All I Never Wanted

By AbbyCraig

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What do you get when you take two former best friends, throw in a few years of silence and misunderstanding... More

Prologue and Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Part 2)

Chapter 7

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By AbbyCraig

Annie and Brent both had swim practice Sunday afternoon.  Their first meet approached at the end of October and the coach was stepping up the pace.  Annie decided to focus only on diving this season but she still practiced the other events for the exercise.

Once practice was over she hoped to stop in and see how Luke was recovering.  Word was he’d been released that morning into Matt’s care.  Annie didn’t think it would go over well with Brent but she asked him if he’d accompany her to Luke’s dorm.  To her surprise he agreed.

“Sure, I’ll go over with you.  Guys got to be miserable.  I’d feel bad complaining about him while he’s down.”

Annie laughed.  “That’s big of you Brent.”

He shrugged, giving her a goofy grin.  “What can I say?  I’m a big guy.”

Annie shook her head and led the way out of the Field House.  It was a short five minute walk to South Hall and soon they were climbing the stairs to the third floor.  A couple football players greeted Annie as she passed.

“You know these guys?” Brent asked, bewildered.

Annie nodded.  “Football players.  They think I’m a goddess ‘cause I saved Luke’s ass from the bench.” She explained with a grin.

Brent snorted.  “Doesn’t matter now, does it?”

Annie shushed him as they approached Luke’s door.  Kim and Matt both sat at the desk.  Luke sat on his bed, his leg propped up on a pile of pillows.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” Annie called.

All three looked up.  Luke in particular looked shocked to see Brent in tow.

“Hey Annie.  We’re just trying to console grumpy here.” Matt greeted.

Annie smiled.

“Brent, good to see you!” Luke called, extending his hand.  “I’d get up to shake but. . .”

He trailed off, motioning to the cast.

Brent shook his hand obviously uncomfortable with the gesture.  This was the most he’d interacted with Luke in the month Annie had been his partner.

“No problem.  I hear you took a pretty hard hit.  How’s the leg?”

“Hurts like hell. They sent me home with pain meds-”

“Which he won’t take.” Kim grunted, interrupting Luke.

Luke shot her a dirty look.  “Kim, I thought you had somewhere to go?”

Annie’s eyebrows went up at the tension between the two.  She caught the smirk on Matt’s face.  This must be a common occurrence.

“Come on Kim, I’ll walk you out.” He offered.  “And hey, Brent, while you’re here would you mind helping me unload Dukes’ stuff from my car?  They dumped it all on me when we left the hospital.”

Brent shrugged.  “Yeah, sure.”  He glanced over his shoulder at Annie as he followed Matt from the room.  Annie smiled and waved.

Once they were gone Annie turned back to Luke, pulling out his desk chair and sitting on it backwards.  She rested her chin on the back rest and studied Luke for a moment.

“Is she telling the truth?”

Luke rolled his eyes.  “I hate those pain pills.  They make me feel like crap.”

“So instead you’d rather be a bear and make the rest of us feel like crap?”

This time Luke glared at her.  “I’m injured.  Why are you being mean?”

Annie laughed.  “Come on Luke, this is me.  You know that.”

He finally managed a grin.  “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“So, about these pain meds . . .” Annie tried again, reaching for the bottle that sat on his desk.

“Fine, ok, I’ll take them.” He grumbled.  He waited while Annie pulled a bottle of water from his fridge and handed it and the pills to him.  “This really sucks.  I hate being waited on like a invalid.  Kim is driving me nuts!”

He glanced at the door to assure himself she wasn’t around.  “She’d probably hold my dick so I could piss if I asked her.”

Annie’s shock must have registered all over her face because once Luke had swallowed his pills he offered a sheepish, “Sorry.  I’m just a little irritated.”

“I can tell.” Annie responded dryly.

“She means well.  But I only broke my leg for pete’s sake, I’m not dying!  I don’t mind company but she’s constantly hovering.  Drives me up the wall.”

“Well, she’s gone now so you can relax a little.  She cares about you.  She’s just trying to help.”

Annie moved back to the desk chair, this time leaning back and propping her feet up.

