A Dose of Reality

By khazrn43

10.1K 217 36

Takes place after Born This Way. After hearing her boyfriend tell his ex that she was beautiful, Quinn overh... More

Chapter 1 Kurt and Carole
Chapter 2 Santana
Chapter Three: Quinn
Chapter Four: Sam
Chapter Six: Maybe Rachel
Chapter 7: Sunday Afternoon
Feels Like Home

Chapter 5: Puck and Stuff

1K 30 9
By khazrn43


Title: A Dose of Reality

Author: Khazrn43, taken from a ddh1973 idea.

Rating: Mature

Summary: Takes place after Born This Way.  After hearing her boyfriend tell his ex that she was beautiful, Quinn overhears a conversation that affects her relationship with Finn. Starts out Fuinn, ends Finchel.

Disclaimer:  The characters in this story all belong to Ryan Murphy Productions and Fox Television.  If I owned them, I would have a lot more money than I do right now.

As always my fictions are chalked full of Finchel Smut. If you can't handle it this is not for you.

Honor the Tether! Remember the Drummer!


Chapter Five: Puck and Stuff

Thursday Finn, went around to all of the Glee kids except for Rachel, Quinn, Sam and Kurt and asked for them to meet him in the choir room at lunch on Friday. Suddenly he felt like it was sophomore year all over and he just found out drizzle Hudson was really Beth Puckerman and the people he considered his friends had all betrayed him.

Once him and Kurt became brothers, Kurt came to him and apologized for not telling him. So he understood Kurt's point of view, that he didn't want people to think he only told him because he liked him and he really wanted to win Sectionals. Finn forgave Kurt, he was happy with Rachel, the past didn't matter anymore. But, in these last months he has realized that it did matter. If he had dealt with the feelings before getting with Rachel, maybe he would have been brave enough to tell her about Santana instead of keeping it from her; maybe Quinn wouldn't have had the power to smash hit life apart once he was free from her.

So, now Finn finds himself sitting on the piano bench waiting for the New Directions to appear.  One by one they entered the choir room looking at him with suspicion or trepidation.  Puck swaggered in, feeling the tension, and being Puck immediately had to crack a lame joke "Are we here for your coming out party, Huddy." Then he looked at his best friend....? Could he even call him that anymore......? Knowing now was not the time for jokes and sat down.

They all were sat in front of him so he took a breath and did what he came to do. "Thanks for coming and giving me up your lunch period for me.  First I want to apologize for the way I've been acting since I broke up with Rachel.  I've been an asshole and I'm sorry."

"At least you can admit it. Are you done dogging my girl or what?" Mercedes said.  Finn stood there stoically looking at Mercedes trying to keep his anger in check.  Because they were here for a twofold reason.

Finn chose to ignore Mercedes blatant dig at him and trudge ahead. "I am sorry for the way I've been, but that is not the only reason I asked you guys to come here.  You guy are supposed to be my real friends, but last year you all let Quinn lie to me and I need to know why"

The group was all staring at him until his last sentence and they dropped their heads.  Mike was the first to speak up. "Finn, I am your friend, I didn't know until that day in the choir room when you found out.  I was not in that loop.  If I was I would have told you. Matt would have too" Finn looked at his Asian friend knowing what he knew last year, Mike and Matt didn't know.

Puck was in the corner feeling emotions that were foreign to him but he tried to speak only to be cut off by Finn, "No Puck I need to talk to you after, I know why you lied to me about it," Puck nodded knowing he'd tell his friend the truth when the time came.

Artie was next "What we, what I did was shitty. I was not being a good friend. I have no excuse for why I didn't tell you.  I guess I wanted to fit in; it was easier to justify it if I wasn't' the only one who knew and I was asked not to tell you.  And what a shit friend was I, that I put winning over what was right and your feeling I'm sorry Finn. Truly Sorry."

