My Best Friends One Direction...

By woah_there_styles

588K 14K 4.3K

Dakota Milne is a 18 year old girl who lives in her home town of Edinburgh, Scotland with her mum and stepdad... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Halloween Part 1
Chapter 9 Halloween Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
> Chapter 53 <

Chapter 44

7.8K 220 36
By woah_there_styles


"Are you sure you don't need a ride?" Amanda said, I shook my head. "Niall will be here any minute. You go!" I said shooing her off.

"Ok. See you later Dakota!" Amanda said, giving me a hug and walking over to her car. I waved her car goodbye and sat myself on the curb. Niall was supposed to be here 5 minutes ago when practice ended, I mean yeah I'm freaking out over 5 minutes but still...he's never been late. I sighed and pulled out my phone, tugging my thin jacket tighter around my body. Gosh it's cold. Looking at my lock screen, I smiled at the picture of Me, May, and Rose eating ice cream. I wonder how Mays appointment went today, I couldn't make it seeing as I have training. Opening the address book app, I clicked on Niall's contact ready to call, before I was interrupted by a deep voice.

"Oh no, Dakota's little boyfriend is late" my eyes grew wide, I thought Niall taught him a lesson! I flinched as Jordan placed a hand on my shoulder. "Get away from me" I growled, he chuckled "oh well someone's a little feisty, aye?" He said, grabbing me and pulling me up to meet him eye level, I panicked and brought my hand back ready to slap him but he beat me to it and held my hand before he clasped it with his. "Baby if you wanted to hold hands, you could've just asked" he whispered into my ear. I struggled to get out of his grip, twisting my wrists so his hands could become a loose grip. But that never works, it wasn't until then I saw car headlights I felt tears brim in my eyes as he leaned in closer to my face, no this can't be happening again! I heard a door slam shut and the familiar yelling instantly filled my ears.

"I told you to get the fuck away from her" Niall said, making his way over to the situation happening. Jordan chuckled evilly and turned around to face Niall. "Oh well look who decided to show up, I could've brought her home if you were any later." He said, holding my grip tighter. I winced, the memories flooding back into my thoughts of when Jordan used to beat me. This was always a warning, when he griped my wrist and it was usually if he never got what he wanted from me.

"Let go of her!" I heard another voice yell, I tried to look to see who it was but the tears were blinding my vision. I screeched as Jordan pulled me into him, making a tight embrace. I heard footsteps come closer, and soon felt Jordan flinch as a fist collided with his face. The impact of his fall made his grip release mine and I felt new arms wrap around me, I opened my eyes and saw the familiar tattoo on his arm. I instantly relaxed a little, knowing Liam would keep me safe. I heard the car door open and Liam helped me up, once he came in too I started crying even harder. Niall's probably in a bloody fist fight with that maniac! Feeling Liam's arms wrap around me, I cried into his chest and he rubbed circles on my spine. "Shhh, s'okay. Niall's coming right now, he's fine. Dakota you'll be okay, shhh" he whispered cuddling me closer. I heard the car door open and looked up to see Niall, he stare blankly at the steering wheel, tightening his fists around the keys in his hand. I was shocked once Niall threw the keys into the dashboard and slammed his fists on the wheel. "FUCKING ASSHOLE" he yelled, grabbing the keys again and putting them in the ignition. "Niall your eye mate-" Niall cut him off

"Liam I'm taking you home" Niall said, turning out of the car park and into lane. Liam sighed and held me closer, I instantly wondered...what about Niall's eye? Did Jordan punch him?!

Once we arrived at Liam's house, he gave me a tight embrace and kissed my forehead telling me everything is gonna be ok. I nodded and climbed into the front seat next to Niall. Niall sighed and waved goodbye to Liam, leaving us alone in the black range rover. He took the keys and placed them in the ignition, I tried to make out the bruise on his face but I couldn't tell because of the fact that it's 10:00 at night and almost pitch black. I turned around and pulled my seatbelt over me. Almost right after hearing the click, Niall placed a finger underneath my chin and pulled my face up to his. He stared into my eyes, and soon leaned in and connected our lips. They slowly moved in sync, feeling all the butterflies flutter through my stomach. We released from the kiss and put our foreheads together.

"Dakota" he whispered. "Mmhmm" I replied, only seeing his bright blue eyes in the darkness.

"I-I love you" he spoke.

He loves me?


I can't believe that jerk face is trying to get Dakota back! Has he ever seen Niall mad?! He like turns into hulk and goes apeshit on you!

I rummaged through my pockets to get my keys, and soon found them. Opening the door, I was greeted by Loki barking at me furiously Dani probably didn't let her out. I picked her up and rubbed her coat.

Oh crap, my coat. I left it in Niall's car, I got up and looked out the window to see that indeed Niall's car was still parked in the front. I decided on getting the jacket, so I walked outside and once I came near to the car....I saw something I probably wasn't supposed to see.

Niall and Dakota were having a snog- no more like a make out session. Did he tell her? I chuckled and went back up to the front door of my house, not wanting to disrupt them. Well now I feel lonely.

"BABE CAN WE CUDDLE" I yelled hoping dani would be up.


I took the keys out from my bag and unlocked the door. Even though Niall and I just shared so much affection and that he also told me he loves me...the only thing on my mind was getting his wounds cleaned up. I have no clue why it's at the top of my list, but oh well.

"Go in the kitchen, i'll be right back with the first aid kit." I said, walking down the hall to the bathroom. I opened the pantry and found the kit, I took it and made my way down the hall once again to be greeted by Niall sitting on the counter, tapping his fingers on the granite countertop. I sat right in front of him and opened the box, taking out a disinfectant wipe and placing it on his eye. He didn't flinch once, but I could feel his stare boring into my skin.

His eyes never left mine as I pretended to not notice him starting at me. Soon enough I looked down to meet his gaze.

Those eyes tho.

I giggled at the thought of how I just addressed his eyes. He looked at me confusingly and I just nodded him off, gosh my inner white girl is coming out.

I tossed the used wipe into the bin and clasped my hands on Niall's knees. "Well I'm tired, we've had a ruff day so I'm going to go up to sleep." I said, moving into kissing his cheek. But just as I was to touch his skin, he moved his face and connected out lips once again. I smiled into the kiss as our lips danced off with pure passion. I pulled away and walked up the stairs hearing Niall trail behind me.

Once we made it to my room, I went into the bathroom to changed into my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw I looked terrifying, I should probably take a shower. I smell nasty.

After my shower, I placed my wet hair in a bun and pulled on my night shirt along with some shorts. Opening the door, I saw Niall sat up in my bed. He was wear nothing but boxers and he was watching some replay of a match on the TV. I crawled into bed next to him and pulled the covers over my head. Hearing Niall's chuckle, he turned off the television and also pulled the covers over his head. He turned me around and smiled, brushing the hair from my eyes. "I can't breathe under here" I said giggling, I pulled the cover back and laid my head back on the fluffy green pillow beneath me. Niall did the same and turned the light off, "night Dakota" he breathed. I smiled "night Niall" I breathed back mimicking him. He scoffed jokingly and moved away from me. "Well jeez, it was a joke mister" I said, no response. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I inched closer to him and cuddled into his side, I went up to his face and his eyes opened immediately. I took it upon me to respond to what he said earlier.

"I love you too"



So! I have a question!

Have any of you been to the TMH tour yet?

I'm going on August 8th and I wanna know if any of my readers are going to the same concert!

So comment below


ok so



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ilysm :)


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