A Random Angel ~Himeka

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First off, I'm sorry for not updating in so long. Gomenasai~~ I was so busy over these past few days I haven't been able to post the drawing. And I'm currently on vacation, so due to the problem of not having my pink sticky note, I just wrote my name in the corner.

So this is just a picture I copied from a drawing I found online! If you search in google I'm sure you'll find the actual picture, and this was very much so drawn--not traced. The face turned out a little smaller than I liked.

But otherwise, I thought it turned out pretty nicely! OwO. What do you think? Aren't angels pretty? I like them.

Well, I guess that ends the chapter for today. Oneechan just finished a drawing recently and she really wants to post it, so I'll let her do that now.

Have a happy winter break!


Next is A Light Novel Sketch.

Drawing BookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt