The Gamer Girl Crush

By angels2370

5.7K 216 26

Meet Victoria, with a dysfunctional family that never remains in one place for long, and she never feels that... More

The Gamer Girl Crush
The Last Day Home
The Airport and the Arrival
Weekend at the Hotel
The Relieving First Day
Welcome, Again!
New Player?
New Home
The Weekend
Jittery Jordan
Vacation Invitation
Her Friends Know
The Sleepover

The Boring Week

335 11 1
By angels2370

(A/N: Well since I have a week to publish I'll try to publish 2 chapters a week. I don't know which days though.)

I awake yet again to my iPhone alarm. I stand up and realize that I set my alarm earlier than usual. I sigh at myself for being stupid. I decide to look around my little 'room' area. I peek into the room with the furnace and look at the seperated section to the left, after thoroughly searching around the room I see that there is a showerbehind the big furnace and a little restroom. I decide to take a shower, so I head to my room area and grab a box to pull out my bathroom stuff. I grab it and run to the shower, strip off and take a shower. I jump out and head to my room. I dress up in my 'Well this is akward turtle shirt' that has a turtle flipped on it's shell saying "Well this is akward", my black skinny jeans, and my green Nike's that match the color of turtle on my shirt.

I run upstairs to the built in fridge in the house and grab what we brought from the hotel, orange juice and some

GF or gluten free bread. I pop my bread in the toaster oven. I look up to see my sister looking very tired.

"Well someone shouldn't have stayed up so late last night!" I say jokingly

"Shut up," she retorts.

"Well then" I say. She goes to the cabinet and pulls out rhe regular bread, she throws it in with mine and walks away.

"Imma go take a shower," she says groggily.

I laugh and eat my toast. Once Natalie and my dad is ready we go down to the bus stop.

"What are we doing dad?" Natalie asks

"The car is here," he says and I get kind of excited, I'm tired of cabs and buses "We need to go pick it up from the shipping company."

"Yes!" Natalie shouts just as the bus arrives. We get on and head to the drop off near the company. We get out to see our two cars in the parking lot. I wonder how we'll fet both home, I only have my learners permit. We head inside to the front desk.

"Name?" The guy at the desk says. My dad states his name

"Alright and you are picking up the black Mercedes Benz today correct?" The desk guy asks.

"Yes." My dad says back. I guess we're picking up my mom's blue Honda another day. The man at the desk hand us the keys to out car and tells us to have a nice day as we head out. We all hop in and dad drives us to school. I go halfway through the day and get to lunch. Jessica and her friends smile at me and motion for me to come over, and so do Kevin, Jordan, and Danny. I smile back at both tables and wonder ehich one to go to.

"VICTORIA!!" Danny screams across the cafeteria. A lunch aid comes over and hands him a paper, I guess after that I'll go over there. I mouth sorry to Jessica and point to Danny. She nods so I guess I'm good.

"What was all that?" I ask Danny while I'm approaching with my food.

"We wanted you over here." Danny says shrugging it off.

"Ya, but getting her over here wasn't worth a detention" Jordan says

"You got a detention?" I ask "Over me?" I wonder if it was worth it, I was never really popular enough to have anyone do anything like that for me at my old school.

"Ya," Kevin says, cutting off my pondering. "We couldn't let the girls turn you into a Girly Girl." Kevin says with a laugh. We all laugh a little and eat our food.

I get through the rest of the day and head home to my room, I see the other moving truck is here. The mover guys unload our stuff to the driveway I thank them and pay with the money attached to the note my mom left reading:

''The movers are comming early so you have to pay them, use this.



I grab a couple boxes, bring them inside, and set it on our couch. I pull our second couch to the door and turn it on it's side to be able to squeeze it through the door. I fit it through and hoist it to the living room. I go back out and bring more in. I have a quick break and work on my science homework. When I'm almost done I see it begins to rain. I run outside to finish pulling our stuff in and I'm happy that there is only our dining table and chairs that go with the set. I lift up our table on one end and push it inside our house I don't place it anywhere specific. I run back out and pull in the 8 chairs that go with the set. I don't feel like moving anything anymore so I plop right down on the floor and try to finish my homework.

"What the?" I hear a voice. Natalie's home. Great. "MOVE THIS!" I sigh and turn around to see Natalie blocked in by the table and a few chairs. I pull 2 chairs out of the way to make room for her to get up.

"I'm gonna go to my room." She states "You need to put this where it should be." She marches off deciding not to help me move the table. I sigh and plop down again to finish my math homework. I finish and pull the table to the little open area where it should be and then place the chairs around it. I pull my bookbag over to the table and finish homework. My family gets home, and eats. I bring a couple boxes down the stairs to my room and run back up into my parents room to find my matress that I shoved in there. I pull it to the stairs and decide to have fun I set it at an angle to push it down and sit on it as it glides down the stairs.

"Weeee!" I say rather quietly not wanting to get scolded. I push it to my room, set it on the bed, and make my bed. I sleep.

The next day is about the same, I wake up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and head off to school after my dad picked up my mom's car from the transportation center. I get through school and come home to my very nice newly furnished house.

"I can't wait until Friday!" I say to myself. "Just a day away!" I sigh, until then I can't put off my homework. I work on my homework and my family comes home, we eat dinner and I head downstairs to my room. I plug in my computer to charge and go onto a website for homework. When I'm on I see my chat box from my email pops up. It's Jordan, Danny, and Max the chat reads:

JORDAN: hey victoria

MAX: wassup?

DANNY: max thats so gay.

ME: do you guys ever stop fighting?

JORDAN: no, no they don't but anyways missed u at lunch today

ME: ya it was a little boring at Jessi's table. They were talking about make up

MAX: ew thats girly as shit

DANNY: oh shut up

ME: whatever guys

I minimize the page and work on my homework. I see my screen flash saying I have another message from the chat. I click on it and the chat appears.

DANNY: mc?

MAX: nah

JORDAN: i rlly cant play minecraft have to work on hw

ME: im gonna go to sleep

MAX: its only 10!

ME: whatever

I sign off and head to my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up to my iPhone playing 'Friday by Rebecca Black' and have a sigh of relief. Finally Friday has come. Friday goes by in a flash and I come home to do homework. I work on a little before becoming bored and procrasinating. After a snack and doing multiple pencil tricks I pull myself back to homework. I get through my math and science before playing online a little. I go onto Minecraft to see that Max, Danny, Jordan, and Kevin are on. Must not want to to homework either.

"Hi!" I say before realizing that they didn't even know I connected

"Oh, uh hey Victoria." Jordan says a little embarresed through his headset. I didn't hear there topic but from the seems of it, it was embarrasing.

"Uhhh..." Kevin says

"I didn't hear anything on what you were talking about." I hear two voices sigh in relief. I laugh at how worked up they got over this. We play a little while until I get hungry and log off. Today is Friday, so it's leftovers day. We clean out the fridge and go shopping Saturday. You can eat anything in the fridge and we don't really have a 'family meal' sitting around the table. You kind of take it and eat it anywhere. I take some lunch meat and make a sandwhich and bring down that with a juice box and a 'Family Sized' Doritos bag that's almost empty. I eat all and play on my phone. I hear Natalie and her annoying friend upstairs at their sleepover. I sigh and plug my headphones into my phone and listen to music until I fall asleep.

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