfully.

"Thats for later stud, right now we get to party." Alex says in a seductive tone that makes tobins knees go week.

She watched as alex walks away towards sydney before running straight to hope.

"Hey tob-"

"She teasing me. Shes teasing me and i dont like it one bit Hope, god she has me so whipped." Tobin whines.

Hope just laughs at her friends situation. "Yea but you like it, otherwise you wouldnt be doing what you about to do, right?" She asks.

"Yea i guess thats true. But sometimes she knows exactly how to trigger my weak spot and then she leaves me hanging and its irks me." Tobin states back while taking a swig of Hope's drink and cringing. "God thats terrible, alright hopey, i gotta go get my girl."

"Dont call me hopey. But goodluck."

Tobin stands and makes her way to the front stage where the DJ is playing music. She whispers something in his ear, he nods and shuts off the music while handing the mic to tobin.

"Hey everybody! Just wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone who could make it. Our families have been our biggest supporters throughout our careers and we couldnt be more thankful for all of you. Coming home to you guys when we have time, is definitely something that we look forward to." She stops and turns to look at alex, who was now looking at her.

"I think everyone knows that im what you'd call a nomad. I like to travel as much as i can, searching the world for undiscovered areas ive never seem before. Homes always something good to go to, but ive never really had one. That was, until 8 months ago, when i confessed to a blue eyed beauty that she was the thing i thought about 24/7. She was the thing i went to bed and woke up thinking about. There wasnt a moment when she wasnt on my mind. 8 months ago i found my home, in a girl that i had been madly inlove with for 4 years without actually being able to have her. And today, i can finally call her mine." Tobin stopped as she noticed alex wipe a tear away.

"Alex, youre my home. I find peace, joy and comfort in you. I never want to travel again unless im with you because i dont want to experience anything without you. Youre everything ive ever wanted and more. Im so glad that i get to do what i love with the person i love. Going through this journey with you only makes it better, and im so glad your mine alex. Your it for me babygirl and i wouldnt have it any other way. I'll love you til the water runs dry. I'll love you through your darkest days and secrets. You'll never lose me Al, never. Im with you for the long haul, and i'll never let you go. Will you do me the greatest honor and marry me?" She says while pulling out the box and opening it to reveal a diamond ring.

Gasps are heard around the room as alex looks from tobin to the ring and back to tobin in shock. Tears are streaming down her face faster now as she shakes her head up and down before capturing tobins lips once again.

Everyone cheers around them as they get lost in the moment with each other. After a few seconds they pull away and tobin takes the ring out and slides it onto alexs finger, who cant help but have her megawatt smile plastered on her face. She pulls alex into bone crushing hug, picking her up and spinning her around, smiling like an idiot.

Their families are the first to congradulate them, alexs' dad sharing a brief moment with tobin that has her laughing and alex questioning what her father was saying. Tobin says her a wink, reassuring her its nothing but good.

Next alex is swept away by sydney and amy to look at the ring and talk wedding plans.

Tobin makes her way to Hope and Ashlyn, greeting them with smiles and highfives.

"Welcome to the club kid, only gets more frustrating from here on out." Hope says rather seriously. Tobin sends her a look telling her to shut it before they all burst out laughing.

"Nah but seriously tobs, we're proud of you. Glad you finally made the move. You two were made for each other." Ash adds.

Tobin nods in understanding before the night takes her away. Good vibes being sent in all directions. Celebrating another gold medal along with her engagement.

Engagement. Thats going to take some getting used to.

She smiles at the thought of marrying alex, of having a big wedding with all of their friends and family. Of starting a life together. She couldnt wait for this next step in their lives...together.

Shes taken out of her thoughts as a hand is placed on her lower back. She turns and is met with the ocean staring back at her. She smiles knowing she'll get to see that everyday for the rest of her life.

"I think its time to finish what i started earlier..." she says seductively sending shivers down tobins spine.

"Its not nice to tease babyhorse, youre lucky i dont take you right now." Tobin whispers back while quickly taking alexs hand and leading her towards the elevator door.

"Sounds good...fianceé" alex says with a wink while pushing tobin into the elevator.

Fianceé...i could get used to that.

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