Luke made a face and changed the subject.  “I was surprised to see Brent here.  I didn’t think the guy liked me too much.”

“Oh, he just needed to get over himself.  I think he feels guilty for being so negative.”

“What changed his mind?”

Annie shrugged.  “Beats me.  Good sex?”

Luke gave a short, surprised laugh.  “Annie Adams!  I never knew you had it in you!”

Annie scoffed.  “Oh please.  You need to release that good-goody image you have of me.  I grew up a long time ago.”

Luke was still smiling a few minutes later when Matt and Brent returned.

“Hey, you look much more chipper.  Annie must have the magic touch.” Matt commented.

Annie could tell exactly where Luke’s mind went as he gave Matt a sly grin.  “The magic touch, huh?  Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Annie groaned.  “Seriously Dukes?”

“I see that concussion didn’t change your brain at all.” Matt added.

Luke just grinned.  “Hey, Annie’s just like one of the guys.  I couldn’t help myself.”

Annie glanced at Brent who was clearly uncomfortable in his spot by the door.  She stood and pointed at the pill bottle, preparing to make her exit.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.   I promise.” Luke grumbled.

“Then we’ll be off.  I’ll check on you later.” Annie promised before escorting Brent out the door.

“What was that about?” Brent asked.

“Luke’s a stubborn bear, that’s all.  He knows I’ll kick his butt if he doesn’t behave.” Annie answered.

Brent had no idea what that meant but he didn’t ask.  “He’s nothing like I pictured.  Nowhere near as conceited as I expected.”

Annie winced.  “That’s probably my fault, the way I talked about him initially.  He really is a good guy Brent.  Think maybe now you can give him a chance?”

Brent sighed.  “I suppose.  As long as he keeps his paws off my woman.”

Annie laughed.  “Believe me, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

* * * * * * * * * *

Luke found that getting around campus on crutches was a major inconvenience, so he only did it when it was absolutely necessary.  Because of that he spent more time cooped up in the dorm than he was used to.  Plenty of people stopped in to visit but he was still bored. 

He used some of his time to study, knowing Annie would have his ass if he didn’t keep up.  Otherwise he would have been catching up on ESPN or Play Station.

It was also hard to get in and out of the Jeep, so Luke lent it to Annie so she could transport Shasta and Shanikwa without him.  She said the girls were disappointed he wasn’t around.  They sent him a Get Well balloon.

Luke tried hard to treat Kim better but he knew he was still overly grumpy around her.  The pain had worn off but being so dependent and anti-social worked his nerves.  Kim was tired of dealing with his moods and stopped doting on him the way she had in the beginning.  Her competitive cheer squad started its season of meets and she threw her energy into that.

Now a month into the school year, everyone and everything was in full swing.  Even Annie’s visits were rushed between classes, the Greek project and her swim team.  Luke found he missed her company.

By the Saturday following his injury Luke was climbing the walls.  Kim had a meet in the morning and the football game in the afternoon.  Coach had offered to take him along, let him wear his jersey and sit on the bench, but Luke declined.  The whole idea sounded awkward and uncomfortable.  He found himself alone in his room, surrounded by a silent and empty floor.

“There is no way I can do this all night.” He muttered, reaching for the phone.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“Annie!  Luke’s on the phone!” Lisa’s voice called down the hall.

Annie looked at the mess surrounding her and sighed.  So much for cleaning her room.  The week had been incredibly hectic; she’d barely been home.  The room looked like a tornado blew through. 

She reached for her extension, calling back to Lisa.  “I’ve got it!”

She waited for the click as Lisa hung up before greeting Luke.  “Hey Luke, what’s up?”

“A whole lot of nothing.  I’m surrounded by it.  Nothing and no one.  I think I’m going insane.”

Annie grinned.  “Well, then, I guess that answers my next question.”

“Which was?”

“How are you?”

“Bored.  I’m thinking about chewing on things for fun.”

Annie burst out laughing.  “How can I help?  I thought you might ride along to the game.”

“I could have.  But spending the next five hours on a bus or a bench with a cast wasn’t my idea of fun.”

“Guess I hadn’t thought of that.”

“So, I take it you’re not going to the game either?”