Finn nodded at him "thank you Artie"

Santana listened to this and the shame and guilt she'd been carrying around regarding her actions toward Finn were still front and present. She decided she needed to speak for her and Brittany. "Finn, you know we spoke on Saturday and I told you a lot of truths, but I didn't tell you about this, I knew from the minute Quinn knew she was pregnant she was going to lie to you. I kept it from you partly because what she had on me, but I kept it from you because I wanted to be top dog around here and with psycho Barbie out of the way, I was. It was a bitch move and I can't say sorry enough. Don't be mad a Brits though she only did what I told her"

Brittany heard what Santana was saying and a part of her knew it was true but another part of her knew she had been wrong. "No, Santana, he has every right to be mad at me.  I knew it was wrong to keep it from him, but I did what you asked anyway.  I'm sorry Finn"

Finn knew Brittany was sweet and not the smartest in the class so he wasn't going to hold a grudge against her.  Tina sat there with Mike's arm around her shoulder not feeling the best about herself. She had wanted to apologize to Finn for a long, long time but she didn't know how.  Now was her chance and she was tongue tied. She looked at him as he looked to her and then Mercedes as they were the last ones to say anything.

Tina gathered enough courage to speak. "I wanted to win.  Plain as that. I was caught up in the gossip of it all and the thought of all of our hard work being for nothing kept me from saying anything.  I'm sorry, I was wrong.  There is nothing that I can say that would make it right.  What she did was so wrong and I'm so ashamed of myself for keeping it from you.  You didn't deserve what she did and maybe if one of us told you sooner......" She didn't know how to finish that sentence.

"Thank you Tina"

Now it was down to Mercedes and she was feeling caged.  So, she lashed out "Please Finn, really if you couldn't figure out you can't get pregnant the way she told you, it's not my fault. Quinn was my friend and it was not my secret to tell...." Santana couldn't stand it, Mercedes sitting there thinking she didn't do anything wrong "Shut Up... she yelled.... you didn't get close to Quinn until after baby-gate so that excuse it lame. You are the biggest gossip in this school and this was juicy. Keeping to yourself and telling the glee club gave you power and you loved it."

"Shut the hell up Santana, you don't know anything" Mercedes tried to defend herself.

"No, it's the truth and we are here trying to help Finn with the truth, no more lies." Santana said as the other New Directions nodded on.

"You are the biggest liar of us all, you are a hypocrite" Mercedes countered.

"At least I'm telling the truth now and......" Santana was cut off from Finn's booming voice "ENOUGH! That's fine Mercedes don't tell me."

"What does it matter now Finn, it's over and done; you broke up with Quinn, quiet publically, so what purpose does this serve. Are you trying to make us feel bad, or just trying to lessen your guilt?"

Gasps from the rest of the team were heard and Finn righted himself standing at his full height "No, Mercedes I am trying to understand how people who claimed to be my friends could let her lie about something so important. I trying to understand how I got here. I trying to understand how, I still consider you my friend. Its purpose is to understand. I've made mistake after mistake and if maybe one you told the truth before Rachel had tricked Quinn into giving up the truth, I could have dealt with my shit instead of burying it and hurting the one person who despite me, loves me enough to tell me the truth even when it hurts. I think I understand that you feel like you didn't do anything wrong so we are done here, thanks for coming everyone. Puck could you stay please"

Mercedes just huffed when Finn said they were done, grabbed her bag and left the others following after brief private conversations with Finn in front of the piano.


Puck hung in the back ground not saying anything.  He was gathering his thought for the confrontation that was bound to happen with his friend.  As Tina gave Finn his final hug and assured him she'd talk to Mercedes Puck's breath hitched.  Finn was his best friend since he was four. He was there when his dad left him, his sister and Ma, he was there when he broke his arm, he was there to throw the first football he ever caught and Puck knew he'd been a shitty ass friend in return.

Finn was finishing up hugging Tina, telling Mike they'd get together this weekend for COD tourney online when he spied Mr. Shue enter his office. He gestured for Puck to wait then went to Mr. Shue's office. Knocking on the door Finn said "Mr. Shue it okay if I talk to you"

"Sure Finn, come in. What's going on?" the older man asked.

Finn let out a breath and began speaking "I'm sorry for being a dick these past few weeks.  I tried being something I'm not and...well you know."

Mr. Shue nodded in agreement with the teenager then smiled "I knew you'd figure it out. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for"

"Thanks Mr. Shue.  I also wanted to say thanks for planting that pot in my locker" Mr. Shue blinked rapidly unsure of what to say "It's okay Mr. Shue I forgave you already.  If it wasn't for that I would still be the dumb jock with a kid that wasn't' even his.  I wouldn't have fallen in love with Rachel, and we both know she's the best thing about me"

Mr. Shue smiled at Finn then said sadly "I'm not proud of that, the club was going to die even before it got started, it was the blackest day of my life. I can't argue with the results though.  But don't sell yourself short Finn, Rachel is better with you than she is without you."

