More Then You Will Ever Know...

By addictd2u911

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The rain never stops pouring. It just keeps coming down. It drenches you. Till you’re all wet. It makes you... More


Chapter One - Heads Up

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By addictd2u911

Hey everyone, Im just starting out my new story. I would appreciate it if you all would pitch in your thoughts or Ideas on where this story should head! If any of this work or characters are stolen, there will be punishments because it belongs to me.



Chapter 1

When I walked into school that day, I did not think I would end up leaving school with a detention. Sure, I'm a relatively good student; work hard and get good grades but I don’t have many friends. Right now I need to focus on school, the better I do, the faster I will be outta here.

My stomach rumbled loudly. Damn, I forgot to eat breakfast. I rummage through my bag only to find a wet granola bar shoved in there. Gross. I was entering my locker combo when I heard the loud ruckus of noise heading down the halls.

“Hey nerd”


His posse sauntered over to where I was standing. My eyes widened as I heard the voices of the jocks. They seemed into the whole "insult the nerd" role play anyway. My clammy hands did nothing to ease my tension. Its not that I am afraid of them, cause I'm not, its just there is a large group of guys invading my personal space--athletic boys might I add. Even though I wasn't scared on the inside, I sure as hell look afraid. Couldn't I get a break for once in my life?

Of course not.

I put my coat away and grabbed my textbooks quickly, hoping that they would go away.

“Getting ready for math’s eh?” he questioned, a wicked smile slowly lining his face.

“Go away” I mumbled, keeping my eyes on the ground. Why couldn't they go pick on someone else?


I looked down to see all of my books scattered on the ground. The papers flew in all directions but no one spared me a glance. Some people just laughed and walked away as they headed towards their classes. My day just keeps getting better and better. I peeked under my lashes to see the stares still directed towards me.

“Do you like milkshakes nerd?" What an unusual question to ask, I thought. Maybe they want it for a class project. A class project, yup that must be it.


“I think she does”

"I bet she loves it"

They other four chimed in.

“Umm….. yea, I guess I do” I replied nervously rubbing my hand together; hoping that this wasn’t another humiliating trick. They were intimidating and mostly everyone in the hallway had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me. I glanced at my watch to see that there was only two more minutes left till the bell rung. Great, now I was going to be late if they kept me held up.


The smirk that I had grown to be wary of graced his face. His blue eyes pierced into mine narrowing as they met my stare. I quickly looked away, not able to hold his stare. I wonder if his eyes will get the gleam they do when he talks to other girls. I'm a sucker for eyes, even if they are on my worst nightmare. I hear the girls talk about how his eyes turn lighter when he smiles.

“Well then take this” he smiled evilly and held his hand out for me to grab the yummy looking milkshake. I slowly reached towards it, ready to draw back if necessary but he just stood there. I went in for the kill and tried to grab it only to feel it slip through my fingers and pulled out of my reach.

“The nerd wants a milkshake” he grinned tauntingly, “then the nerd will get one.” He took the milkshake and poured it all over my glossy books.

The guys gave each other a high five and laughed rambunctiously to their classrooms. He turned back and smirked before entering the classroom.

I hate that smirk.

Realizing that the bell had rung, I bent down and picked up my stuff. It was all covered in slimy gunk. I sighed and got to work, quickly wiping the smeared milkshake. The pages were sticking together and I could feel some strawberry chunks in between my fingers. Gross. The tears slowly filled my eyes. I bit my lip as my eyes blurred, almost drawing blood.

Why does this always happen to me? Do I really deserve to be humiliated every single goddamn day?

“Ms. Alina Walters” boomed the thundering voice of my principal, Mr. Bates. “Get to class right now” I quickly wiped my tears away, smearing some milkshake all over my face.

“I was just picking up my stuff, Ryan and his grou—"

“Stop putting blame on those young men, they are good kids and you would do well to listen to them.  Since you are late, you will have detention after school. I don’t want to hear this happening again” He glared at me.

“Sorry Sir, won’t happen again” I saluted clumsily and speed walked through the halls, determined to get to class as fast as possible.

As I tip-toed into class, I noticed the teacher talking to one of the kids on the other side of the room. As quietly as possible, I made a mad dash for my seat only to trip on someone’s leg and fall flat on my back. Ow. I slowly sat up, rubbing my neck.

I saw some people purse their lips while others belted out laughing. Great, just another thing to add to "Alina's Terrible Morning Moments" right after my terrific detention.

“Ms. Walters, what do you think you are doing?”

Mrs. Golden was a nasty old lady with bad breath and terrible fashion sense. She could be sweet but this was not one of those times.

“Sorry ma'am” I mumbled. I could feel the judgmental stares boring into my back.

“Don’t let it happen again” she huffed and went back to her desk.

“It won’t” I smiled reassuringly. I could feel everyone’s stare as I walked back to my desk lugging my backpack along.

