Oasis (Larry Stylinson)

By TheManagement

38.5K 1K 216

How much can one kiss change a relationship? And how long can that relationship last? More

Oasis (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Two

1K 27 28
By TheManagement

Happy Reading!




"Baby," I groan, massaging his groin and attaching my lips to his neck. "You're s-so good."

He chuckles and continues moving his fingers in and out of my vagina, igniting my hormones with his electric touch.

"Who knew you were so good in bed?" he says, licking my hip to my belly-button.

I moan loudly and grasp his hair, pulling him closer to me and fastening his lips to mine.

"All this time, and you never wanted to get me in bed once?" I say, lifting my chest a bit and seeing lust cloud his vision.


I wake up with the most colossal hangover. Looking about, I discover I am in one of the beds at Harry's flat. To my left there is someone breathing deeply and evenly.

Excuse me?

I jump out of the bed, getting twisted in the blanket and falling to the floor with a rather loud crash. The man in the bed stirs.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

I have to get out of here. I untangle myself and stand up. I look down at my naked body.


I didn't have sex with someone, did I? Ugh, how low have my morals become? How utterly pissed was I when I decided that-


I look into his bright and momentarily confused eyes. They widen in surprise and he jumps out of the bed as well, equally naked.

"Good morning," I grumble, grabbing the nearest t-shirt and throwing it on, as well as my panties.

"We didn't..." he starts.

"I don't know."

He groans and picks up a pair of boxers that probably aren't even his. I retrieve my skirt from the night before and throw it on, not bothering to care that I paired it with a men's shirt.

"Have you seen my purse?" I ask, simply desperate to get out of this place.

He looks around the room and sighs, "I haven't. Look, we should talk about this or-"

"I don't want to! It was a mistake, alright, I don't actually like you in that way," I defend.

He looks almost hurt. "You don't?"

I stare at him. "Do you like me in that way?" I ask, a bit scared to hear the response.

"No," he says, as if trying to convince himself. "No, we were just drunk."

"I should get out of here," I say. He looks thoughtful for a minute and then leads me out of the door.

"Should we tell Louis?" I ask suddenly, turning around.

He shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair. "I'll do it, just go, El," he reassures.

I find my purse on the kitchen counter and then book it out of Harry's flat before anyone awakes. I hope this doesn't bother Louis, though I don't know why it would.

I can't believe I just did that. How irresponsible of me. You can't have sex with your fiancée's band member, even if it is a fake engagement. That's just strange.

I get into my car and turn on the engine.

The words 'you had sex with Niall Horan' repeat in my ears, almost triumphantly.

And I'm afraid I seriously enjoyed doing it.


I roll over and my hand flops onto something drying and slightly gooey still.

"Ewww!" I whisper-shout, removing my hand from the cum stain. Cum is seriously only a good thing when you're horny. Later, while washing the sheets, it's rather nasty and smelly.

I unceremoniously wipe my hand on the bed and look over to Harry, who is rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Whaaa?" he asks stupidly. I chuckle and playfully kiss his shoulder.

"Morning Haz," I greet happily.

He removes his hands from his eyes and looks at me, smiling. "Ahhh," he says, rolling over and crushing me with half of his naked body as well as his sweaty arm. I move slightly so as to be more comfortable. "That was the first sex we've had in months."

"Wow," I breathe, realizing he is right. It has been two months since Eleanor and I got engaged. "A bit of a dry spell, eh? We were really due for some."

He chuckles and brings himself closer to me, kissing my forehead. I wiggle my eyebrows. "Care for some morning fun?" I ask teasingly.

He groans. "Yeah, like I can walk after last night." I laugh and begin to get out of bed. His strong arm whips out of nowhere and tightens itself around me, preventing me from moving. "No," he says defiantly.

"Got to get up sometime," I defend.

"Not now."

"Yes now."



"Fine!" He throws the sheets off and jumps out of bed, only to fall immediately to the ground. "Shit," he mumbles.

I begin laughing my ass off. "You're just too tight."

"Shut your trap, Tomlinson," he defends, beginning to gingerly stand himself up again.

"Never." I grab a pair of pants and then leave the room, heading to the kitchen to put the kettle on. I am met by the bare back of Niall, hunched over the counter and staring into the depths of his cuppa.

"Trying to see into the future," I say sarcastically, indicating the tea and his deep focus on it.

He chuckles. "Sorta."

I raise my eyebrows, confused. "Any water left?"

"No, sorry mate, you'll have to make more."

I fill the kettle back up with water and turn the stove on. Niall is still staring at his tea and not speaking. He looks up at me suddenly, opening up his mouth to speak, but is interrupted.

