The Next Stage 「Uta no Prince...

By Animaniachan

9.3K 235 175

ST☆RISH, and QUARTET✩NIGHT. Two of the most successful male idol groups under Shining Agency, and possibly ev... More

💫Second Stage💫
💫Third Stage💫
💫Fourth Stage💫

💫First Stage💫

2.1K 52 42
By Animaniachan

NOTE: Only the reader's that have read this chapter once already. If you haven't then you can skip straight to the chapter.

As I mentioned in the prologue, there had been some minor editing in the plot line and major one in the names. So if something seems inconsistent with your first time through, this is why.

Now, back to the actual chapter, hope you enjoy~


Bold + Italics = Speaking altogether


I was more than a little amused by the girl's such genuine question to be honest. She had only now realized my identity, and is now eagerly awaiting for my response to her inquiry. However, I was not offended in any way, only amused by her purity. 'If this girl was in any way an idol, instead of a composer, she would probably be gobbled up and fooled by all the sly foxes in the entertainment circle, that's for certain.' I gave a wry smile to myself at the thought.

"Hai, indeed I am, is there a problem with that?" I answered her question with a light smile, while wondering why she had so suddenly brought this up now, as I returned to my stroll down the hallway.

"Ah! N-no, there is nothing wrong with it...sumimasen. It's just that I've watched your performance last night, and it was simply amazing. There are no words to describe its brilliance." I glanced around at her at the honouring compliment she gave to only see that she is following behind me, with her head hanging down like a child that has done something wrong.

'Does she...perhaps think that I am angry at her because she had only now recognized me?' I let out a soft sigh at the thought, and slowed my pace down so that we are walking directly beside each other.

"Arigato, I am very honoured to receive those compliments from you, it really means a lot. Also, raise your head up high, if you are thinking what I think you are, then you are wrong." She snapped her head up to meet my gaze at my sudden reply. "It's common to not recognize people, even famous ones, and I do not expect that every single person I meet will recognize my status as an idol, since that is impossible. So, that means I wasn't angry at you in the first place, let's be friends, ne, Haruka-chan~"

I ended my explanation with a wink, as I extend my hand out, making her give a bright smile at it, and taking my hand in for a shake.

"Hai! Arigato-gozaimasu!" We let go of each other a moment after. "But, your performance was really spectacular, the dance, the costumes, everything!"

"Haha, stop it, you're starting to make me blush with all the high praises. These all can be achieved with some hard work and practices." We laughed together at my statement.

"But it is true, especially, the song, it was one of the best songs I've ever listened to! I've listened to it, and your other songs, over and over again last night. They were all beyond words, as a composer, I respect and admire whoever had created it, and would love to achieve the skills they possess one day!" I casted a glance at her through the corner of my eyes, at her opinion, and feel a slight tinge of heat build up in my cheeks.

'She really can sing some high praises that can really make you proud can't she...' I let out a contradicting smile at my own thought, as the heat began to slowly fade away.

"Thank you once again for all of these wonderful compliments, I couldn't be more overjoyed, than I am now at them. However, like I've stated before, these can all be achieved, with some practice, experience, and hard work." I've replied as we continued our pace through the hallway, the targeted door beginning to enter my field of vision.

"Hai...but that is meaning your idol career isn't it? I think that song writing is slightly different from that..." she replied with a soft, yet self-deprecating smile.

"Iie, it is the same, no matter with song writing, or with idol work. Since they both require all the factors I've stated before, but also, more importantly, feelings. If you pour your heart into a creation, or performance, no matter if it ends up in succession or not, you would have no regrets since you gave your all in it. Trust my words, these are words from an idol, and a fellow composer, Haruka-chan~"

I can feel her immediate gaze directed at me, the instant those words came out of my mouth. "...Eh? Don't tell me..." I gave her a playful wink at her question, as we came to a stop, in front of a pair of doors, which happens to be our destination.

