See You Again

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The months following laurens passing and leading up to the Olympics were hard on everybody.

They didnt seemed focused at times, wondering around, looking for a tall, curly haired woman for guidance, only to stop after a few seconds of realizing who they're looking for. Remembering that she wouldnt be there anymore.

As time went on, some started to become better, more accepting of the passing.

Others were holding on by threads, begging to be rebuilt.

And no one expected Tobin to be the strongest, to be there for everyone else when she could see them cracking at every move or thought.

But it was one person that ultimately saw just how hard this was on tobin.

She saw how tobin would cry herself to sleep at night, not knowing how to cope or even how to face the world like this.

She saw the lost look, deep in tobins eyes that she would soon mask over at practice.

She was the one that would wake up in the middle of the night and see tobin, sound asleep, curled into a ball clutching one of her most prized possessions with tear stained cheeks. Clutching the photo frame that contained the very first and very last photos the New Kids ever took with each other.

Alex saw first handed just how much tobin was breaking on the inside.

She saw just how much strength it took tobin to keep it together for her teammates, because they both know that if she broke down in front of all of them...that would be it for the team.

Because nothings worse than seeing the bubbly, laughing, excited tobin everybody knows, become broken and depressed.

At first when alex walked in on tobin crying, she asked for space.

And thats exactly what alex gave her because she knows tobin doesnt ask for much, and when she does, she really needs what she asks for.

But it wasnt until 2 weeks before their first game, that alex had finally had enough.

Enough of ignoring the elephant in the room whenever her and tobin were together.

She wanted her old tobin back. She wanted the giggly tobin back.

So when alex had come back from recovery and saw tobin was hunched down between the beds, clutching that same photo frame, she knew what she had to do.

And that was to stop with the space.

She dropped her keys and her phone by the door and walked over to wear tobin was, sitting down and pulling the broken girl into her side, never wanting to let go.

"Hey tobs, its gonna be okay alright? She'll be watching over you at every game, every practice, and every second if your life okay? Gotta be strong babe, its whats she you maybe wanna talk about it?" Alex whispers into her ear.

She feels tobin shrug her shoulders but pull back and run her thumb across the frame, wiping off any tears that were spilled.

"I-its just that i d-dont want her gone Al, we were suppose to grow old together. Her, me and arod, we were suppose to be those bestfriends who were 80 and d-drinking t-tea together. And now we dont get that and i dont know what to do without her. Im slowly starting to break Al and i dont know what to do." Tobin says while trying to hold back sobs.

Alex only pulls her closer again and strokes her hair to calm her down some.

"Wanna make a deal?" Alex tries.

Tobin slowly looks up, curious as to what shes going to say.

"I know it stinks that cheneys not here and nothing could ever replace her, but how about i make copies of these photos, and put it into a locket for you and arod? So you both can have one and wear it whenever and wherever.  This way when you see it, you'll know lauren will always be with you, she's never leaving you tobs. And if you do get sad, just look at the photo and talk to her. Because as long as your wearing it, she will be next to you okay? Sound like a plan?" Alex negotiates.

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