The rest of the day went similarly. I made it to every class on time, although I think I walked into Chemistry a few seconds late.. I ate my lunch in the girls bathroom. Its honestly not as bad as I though it would. Nobody really uses it so it doesn’t smell too bad and since nobody comes in, I don't get disturbed. There is the occasional couple that enter and aren't able to keep their hands off each other. I just put my feet on the seat and plug my ears so I won't have nightmares. 

Last period dragged on, until I found myself paying more attention to the ticking of the clock than my papers. Soon the bell rang and I hurriedly shoved my books into my bag. I headed into the hallway almost reaching the front doors when I heard his annoying voice.

“Have fun in detention Braces”

Shit. I totally forgot.

I lumbered back into the school, dragging my feet as I entered the classroom. I headed towards the back corner and slumped down, opening one of my favorite books, The Hunger Games.

Since I had missed the bus, I had to walk the thirty minutes home on foot. Now that I have time to myself I can tell you a little bit about myself. I’m 16, a senior at Ridgewood Public High School near Chicago. It’s located in the Suburbs so no city kids, thank god. I have a mom and a little brother. My mom was wonderful until my father left just 3 years after little Maxey was born.

Mom hasn’t been the same since. I love my family but my mom couldn't handle the heartbreak so she turned towards alcohol. Not only do I get bullied at school, I get beaten down at home too. I think what keeps me going is little Maxey. He doesn't deserve to be put through such hardships and I'm going to make sure he is able to live his childhood without any problems.

I crossed the street, checking both ways before walking.

As I had mentioned before, the five popular guys, are the people that make my life hell. As much as I hate to admit it, they are easy on the eyes.

First there is Ryan Baker, my main man. He has bright blonde hair and startling navy blue eyes. Those eyes are always glaring at me. I don’t know why he hates me. In fact, in fifth grade, I probably had the biggest crush on him, but things change I guess.

Then there is Sam Ryder, the right hand man. Sam has swishy brown hair and glittering brown eyes. When he smiles, the girls faint. He can be sweet but is an insane flirt. What I like about him is that when he finds a girl he likes, he stays faithful to her and lets everyone know that she is his.

Even though I hate him, I appreciate that about him.

The third guy is Alan Hazeman. Alan has black spikey hair and piercing grey eyes. He’s the silent one, always observing what goes on. Surprisingly, he is one of the biggest players out of that whole group. But he sure can be respectful when necessary; even I have been rendered silent by his charm. He is probably one of the nicest ones. I think he feels bad for the bad luck in my life. I don’t hate him but he is definitely in the top ten people I dislike.


Well maybe I should watch where I was going because the bruise from the pole I just walked into is not going to look pretty.

Ok continuing on, the fourth guy is Wyatt Lemmings. He has the most stunning green eyes I have ever seen. But I hardly see them because they are hidden under a mop of brown hair. He is one of the best skateboarders I have ever run into. Yes, you read correctly, I ran into him while he was practicing and almost sprained his ankle. I think that just adds to his list of reason’s to hate Alina.

And last but not least, my personal favorite is Jeremy Peters. He has the cutest brown eyes that look like melting chocolate when the sunlight hits them. He has short brown hair and a rugged handsome face. Strong jaw line and bright pearly whites make him almost perfect. He is the one person who has actually talked to me before; ignoring the fact that it was to answer a question on a quiz. Jeremy rarely has girlfriends I mean he flirts, heck they all flirt but until he is interested, then he won’t make a move.

I’m forced out of my thoughts as I trip of a rock. This clumsiness thing is really not helping my case.

“Hey! Watch where you are going punk” and old man shouts at me as my foot hits his cane. I quickly mutter an apology and walk away as he grumbles to himself.  

As I round the corner, I slowly start giggling to myself. The weirdest things happen to me and it’s my luck that I am right in the middle of it. I take a deep breath as I open the door. My mom hasn’t come with her broom raised in the air so that means that she is either asleep or so drunk she passed out.

“Maxey?” I whisper quietly.

“Ally, is that you?” he questions in his adorable voice. Max still is learning his letters so his ‘L’s sound like ‘W’s.

“Yeah, it’s me buddy” I tiptoe into the kitchen and hop into the seat next to him. “Watcha doing?”

“I’m doing my homework” he giggles. He hold up his paper to show me his hard work. “Wow, that is amazing Maxey” I ruffle his hair and tell him I’m going to take a shower. I grab my bag and head up the stairs only to be yanked back by my hair.



NOTE: Heyy everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story!! I know its a cliffhanger and I hope you guys like it!!!!! Im just starting out so feedback would be appreciated! Tell your friends!! Comment and Vote!!

 So what do you all think of Alina?? Seems like a closed off chick huh! Tell me what you think!


~ Pareesa ~

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