Since the girl beside me seemed to be stuck in a daze at my previous statement, I've decided to open the door to the living room, and immediately was greeted by a scenery filled with people; as they all came rushing in our direction as soon as they laid their eyes on us.

"Nanami! You're here! We were worried about you!" A redhead boy exclaimed to Haruka-chan, who seemed to have finally snapped out of her daze due to the sudden voice.

"Ahh, Ittoki-kun...and minna-san...h-hai, I'm sorry to have worried you all," Haruka-chan replied while giving a small bow.

"Where were you anyways? We were waiting for ages and was about to go search for you!" the blonde haired boy with pink highlights and aqua blue eyes questioned in practically a shout and bonked her on the head lightly with his knuckles.

"Eto...I had decided to go for a walk around the building, and ended up getting lost...gomenasai..." she answered, and lowered her gaze onto the ground.

"Hehe, it's not little lamb's fault. There's no need to apologize, as long as you're back safely," the guy with dark orange hair and sapphire eyes said in a flirtatious tone and winked.

"Eh, you're free to do whatever you want after all, we should be apologizing for not going out to search for you," the guy next to the dark orange hair guy, a guy with dark blue hair and deep blue eyes comforted.

"This is a big place and it is really easy to get lost in here after all." the tall, blonde guy with green eyes reassured.

"It is not Haruka's fault." Another boy with dark hair and jade eyes said with a soothing smile.

'Ara ara, so she had so many knights that were worried about her, how reassuring.' They seemed to not quite have noticed my presence yet either, that itself shows how much they were worried about her.

"Hai...minna-san, arigato-gozaimasu, and I'm sorry to have made you so worried. But, I wouldn't have gotten back here without the help of Mikuru-san, who is over there." I gave a small gesture with my hand, at Haruka-chan's mention, from my position of leaning against the door frame; as the boys all directed their attention at me, and widening their eyes at my sudden presence.

"Mikuru? So it really was you." A masculine and charismatic voice suddenly rang out from the group at the mention of my name. I gave a confirming smile and nod, as I identified the owner of the recognizable voice, while making my way towards him.

", it's Tokiya now isn't it," I greeted him casually, stopping myself from the old habits with his previous alias. "It has been a while, a little over three years now."

"Eh, it certainly has. Thank you for the message, I'm also looking forward in working with you for this project, it is an honour," he greeted back in a calm tone, and extended his hand out at his words.

"That would be the same for me as well, let us both do our best, that message was to only show our respect, and excitement for this project," I returned the smile and took his hand in for a shake. "Of course, that means the same for the rest of ST☆RISH-san also." I stated as we released each other from the hand shake. However, the rest of the members did not seem as keen as Tokiya was, since they just stared at me with a dumbfounded expression, with an exception of a couple.

"Eto...Tokiya, you know this person?" the redheaded boy questioned him, and he cast us a confused look, as Tokiya gave a speechless sigh to the question.

"Good grief...I cannot believe you..." he muttered under his breath as he directed a disappointed at the boy, "you should know her too, for someone who had just watched her performance the night before. She is Ayase Mikuru, a member, and also the composer, of FATE."

I gave a small giggle at his brutally obvious disappointment towards his fellow members, as I gave a small bow and wave in response, "domo~ it is a pleasure meeting you all."

Realization seemed to have hit them at Tokiya's introduction of me, as most of them now is casting me stares of astonishment.

"Ahh! That's why you look so familiar!!" the slightly~ shorter pink, and blonde haired boy exclaimed as I nodded with a smile in response.

"I have already heard a lot about ST☆RISH's successful activities lately from Shining, and I have to agree with him, you guys are all very talented individuals indeed." My following compliment seemed to have caught them off guard, since they are all giving me slightly baffled expressions. "Ah, and also, we, as in the rest of FATE, including myself, have watched all of your performances so far; from your very beginning debut live, to the Utapri Awards, and finally the SSS opening performance auditions, and I have to say, we were impressed."

