Takami Kudo(A Kaito kid love...

By noor10112078

16.8K 212 63

She is a mystery. she is incredible. she is strong. but .. Is she evil? Hard to say, is she weak? Hard to say... More

Chapter 2
ch 3
an announcement from the writer
"I promise you will find out later love"
"now i remember" "Toichi-san"
the beautiful day
The injured bird
The future takami
the other pandora
not an Update
The elevator case Part 1

The awakening and the disappearing of the great detective

2.9K 45 13
By noor10112078

Takami pov.

"Wake up Sleepy Head" I (Takami Kudo) yelled at my Brother (Shinichi Kudo), And was jumping on his bed,

"Its 7:30 already!. I have already finished and you are still not up!" I yelled again.

"Leave me alone Sis" My sleep brother said with a yawn 

"Fine then!" I said as I took the bed sheets off him and yelled "WAKE UP!!" I said "If you don't, Then I will tell Ran you are in love with her" I ended

"Ow! what? No! Calm down! i am walking up" My brother said. Redness tinned his cheeks. "You broke my ears" He said irritated

"Ears don't break baka" I said as I left his room and went downstairs to avoid the flying Pillow that was going to hit me,.

After a while My brother came down dressed as I was sipping My milk. I looked at my watch and let a grin come on my face "One second late Bro!" I said "Which means?" I started

"I know.I know just shut up..It means you won" He said yawning. We do that always. After My parents left we had to take care of ourselves. And we would always race to breakfast. And the loser get to be on kitchen duty for a week. 

" we will be late" I said as I glanced at my watch. I got up. And grabbed my brother hand running outside "Lets go!" I said locking the door

"Hey! I did not even finish eating!" My brother said with a small pout

"There is no time! we promised to meet Sonoko and Ran then walk together to school" I said. We do that always. We are neighbors. And of course so My brother could see his childhood crush Ran. Not that he would admit it anyways. 

" You mean you promised?" He said. "Why would I join a girls walk" He said putting his bag behind him as he walked. 

"Whatever! because you are my brother. And you have to go to school. Also!!! Don't you want to see your girlfriend Ran?" I asked with a grin. Knowing how would my words effect him

"Shut up" My now annoyed brother muttered. As we saw Ran and sonoko

"Morning Takami-chan and Shinchi-kun" Ran and sonoko greeted us waving

"How are you two?" Ran asked "Oh Shinchi you look like you have been woken up by an explosion" She said

"trust me I have" He said looking at me

I narrowed my eyes and stepped on his foot sticking my tongue out as he yelled in pain. 

"So Ran! How is your father?" I asked. opps. Now Ran will start ranting like crazy

Rans face changed. She glared a bit "Oh he is so fine! sitting down and watching Yuko! And drinking beer!" She said sounding mad. 

"Being completely useless you mean" I said in a low voice. But she heard me and glared . We don't want to anger her.

"Anyways! the Karate tournament scores are coming out soon! so Dear brother you have to take us  to the tropical Island like you promised" I said with a grin 

"Anyways the karate torments scores are coming out so can u take us somewhere tomorrow brother u promised right" I said

"No way! the scores are coming out next week" He said

"but your promised" Ran said in a sad tone. 

"Come on take your girlfriend and sister!" Sonoko said. Ran and shinchi blushed. While I grinned 

On the way we heard some girl talking about my brother like he was the most attractive person in the world

I looked over at my brother and saw he was laughing and acting like an idiot. I rolled my eyes.  Ran got over to him and hit him "Stop smiling like an idiot!" She said glaring

"Why are you mad?" Shinchi asked rubbing his now injured arm

"I am not mad! My father has nothing and you are famous now!" She said

"Its not my fault he is useless and not as smart as me" He said with a smug look.  I stepped on his foot "idiot" I muttered

Then ran punched the electric pole. And Shinchi stared at it shocked "oi, why are you  mad all of the sudden?" 

"I am not mad at all!" Ran said giggling. I start laughing as well

Later at home

Shinichi pov.

"Lets go Shinchi" My sister, Takami yelled

"I am coming" I yelled back. My sister is lucky I love her. Or I would have threw her out of the house. Mother would kill me anyways.

I finished getting ready and walked out. My sister was waiting for me outside the house "Two seconds late as always" She said and took my arm dragging me to Rans house. We took her with us.

