My Creepypasta OC: Myth's Sto...

By May5696

9.2K 255 110

The 3rd of 4 mini stories. If you haven't already, please check out the first two. I do not own any of the Cr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

514 14 0
By May5696

Jack's pov

It's been a few days now. Myth has really opened up more, and not just to me, but to the others too.

Don't get me wrong, she still often comes off as antisocial, sarcastic, and rude, but that's just who she is. And I like her that way.

After dinner, I headed back up to my room with Myth. I started getting a few of my weapons of choice before I leave.

As I went through drawers and got my things, I told Myth, "I'll be back soon. I need to stock up on kidneys."

She sat comfortably on my bed, looking up from the book she was reading. "Yeah, I forgot to mention that we were getting low."

I chuckled as I looked over at her. "Well we wouldn't be running low if I didn't have to feed you too."

"Good thing you do. I might eat you if you didn't."

There she is with that famous sarcasm I've grown to love. I smiled under my mask, gazing at her for a moment. I could just imagine cuddling with her as she read.

"I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, I'll be here."

I left my room and went downstairs. Jeff and Ben were both in the living room, playing games with Smile laying at their feet.

"Hey, guys. I'm going out for awhile. Keep an eye on Myth while I'm gone."

Ben paused the game and looked at me. "You're giving us permission to look after your precious little angel?"

I growled slightly. "Yes. But don't even think about doing anything to her."

Jeff finally said, "Relax, Jack. We know she's yours. Just go already, we'll make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

I made my way to the door without another word. Too bad Masky and Hoodie are out right now, they're more trustworthy than these two. Oh well, Myth will be fine.

Myth's pov

I continued reading my book after Jack had left. I was lucky that Slenderman let me borrow some of his books to read or else I'd go out of my mind.

After a bit of reading, I stood and stretched. I looked outside the window to see a squirrel darting across the nearby tree branches.

I lunged forward slightly, almost hitting my face against the glass. My eyes were fixed on the rodent until it disappeared among the trees.

I held my head in my hands, stepping back from the window. "C'mon, Myth. Resist. You can't let the beast take over."

I slowly stepped away from the window and headed for the door. I need to take my mind off things. I've been doing so well too, I can't fall to the temptation.

I left the room and went downstairs. I was glad to see Ben and Jeff both in there, playing video games, like usual, with Smile sleeping on the floor. Since they didn't notice me, I swung myself over the couch, sitting myself between them both.

They both looked at me, Ben sarcastically saying, "Well look who decided to join us. Make yourself comfortable."

I stretched my legs out, grinning. "Oh, you know I will."

Jeff slightly pushed on my arm. "Yeah, well, just don't distract us."

I waved a hand at him dismissively. "Ah, just shut up and play."

He rolled his unblinking eyes and the two boys continued playing their game. I watched them for quite awhile, often teasing them about their mess ups.

At one point, Ben's character was killed. Of course, I laughed at him along with Jeff. But then he suddenly threw his arms out, hitting me right in the shoulder.

I cringed and held my wound. "Ow! Watch it, Ben!"

"Oh, c'mon, I barely hit you!"

"Normally, that wouldn't have hurt, but you hit my injury."

"Injury? What injury?"

I looked over at Jeff, his permanent smile never faltering. I sighed and rolled up my sleeve, hearing quiet gasps escape their mouths.

"Is that from...Jack?"

I glared at Ben. "Of course it's from Jack! Who else could leave bite marks like that?!"

Jeff looked a little closer. "I guess that's not really too surprising. Jack's always been more...animalistic."

Ben seemed to nod in agreement. "That's true. He would be one to leave his mark on everything he considered his."

My eyes widened slightly. "What? What do you mean?"

Jeff cocked his head at me. "Wait, you mean you don't know?"

I shook my head. "No. Tell me. What does this mean?"

Ben smirked, stifling a few giggles. "Well, it means that Jack left his mark on you so that everyone who sees it will know that you belong to him."

I narrowed my eyes. "Oh, I do, do I?"

I stood up, angrily heading back up to Jack's room without another word. I can't believe Jack kept this from me. Jerk!

Jack's pov

I made my way back to the mansion with a bag full of kidneys. Going inside, I saw Ben, Jeff, and Smile all gazing at me.

"What? Everything okay? Where's Myth?"

Jeff pointed his thumb back toward the stairs. "Upstairs. She seemed pretty mad about those bite marks you gave her."

I sighed. "Great."

I went upstairs, slowly entering my room. Myth stood in front of the window with her back to me.

"Jack, when were you planning on telling me why you bit me?"

"What do you mean?"

She quickly turned around, glaring at me. "Ben and Jeff told me that you marked me. That I belonged to you."


"Why did you bite me that night?! Did you lie about doing it to stop me from fighting back?! Tell me!"

I sighed, setting the bag of kidneys down. "I wasn't lying. I really did do it to get you to stop, but I also wanted to leave my mark on you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I knew you'd be angry with me if I did."

"Angry? Angry doesn't even begin to cover it! I don't belong to you! I'm not your property! And I'll prove it!"

From her pocket, she slid out one of my scalpels. She held it up to her shoulder and said, "I'll show you! I'll remove your mark!"

I held my hands up defensively and slowly made my way toward her. Her intense glare never left me. "Myth, please don't do anything crazy. You'd have to cut a lot of flesh away to get rid of those marks."

"I don't care! I'll do it! So stay back!"

I ignored her and continued forward until I was right in front of her. I stared at her as she held the blade right over her skin. I slowly placed my hand over hers and slipped the scalpel out of her grasp.

She surprisingly didn't fight me, and her glare faded away as she watched me. I lifted my mask above my mouth, giving her a gentle smile.

"Myth, I marked you because I want you to belong to me. I've never met a girl like you, and I think I...I think I love you."

Before she could react, I snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her against me as I kissed her lips. I felt her body stiffen, but she didn't struggle.

She surprised me when she kissed back. I broke the kiss to look at her. "Do you...feel the same way?"

She smirked. "What do you think?"

"The way you returned my kiss, I'd say so."

With a mischievous grin, Myth lightly pushed me back before heading to the bathroom. "Say what you like, Jack. I don't care. I'm gonna get a shower."

She closed the bathroom door behind her, leaving me alone. I smiled to myself and fixed my mask. She doesn't show it, but I know she cares deep down. I meant what I said though, I believe I love her.

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