"Uwah, it's quite an honour to receive such high praises like this, especially from like you, arigato gozaimasu," the tall blonde male thanked with a bright smile. "You said you are the composer, then you were the one that created those fabulous songs? Wow~ you're just like Haru-chan!"

I widened my eyes in astonishment at his second comment, 'just like, uwah, I just got compared to a kouhai by someone I've just meant...I guess that shows his love for her songs eh...'

"S-Shinomiya-san..." Haruka-chan muttered silently, and shyly, her cheeks tainted with red. "I still have a long ways to go to even get close to to Mikuru-san's level."

"Haha, do not worry, you have just began your career and there is a promising future for you, and your music ahead." She flushed a deeper shade of red at my comment as she bowed in gratitude, 'how adorable, she's so sincere...' My thoughts however, were interrupted by a sudden voice that rang out from behind me.

"We have also watched your performance through television last night," the man with the dark blue hair stated with a small smile. "And I have to sadly admit, it is something that is quite beyond our abilities, at the level we are on currently."

"I'd have to agree, I'm afraid we aren't at the point where we can be all be buddy buddy with the audience, and each other," the flamboyant man with the dark orange hair added. "To us, our performances are simply just performances, it is still trapped in a cage, where you guys on the other hand, are already set free from it. Isn't that correct, milady?"

"Well said, to be honest, it is exactly as you say. Up to this point, you have only performed singular performances as a group, with no more than one song." I agreed with a knowing smile. "However, I ensure you, you will be set free of your cage during this project, since it will be a full fledged live, belonging to you; and you will learn to start interacting with those around you throughout it, while enjoying yourself to the fullest."

" feels like you guys are talking about something super deep here..." the redheaded boy commented silently.

"Basically, what they were trying to say is that, we can finally perform freely during these tours, and learn to enjoy our performances to the fullest, through some new interactions and experiences." Tokiya easily summed our conversation up, as I gave a nod of agreement at the summary.

"Bingo bingo~ that is exactly what that meant," I replied with a meaningful smile. "Now that all the deep and serious stuff is over, let me formally introduce myself to you. Like Tokiya had stated before, I am Ayase Mikuru, same age as Tokiya, currently twenty. One of the members of FATE, and at the same time, is also the composer for them. I am looking very forward in working with you all, yoroshiku-onegaishimasu." I concluded my introduction with a formal bow.

The boys all seemed to be taken back by my sudden formality, as they all stared at me in awe. Then, as if following my own lead, proceeded to also introduce themselves.

"Eto, I am Ittoki Otoya, nineteen, yoroshiku, eto...Ayase-chan?"

"Just Mikuru is fine, no need for formalities with me..." He quickly nodded at my suggestion.

"Okay! So...Mikuru?" I nodded, and gave him an okay gesture at that.

"Mn! Yoroshiku Otoya-kun!" I greeted as the guy with the dark hair stepped up next, as he nodded in greeting with me.

"I'm Cecil, Aijima Cecil. Seventeen years old, yoroshiku ne, Mikuru. Just Cecil is fine for me also." I smiled at him and accepted his handshake.

"Eh, yoroshiku, Cecil-kun." He smiled warmly at me and I returned the same smile back to him. Next to come was the blue haired guy.

"I'm Hijirikawa Masato, twenty years old, pleasure meeting you," he introduced with a sense of formalities as I nodded back in greeting.

"Eh, the pleasure is all mine, Masato-kun." That was when one of my hand was lifted upwards, before coming in contact, with a pair of soft lips.

"Hajimemashite lady, Jinguji Ren, twenty one, we had just indulged ourselves in a pretty deep conversation there have we not? Yoroshiku," I gave an agreeable smile to his words and nodded.

"I suppose we indeed did, yoroshiku, Ren-kun."

"Otto, enough with the honorific, I don't want that. Just Ren is fine." I widened my eyes in surprise for a brief second, before letting out a small laugh.

