Drawing Book

By AnimeAngel276

549 34 12

This is Chikage and Himeka's brand new, brand new drawing book nya~ We plan on adding all sorts of random ani... More

Signatures ~Himeka
A Colored Pencil Experiment ~Chikage
Melodia the Music Fairy-Elegant Forme ~Himeka
Luna the Moon Fairy-Elegant Forme ~Chikage
Change of Plans!! XD ~Chikage
Hatsune Miku ~Himeka
Restia ~Chikage
Hanazono Karin ~Himeka
Secret Santa poster ~Chikage
A Random Angel ~Himeka
Around the Globe Contest Entry
Camera Girl ~Chikage
Pilgrim Girl Contest Entry
Winter Contest Entry
First Digital Art ~Himeka
Moon Princess ~Chikage

A Light Novel Sketch ~Chikage

22 2 0
By AnimeAngel276

So as the title implies, I really want to write a light novel!! O///O. I'm not good enough at drawing to do manga, and light novels combine writing (something I love doing) and drawing at certain times!!

This picture will be the first picture in the book and for Part One of the Prologue. I didn't shade it because that would be way too much shading ^.^

I'm thinking about posting it on Wattpad. It's called Complete Annihilation. I thought the title was pretty catchy, but Himeka doesn't like it. Any suggestions?

So the picture is when they broke into a bar, so that's why it's a mess. Also, the girl on the left is called Mihara Eimi, 'The Annihilator.' The girl on the right (who didn't turn out as well, in my opinion) is Hoshimi Meika, 'The Death Angel.'

Here's the summary (it's kind of long, so bear with me! Those of you who take the time to read it, thanks! If you choose not to, well, I can't stop you >.< I hope you do though!):


Magic has erupted in the field of combat fighting. With every weapon summoned by a male or female mage-warrior, MW for short, comes an extraordinary burst of magic power that differs from person to person. Some powers pose only small threats and are extremely small in scale, but others have the power of a supernova explosion, which could pose threats to the danger of not only the world but also the solar system.
There are MWs that are honored as heroes in the world, and there are those who despise the existence of these mage-warriors and hunt them down. As a result of this, many young MWs have been enrolled in MW schools across the world for protection.
Every MW comes with a title. Their family title is either passed down from parent to child generation after generation as children take up their parents' occupations, while others emerge from the things a child does to earn the that certain title from the people of the world.
But now, in the 21st century, a new threat has risen. Two young, mere teenage girls, have become the world's most wanted criminals. One is known as "The Death Angel," for her angelical appearance matched with pure black wings, along with the scythe she wields when killing. The other is "The Annihilator," a devilish, insane girl who single-handedly destroyed an island that was 1,000,000 square miles long (larger than Greenland) with a population of around 76,274 people with a single spell in a single night. Neither girl has been seen by a living soul, and the pair of assassins have never been caught once. Not even their real names are known in the world.
Though no one knows it, these two assassins have a strict policy of not killing innocent people. Every person to die by their hands has committed a wrongdoing or crime in their life, whether or not it was unveiled by the public. And upon learning that a powerful organization is aiming to target the most prestigious MW boarding academy in Japan, Himeji High School, both are determined to catch the perpetrators and make them pay for their sins--with their life.
However, in order to accomplish this, they first must build their trust with the society as Hoshimi Meika and Mihara Eimi by attending Himeji High School.

~~~~~~(summary ends here)~~~~~

So what do you think?? I really want to post it. Comment if you think I should!!


Next picture is undecided. Sorry!! Himeka's so picky.

Himeka: hey, I am not. You're pickier. I'm just wondering if I should enter an art contest. XD. So I guess both you and I will be finding out next chapter!

(Totally picky.)

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