"I am so excited!" Ran said as she linked arms with Takami who grinned. "Me too!" She said

"Takami-chan... I heard from some of our classmates, rumors about your love life?" Ran said. I stopped and looked at my sister. She never mentioned anything about having a love life. 

"Its a secret Ran, Can't tell you" Takami said as we walked.  "besides, if I were to tell you, it would definitely not be in front of my brother" She added making me narrow my eyes. Since I am her brother I should know about this. "oi, Takami? Who is it?" I asked.

"its a secret dear brother, a secret" Takami repeated making me star at her,eyes narrowed. I did have an idea and a few suspicions about who my sister was crushing on. She then rolled her eyes "oh fine, i will tell you both, Its Kaito kid" She said looking at me to see my reaction with a small smirk. 

I stopped walking, getting annoyed. I knew she was seeing that Thief.. Ran started at Takami a bit surprised "you mean the famous thief? that kaito kid?" she asked, making Takami nod smiling a  response. Ran though for a bit then gave Takami a smile "I can't say I  understand your choice but if you like him, then its cute"

"seriously out of all the people you could be with, you choose a criminal? who I will be arresting him someday" I said arms crossed "you should not be with a criminal." I added making Takami turn to me with a glare "You can't tell me who I can be with and who I cant be with" She said 

"Well hate to break it to you sis, I will be arresting him" I said.

"You will definitely not be able to , no matter how hard you try" She argued back. 

Ran cut us off as we were staring to argue, as we had gotten to the park. "Finally we are here" making both of us turn our head toward the entrance. 

Takami grinned "Let's ride the biggest roller coaster" She said. Ran gave a nervous smile, she get's a bit scared in these rides , How cute.

A few minutes in, we saw Saguru Hakuba, who is a detective and a son of a famous detective. Hakuba was friends with my sister for a long time, and I had a feeling he liked her. At least better than that criminal 

"Hello Kudos and Mouri-san" He said joining us. "Lets all ride together" I said.

Takami pov.

 Shinichi started telling us about Sherlock Holmes which was interesting but ran did not think so 

"Sherlock can tell what job a person have or what they do by their hand. Like this" Shinichi said as he held a girl from the line hand and looked at it and said "you play tennis right" he said as he explained how he figured that out , and then ran said "how long are u planning to keep holding her hand" ran said, "ohh sorry" said Shinichi making me grin. She was totally getting jealous. 

Then I  spotted Gin and Vodka who were part of the black organization that I was in. It was all a complicated story but I was considered a boss. Of course, my brother Shinichi spotted them too and him being the detective moron he is, he was finding them a bit suspicious but moved on. 

Why are they here in an amusement park. it would be something the other boss ordered them to do.  I should be careful and keep my brother away fro them. 

I turned my attention back to our group and my eyes lingered on Hakuba, Something was off about him today. Someone pushed me and I fell on Hakuba who helped me steady. But his collar went down a bit. I caught a glimpse of a scar which  I knew too well as I was there when it happened.  So that was Kaito not the real Hakuba 

Soon , our turn came and we went in pair, Shinichi and ran of course and Hakuba and I. Shinichi looked like he did something as he always told me Hakuba was the best option for me, little does he know that he was pushing me toward being with that criminal he dislike. 

Then Shinichi started talking about Sherlock Holmes and then ran yelled "stop it I don't want to hear it , all you always talk about is Sherlock Holmes, I only wanted to have fun with you" ran said sounding hurt, "sorry" Shinichi said apologizing as ran tried to hold his hand as she looked scared then shinichi noticed that and held her hand. , those two crazy kids. My brother can be quiet dense and an idiot sometimes. 

And then Hakuba turned to me and sad said "are you feeling scared, takami-chan?" he said smiling like the real Hakuba

I looked at him with a knowing look "seriously Kaito" I said in a low voice "I know its you idiot" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and smiling. We have not seen each other in two weeks.  A light blush coated his cheek and he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the roller coaster going down. 

Then in the middle of the ride I heard a weird sound and  felt something wet come on my cheeks. From the texture it seemed to be a water drop. There is a low chance of a water drop flying around especally where we were in the ride. could have been a tear, where were they from.  then after the roller coaster got out of the tunnel we all saw  a man was dead. His head was cut off and blood was flying out.