"Mn, I'll do just that then, Ren." He gave a satisfied smile at that.

"Hehe, I guess it's my turn now? Konnichiwa, I'm Shinomiya Natsuki twenty one desu, yoroshiku. Ne, can I call you Miku-chan?" The bespectacled blonde man questioned, and slightly surprised me by the sudden question, as I nodded in reply seconds after.

"Eh, yoroshiku, of course, that would be fine with me," I replied with a smile as Natsuki-san returned it perfectly with his own.

"Mn, such a fitting nickname for someone as small and cute like you," he chimed happily with another bright smile.

"Small and cute you say..." I gave a dry laughter at his statement. I wouldn't say I'm that small...I'm taller than the average females around me with a height of 170cm... But, all well, whatever. "Then if you don't mind, may I take off the honorifics on your name?" He gave a bright nod at my question.

"Mn, of course!" I gave an acknowledged smile at his reply.

"*Cough* eto, I'm Kurusu Syo, nineteen, I guess you can just call me Syo, without any honorific and I'll just do the same with you. Anyways, yoroshiku." I stare at the boy in surprise at his introduction, 'wow...he had just answered every question that you could possibly ask him at this point... I guess people learn through time huh... A-re? This boy...'

"Mn, yoroshiku. However, one question for you, aren't you the actor in Ryu-chan's TV drama and movie?" The boy gave a baffled stare of question towards me, at my inquiry.

"Ryu-chan? Who's that?"

"Ahh. Gomen, I guess you guys do call him sensei since he was your teacher... I'm talking about Hyuga Ryuya sensei." Realization seemed to have hit him at my explanation, since he widened his eyes in shock and pointed at me.

"Ahh! So that's who you were talking about! Yeah, I was one of the characters in them. You know Hyuga sensei?" I nodded at Syo's question.

"Of course, I worked with him long enough to know more than I should about him. Ahh, incidentally, it's the same with Rin-chan too. Tsukimiya Ringo sensei." The guys all casted wary glances at me with widened eyes, 'I guess they didn't expect that...?'

"Mikuru has been working in the entertainment circle for over ten years now. So at the same time, she has great amounts of connections with many different people around the world." Tokiya explained for me and nodded in confirmation.

"Ahh, that's right, I've debuted at the age of eight, and has been working in this career for over twelve years now." I've further explained and successfully received more amused looks from them.

"Uwah, that's super early, so you debuted around the same time as Tokiya?" Otoya-kun questioned us as Tokiya shook his head in response.

"Iie, that is incorrect, Mikuru had debuted earlier than me. If I had to compare, I would say that I have debuted more or so closer to the time FATE had debuted," he explained in a calm manner.

"Ah, that's right. I remember that you were planning on moving to live alone right when we had debuted, and that was already a few of years after my debut," I commented, still having vague pieces of those memories, as Tokiya nodded in agreement.

"Wow, you guys sure do know each other pretty well!" Natsuki commented with a bright smile.

"Don't tell me that there were something more going on between the two of you?" Ren questioned, a sly smirk plastered his face.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about, of course there wasn't. We were simply good friends, and colleagues, there's nothing more than that." Tokiya gave an immediate and straightforward response, as I gave a calm smile of agreement.

"That's right, and realistically, Tokiya had a pretty friendly relationship with all of our members, it's not only me."

"Heh~ now that's a disappointment, I thought that there were something more juicy I could've gotten out from that," Ren stated with intentional sarcasm.

"I don't know what exactly you were looking for, but do not forget the fact that we are forbidden to be in love," Tokiya replied solemnly.

"Hai hai, of course I remember, the boring life that we idols have to live through."

While all of us continued to converse, the sound of footsteps can suddenly be heard heading in our direction, before finally entering the room. We've all turned our head in the direction of the entrance, just in time to catch some familiar faces entering, before one of them dashed full force in our direction; and before I know it, I was enveloped in a tight embrace.

