By ChloexSmith

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[BOOK 2] She hadn't known it would be like this. Saving her newfound friend, Sandy's, life was only the begin... More

II. ginger's curse
III. secrets
IV. memories and fangirls
V. cold flashes
VI. happy birthday
VII. tears from a broken heart
VIII. party crashers
IX. izzy
X. beautiful, yet deadly
XI. the darkness within
XII. a frozen heart
XIII. sacrifices
XIV. missing neverland
XV. lost
XVI. searching
XVII. the last beat
XVIII. i promised
XIX. forgiving
XX. epilogue
Book Three Reveal

I. sandy

794 19 14
By ChloexSmith

Chapter Status: Edited.

"Okay, so all you have to do is click on this tab and it tells you who has books overdue. You click on their name, you call them and tell them if they don't return the book by closing time they will have to pay a $20 fine," Tahlia explains.

"That doesn't seem so hard," Chloe Howell, the 17-year-old Canadian, replies.

"It's not, but the hard part is remembering who you have called, you have to keep a list, especially when there is a lot of names, this place can be quite popular, especially when school's on," Anna states.

"But that's basically all year," Chloe frowns.

"Yeah, I know," Anna smiles cheekily.

"Well, Chloe, if you think you've got it all down packed, you can start now," Tahlia suggests.

"N-Now? But it's only my first day!" Chloe stutters.

"Sorry hun, it's better to learn now then hold it off and not know how to do it later. Besides, you did say it doesn't seem so hard," Tahlia teases.

"Okay, who's first?" Chloe questions in defeat.

"Well, click on the tab," Anna instructs.

Chloe sighs and clicks on the tab; instantly, a short list of names pops up.

"I guess I'm calling William Gurmichael," she pauses, "what sort of last name is Gurmichael?"

Anna snorts whilst Tahlia rolls her eyes, "just dial his number," she laughs.

Chloe picks up the phone and dials the number, after a few seconds of waiting, she begins to talk.

"Hello, Mr Gurmichael, my name is Chloe Howell and I work at Storybrooke's library, you have a book overdue."

Suddenly, the door bursts open and a girl comes running in, panting heavily. Her long dirty blonde hair is a mess, her greeny grey eyes filled with fear. She is about 5'6 and is really pretty, but the panic in her eyes distracts them from this fact.

"Are you Tahlia Kennedy?" she asks in a hurried voice.

"Yeah, that's me," Tahlia nods, stepping out from behind the desk and walking towards the girl.

The girl screams and a grey coloured energy flies across the room, barely missing Tahlia and hitting the bookshelf. The bookshelf does not fall, but some of the books began to ignite in flames. Tahlia's eyes widen and she quickly blows the fire out, repairing the books in the blink of an eye.

"Holy shit," Chloe gasps, filling the silence.

The girl's eyes begin to flutter and she falls to the floor.

"We need to the call the hospital!" Tahlia shouts, running over to the girl.

"I'll do it!"

Chloe hangs up on Mr Gurmichael without a goodbye and hurriedly dials the hospitals number.

"Is she still breathing?" Anna asks, running over to Tahlia.

Tahlia leans forward and holds her ear close to the girl's mouth.


Anna sighs in relief. Within a few minutes, a few men in green uniforms run into the library and place the strange girl on a stroller.


Tahlia looks at the door as Erin runs in, wearing the same uniform as the three men.

"Erin!" Tahlia smiles.

"Hey, I finished my course and now I'm official a paramedic," Erin smiles proudly.

"Good for you," Tahlia replies in joy.

"The guys are just securing the girl, we need one of you to come with us," Erin's tone becomes serious.

"Oh, of course, I'll go," Tahlia says quickly, "keep helping Chloe, I'll call you when she wakes up."

Anna nods, Tahlia follows Erin outside and into the ambulance.

"Do you know who this is?" a tan man asks, his voice so deep that Tahlia can barely understand him.

"No, she ran into the library looking for me, but I've never seen her before," Tahlia answers.

"And how did this happen?" one of the other men asks.

"She screamed and this grey energy just left her hand and she fainted," Tahlia explains.

"If I were to guess what has happened here, it'd be lack of control when it comes to her magic," the third paramedic states.

"That's what happened to you, right Tahlia?" Erin asks.

"Yeah, that's what happened to me," she nods.

"That's probably why she came to you, she probably heard about you and needed your help," Erin theorises.

"Maybe, but I don't understand why I'm so special," she admits.

"You were prophesied to become the strongest person to currently exist, I'm pretty sure you're more than just special," Erin states.

They soon arrive to the hospital and Erin and Tahlia jump out first before the three paramedics hurry inside. There is a special entrance for emergencies so they don't have to somehow get the patient up the stairs. It's also an entrance for people in wheelchairs or those who have disabilities; it's a good system actually.

"So, you've never seen this girl before?" Erin asks as they slowly follow the paramedics.

"Yeah, she came in asking if I was Tahlia Kennedy and then that happened," Tahlia states, having not fully comprehended the quick events.

