Kidnapped over and over

By Your_Queen_Of_Crazy

1.1K 82 76

I've been kidnapped not once, not twice but so many times I've lost count. I've had kidnappers who treat me l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaptet 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6 Part

Chapter 5

108 10 9
By Your_Queen_Of_Crazy

Hey! It's been a while. Sorry. Life is busy. But it's break so expect updates! Again, sorry for not updating. Enjoy the story. What hurts the most is above/to the side. Thanks!

Do you realize how fun it is to annoy people?!

The answer: extremely.

After we got home, Izzy and Blake set things up for their friend that are coming over. I'm excited. I know Blake will still hurt me, Izzy can't stop it. Or his dad will. He still can barely move after he got stabbed. Baby. I was told to stay in my room, in other words the basement for most of time. But where's the fun in that?

"Zoey!" Blake called down.

"Yea?" I call back.

"Come here!"

I get up from the bed and jog up the stairs.


"They will be here in ten minutes. Be on your best behavior, or I swear I will make you pay. Don't do anything stupid-"

"Can I have your definition of stupid please?  I interrupt.

He narrows his eyes at me. "Don't interrupt, don't beg, don't be annoying, be quiet, and stay out of the way."

"So basically don't be a Zoey."

He grins, pats my head while nodding and says "You're getting the idea!"

I push his hand away while saying "I'm not a dog you know."

"Believe me, you can be."

I feel like that's an insult.



I get it.

"Jerk." I mutter  sticking my tongue out and running back downstairs.

He says something but it's muffled and I don't understand. He shuts the door and lay back down.

I think I'm crazy.

I don't know if I want to try and run away. It's kinda nice to have someone are for you. Even if Blake hits me, I think I'm growing on him.

My thoughts are interrupted when the door creaks open and light footsteps come down the stairs. I immediately address them to Izzy. She steps forward and hands me something. It's a IPad covered with a blue and gold case.


She laughs lightly. "You can play on it. I'm assuming Blake wants you down here most of time. Don't worry, there's music on there. Just don't play it too loud. I took the password off for now. Do you know how to work it?"

"Oh thanks! I kinda know. Thanks Izzy." I say smiling.

She smiles back. "Your welcome. You can always hang with me okay?"

I nod "Okay thanks. Do you-" a ping echoes through the house. It must have been the doorbell. "They're here!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. Come on come meet them."

I place the IPad on the bed, then follow Izzy up the stairs. Blake is standing in the doorway with a couple of guys and girls. Izzy goes up and starts talking to them. I stand back, just watching. I'm not trying to be a stalker or anything. Just people watching. That still sounds creepy. I'll just stop myself.

"And this is Zoey." Izzy says pointing to me. I wave


"Who is she?" One guy with super dark shaggy hair and hazel eyes asked.

"My cousin. Except I'm adopting her." Blake answers.

"Wait what. You are gonna be a dad? Dude!"

"Eh. Her parents recently passed and I want her to stay with the family rather than the system. She's more like a sister."

"Whatever. Well, I'm Jake. These two idiots next to me are my trio Josh and Jack. We are triplets." He says pointing to each as he says their name.

"Hi. That's a lot of J's." I answer wondering how I'm going to remember who is who. They look pretty much the same except Josh has green eyes instead of hazel.

Everyone laughs. "Yeah. This is Sam and that's Carmel." Izzy finishes. Sam is blonde with bright blue eyes and is well built. Carmel has really pretty red/brown hair that reaches her hips and blue eyes.

"Carmel and I are going to the living room. Guys are going to Blake's room I'm guessing?"

The guys all grunt yes and go to his room. The girls head to the living room. I just stand there, not sure what to do.

"Zoey are you coming?" Izzy calls. I nod then realize she can't see me and say

"Yeah I'm coming!" I run down stairs and grab her iPad. I walk into the living room to see both girls laying in the couch. I sit on the love seat and turn the iPad on.

"Do you like country?" I ask Carmel.

"I love it!"

"Awesome." I say and play what hurts the most by Rascal Flats.

