Wolf Ink

By HelloBlackWolf

194 6 3

Lust, Love and Wolf marks... Join Lynx as she learns to deal with a possessive Mate all the while accepting t... More

Beginnings Start With An End.
On The Road
Wet Lace

And So It Begins...

76 2 0
By HelloBlackWolf

It's a cliche I suppose. The nerdy girl and the tough Alpha. My story is a little bit different though. There are no Alpha's where I live. Sure, some wolves are bigger and stronger than others. But no one leads. We chose our paths as a group. Vote on where to camp, hunt and eat. Who to fight with and who to make peace with. We give blessings to couples and leave the punishing of crimes to the God wolves. Their the Alpha's technically.

There will always be people that are more respected then others, but you can not let that sway your opinion. Papa always said that a single decision can ruin a person, so never vote for someones opinion just because it is theirs. Always look for the truth behind the matter and make your decision accordingly. Else who knows where another's persons popularity can lead you.

I suppose I should start the story now, shouldn't I?

Well, it's a cold morning of a average autumn day. I was just on my to the stream when...

"Morning." Elder Tom greeted, passing me by with a smile. "Might want to start wearing a fur down here soon lass. Your Papa would murder us if you got ill."

"Not until winter Elder, I refuse to believe the warmth has gone so soon." He laughed at me and continued on his way. I passed a few others but no one spoke to me. It is a well know fact I am not a people person before lunch.

"I know you have bloomed already Lynx, but I don't mind you showing us." Grus growled by my ear. Glancing up, I realised I had come to the males bathing area. "Let me help you out of this robe, hum?"

"Remove your hands Grus. I was preoccupied and didn't realise I had come the wrong way." Pushing past him, I tried to go.

"No no no, don't be leaving because of me. It's about time you chose a Mate. I'm just making sure you are ready to take a male." Saying this, Grus had gripped the pull tie to my robe and went to open it.

"Do it and I will report you." I snarled, shoving his hands off me. "Papa made it clear I am allowed to stay under his word until I am ready. Not when my body is. If you wanted me to choose you, you shouldn't of pulled this stunt. Now move out of my way before I scream. Everyone is on constant guard right now, in case you had forgotten." He stepped back, a massive smirk plastered to his face.

"You certainly have a fire in your belly. Wait until it is joined by a baby."

"Well I would need a Mate first, wouldn't I?" I began to walk back up the grassy bank to head to the other side of the stream bend. The men and women bathe separately because, like me, there are un-mated girls in the group and it does not seem fit for them to bathe next to a naked warrior. But as long as it isn't Grus, I would happily bathe with the men. Just don't tell Papa!

I guess you are wondering what just happened? Well, females are expected to obey the males. Its normal when it comes to Wolves. Typically when a girl becomes a woman she either chooses a male to Mate with or her father sometimes gives her to a male. You probably think it's wrong but for us it's tradition. I, however, am lucky. Papa knows I am not mentally ready to chose a mate. Mother passed when I was quite young and it caused some of my development to be delayed. Instead of being taught to cook and prepare my Mates bed, Papa had to raise me. Meaning I never received the Mate lessons. So Papa said I do not have to mate until I feel ready.

Sadly Grus is one of the few who do not approve of Papa's decision. He thinks I should be mated already. Therefore he is always trying to point out to everyone that my body can take... a mans attention. The thing about this is that if he sees me naked, the pack will expect me to Mate him. And this is what he wants. That is something he has made very clear. He wants me yet I can't stand him! Papa normally fights him off but that has two issues. 1, he is not here right now to do that and 2, if he looses to Grus... I'd have to mate Grus. Bloody honor traditions!

But back to the present, I finally slipped into the cold stream on the female's side. Oh I do wish we had homes and baths sometimes. A nice hot soak in the tub... Instead I get 'shiver me tits off cold' streams. I exchanged a few pleasantries with the other girls, each just as cold and naked as I, before deciding to get out. The God Wolves - who I mentioned before - live in houses and have kitchens. Bathrooms. Bedrooms! Some aspects of the Free Pack life I wouldn't trade for anything but to live the life of a God Wolf. No more shivering or rocky bedding. They do work for it though. The God Wolves govern all the packs and make sure everything is in working order. Checking that Packs are moving around enough as to not damage the wildlife. Protecting our secret from the humans is probably their biggest job though. That and keeping the Vampires at bay. Papa once said that the only way he would give me to a male is if he were a God Wolf. Anyone would give their daughter up to them if they asked.