"Mi-chan!!! So you're here too! How's it going? I haven't seen you in such a long time! I've missed you!" When I mean tight, I've meant, squeezing the dear life out of me tight. However, the cheery voice did not seem to notice my discomfort the least bit, as it greeted me happily.

"Bwahh! Can't...breathe! Get off me...Reiji!" I had to slap his back, hard, in order to finally get him to let go of his grip.

"Ahh, gomen gomen, I got too excited! Forgive me~" he said with his hands raised up and an apologetic tone.

"Yeah I'll say, goodness gracious. You're forgiven, this time," I replied and gave a dark smile as I rubbed my pained chest to try and get my breath back.

"Ahaha, Mi-chan, you're generous as always..." he replied in an apologetic smile.

"Ma, anyhow, it's nice to see all of you once again. It has been, what, two years now?" I questioned, as Ai shook his head in reply.

"To be specific, two years, and ten months," he specified, and I can feel sweat beads on my head at the response.

"Understood, at least I was close." I replied with a wry smile.

"Oi, by the way, Mikuru, why are you the only one here? Where's the rest?" Ranmaru scanned the room as he questioned, which I've responded to with a dry laughter.

" see, about that...they are, um, sort of, stranded right now?" I can feel everyones' shocked gazes directed on me, the second those words came out of my mouth.


"Gomenasai! It seemed that the weather in Osaka had suddenly turned horrendous, causing their flight to be delayed." I explained, my hands clasped together in an apologetic motion as I gave a deep bow. "The only reason I'm here was because I had a sudden interview in Chiba, right after the concert last night. I'm so sorry minna, we won't be able to start the gashuku right away."

"Ma...first thing's first, raise your head, it's not Mi-chan's fault." Reiji said in a comforting tone as I followed his suggestion and rose back up straight.

"*Sigh*Because this time, the reason was due to something you cannot control, you are forgiven." Camus stated in a strict voice, and a solemn expression.

"So? Do you know when they will be arriving?" I shook my head in disappointment at Ranmaru's question.

"Sadly no, I'm sure that it will be no later than tomorrow, since Osaka to Tokyo is quite fast through air. But it all depends on when the weather will change, I'll give them a call later to get an update." I replied, guilt still lingering inside me.

"Ma ma, it's no problem, we can have the whole day to relax then, na Mi-chan?" Reiji cheerfully stated as he slung an arm around my neck, brightening the mood up drastically.

"Eh, I suppose we do..." I replied with a soft smile, 'arigato, Reiji.'

"A-ano..." A light voice suddenly rang out from behind us, as we all turned our attention to the owner.

"What is it kouhai-chan?" Reiji asked Haruka-chan who was standing behind us with a flustered expression.

"'s nothing much, but are senpais really good friends with Mikuru-san desuka?" Her question made Reiji grin as the grip on around my neck tightened.

'Oi oi, don't make me eat up my thoughts up immediately!' I began to cringe as Reiji happily began to explain.

"Oh! We've been good pals every since we'd debuted! Mi-chan is like our super talented best friend! Of course, so is the rest of FATE!" I gave an appreciative smile at his explanation.

"Iya~ you're making be blush with all these fluffy comments~" I joked playfully, and gave him another punch which he successfully blocked.

"Uwahh... Stop acting like a girly's disgusting. Also, I don't remember being that close to you," Ranmaru commented with a disgusted look, later turning into a smug grin, as a shot him a despising glance.

"Uwah, way to express that right in front of the person that is directly involved, thanks a lot." We continued to bicker, before sounds of more footsteps could be heard, as three people entered the room. I immediately recognized two of them, however, I was not familiar with the other.

"Haruka!" The girl with the long, curly red hair and magenta eyes called out as soon as she saw her, as she ran up to Haruka-chan and gave her a hug.