Ran and a lot of girls screamed. The detectives on the train looked alarmed and got into solving cases mood. 

"Call the police, Ran" Shinich said as He started running toward the corpse, with Hakuba and I following. 

The three of us stood in frnt of the corpse and started examining it. "I would say  rope was used and the speed of the train helped" I voiced out my thoughts, Hakuba nodded in respone as we saw the rope a few feet away, confirming my thoughts. 

"No one leave this place till the police comes and finish the interrogation," Shinichi called out to everyone  there as we started looking for evidence

"I think the speed was used as you said but how" Hakuba muttered next to me. 

"That's our job to figure out, let's count the suspects" I said "There is the tennis women and her friend, there is the Victim's wife" I added

"And there is the men in black, they look so suspicion" Shinichi said which made me tense up. "Forget about them, They do not look like a simple crime people" I said making Shinchi looked at me eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" he asked me, I ignored his questions and walked away looking for evidence.

I looked around more and spotted a pearl bead that look like it comes from a necklace. The police arrived and started the investigation. Which gave me time to talked to the two black clothed members. 

I went to gin and vodka "gin, vodka, did you kill that man,"

"What do you think, love?" gin said with a grin

"Gin I am serious, you should not be hurting any civilians that is not related to your mission" I said arms crossed. Even though they were a crime organization  for the most part. There was some rules. 

"We only came here to do the trading you ordered us to do" gin said grinning. He knows I hate when they call me that

"It was not fully my order I just approved it, the other boss ordered it' I said

"Are you going to solve the case" gin said. knowing fully well, I would.

"Of course I am a detective too remember, and remember get away from my brother" I said

"You know what boss, You prioritize your brother ahead of everything  if he gets in the way what can I do" gin said

"Remember your promise years ago gin" I said 

"Okay boss" gin said as I left and went back to the crime scene

"No one was supposed to come near the Corpse" inspector megure said

"Oh it's only us inspector" Shinichi said

'Ohh, Hakuba-kun and the kudo twin's Shinichi and takami kudo, our job will be easier then" inspector megure said

"For the millionth time we are not twins I am older" I said

"Anyways, tagaki come tell us about the victim" inspector megure said

"His name is shithano Kansu, he is 25 years old and just finished college"

"What about the suspects?" I asked 

" there is masaki gento his ex and her friend kamai kizo and the victim wife lilacy genja, and there are the men in black and another couple that said they don't know the victim" tagaki said

"Hmp" I said as I started thinking who did it who killed this man, I know how the murderer killed the victim but who is the murderer and where did I saw the pearl beads before, and I must make sure brother not think of gin and vodka as the murderer.

"There seems to be a lot on your mind takami-chan" Hakuba said

"Why you calling me takami-chan, Kaito?" I said giving him a look. 

Wait I thought as I turned my attention to the suspects. and one of them was looking in a weird way. it would be  a surprised if they were the killer. They don't seem to have a motive.  But it seemed like they were the killer 

"Takami, have you figured it out" my brother said, interrupting my thought process. 

"  I think I know who it was and how the killer did it" I said looking around "I just need a clear evidence"

"Good job, So Did I. I am almost done" my brother said "Let's see who figure it out first"

Wait what the I thought as I looked at masaki as she bumped into ran and something fell out of masaki pocket it it is a pearl bead same as the one with me, I knew it, no I have one evidence, and her imprint would have to be on the rope and there has to be a one hair from her head,

I went to the crime place and saw it I saw a brown hair and if they checked it they will figure out it is from masaki's hair

"Brother, Hakuba, show is on"

"Yep, I have figured it out"

"me too"

"Inspector megure, Gather everyone,, time to catch culprit" I said

"Oi really? Less work for us" Takagi said with a laugh earning him a glare and a shut up look from Megure 

"First while the train was in the tunnel the killer stretched and tied the rope around the victim neck and tied it to a pole inside the tunnel," I said

"And when the train was moving fast out of the tunnel, the victim died" my brother said

"it all had to do with speed" I said

"But who is the culprit" tagaki said

"The culprit" my brother said

"Is u" Hakuba said pointing at masaki

"Yep the victims ex" I said

"No way hahahah" masaki said faking a laugh, "why would I kill my ex"

"You do hate him because he chose me and not you" his wife lilacy said sniffing

"Great story detectives, but I am afraid you don't have an evidence" masaki said

"actually I do have evidence" I said

"This was in the crime scene. I wonder where I have seen it before Masaki where" I said showing them the pearl I found in the crime scene. 