Later on in the day I was finally warm and full of food. Papa will be back this evening I hope. He's a fighter and a hunter so every few weeks he goes off with a couple of the men and a few gathering women to find food. I hate it when he has to be gone for long periods of time but we do need to eat.

"Can't wait till the men are back." My best friend Oakry huffed, plopping her pregnant butt down next to mine. "Lil one keeps kicking and I need Asher to come and calm 'em down. I don't get kicked when he's next to me in bed. But the minute he is gone, my stomach gets beaten up!"

"Now now sweet." I cooed, rubbing her belly. "What did your Mama do to deserve this? Dada has gone to hunt us food. He told me the target is rabbits so they can make you a nice little wrap. Did you hear that? Spoiled before you are even born."

"Bloody heck, wish I'd known the baby calms for you too." Oakry laughed. "Thanks Lynx. Its nice to have a break."

"No problems sis." I smiled at her. She's like family to me since her Mam used to look after me when Papa had to hunt. Thinking of Mam... "Hows Mam?"

"Oh she's excited. First grand-baby and all. I won't let her near the bump cause lil one gets all excited. Mam's a bad influence I tell you!"

"Remember that time she painted us in the tribal war symbols and sent us to raid the food hut cause she was craving berries?" We both laughed at the memory.

"Remember what your Papa did when he caught us?" This caused us to cringe. To take your child over your knee is very normal round these parts... Oakry and I couldn't sit for a week when Papa caught us. "Damn I'm craving berries now!"

"Good thing I got you some then." Asher suddenly growled making us jump. "Hi Lynx."

"Hey Asher, good hunt?"

"Yeah, not bad. Eventful actually. Your Papa wants to talk to you. He's at the fire."

"Thanks." I mumbled, jumping up to go see what the matter is. I left the pair in an stomach turning embrace... At least they are happy.

"Papa?" I called, walking up to the fire.

"In the tent las." Elder Tom called over to me. I nodded to him before slipping through the tents opening.

"Ah Lynx, take a seat." Papa smiled nervously at me. "This is Gunner."

"Hello..." Well damn. Gunner is hot!

"Pleasure to meet you." He grinned, flashing strong teeth at me. "She's perfect my friend."

"Are you sure?" Papa mumbled. "She isn't trained or anything."

"I can do that myself. In fact that's probably good. Bet you got a fire in you girl." Oh shiz. This isn't sounding good....

"I know. It's just that she's my little girl, Gunner." Papa groaned, looking down at the ground. "Please. Don't hurt her. She's all I have left."

"Papa, whats going on?" Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

"I won't hurt her Jaxon." Gunner said to Papa, completely ignoring my question. "I will break her if I have to though."

"Papa!" I cried softly before I could help myself. Gunner looked thunderous.

"Speak when spoken to!"

"Lynx, I'm sorry but it's whats best for the Pack." Papa whispered to me. "Gunner will look after you. He's just like you used to describe your future Mate. His Pack respects him."

"No." I whispered softly before trying to leg it. However when I was half way out the tent, a set of strong arms wrapped around me before pinning me to his broad chest. "Let me go! I refuse!"

"Calm down." Gunner grunted, carrying me back inside. "I thought you said she is well behaved Jaxon?"

"She is scared. Lynx please stop struggling." Papa groaned. Ignoring him, I continued to try and wriggle out of Gunners grip. "Gunner just let her go. She's not stupid enough to try and run again."

"Sit." Gunner ordered, placing me back on the bench. "Jaxon will you allow me a moment with my Mate please?" Papa didn't even say anything, walking out of the tent with his head down.

"I don't want a Mate."