"I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house. That don't bother me. I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out. I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though going in with you gone still upsets me That's not what gets me. What hurts the most was being so close. And having  so much to say. And watching you walk away." We sing together.

The girls talk for a while. I mostly just listen. I find out the the triplets are Carmel's older brothers. And yes, she does like caramel.

"I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to bed. Night Izzy. Night Carmel. Oh and can I take the iPad to keep listening to music?"

"Yea that's fine. Night Zoey."

I start to the door that leads to the basement when I decide to say good night to Blake.

I walk upstairs to his room. The door is wide open. Sam and Blake are playing call of duty while the triplets are throwing popcorn at each other and seeing if they can catch it in their mouth. They fail a lot. Jack, or maybe Jake I don't know, catches sight of me.

"Blake there is a small child outside the doorway."

"Busy." He responds

"I'm not a small child!" I whine

"Your smaller than me though."

"Your older than me though."

"That doesn't make sense."

"You don't make sense."

"I make perfectly good sense thank you very much."

"Squares are circular."

His jaw drops and he feigns shock. "W-what? My-my whole l-life has b-b-been a lie. W-why d-did no-nobody t-tell meeee?" He fake sobs at the end. I giggle.

"I was only joking. It's okay." I talk as if he's a very small child.

The triplets and I all laugh, Sam and Blake too busy trying to not die. I wonder if I would be good at the game.... I watch Sam throw bombs at the bad guys while Blake ambushes them from a rooftop. As I'm watching, one of the boys throws popcorn at my face repeatedly. I turn my head, catch one, and turn away like nothing happened. They all make "ooh" sounds and applaud me. Laughing, I say

"Thank you thank you." And give a bow. At the same time, Sam throws the controller on a pillow. I look at the screen, he died. He mumbles words I would rather not repeat. I pick the controller up, and hit restart. I run around the map, killing people left and right. This is fun! The game ends, and I got the new high score. I tripled the last one.

"Z-Zoey?" Whichever triplet I was having a conversation with earlier said in disbelief.


"Divide that number by about 50, and that's my high score. How did you do that?!"

"I don't know. I've never played before." I answer shrugging. It really isn't that hard.

"It took me months to get that score Zoey! And this is your first time?! No way!" Blake exclaims. He doesn't look very happy. This will most likely end with more bruises, I should probably go...

"Um yea? Sorry? I'm tired g'night." I say in a rush and race out the door.

"Come back!" He ordered. Dang I was hoping I wouldn't get in trouble.

"Yes sir?"

He rolls his eyes. "What were you doing before you came up here to annoy us?"

"I actually came up here to say good night to you, but then him and I started having a conversation so I stayed." I say pointing to the one  triplet.

"That's not what I asked."

"Oh. Sorry. I was with Carmel and Izzy."

"What did you guys do?"

"Robbed a bank and murdered people. Don't worry, the bodies are hidden really good." I answer with a straight face. The boys all crack up, except Blake looks even madder. Uh oh.

"Zoey." He said in a deadly serious voice that had me talking faster than a bullet could fly.

Maybe I shouldn't play COD...

"Kidding kidding. We, well mostly them, talked and we listened to music."

"What did you listen to music on?"

"The iPad Izzy said I could play on."

"Okay. I'm going to make pizza rolls. Stay here."



"I'm still not a dog." I mutter. The guys laugh and all follow him downstairs. I wonder what they're really doing. I'll spy on them. I crawl down the hallway and sit in the stairs listening to them. They all joke that Blake will be a great but stern dad.

"Hey, she needs to listen to me and my dad. Before, she was back talking and throwing fits. Now, she's a respective child."

I'm not really a child, nor did I throw fits. That a lie but whatever.

Then they start talking about my "disease". Their mouths start moving immediately.

"She should see a psychologist."

"She seems normal though."

"She's crazy!"

"Dude! You still want to adopt her?!"

"She stabbed your dad!"

Blake answers all of their questions. He explains that I "can't help it". I highly dislike him right now.

"We should go back up, who knows what trouble she's getting into."

"Hey dude. You know I'll help you with her right?"

"Alright cool thanks man."

I'm not making trouble! Wait they are coming up here! Crap!