"Tomo-chan! I'm so happy to see you here!" Haruka-chan happily replied, and hugged her back. From the scene before me, I'm guessing they're probably very good friends. They released each other from their embrace and Haruka introduced the girl to me. "Tomo-chan, this is Mikuru-san, the one from FATE!" I smiled warmly at the girl called 'Tomo-chan', at Haruka's introduction.

"Hajimemashite, I'm Ayase Mikuru, yoroshiku ne." Her eyes shone brightly at the sight of me, as she quickly grabbed my hands into her own.

"Wahhh!!! It's the real Mikuru-chan!! Hajimemashite, I'm Shibuya Tomochika! Yoroshiku! Uwahhh, I'm such a huge fan of yours!" I giggled at her reaction and continued to smile warmly.

"Arigato~ that means a lot to me."

"Tomo-chan is part of the clothing team for the tour desu." Haruka-chan explained, and I gave an amused reaction to her words.

"Heh~ so you're a fashionista? You'll probably get along with Chika from our group pretty well then. Too bad she's not here right now." I told her with an unfortunate smile, in which she returned with a bigger, and more shocked one.

"Uso! With that Chika-chan!? That'll be awesome!" I laughed at her cheerfulness when I was suddenly tackled from behind, and got enveloped into another tight embrace.

"Mi-tan!! I've missed you!! Long time no see!!" I smiled brightly at the person who embraced me, 'geez, now that I think about it...I sure do have a lot of nicknames...'

"Rin-chan! I've missed you too!" I said and hugged him back, we released each other after a moment. That was when a large hand bonked my head hard right after. "Ite! What was that for!?" I exclaimed at the culprit, Hyuga Ryuga, also known as Ryu-chan, and met his deep blue eyes which was practically glaring at me.

"For not even contacting us for this long! What's with you!? No contact for two years? Were you abducted by aliens or something?" He shouted as he arm locked my head against his chest and drilled his knuckle into my temple.

"Oi!! Kora! Stop it! It wasn't my fault! I had a lot of work!! KORA!! Itai! Let me go goddamnit!" I resisted back and managed to escape his murdering grasp, as I rubbed my temple lightly, which was still throbbing in immense pain.

"Hmph, learned your lesson now?" I regained my composure and sent a glare at him.

"What lesson? I didn't do anything wrong Ryu-chan." He clicked his tongue disapprovingly at my reply, and flicked my forehead before walking away.

"Ite! Oi! That was so mean!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my forehead, feeling reflex tears whelm up in my eyes.

"Mikuru-san, daijoubu desuka?" Haruka-chan came up and asked me, concern filling her eyes.

"Ahaha, daijoubu daijoubu, this is a normal thing between us..." I explained as I sent him another glare, in which he countered with a smirk.

"Mn mn, it's the normal sibling show they put on for us!" Rin-chan chimed in happily, and I sighed in response.

"Sibling? Eh? You're siblings?" Syo questioned me, and I shook my head in reply.

"No, not in blood. Unfortunately for him, having a bully as a brother is not my hobby..." I replied and Ryu-chan nodded in agreement.

"Ahh, I've got plenty of siblings to worry about already, there's no room for one more." I snorted in sarcasm at his comment.

"But you still take me in anyways, how sweet~" I roll my eyes along with my words, and that was when a melody can be heard coming from my pocket. 'Mm? My phone? Who can it be at this time of day?' I thought questioningly as I fished it out of my pocket. "Gomen, excuse me," I said as I checked the screen, and widened my eyes in shock at the name.

'Uso...why is he calling me right now?'


Cliffhanger, yup I know, I'm a horrible human being. Teehee~

As stated before, this is the edited version of chapter one so I recommend that if you have not read the new prologue, you should also do that since the story will make more sense that way.

Also yes I've taken out HEAVENS, reasons being not enough info about them and then getting too hard to write since they don't fit into the storyline. But it is only for NOW! They WILL be back! I promise!

As always, comment and vote plz~

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

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