"She looks familiar to me, maybe I've just seen her out and about," Erin frowns.

"Hello, Erin, who's your friend?" a woman asks.

There is a second waiting room and reception for people that use this door, however, Tahlia had never been in here. It is like an underground place, although it's technically the ground floor. There are emergency rooms and normal doctors' offices for patients on the floor. There is also a large elevator at the very end of the hall in case a patient requires surgery on an upper floor The elevator is only used in case of an emergency so no one else can use it.

"This is Tahlia, she found the last patient," Erin replies.

"Do you know who she is?" the receptionist asks.

"I don't," Tahlia replies, shaking her head.

"Okay, I don't think I can let you any further than here for the time being, but you are welcome to take a seat," she replies with a soft smile.

"Do you know where they've taken her?" Erin asks.

"Tom said room 4," the lady replies.

"I'll come back when she wakes up," Erin says to Tahlia quietly before walking out of the room.

Tahlia sits down on one of the chairs opposite the TV that is playing Teen Wolf. She pulls out her phone and sees she has a text from Henry, who had asked her to be his girlfriend sometime after getting back from Neverland. She remembers it, it was not the least bit romantic, but Tahlia could not have been happier.

From: Henry x
You okay?

To: Henry x
Yeah, did Anna call you?

From: Henry x
Nic texted me

To: Henry x
Not surprised, Anna tells Nic everything

From: Henry x

To: Henry x
Did you just...?

From: Henry x
I did

To: Henry x
I hate you

From: Henry x
You love me ;)

"Tahlia, she's awake," Erin walks into the room, looking slightly shaken up.

"Are you okay?" Tahlia asks, standing up whilst turning off her phone.

"Yeah, the girl's just, really... angry and scared," Erin admits.

"Oh, okay, I'll be right there, I just have to text Henry back," she replies.

"So, the rumours are true," Erin comments, smirking now.

"What rumours?" Tahlia asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"That you and Henry are a thing," she says.

"And who told you that?" Tahlia questions.

"Doctor Whale, obviously," Erin laughs.

Tahlia rolls her eyes before quickly texting Henry back and following Erin to the mystery girl's room.

"Where's Tahlia? I need to talk to her, please!" the girl begs.

She quickly turns her head to look at the door as Tahlia and Erin walk in. It is as though she had never fainted, being more alert and awake than ever.

"You're Tahlia, right?" she asks quickly.

"Yeah, that's me, what's your name?" Tahlia replies cautiously.

"Sandy, Sandy Hagans," she says.

Her eyes are a dark grey, but they have no green in them this time, making Tahlia frown.

"Could we please have a minute?" Tahlia requests, the doctor nods before he exits with Erin and the paramedics. "Sandy, what's wrong?"

"It's my magic," Sandy starts, "it was fine before, but it's changed, it's gotten stronger, it just happened so quickly."

"Were you born with your magic?"

"Yes, but because of the curse, I didn't know until I was 10 years old. But it was really easy to learn and control, but when it changed it was so much different than my parents' magic, it made me feel weird whenever I used it," she explains.

"Weird?" Tahlia frowns.

"Yeah, it was almost like I wasn't myself. It made me think dark thoughts and the stronger it got the more overwhelming it was," she pauses. "Tahlia, do you know what's wrong with me?" she asks desperately, looking at her with worried eyes.

"Sandy, I don't want to say this, and I might not be right, but your magic is definitely changing. Mine was the same thing, except I never experienced the bliss of pure light magic," Tahlia starts.

"You're not suggesting that my magic's turning dark are you?" Sandy questions in worry.

"Maybe, it makes you feel powerful, doesn't it? Like you could defeat anyone?" Tahlia guesses. Sandy hesitantly nods her head, "I don't think your magic is turning dark, I think it's becoming a mix of dark and light," she says.

"How is that possible? No one else in my family's like that," Sandy enquires.

"It means that your special, you're not alone, my family have pure light magic, none of them have a mix like me. You have a lot of potential, Sandy, and with the right mentor, you could learn to use that to your advantage," Tahlia states.

"Would you mentor me?" she asks.

"Me? I don't think so, I still don't have my magic fully under check yet," Tahlia admits.

"Please Tahlia, I don't think just anyone could mentor me, it has to be someone like me," Sandy begs.

"Okay, but first we need to figure out exactly what's happening with your magic and I think until you're out of here, you need to wear this," Tahlia waves her hand and a black bracelet is on Sandy's wrist.

"What's this?" Sandy asks.

"It's used to stop your magic, that way if your magic decides to mess around it can't," Tahlia explains.

"Thank you, Tahlia, I was scared I was going to accidentally hurt someone," Sandy admits.

"I was too, but don't worry, you'll overcome this," Tahlia smiles.

"Move, get out of my way," a husky yet high-pitched voice squeaks.

Tahlia turns to look at the door and watches as a woman, at least in her 40's or 50's, shuffles in, in an expensive looking outfit; she is pretty, but sort of intimidating.

