He's my Nerd. Got it?

By heyitsmae68

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"Even with that angelic face of his, there is a beastly character is hidden behind it just ready to come out"... More

Chapter 1- Meeting you
Chapter 2- High school
Chapter 3- Stuck with me
Chapter 4- Couple?!?
Chapter 5- Help me!
Chapter 6- Kiss
Chapter 7- Change in a good way
Chapter 8- Misunderstanding
Chapter 9- Sick
Chapter 10- The start
Chapter 11- Little by little
Chapter 13- Stalk you on your date
Chapter 14- Surprises
Chapter 15- Business talk with father
Chapter 16- Tyler...
Chapter 17- Official
Chapter 18- Farm
Chapter 19- Hate...
Chapter 20- The truth
Chapter 21- Without him
Chapter 22- The Plan
Chapter 23- Hey Partner
Chapter 24- Vacation Part I
Chapter 25- Vacation Part II
Chapter 26- Tell me
Chapter 27- Too Late?
Chapter 28- You and Me
Chapter 29- My one and only Nerd
Chapter 30- Ending

Chapter 12- love huh?

52.5K 1.6K 249
By heyitsmae68

HI their~

another chapter finished :]

hope you like it <3

 Song: we could happen by aj rafael

my fav song <33 love love love, and I think this song fits Callie and Ty ^^


Chapter 12- love huh?


“Well hello there chicken” I said grinning at Brent

“Shut up, if you tell that to anyone I swear I’m going to kill you” he said teasingly

“Hmm I’m fine with that, but when I’m dead I will hunt you day and night”

“Ok if you say so”

Ever since that day in the mall Brent and I became really close, he’s not as bad as I taught he was. I do get irritated when he tries to flirt with me which he does from time to time. As for Ty, he’s been away for a couple of days due to some ‘important’ business. One of this days I will find out what he’s hiding from me, but for now I’m just happy being with him.

“So where’s your little nerd?” Brent asked winking at girls as we walked down the hallway.

“He’s on a trip,” I said casually.

“It’s so weird, a smoking hot girl like you hanging out with a nerd like him”

“I don’t think it’s weird, he give me this feeling that I don’t feel with anyone else”

“Ah I think I know,” Brent said smirking and looking at me weirdly.

“Think you know what?”

“That feeling”

I looked at him anticipated in what he has to say. this feeling have been bugging me for a while and I want to know what is it, or something to make it more clear.

“Love,” Brent said slowly.

I stopped walking and looked at him

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said sternly.

“Of course I love him, his my friend”

“No not that kind of love, love that’s more than a friend”

I laughed at him, yeah right. Love? C’mon is he blind? I don’t love Ty, he’s more like a brother. After a couple more minutes of laughing I finally got myself together.

“You are so naive, clearly you haven’t experienced this kind of things before”

“Psh looks whose talking” I said

“Fine then, deny it all you want” He said as he started walking again

Classes passed by really slow for the past few days, I guess It’s because Ty wasn’t here. I’ve gotten so use to him, I wonder what will happen if I never went to that beach. I wouldn’t have met Ty. I sighed, I thought about what Brent said earlier. Loving Ty huh? I don’t know about the word love, it’s such a big word I don’t think I can handle that yet. But something about that word makes me so scared.

I drove back home in silence listening to a song that makes me smiled all the time. I played it back to the beginning, and tap my finger on the steering wheel. It’s a really cute song, one of my favourite actually.

I’ll hold the door

Please come in and just sit here for a while

This is my way of telling you

I need you in my life

I sang along with Aj Rafael’s song called we could happen

It’s so cold without your touch

I’ve been dreaming way too much

Can we just turn this into reality

Cuz I've been thinking 'bout you lately

Maybe you can save me

From this crazy world we live in

I know we could happen cuz you know

That I've been feeling you

I parked my car in front of the house, and sat there thinking of those three words.

