To Pieces (boyxboy)


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(It Takes Two Sequel) Gage and Levi have been taking it easy, what with almost being murdered they've had eno... Еще

Chapter 1: Twist and Shout
Chapter 2: Peace and blessins
Chapter 3: Safe and sound
Chapter 4: Tell me something I don't know
Chapter 5: Eye out
Chapter 6: Back to Black
Chapter 7: Kicking and screaming
Chapter 8: Pillars of salt
Chapter 9: Ice cold burning
Chapter 11: Reckless
Chapter 12: Urges
Chapter 13: Fix you
Chapter 14: The elephant in the room
Chapter 15: Blonde Proverbs
Chapter 16: Nightingale ~Fin~

Chapter 10: Child's play

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Groaning, I hear groaning. What is that groaning? Oh wait. 

That's me. I'm groaning. Why am I groaning? My eyes fluttered open, met with almost complete darkness. That's right, it's coming back to me now. 

Wiggins beat my face in. With a wrench. 

What kind of psycho beats someone with a wrench?! See, I ask the important questions. Though I am wondering about my poor nose. If anything happened to my nose I am gonna be seven shades of pissed. I brought my hands up and prodded my nose, wincing and immediately hissing in pain. 

That bastard hurt my nose. Not that the rest of my face didn't hurt, because it did. My eyes were swollen and I had a feeling my cheeks were too, and I could feel dried blood on the side of my mouth. My teeth ached, but I was just glad they were still in my mouth where they belonged. 

Shortly after he started trying to 'fix me' I blacked, after a particularly hard blow to my face. I assume he stopped after that, but there was no way to tell. I rolled my jaw, guiding my chin along with my hands slowly as massaged it. 

Gage is going to freak out when (if?) he sees me again. My face is all jacked up now, for sure. There better not be any permanent damage or I am going to freak out right next to Gage. 

I sighed, shutting my tired eyes and putting my head in my hands. Literally my head, since I can't touch my face without feeling a crazy amount of pain. 

It was then that I started to worry. I hadn't worried this whole time because I barely had any time to actually think. What if he kills me? What if he kills me, and doesn't stop there? What if we aren't found for too long, and he decides to torture me for months, maybe years? It's happened to people before. 

Worst of all...what if I never saw Gage again? 


It was hard to sight see in New York when you were constantly searching people's faces, cars, buildings, and not the actual sights. Peace was looking around too, but he seemed disinterested. I snapped at him a couple times, but he just sighed. I realised he has no idea what Wiggins looks like, which is barely less knowledge than me. If that makes sense.

I only know to look for Wiggins, or a car that could one of two slightly possible choices. I don't know where i'm going. I don't know what i'm doing. "Ugh!" I groan out loud, plopping down on the sidewalk and leaning against the side of a cafe we happened to strolling by. 

Peace stuck his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall next to me. "I guess i'm not a very good tour guide, am I?" 

"It's not you, it's just...I can't focus on anything. I feel so powerless, surrounded by the massive buildings and hundreds of people. It makes me realise how little a chance we actually have at finding Levi, or any clues on Wiggins." My voice came out strained as I spoke, my frustration seeping into my tone. 

"Excuse me, did I hear you say the word 'clues'?" Peace and I looked up in surprise, the voice coming from a girl standing in front of us. She had wavy blond hair that was tamed by a black fedora hat. Her long purple patterned skirt flowed, showing her tattered looking brown ankle boots that matched her tight fitted, dark brown crop top. Her eyes were bright blue as she winked at Peace, a huge smile on her face. 

" what if we did? What's it to you?" Her eyes lit up and before either of us could blink she was talking a mile a minute. 

"Oh my gosh okay you did say that I knew it! Alright so my name is Danny and i'm a junior detective but actually i'm a professional but my official title is 'junior' well it's official to me I have my own rankings it's a one woman business since Harry quit but that's not important what's important is that I can help you find lever if you let me oh please will you let me i'm really good at my job please!?!" She panted, now clutching onto Peace's shirt and looking between the two of us wildly. 

Peace cleared his throat, shooting me a confused glance before prying her fingers off of himself. "Fanny is it? Look-"


"Right. We already have real detectives on the case, so we won't be needing your services." He said it like he was talking to a child. I stood up, moving slightly away as she narrowed her eyes at him. I knew that look. All women get that look when they're about to destroy you.

"You listen here-" 

"Oh no! Don't start that, I know you're about to rant. I can feel it in my molars. I'm sorry, but we don't want your help, we've got this." Peace interrupted casually. Her eyes were now positively sparking with rage, and I thought she just might shoot him with lightning bolts out of them. 

"Well I don't care if you need my help! And so help me if you interrupt me again i'll hurt you in your man place." She threatened as he opened and shut his mouth. "Now, I am going to help you because I cam into to town looking for something to do and it seems the gods have answered my prayers. Thank you, Zeus, though it was probably Athena who helped me." I pursed my lips. Did she just thank Greek gods? Do sane people still do that?

"Any who, i'm going to help you find lever-"

"Levi." I corrected and she waved a hand. 

