Sorry (ON HOLD)

By cuddlymxndes

14K 273 25

Being best friends with William Singe can be hard when he becomes famous, but what will happen when Maddy mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 29

120 12 1
By cuddlymxndes

A warm delicious smell filled my room as I woke up.

I must have fallen asleep before.

I looked over at my beside table to my alarm clocck to realise it was 6:30

That must be dinner that I can smell, it smelt like burritos, mmmm my favourite.

I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleat out of my eyes.

I felt the warm soft carpet underneath my feet as I started to rise from my bed.

I made my way to my door and downstairs to the kitchen.

"There you are sleepy head. Diners almost ready, I made your favorite."

"Thanks mum," I grumbled in my husky morning voice, even though it wasn't technically morning.

I set the table with cutlery and drinks, the food was already on the table, we were just waiting on the mince meat.

I sat down at the table, waiting for mum to come over.

She placed the meat on the table and we began eating.

"Now missy, we need to talk," mum began.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Now now, don't get all huffy with me. You're the one who has done the wrong thing here." She took a bite out of her burito and ate it before continuing.

"Now I've never been the one who has ever said that you are not allowed to date, and I'm not going to start being that person. All I'm saying is be careful. Ever since you and Julian have been going out, you've been getting in a lot of trouble. First ditching school, then sneaking out."

And then, just on que the TV started showing the same footage that it did today in the other room.

Mum went into the other room and turned the TV up.

"Madeleine!!!' She screemed out from the other room, "get in here right now!"

I quickly got up and walked into the lounge room.

"Mum, before you say anything, it's not true, they're making it all up! I didn't throw one fist! I was to focused on getting out of there."

"This is what I'm talking about Maddy, that boy just spells trouble. I'm sure he is a great guy, but he's famous and the media and fans are going to test your limits. I'm not saying you have to break up with him, god no. That would just make the attraction even stronger, but if you do continue with this, you better strap yourself in." And with that she walked past me and back into the dinning room.

I stood there thinking about what she had just said, I thought she would have been more mad about this.

I walked back into the dinning room to find mum back in her seat eating, I did the same.

After dinner I volunteered to clean up, I would of had to do it anyway, might as well have a positive attitude.

Always makes things better.

Once I was finished and the kitchen was clean, I went back up to my room. There was jo point in hanging around downstairs.

I plonked myself on my bed and grabbed my phone.

From: Julian <3

How did you go?

To: Julian <3

Ughh she gave me this big lecture about this and that, but she didn't say anything about grounding me for even longer than I already am :D

From: Julian <3

Weewww that's good news.

Speaking of news... have you seen?

To: Julian <3


From: Julian <3

That's not really what happened is it? You wouldn't do something like that.

To: Julian <3

It's all lies, I didn't hit anybody, all I did was try to get out of there.

From: Julian <3

Aww bub <3 It's alright everyone knows that the media speaks nothing but rubbish.

Don't worry, it will all blow over soon xx

To: Julian <3

Thanks boo <3 I really hope it does, I don't know how I'm going to face school in two days :(

From: Julian <3

Dw, you got this. Just show them your swagger and give them all the finger

I couldn't help but burst out in laughter when I read this.

To: Julian <3

Ahahahhahaha whatever you say matey.

Did you really say swagger? Ahaha

From: Julian <3

What of it? You got a problem?

To: Julian <3

hehe nope :)

From: Julian <3

Hey listen I gotta go. Talk to you soon xx

To: Julian <3

Byeeeee xx <3

I clicked into his contact and changed his name

from: Julian <3

To: The idiot I'm dating

I think his new name suited him better, don't you?

Once again, I went to bed smiling, thanks to Julian.


AN: idk whether it's worth to keep going on with this?

of course I'll keep writing it bc I love writing but is it worth updating?

on one hand it's on 10.9k reads!

I mean that's a lot!

For a collective fanfic! If it was a 1D one it probably would have gotten more bc they have more fans and stuff but idk.

But the last chapter only has 25 reads, 25!!

I mean c'mon, that's hardly anything.

I know there are some readers that have been reading this from the start and have kept reading, you're the ones who keep me going <3

thank you.

But I've lost motivation. I keep getting really big writer blocks.

I'll write a few lines or paragraphs, then stop for about a week.

Normally I'll keep working through it, but now I kinda think, well what's the point if no one is reading it?

In other news, I've moved back to Meobourne.

I was living in Tas with my step mum and dad but my step mum kicked me out so I'm back in Melb, living with my mum.

I have to start at another school, be the "new girl" all over again.

Have another lot of friends to say good bye to and try to keep in touch with (believe me it's harder than you think)

Find another place to work.

I'm sick of it ahhh :(((

I'll see you all next time ((hopefully))

byeee xxx

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