"I'm aware." Gunner sighed. "I'm also aware that you have no choice in this matter. Now, I'll be nice and give you an option. But don't get used to this. Normally you will do as I say." He lifted my chin up to look into my eyes.

"What is it?" Gosh damn I don't like this one bit! Papa's betrayed me...

"You have two choices Mate. Either you accept that I am your male now and I wait to claim you. Or you keep fighting this and I Mate you the moment we get to my territory." He smirked darkly, rubbing my cheek with care.

"If I don't fight this... Do I get to spend another night home? Like tradition?" This would give me the perfect opportunity to run... Or even Mate Grus if the worse came to the worst.

"Tradition is different for my family. They expect me to bring you back tonight." I've known this man for all of two minutes and he already confuses me. His words and tone are so harsh and brutal yet his actions are soft and caring.

"I'm not ready to leave." This is why I never wanted a Mate. Having to leave my family and their traditions. "Please?"

"You may sleep here and I'll carry you home." He ran his hands through his hair before placing them on my shoulders. Go and pack now. Keep it light. I will come and speak to you shortly." Gently, he nudged me out the tent. Papa looked at me with guilt but I ignored him and set off to my tent.

I'd bundled my minimal clothing into a backpack and was placing my hair brush and such into a small bag when a cough sounded to my left. Grus smiled sadly.

"Heard you're leaving us."

"Papa's giving me to another Pack." I explained, wrapping up my skin creams carefully so they don't leak. "We leave tonight I believe."

"That's not right!" Grus grunted. He is a stickler for the traditions. "Who is this person then Lynx? I want to give them a piece of my mind!"

"Some male named-"

"Gunner." Both Grus and I looked up startled. "Step away from him Lynx." Gunner snarled, stepping into my suddenly crowded tent.

"I was just saying goodbye to my friend." Grus mumbled, looking down. "Goodbye Lynx. He will be the Mate you deserve. Just behave." And with that Grus fled my tent.

"Gunner? Grus only wanted-"

"I know what he wants!" Gunner snarled, stepping forward so were inches apart. "He wants you in his arms, naked in his bed. Heavy with his pups!" Trembling, I stepped backwards away from his towering body of anger.

"He only wants what is best for me." Passed my lips almost silently. This however only angered Gunner more.

"Another word and we will leave immediately after you have gone over my knee." You see, this is why I didn't want a Mate. They're controlling and aggressive. Mean with a possessive streak. Evil with a dick. And the gigantic male, shaking with anger right in front of me is evidence to that.

"I'm sorry." He grunted but smiled slightly. Key thing to coping with your male is to just do as you're told. "My clothes are packed. And my bathing stuff. What else do I need?"

"To learn to behave." My bottom lip jutted out at his mean joke. "I will allow you to bring a fur or blanket but leave the bedding at that. Any craft stuff?"

"Just my knitting." He nodded in approval.

"Let me see your clothes." Frowning in confusion, I pointed at my backpack. Gunner immediately began to go through it, checking each item.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you have packed appropriate clothing. It would seem you have as well." He folded everything back up and re packed it all before sitting on my bed. "Come here."

"Can I fold my fur first please?" The growl said it all. "Okay..." I nervously stepped closer to him before being yanked onto his lap.

"Are you all packed now?" His hand gently ran up and down my thigh whilst he pressed his nose against my neck. I could only nod. "Good. Once we reach our Pack, I'll have some of the women get you more clothes. My bed is well covered but I have already hunted new furs for our Mating, it's tradition. You will stay in our quarters for three weeks before meeting the Pack. The Pack is very much looking forward to meeting the woman I am taking."

"Where and when will I eat?" Food?

"You will eat at the table when I bring you your food. You will also bathe when I say, change when I say and sleep when I say. If I tell you to stop knitting, you will do so without complaint. Else you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?" It seems all I can do right now is nod. "Speak!"

"Yes Gunner, I understand." Damn, I feel broken already. "May I pack some sewing too?"

"Nothing more after that. I have to carry all of this remember. Now, you best prepare for tonight's meal. This Pack is holding it in our honor after all." He already counts his Pack as mine... Kissing my forehead, Gunner left my tent. Now to prepare for the meal...

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