Annie looked around her room once more.  “Uh, no, actually I was cleaning.  I figured the bet was off since you can’t play.”

“So you clean instead?” Luke asked, clearly horrified.

Annie laughed again.  “I’m not even sure this is my room, that’s how bad it is.  I’ve barely had time to breathe this week.  Coach Swanson has us practicing like fish.  Our first meet is just a few weeks away.”

“That’s right.” Luke drawled, remembering.  “Maybe I’ll have to come watch, return the favor and all.”

“I don’t know.  Swim meets can be a little long and boring unless you’re participating.” Annie warned him.

“What else do I have to do?”

“Good point.”

The conversation lulled and Annie wondered if he called for more than a chat.  “Luke, did you call for some other reason than to talk?”

“Actually,” he began, “I was hoping if you weren’t at the game you’d come hang out with me.  Bring a pizza and a movie or something.”

“I see.  I’m your last resort when no one else is around.” Annie teased.

“No, not really.  I think you’re one of the few who can still stand to be around me.  I’ve scared Kim off.”

“Do I need to get you some happy pills?”

“Do they make those?”

“I’ll see if the can put them on the pizza.”

“So you’ll come?”

Annie grinned.  He sounded so hopeful it was pitiful.  “Yes, I’ll come.  Let me at least hang up my clothes and shower.  I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Great!  I owe you Annie.”

“Don’t worry,” Annie told him with a smile, “I’ll put it on your tab.”

Annie took the time to hang up her clothes and get her dirty laundry into the hamper.  She also tried to make sense of the books and papers on her desk but eventually gave up.  She headed for the shower, poking her head into the living room on the way.

“Will one of you do me a favor and order a pizza?  I’m going to go keep Luke company.”

Jen and Lisa both looked up in surprise.

“Is that why he called?” Lisa asked.

Annie nodded.  “Poor guy’s in the dorm all alone.  Everyone else is at the game.  So I agreed to pizza and a movie.”

Lisa nodded in understanding.  “I see.  Sure, I’ll call in an order.”

“Thanks Lisa.  And, can I ask another favor?  If Brent calls, make something up.  He’ll flip if he knows where I am.”

“I thought he was better about you and Luke?” Jen asked.

“He is.  I just don’t want to give him a reason not to be.”

Jen didn’t look pleased but Annie didn’t give her time to complain.  She headed for the bathroom, ending the discussion.

* * * * * * * * * *

Luke sat on his bed like a couch, his cast propped up on a chair in front of him, when Annie arrived.

“Finally!” he cried.  “I thought you’d changed your mind.”

Annie sat the pizza on his desk and her backpack on the bed.  “Watch it Dukes or I’ll take my pizza back.” She threatened.

Luke held up his hands in mock contrition.  “My apologies.  What I meant was: It’s so great to see you my best friend Annie.  I’m honored that you could schedule time in your day to share it with an invalid like me.”

Annie grinned and rolled her eyes.  “Whatever.  Plates and napkins are in my bag.  So are the movies.”

Luke reached to unzip her backpack and pull out the paper products.  He pulled a manila envelope out with them.  He glanced at Annie but she wasn’t paying attention.  He had a pretty good idea what was inside but he held it up, asking, “What’s this?”

“Oh, shoot, those are proofs of our photo project.  I didn’t realize I’d left them in there.”

Luke peeked inside the flap, wondering whose photos were inside.  Mostly he wondered if there were any photos of Annie.

She eyed him suspiciously.  “Yes, Kim’s are in there and no you can’t see them!” she announced, making a grab for the envelope. 

Luke held it out of reach.  “Why not?”

“Leonard Dukes!  She’d hate me and have your ass if you peeked before the exhibit.  She told me she was taking you there to surprise you.”

Annie was right.  Kim hadn’t told him one detail about her photo shoot so out of curiosity he agreed to go.  But it wasn’t her photos that he wanted to see.  He knew what Kim looked like.  He really wanted to know if Annie had the guts to go naked. 

However, he wasn’t going to tell her that.

“She’s already mad at me.  How can it hurt?”  he pointed out.  With that he reached in and pulled the stack out.