//till here/ oc 29 

"What?" masaki said

"I'll tell u, I saw it in Ur pocket when u bumped into ran, it fell out of Ur pocket and tis one in my hand was very close to the victim, and if they checked both beads will match, but I have another evidence," I said

"They found a hair that matches Ur hair, and it was very close too to the victim" my brother said

'and Ur imprints is on the rope I am sure" Hakuba said

"Do we check or are u going to admit it" inspector megure said

"Fine, I killed him because he left me and went to her, I loved him I was loyal to him, but at the end he chose her not me" she said half crying half yelling

"that pearl necklace was from him, yesterday I decided to kill him, he deserve it," she said and then she turned to me "that happen when a boyfriend hide things from his girlfriend"SHe said. even thought she did not notice but her words had brougth some things back up in my mind

I glared at her  "even so, u have no right to end his life for a despicable and a ridiculous reason, even if he chose another girl you should just be happy for him and leave them alone, if u ever loved him a little u would not have done this" I said yelling, then she started crying "I am sorry" she said.

"Good job" inspector megure said

"Let's go" I said

"Ohhhh this is so sadddd" ran said crying

"Its not that sad, don't cry ran." I said

"That's normal in the detective life, u should get used to it" my brother said

"still it is so sad, Ahh" ran said

'"girls are annoying" my brother said quietly as I stepped on his foot "ouch" he said

"you okay? " my brother said "after what masaki said you started acting weird"

"no its fine, I just need to go to the bathroom" I said

"Me too, let's go we can wait for each other" Hakuba said

"Fine" I said then we left

"u ok I am serous, it is what masaki said, I would never ever chose anyone else than u" Hakuba said

"are you okay?"Hakuba asked "did what Masaki said made you think o fhtings about me?"He asked

"Listen I know about aoko nakamori and your true identity, but it's fine" I said

"you what, you  do how and when and aoko is just my childhood friend" Hakuba said

"I wish u know what I know" I said as I went to the bathroom.I knew i was acting stupid but even after being a detective and in crime scene alot. some crimes get to me

Hakuba pov.

But how...

How does takami know about aoko and about my true identity how, how she knows, but as I told her I would never choose anyone else than her, I well love her so much.

Shinici pov

After my sister left I saw the men in black, I decided to follow them

"Ran stay here till takami comes and all of u go home before me I will come back later" I said

"Wait" ran said

"Stay there. Ill come back" I said

She followed me but she almost fell then she stopped.

Ran pov.

Why do I have this weird feeling Shinichi, why do I feel like I will never see u again and this is the last time I see u, why Shinichi

Shinichi pov.

I hide behind the wall spying on one of the black men, but where is the other one, I heard what they said they were trading a disk that contains information about gold for a suitcase of money but this is illogical.

Then suddenly the other man came behind me and hit me on the back of my head with a stick

"Vodka, u did not notice that this little detective brat I s spying on u" the other said

"Gin, what, is in that takami-chan brother" vodka said what these bad men knows my sister, what will they do to her, I I must save her.

"Yes but he got in the way" gin said

"But didn't she she order us to not touch her brother and we promised 5 years ago that if she work with us we won't touch u for any reason" vodka said

'shut up that's too much information, this brat is awake let's try the organization new drug" he said as he put a drug in my mouth as they left

My sister works with these bad men, no way no she would never ever do that for any reason, these men in black must be lying ..... Ahh. What is happening to my body I feel it is dissolving and melting Ahh, my body it hurts,

Takami pov.

We came back and found only ran "ran where is my brother" I said

"he left and told us to go home first and he will come later" ran said

That idiot where did he go

"Let's go" Hakuba said as he dragged us home

An hour later we were standing inside ran's house

"Where is my idiot brother" I said

"Come down, well I need to go, bye takami-chan and ran-Chan" Hakuba said

"Bye Hakuba-kun" ran said "what" as I stepped on Hakuba foot

"Fine fine , bye takami, my love" Hakuba said then there was a loud explosion

"I, kaito kid have the honor of saying ur name like this takami" kaito kid said

"What, kaito kid" ran said

"Yep it's me" kaito said

"I must arrest u then" ran said

"no way" I said

"Sorry not today" kaito said

"Bye takami" he said as he kissed me as we both blushed

"Wow so cute, but ur brother will not like it" ran said

"Let him be mad I don't care it is my choice" I said as I kissed kaito kid back

"bye" he said as he left then one of his white birds flew to me with a red rose, then I kissed the bird and told it to give that to kaito kid, then the bird flew back again and kissed me as I laughed

Then ran called, my home, and we went walking to my home to check if my brother is home yet,

"Shinichi, Shinichi, where are u" ran said

"Brother where are u" I said

Shinichi pov.