"I'm starting to believe that Mr. Shue.  Thanks I got to talk to Puck.  I'm not going to yell or hit him so..." they both know he was asking for Mr. Shue to give the friends the latitude to talk without interruption. 

"Okay Finn, just close the door" Mr. Shue motioned.


Finn reentered the choir room and saw Puck looking out the door, deep in thought. "How'd we get here Puck? You were my brother; I'd have done anything for you. How could you just sleep with my girlfriend?"

Puck thought to himself as his friend spoke.  "You are my brother; you've been there for all the moments.  I can't say sorry for making Beth, but I can say sorry for not being that brother and keeping shit from you. I'll tell you everything, the truth, not the Puck truth, Noah truth"

Finn shook his head about Beth, he could understand that but the other parts he couldn't wrap his head around.  With Puck telling him the Noah truth he knew they'd be alright eventually, so he began. "I know why, but how could you sleep with my girl. Even though Quinn and I weren't the best couple she was still my girl."

"I loved her before she was your girl.  She wouldn't give a chance because daddy wouldn't approve of a poor Jewish boy.  I was jealous, that's how, I'm an asshole, and you've always been the better friend.  She invited me over, I'd never be able to say no to that, because I loved her.  I brought the wine coolers cuz she asked me to.   She was bitching non-stop about Rachel, so I kissed her, she didn't push me away, and it progressed from there.  It was a dick move and I'm sorry.  I should have been a man and told you I had feeling for her especially since I knew, you weren't really into her, even before you joined glee."

"Thank you, you should have.  How did you let her lie to me? I'd never have anyone do you like that, let them lie to you about your kid."

"God, I'm the worse friend in the world.  I wanted to tell you about Beth being mine. I didn't want to, I'm not my dad, I would have taken care of both of them.  She said she make sure I never saw her or she'd tell you I forced myself on her, even tell daddy, she threatened to send me to jail over that. I'm sorry, that will never be enough, I know you'd never let anyone do that to me, you are a much better bro than I deserve. You are stronger than I ever hope to be."

"You really think I would have believed that without talking to you first.  I know you're a lot of things Puck, but forcing yourself on a girl isn't you."

Puck just sat there looking remorseful as Finn continued. "When I joined glee, you made me feel like shit, why?"

"You were becoming something different.  I was scared to lose my boy.  I liked the order we had and change has always been hard for me."

Finn listened to Puck speak knowing it was Noah telling him truths they needed to hear.  "You knew I liked Rachel, why did you date her, even if it was just a week?"

Puck sighed he was not proud of his actions "You were with Q, she was preggers with my kid, lying to you. Even though you didn't know, I was pissed and wanted you to feel a little bit of what I was feeling. Dick move"

"Yeah, well you are famous for being a dick." Finn tried to add levity to the already tense situation. "We were trying to work out the Santana bullshit, then you came along, making out with her."

Puck sighed again before he began "She was so upset Finn, she loves you. She just watched you flirt with Santana in the hall. She was yapping about how you like mean slutty girls and if you maybe if you thought could be super-hot and mean maybe you could get back to you again."

"I don't' remember that." Finn explained.

"I didn't see; I came up after that.  I can't say sorry enough.  I know Rachel is different than any girl. She's yours, always has been, always will be.  I'll never go near her again. That's a Noah promise"

The bell rang signaling lunch was over "Thanks Noah, we will be okay, you and me, and me and Rach. Thanks man for telling me the truth."

Noah grabbed his tall friend in for a bro hug then turned back into Puck "Okay enough of that, I think our periods are synced now. I got to go lift some weights and intimated someone to get my man card back."

"Don't ever change Puck" Finn laughed watching his friend leave the room.  He gathered his bag to head to his next class as Mr. Shue came out of his office. "I proud of you Finn..." He thought was disturbed by Quinn running into the room holding her mouth crying. The two men looked at her.

"I quit this stupid club...I don't want to be around a bunch of loser anymore" Quinn yelled at them.

"What happened Quinn?" Mr. Shue asked. "Rachel happened.  I'm done with this shit.  I hope you and the hobbit are happy together" She spat at Finn.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not with Rachel.  But think what you want.  We didn't break up because of Rachel.  I don't care if you quit Quinn. I'd rather lose than have you in here scheming."