"-details. Now, what are your names and numbers so we can get started on this case?" She bit her lip in excitement, stamping her feet letting a little squeal loose before she quieted. Peace was staring at her like she wasn't of our species. 

"Danny, I know you want to help, but you have no idea what we're in here. You don't want to get mixed up in this." I warned, not wanting another person involved. Especially not a random girl off the streets of New York who was definitely a few plums short of a fruit basket.  

"Yeah, so take your crazy elsewhere." Peace crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at her. When she just glared at him, he made a 'shoo' motion with his hand. She lunged forward and bit it so fast  her blond hair was like a giant blur. 

"Ow! Why, why would you do that?" He wiped his hand on his shirt, then looked at it carefully. "Great, now i'm going to get rabies. Who knows what kind of viruses yo-hey! Okay okay, stop!" She started kicking his shin as he was talking, which looked rather painful considering those boots. I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing. 

"Danny!" I shouted. "Enough. You keep saying you want to help but all you're doing is holding us up. I'm going to find him, whether you want to help or not is your choice, I don't care anymore." Peace smirked at her, rubbing his leg while she sniffed. 

"Of course i'm going to help. I already said I was." Peace rolled his eyes. 

"Fine, so the freak is going to help. Now what? We're at the same place we were before." He grumbled crankily. Danny started jumping up and down, her hand raised high in the air. 

I gestured to her. "Danny? Would you like to share something with the class?" Peace snickered at my sarcasm, Danny still jumping around. 

"Yeah, yeah! We can go to this place me and Harry my ex-uh, ex partner used to go to it was like a  hide out and we can plan things and gather evidence and stuff! Oh can we can we can we?! It'll be brilliant, I swear it will." I sighed. 

"Sure, but we can't be gone too long. Do you have anything that will help us there?" She looked like she was about to explode with happiness. 

"Eeep! Yes I do, I have all sorts of detective books and stuff that will make us think of things we didn't think of before so we can find Levi! That's his name right? What's your name?" She was breathing heavily as she asked this, her eyes wide and her hair looking frizzier than it did before.

Peace was eyeing the blond tresses with distaste, and I didn't blame him seeing as every time she hopped around, she nearly whipped us across the face with them. 

"Er, i'm Gage, and that's my cousin Peace." She giggled, clapping her hands, which sounded funny and painful due to the several rings on her fingers. 

"Sweet! I love those names! And you're both so handsome, too. We could be in a movie, huh? We're all so attractive. Is Levi attractive? He has to be if he wants to be in the mo-mmf!" Peace had slapped a hand over her mouth, momentarily stunning her. He was rubbing his temple with his other hand. 

"You know, i'm not usually this grumpy. But you're especially annoying." She removed his hand and slapped it away, huffing. 

"Rude, I am not annoying. I have spunk! That's what my grandpa tells me. Anyways, follow me! We have a lot of work to do if  we're gonna find you're friend. Or is he your cousin too?" She asked me. 

"No, he's my boyfriend." 

"Cool. Poor girls though. It's always the gay ones that are pretty." She sighed, like she lost something close to her. Peace nudged my side with his elbow. 

"Hear that Gage? She thinks you're pretty." I shoved him away, shaking my head. 

"Shut up Peace." Suddenly Danny whipped around and faced Peace, who twitched and leaned back a bit warily. She leaned closer, her hand on her chin. 

"Yep, you're probably gay too. You're awful pretty." I laughed, holding my sides. Peace pouted and gently moved her away from his face. 

"Yeah, well that makes one of us." Her jaw dropped, making me laugh harder. 

"You jerk! I take that back, you're not pretty at all. You like a baboon's backside." She nodded, like that settled everything. Geez, her and Levi should get along great. 

"Um guys, we have to find Levi now-"

"Oh yeah? Well how do you know what that looks like? Gross, what kind fo stuff are you into?" 

"I am not into any stuff! I bet you wank to horse sex on youtube."


"Sick! There's horse sex on youtube?" 

"Yeah! Just look up horse breeding, it's pretty-"

"YOU GUYS!" They jumped as my voice finally got through to them. Some people walking by gave us weird looks, so I pulled them both by the arm into an alley next to us. I stared down at them angrily. 

"We have to find my boyfriend now before it's too late, so shut up! We'll go to your little hide out, and i'll tell you what you need to know there. Ugh, I can't believe i'm even letting you in on this, but i'm desperate. I have to do something. Now, can we go?" 

They looked at each other, then looked at me and nodded. I sighed in relief. Danny didn't seem like a psychopath, so i'd let her help if she wanted to, but this is no time for screwing around. 

Levi is around here somewhere, and it's killing me not knowing exactly where. Not knowing if he's hurting. What I do know is almost worse.

Knowing that Wiggins is unpredictable, violent, and a murderer. Of Levi's own father no less. Knowing that Levi is terrified right now and i'm not there to comfort him. I wish he'd taken the both of us, so at least I could protect him. 

But I didn't. I didn't protect him when he was with me, in the same house. He should have been able to feel safe with me, he should have been safe with me.

And that's what's killing me the most. 

----------not edited blehhh-----------

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