I wake up and saw that my head was bleeding and I saw a police officer "hey there is an injured little kid here" the police said

What kid wait he is pointing at me but I am not a Little kid, I am in high school,

Then I got up and started going to my home, then I looked at a street mirror and saw that I was a little kid how did that drug made me shrunk, how did that happened, I must find these people, but first I have to find d. agasa

I walked and saw an explosion going out of a house near mine I figured that d. agasa working on one of his failures, "doctor," I said

"Um hello kid" d agasa said

"I am shinichi kudo" I said

"If ur looking for shinichi, he is not home" d agasa said

"no I am Shinichi," I yelled, "I know u have a mole on ur back, and u are a scientist who claims to be a genus but all ur inventions are a complete failure" I said

"Hah that's our secret, did shinichi go around telling people my secrets hmp" d agasa said


"No kid I am talking u to the police now" d agasa said

"Wait u were in the barbecue restaurant right" I said

"Huh how did u know" d agasa said

"because u have mud in ur shoes that mean u went to the restaurant because there is a big pool of mud on the way, and ur mustache has barbecue Sauce on them" I said

"How did u know" d agasa said

"Because I am a detective" I said

"So. So u ARE shinichi kudo, but how come ur small" d agasa said

After I told him everything, I wore my first grade clothes

"I am glad they still fit on me, d. can u make an antidote for the drug, please" I said

"I can but I need a sample of the drug" d. agasa said

"So I should find them and get it" I said

Takami pov.

We went in my house looking for my brother.

"Shinichi, are u there" I said s ran looked in the kitchen

"huh" I said as ran and i went to the library and saw agasa

"D. have u seen shinichi" ran said as I started looking around

"Nope" he said

"Huh who is that kid over there" ran said

"What kid" I asked

Shinichi pov.

I was hiding behind the desk as my sister was looking around, oh god why did she have to be sio smart she might find me

But it was ran who found me, my sister was looking at me in weird way

"huh who is this kid, he he" ran said

She might say I look like shinichi, no please not

"he is so cutee" ran said as she hugged me

Her breast, she hugged me hehehe

"doctor, who is this kid" takami said

"He is one of my relatives" doctor agasa said

"Ur relative" takami said as she bent down and i was afraid she might figure out my identity.

"Cute" takami said as she hugged me too

"Ran, why u don't take him to live with u" doctor agasa said

"What me" ran said

"Yes, his parents are in the hospital and I am an old man so, can u lease take him" he said

"Nononon" I said whispering to him

"Yes her father is a detective, he might have some files of the men in black" he said

"Ok" I said

"But why doesn't he live with takami" ran said

'No I have a lot of stuff" takami lied, at least I thought she is lying

"Ok" ran said

"Let's go" takami said as we left

"Conan-kun, do u like someone from ur school" ran said

"No, do u" I said u idiot Ur the one I like

"Yes" she said

"Is it that shinichi Ur were talking about" I said

"Yes, he is so nice, and brave and mysterygenuse, I really like him" ran said as I turned as a tomato

"What about u takami-chan" ran said

"Guess" takami said

"Its obvious it's kaito kid" ran said

"right" takami said

"Is in the a thief I don't like him" I said

"My brother does not like him too, but I don't care" takami said as she looked sad

"Oh yah he is defiantly not going to be happy remember what happened" ran said laughing

"what what happened" I said

"No he is a little kid" takami said

'it's ok if we told him, takami and kaito kissed" ran said

"Wwhattt" I said as my sister blushed that idiot, how dare he, I am going to arrest him

"What's wrong" takami said

"U should not date him, he is a thief u are a detective," I said as takami looked mad

"So what" takami said,

"hehehe" ran said.

The end of the 1 chapter hope u like it

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