"Sandy! Thank god you're okay," she sighs, walking over to her, "what the hell is this ugly thing on your wrist?"

"Mum, it's to stop my magic," Sandy replies.

Her mother's dark blue eyes widen, slowly looking over to Tahlia.

"Did you give her this?" she demands.

"Yes," Tahlia stutters, not knowing what to say.

She has been yelled at by plenty of mother's in her time, well, only two but still, neither of them were as scary as this little lady. She is tiny, shorter than Tahlia; less than 5 feet tall, but still terrifying, the little ones always are.

"Why would you do this?"

Tahlia stands up, it is her way of wanting to feel less frightened.

"I-I thought it would be best for her," she admits, her hands shaking by her sides.

"And why would you think that?" she asks.

Tahlia is speechless, scared out of wits, even though she has gone against Peter Pan and Rumplestiltskin.

"Because she knows what Sandy's going through," a man says from the doorway.

Sandy sighs in relief at the sight of him.

"Dad, thank god you're here," Sandy smiles.

"That's Tahlia Kennedy you're talking to," he adds, walking into the room towards his wife.

He is about 5'9, with tan skin, bushy black eyebrows, dark brown eyes and black hair; Sandy definitely gets her looks from her mother. Her mother looks shocked, looking between her husband and Tahlia before the information sinks in.

"You're Tahlia Kennedy?" she asks.

Tahlia nods nervously. How did they know who she is? Yes, she is prophesied to be the most powerful person to ever be from the Enchanted Forest, although she was born in the land with no magic, but she did not think many people knew who she was.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she apologises quickly.

"It's no problem," Tahlia smiles awkwardly.

She then looks at Sandy's father, she has seen him before, quite recently actually. Only two weeks ago she had a conversation with him about a book he was going to borrow, no wonder Sandy knew where to find her.

"I'm sorry for asking, but how do you all know who I am?" Tahlia questions.

"The return of Camilla and her family was talked about for many years. Everyone assumed that the oldest would be a girl and be evil, but you would be much older, decades older to be exact," Sandy's father explains.

"Decades?" Tahlia asks.

"Well, think about it, your parents escaped when they were 18 when Snow White was only a child. She grew into her twenties, the curse was placed, it didn't break for 28 years and it's been 9 or 10 years since then," Sandy's mother explains quickly.

"So? My mother could have gotten pregnant decades after-" Tahlia stopped.

It doesn't make sense; her parents should be in there 70's by now.

"Wait, something doesn't make sense," Tahlia frowns.

The three watch her as she sits down.

"From what I know, Snow was 28 when the curse was cast, 16 years after her mother died. If you add my parent's age when that happened, 18, it would mean they were 34 when the curse was cast, which is 8 years after I was born. Then you add the 28 and 10 since the curse was cast and broken you get 72. That means my parents are supposed to be 72, but they're only 46," Tahlia says quickly. She stands, "why are my parents 26 years younger than they're supposed to be?"

"That's impossible," Sandy's father says.

"Then why did it happen?" Tahlia asks angrily, standing up once again.

"There must be some sort of explanation for this," Sandy's mother states.

"Then what is it?" Tahlia snaps.

"Tahlia!" Sandy yells.

Tahlia slowly sits down.

"I'm sorry," she apologises, avoiding their eyes

"It's okay," Sandy's father says softly.

"Well, we all know your family have the ability to go between realms, right?" Sandy starts.

"Yeah," Tahlia nods.

"What if that means you could go to different time periods?" Sandy suggests slowly.

"I thought time travelling was impossible," her mother says.

Tahlia shakes her head.

"It's not impossible, Emma and Hook were able to do it. Sandy, you could be right, Cora, Regina's, or the Evil Queen's, mother was the one that helped get my parents out of there. What if she was able to create a portal that could take them to whatever time period they wanted to go to?" Tahlia asks.

"It would be smart, people might look in different realms for them but who would look in a completely different time period?" Sandy's father says.

"I guess there is only one way to find out," Sandy states.

Tahlia nods, "yeah, I have to go ask my parents."

A/N: YES WE ARE HERE, THE TAKE ME OVER SEQUEL! I'm sorry this isn't a great chapter, but I was thinking about how Tahlia's parent's ages would work if they had left when Snow was only 12 and so I did the math and that happened.

Anyway, I'm hoping you guys find this sort of interesting; the next few chapters won't have our villains in them, they will be focusing on Sandy and Tahlia mostly with a bit of Anna and Chloe in them as well.

QOTD: Do you like our new characters?

AOTD: I personally like Chloe and Sandy, Chloe's really smart and Sandy's really chill ya know. Izzy's not in it yet, but she will be soon, don't worry.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I thought I'd post this on the 1st of January because it's the 1-YEAR ANIVERSARY OF THE FIRST CHAPTER IN TAKE ME OVER IUHFEKJWDN

QOTD #2: This year has been one hell of a roller coaster, but I want to know your new years resolution for 2016?



-Chloe x

Word Count: 2587.

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