"Gooooooooood morning," says an overly-peppy Liam.

"What's got you in a good mood?" I ask.

"Dunno, just feel good. But I bet I know what's got you in such a good mood," he says, making the caterpillars he calls eyebrows move up and down suggestively.

I look down at my feet and suppress a smile. "So," I say. He laughs and sits down at the counter.

Zayn walks in a second later, ruffling his hair and yawning like a hippo. "Food," he demands, and then sits down beside Liam, sticking his face into the marble countertop and not saying another word.

"Good morning to you too," I joke. I look over at Niall suspiciously. He hasn't raised his head or acknowledged anyone. Before I can question it, Harry waddles in grudgingly.

"Too early," he mumbles, but reaches into the fridge for some eggs. He begins making some sort of food as I watch.

"Something wrong, Ni?"

I turn to the three boys sitting at the counter. Liam, the one who spoke, is looking at Niall with worry while Zayn has turned his head slightly to gaze at the pale boy.

For a concerning minute, Niall says nothing and appears to be having some sort of internal conflict. Finally he blurts, "I slept with Eleanor!"

Four jaws drop simultaneously. Harry forgets his eggs and turns around.

"Like..." I say uncertainly, "Like you had, like....you had sex with her?"

Niall's eyes widen. "Yes I had sex with her, you idiot!"

"Why?" asks Harry, looking a bit disturbed.

"Gosh, you guys, she's not disgusting or anything!" says Niall, and then blushes.

"Whoa, do you like her?" asks Liam swiftly.

Niall turns red and puts his face in his hands. "I've never thought about her like that before, but last night was amazing. I don't know if I like her!"

"You like her," says Harry, smirking.

Niall groans. "Even if I did, it doesn't matter. She said so herself that she was pissed last night and that it was just a mistake."

"Ouch. That stings, mate," I say.

Niall looks at me apologetically. "Sorry I slept with your fiancée."

I chuckle. "I haven't even slept with my fiancée. Honestly, it would be good for Eleanor to have a boyfriend. I don't think she's been seeing anyone for a while because of all the shit that's happening."

"No, I don't like her like that," Niall says, "just forget about it."

We sit in silence for a bit before Harry announces that the eggs are ready. Liam and Niall eat at the counter. There isn't any more room in the kitchen, so Harry and I take our place eating on the couch. Zayn has fallen asleep on the counter, so no one bothers to feed him.

I scarf down the delicious food.

"Why are you smiling? That's so creepy," says Harry, laughing and poking my cheek with his fork.

"Because. Don't you think it would be great if Niall and Eleanor, you know," I trail off.

"It would be weird."

"Why would it be weird?"

"We've all known Eleanor for so long, and she's always been by your side and," he breaks eye contact with me, "kissing you."

I scoot closer to him. "If Niall asked Eleanor out, you wouldn't have to be jealous anymore," I say directly into his ear.

"I'm not jealous!" he defends. "I got over it!"

"I know you hate that I'm living with her."

"Well obviously," he says, "I've missed you. And I hate not sleeping with you and making you food and listening to you talk all the time. I hate this stupid, quiet flat!" he rants, getting upset.

I put my plate down. "Sorry," I mumble, looking at my hands.

He sets his food aside and says, "I wish you could move back in. Last night was amazing. I wish we could do that all the time and not have to worry about being caught or the fact that you can't stay forever. We almost never have any alone time, and its miserable."

"I know. It's miserable for me too. Making all those stupid public appearances and pretending to be happy when I'm not."

Harry eyes me curiously. "You're not happy?"

"Not when I have to pretend to be in love with her. It takes so much energy. I'm never really happy anymore unless I'm with you. You're the one thing I look forward to. I wake up in the morning wondering when I get to see you and how long it will be and if we get to be alone, which is almost always a no. You're like a little oasis in this hellhole of a life, Harry. That's why I love you so much and why I'm not happy if I'm away from you."

Harry leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips, then rests his forehead against mine. "I love you, too. And I can't stand being cooped up in this place without you. I just wish, so bad, that we could come out to the public."

I cup his face in my hand and kiss him. "I do too, its just-"

As if on cue, my mobile begins to buzz. I sigh, knowing exactly who it is.

Why does management insist on tearing a happy couple away from one another?

First of all, who was all like "hey, that's the name of the story" hur hur hur. Because I felt so clever writing that.


Ok, so I'm traveling to London for two weeks to work on my photography. I'm super pumped about it and I can't wait to see all the history and hopefully get some good shots.

Unfortunately, I will be very busy while I'm there and unable to update. I will do it when I get back though, I promise!

Please don't forget about me or my fan fiction also LARRY IS REAL goodbye.

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