“You better not tell her you saw them.  I’m not going down because you’re a jerk.” Annie declared as he shuffled through them.

Luke laughed.  “Relax.  I won’t tell.” He assured her.

He was disappointed to note the envelope held nothing of Annie.  It did hold a decent pile of pictures of Kim.  “Wow, is she really naked?” 

“For the most part.  She left her underwear on but you can’t tell because of the pompoms.”

They had shot a few different poses and Luke studied them before looking back at Annie. 

“Are you really going to hang these in the exhibit?”

Annie nodded.  “Her pictures turned out well.  She’s really photogenic.”

“Yeah, she is.” Luke agreed.  And she knows it, he added silently.  He paused to slide the pictures back into the envelope before asking, “Are these all the pictures?”

“No.  Just the most recent.  Jen still has a few people to shoot.  She came up a little short so Lisa and I are going to pose too.”

Luke raised his eyebrows.  Now this is what he wanted to hear.  “Yeah?  You going naked too?”

Annie threw him a suspicious look.  “I don’t know.  I told Jen she could do whatever she wanted.  Why do you care?”

Luke grinned.  “Because, I know you and I have no doubts you wouldn’t be afraid to bare it all.”

Annie shrugged.  “I’m just comfortable in my own skin.  I’m ok to do whatever she needs.”

“You know Annie, that’s what I’ve always liked about you.  Even as a kid you were sure of yourself and where you belonged.  You didn’t take crap from anybody, especially me.”

“Hey, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?” Annie responded.  “Anyway, the pizza’s getting cold. Hand me a plate.”

Luke obeyed, and then traded the photos for the movies inside her bag.  He dropped the subject of the photo shoot as they settled in to eat and watch the first movie.  However, he was definitely looking forward to see just how much of Annie would be displayed in the exhibit.

* * * * * * * * * *

Luke could feel Annie growing heavy against him and knew she had fallen asleep.  They were only halfway through the second movie but it was past midnight and her week had finally caught up with her.

He reached for the remote, turning off the movie and then the TV.  He carefully shifted away from her, lowering her to the bed.  She stirred but didn’t wake, merely rolling onto her side away from him.

The lights were off but moonlight filtered in through the window above his bed.  He studied Annie, thinking about all the times they had shared sleepovers as a kid.  That seemed so long ago it was in another lifetime.

He reached down to the blanket at the end of the bed, pulling it up over Annie.  Despite the awkwardness of his cast he managed to roll onto his side next to her, pulling the blanket over himself as well.

The standard dorm room beds were only singles, barely big enough for him most of the time, and he found himself so close to Annie he felt her breathing and smelled her shampoo.  He recognized it as Herbal Essence, only because it was a scent he loved and one Kim hated.  Most of the time all he could smell of her was hairspray and gel and too much perfume.

Despite her femininity, Annie hadn’t changed everything.  Occasionally he saw her in lip gloss or caught a hint of perfume, but the majority of the time she was just Annie.  She didn’t feel the need to enhance herself or hide behind a mask of makeup.

Propelled by a need he didn’t quite understand, he reached up to run his fingers through her hair, closing his eyes and inhaling as he did.  The brown locks slid silkily over his hand and again he caught the flowery sweet scent of her shampoo.

Kim always had her hair styled or pulled up and rarely let him anywhere near her head.  She was afraid he’d mess it up.  There were times he longed for a girl who wasn’t so high maintenance or concerned about her appearance.

He continued to gently stroke Annie’s hair, not wanting to wake her. He allowed his mind to wander and envisioned an alternate reality, one where he and Annie weren’t just friends.  One where she slept next to him all the time and allowed him to run his hands through those soft waves anytime he wanted.

The idea was so foreign and absurd he almost laughed.  He’d spent the past eight years ignoring this girl, had barely rebuilt their friendship, and now he was thinking about dating her?

Maybe that concussion really had altered his brain.

He reluctantly pulled his hand back, tucking it under his pillow instead.  He closed his eyes, willing his mind to shut off and stop thinking about things that weren’t possible.

But he couldn’t ignore or deny how comfortable it felt to be lying next to Annie.

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