Quinn just looked at him then at Mr. Shue then righted herself. "I can just hope Coach Sue will take me back" she said walking out of the room.

The men looked at each other dumb founded. "I'll figure that out later, I got to teach a class and you've got to get to a class." Mr. Shue said when they both heard a knock on the door.

"Can I help you?" Mr. Shue asked, Finn shaking his head indicating he had no idea.

"I'm Marley, I'd like to audition for Glee Club"

Finn and Mr. Shue looked at the young girl with big smiles then back at her "Be here Monday at 3:15 and you can audition Mr. Shue told her.  Marley's face lit up and she nodded writing it down in her notebook leaving for her class.  Finn followed suit and Mr. Shue closed up the choir room.


While Finn was in the choir room with the other New Directions:

Rachel was in the auditorium practicing because she.... well she's Rachel Berry.  She was just finishing Elle King's "Playing for Keep" when she noticed the blonde stomping down the aisle. Rolling her eyes because she knew there was going to be a confrontation.  Really, she was surprised it took Quinn till Friday to find her.

Quinn knew she'd find Ru-Paul in the auditorium because...well she's Rachel Berry where else would she be, and there she was on the stage singing. Does she not have a life? "This is all your fault...He loved me until you and your stupid glee club came along." She yelled from the audience.

Rachel tried to stay calm but this girl was getting on her last nerve. 'I have no idea what you are talking about.  I didn't force him to join glee; he's always been musical.  He enjoys playing the drums and singing.  Did you ever bother to get to know him?" She knows that last part was thrown in to piss Quinn off but she couldn't help herself.

"Oh, please.  I know exactly who and what Finn Hudson is. It's you who doesn't know him.  He is supposed to stay here and take over the tire shop..."

Rachel couldn't listen to that so she butted in "...He doesn't' want to take over the tire shop.  He is more than the dumb jock you seem to think he is and tried to make him believe.  He can do anything. He is a great person, friend and son.  You know nothing about who he really is."

Quinn couldn't believe the small girl had the nerve to challenge her. "Please, he'll never be more than a Lima husband who doesn't go to college. He's a moron with a pea brain. He can't do anything."

Rachel shook with rage at Quinn's belittling of Finn. "Shut up Quinn, don't talk about him like that.  I don't have to hold my tongue anymore. You're a mean girl Quinn.  You will never be good enough for him.  He forgave you after what you did last year and you still had to manipulate him"

"IT wasn't your place to tell him about Beth.  We all know it was your desperate attempt at getting with him.  How'd that work out?  You were constantly throwing yourself at him when he thought I was pregnant with his kid. Why don't you just leave so I can be Prom Queen and Finn can come to his senses?"

If she thought, she was full of rage before these sentences Quinn was spewing were causing a new level of rage she'd never experienced.  Rachel steeled and let loose on the blonde in front of her "I TOLD HIM BECAUSE HE WASN'T THE FATHER! and someone had to tell him.  Ten people he thought loved him, were keeping the biggest secret from him.  it was affecting his health as well as the rest of his life.  You had no right to lie to him then use him.  He was going to sell his dad's chair to get money for you, did you know that? Of course not.  Beth is a real person, not some pawn to be used to get what you wanted."

Quinn tried to get a word but Rachel wasn't having it "No, I'm not done. I threw myself at him? Please he chased me, especially after the that little celibacy club speech I gave.  He brought me here laid me on that spot right there...pointing where the picnic was laid out that day...and kissed the hell out of me. He brought me to the bowling alley, so I'd come back to glee, so he'd get a music, yeah I said MUSIC scholarship, so he could take care of kid that wasn't his. He kissed me there and we had a good hour make out session in his truck when he brought me home.  That was all him chasing me.  He begged for me for months when I started dating Jesse, like you encouraged.

Quinn intercepted when she took a breath. "You kissed Puck and he broke up with you. Now you are getting in between us again."

"At least I didn't fuck him and lie about the father.  Everyone in this school already knows why he went back to you and it wasn't because he loved you. He made that abundantly clear in the hallway.  He asked me for space which I gave him.  I haven't even spoke to him since he loudly announced he dumped your sorry ass."

"God what I wouldn't give for you to get the hell out of this school" Quinn spit.