“We could happen eh?” I mumbled

I walked inside with that words rumbling in my head. If we could happen what will our future be like? Wow I’m becoming deep, and soft. I went to my room and did the usual thing that made me relax, a hot bath. I stripped off my clothes and stepped in.

“What if...”


I went downstairs feeling not so well, I haven’t been able to sleep. I wonder why? As I made my way to the kitchen I saw my a light coming from my dad’s study. He’s home? That’s odd at this time of the year he’s always away on some business trip or something like that. I pressed my ear on the door and listened.

“Yes everything is fine, but I don’t know if she’ll forgive me” I heard my father said

“Very well then, take care” he continued

What is he talking about? And who was he talking to? I didn’t bother speaking to my father about this matter. I sighed, it’s like everybody is keeping a secret from me. I feel so left out, I hate it.

I went to school as if nothing happened, as if I didn’t hear anything. I did the usual, hang out with my friends and all but it just bothers me from time to time. I have a feeling that one of this days my life will come falling down apart.

“Hey” suddenly an angelic, cute, face came in front of me. The face that somehow keeps making me smile.

I jumped on him and wrapped my arms and legs around him, giving him a hug. I feel strange in some ways, I missed him so much. I heard him laugh through my actions. I should just shake away this feeling, I know that everything will be alright when I have Ty with me. I remembered the word love, I don’t know about that I think it’s better if we stay like this. Just the way we are now...friends

“Ty, oh my gosh I missed you so much. I’ve been waiting for this day, the day you come back and give me kiss” I said teasingly

He blushed, his face as red as a tomato. Yes that’s it, friends nothing more nothing less.

“Aw you’re blushing again”

“Um Callie, we’re kind a making a scene here” he said looking around with a embarrassed face filling his face

“What do you mean?”

He blushed even more and gestured his hands to our position.

“Oops” I said laughing

“So how was your trip?” I asked

“Uh...” he suddenly looked uncomfortable

“It was fine” he said covering his face with a fake smile

“I see, well can we hang out at your house today?”

“Sure why not, I still have to catch up with the work I missed” he said

“You really are a nerd” I said “A cute nerd actually, a very cute nerd”

After school Ty and I headed to his house right away, It’s nice that I could be myself in front of him. I’ve been hanging here for a while now, every after school we would do the usual routine. Eat, do homework, play video games, talk, and whatever we can think of.

Ty opened the door to his house and I went straight to the couch and open the television.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked

“Oh I know, I can make us something” I added

He looked at me and hesitated before saying something to me, he looked like he was debating whether he wants to speak.

“I think I should just cook for us tonight” he said scratching the back on his neck

I looked at him curiously, was there something wrong with my cooking? I taught he liked it.

“Ok then if you want to. Anyways why is it so hot in here?” I asked fanning myself with one the magazines

“Sorry about this, our air conditioner is broken”

“Oh I see”

Holy sh*t it’s so hot in here, I’m not use to not having an air conditioned house. And my thick clothing isn’t helping either. I was wearing a sweater and a long sleeve shirt in the bottom, adding to that I’m also wearing a tank top. Yeah It’s a fashion think, so don’t ask why I’m wearing this kind of clothing when it’s over twenty Celsius outside. I decided to strip out of my clothes so was just in my tank top. I glanced at Ty who was looking at me like I was some kind of new discovery. What an interesting look he got there? I stopped my actions and waited for what he’s going to do.    

“Aren’t you going to take that too?” he said pointing at my tank top

His eyes widened by his response, and he looked at me with a blush redder than ever before.

“I mean” Ty’s breathing became heavier, I guess he didn’t see that one coming either

“You want me to take it off?” I said fluttering my eyelashes and smirking at his innocent face

“No, don’t...”

“I’m going to start cooking now” Ty added as he got up and walked to the kitchen

I laughed as I watch him walked away and disappeared from my sight. At some point in our friendship something is bound to happen, I just know it.


<3 v/c/f

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