I jump up and start racing to Blake's room. Except life hates me, and my face meets the ground.

"Owwwwwww." I groan.

"What do we have here?" Blake says. I'm like 99.9% sure he has a stupid smirk on his stupid face.

"What are you doing on the ground Zoey?" Sam asked

"Oh you know. Just chilling."

"We're you listening to us?"



"Yep." I say popping the "p".

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"What happened to the pizza rolls?" I ask.

"We're out."

"Awwwww." I whine

"You should go to sleep now Zo."

"I'm not tired thoughhhhh."

"I don't care. Take your pill."


He looks at me like I'm crazy, then looks crazy mad.

"What did you say?"


"Zoey middle name I don't know Jackson."

"Yes sir?"

"You are taking that pill."

"I am not."

"Zoey I swear-"

"Blake I swear."



"Go take the pill or I will punish you."

"Go take the pill or I will punish you." I mimic.

"You are so annoying. Now go."

"You are so annoying. Now go."

He grabs my wrist and drags me downstairs. He opens a cupboard and takes out the pill bottle. I wonder if these pills are even legal....

"You are such a brat. When you wake up, I'm going to make you wish you were dead. Now eat." He says shoving the pill towards me with a glass of water.

"I'm not taking it." I say as the rest of the guys followed us down here.

"Zoey. Now."

"Blake. No."

"Zoey just take the dumb pill." One of the triplets, I believe it's Jack, says.


"Know what. Fine. Don't take it."  Blake says giving up, or so I thought.

"Really?"  I ask surprised.

"Yea. Guys, if you want to help, hold her and don't let her run." Blake says turning back to the cupboard and rummaging through things. The boys grab my arms. This isn't going to end well....

Blake pulls out a syringe and a blue liquid. My pills are blue...


I'm terrified of needles.


"B-Blake? Wha-what are you d-doing?"

"You won't take the pill, so I'll give it to you. In a shot."

"I'll take the pill! I'll take the pill!"

"It's too late Zoey. You should have listened to me."

Know why I'm terrified?

I got tortured with them a couple of times. Lesson learned: don't kick kidnappers in the family jewels endless you like being stabbed in the neck.

"Blake please don't." I say tears rolling down my cheeks.

"It's only three shots Zoey. You should have taken the chance when I gave you it."

I'm sobbing now. I never cry. He has to realize this. "Blake I'll be good. I won't back talk ever again. Please don't!"

I can tell my crying makes some of them uncomfortable, but that won't stop Blake.

He finished filling them up and brings them towards me.

"It's not that bad Zoey. Calm down you'll freak Izzy out."


He takes an alcohol wipe and rubs it on a spot on my arm. He lifts one of the needles and I let out a shriek.

"Blake!" I cry on last time.

I sound like an annoying brat. I'm making it seem like it's the end of the world. I'm only scared of one thing anymore, and that's needles. I've been given shots that make me hallucinate, stay in night mares without being able to wake up. Torture is not fun to endure btw.

I scream again as he is about to put it in.  Right before it enters my skin, Izzy runs into the kitchen with Carmel right behind her.

"What are you doing?" She demands.

I stay silent, letting the tears run down my face.

"Giving her the medicine liquid form in a shot." Blake says

"And she's screaming because..?"

"I don't know."

I can hear them still...


"I-I-I do-don't L-like ne-needles." I choke out.

"That's it?"

I shake my head "I-I g-got to-tort-tortured." I say crying harder. The memories replay in my head.

I was running away from Luke, who had kidnapped me when I was 10. My arm is grabbed, and I'm dragged to a table, and strapped down. A green liquid is injected into my neck. I immediately feel the effects. Screams fill the air. I see a very small girl crying, chained to a wall. I'm being beat with a baseball bat.




It hits me again and again. I can tell what's real, and not real. I can't take the pain anymore, and black out.

I come back to the real world. Izzy is arguing with Blake. I'm still being held, but loosely. I see the IPad on the counter. I quickly rip my arms from their grasp, grab the iPad, and run to the basement door. Before running down the stair, I lock the door.

I start playing what hurts the most again, and try to fall asleep.


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