"Oh, Quinn, don't worry I'm leaving at the end of graduation.  But I won't be leaving the most important thing here in Lima.  I don't' care if we aren't' together, I'd rather we were, but even if we aren't' I will do everything in my power to make sure he gets out of this town like he's always wanted.  I'll help him with his grades, his singing, god damn it Quinn, I'd even strap on another football uniform if I thought it would help him get out of here and away from you.  See, I don't want what Finn can get me in regards to social status because in the grand scheme it doesn't' matter who was prom queen or who got the lead in the musical.  What matters is Finn's happiness. He will never be happy here running the tire shop and he will NEVER BE HAPPY WITH YOU; you manipulative cow."

Quinn was briefly taken aback but began again, "Don't talk to me like that. You know nothing"

Rachel wasn't letting this opportunity slip by her and butted in on Quinn once more "I'd give up Broadway for him, because none of it matters if he is not there to share it with. It won't be worth it to come home to an empty house and empty life with no one to love me.  I know he loves me. It's fact, but he is prideful and he was hurt...I'd wait a thousand years for him to forgive me.  He's special, too special for you."

Quinn couldn't believe the hobbit was saying all of these things to her. She was Quinn Fabray top bitch at this school. She couldn't think of anything to say so she laughed at Rachel.

"See, your problem Quinn, is you've been scheming and manipulative since you met Finn, Yeah, I talk to Kurt. Everyone knows what you did to him and Santana. Using them like pieces on a chess board.  He's a person with hopes, dreams and aspirations.  He is more deserving of love and happiness than anyone I've ever known."

Unbeknownst to either of the girls on the stage Santana and Brittany entered the auditorium and were watching what was going on. 

Rachel continued before Quinn could emit more lies "You are a bitter person.  We thought after everything you went through last year, you changed, but you are the same old Quinn. A selfish bitch who could care less about anyone but herself. Grow up and take responsibility for the choices you made."

Quinn couldn't take it anymore how dare she "You can't talk to me like this..." She advanced on Rachel pushing her back but Rachel wasn't having it.  She pushed Quinn back making her stumble before catching herself.    Quinn came at Rachel again, but the last thing she expected happened. Rachel bawled up her fist and punched Quinn in the mouth.  The blonde was stunned, but advanced again only to be stopped by Santana grabbing her and Brittany grabbing Rachel.

"Stop the violence" Brittany whispered.

"Screw this, I quit glee club" Quinn said before running out holding her mouth.

Santana stared after her once friend then turned to Rachel and Brittany.  The former starting to cry. "It's okay Rachel.  She had it coming" Santana assured her.

"Hitting someone is never the answer.  She just makes me so mad" Rachel defended.

"She's a bitch and she's getting what she deserves.  You really do love Hudson don't you" The Latina asked as Britt let Rachel go.

"Yes I do." Rachel admitted. "I'll never love anyone like I love him. I shouldn't have kissed Puck, but...Never mind that isn't important...I just love him. and if he doesn't' love me anymore or can't forgive me for the whole Puck thing than, yes I'll let him go so he can find his happiness. I love him that much."

The girls gathered their belonging when Britt invited Rachel to go with them to the Lima Bean. Britt wiped Rachel's tears and they both hugged her.  None of them saw the tall shadowy figure standing in the back listening to every word.

Finn looked on as the two Cheerio's comforted the girl he loved. He was so proud of her standing up for herself. Even though he didn't see the confrontation with Quinn, seeing what Rachel did and how she had left Quinn in a state of confusion he knew she stood up for herself. 

"Soon Rach, soon" he whispered to himself leaving quietly going to his next class.


IF you liked it please tell me how I am doing with a review or hit that favorite button. It would be a nice Christmas present to get 20 reviews.

Okay don't kill me about Mercedes; she will see the errors of her ways and go to Finn. She felt corner and her instincts was to lash out. Don't be mad at her.

Like I said before, If you are looking for a nice Quinn, look else where. I'll never like her, and I will alway write her as a witch, bitch, skank any other word you can think of for lying trollop.

Elle King- Playing for Keeps is an early song from an EP I Have on my IPhone and it happened to be playing when I was writing that part. So what the hell I included it.

I am working on the next installment of "I AM WHO I AM" it's just going slow in my head.

I also think I got my next song for Songs of Finchel. Look for that too.


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