One Direction Preferences

By fallenforaband

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Different One Direction imagines and blurbs and preferences More

I'll Give You My Last Name (Niall Christmas)
Baby It's Cold Outside (Harry Styles)
First Kiss (Liam Payne)
Is There Somewhere (Harry Styles)
Exhaushted (Louis Tomilson)
Ends With A Dance (Harry Styles)
What Are We? (Harry Styles)
Im right here baby (Harry Styles)
Friend Zone H.S.
Sunnies H.S.
Jealousy F.Z. Part 3 H.S.
Date H.S. (Friend Zone Part 4)
Long Way Home H.S.
Confession N.H.
There's Just Something About You H.S.
Sick Day H.S.
Traffic H.S.
Save Me A Spark L.T.
Letting Go L.P.
The Hunt L.T.
Panic Attack
Engagement Rings 5/5
First Date Outfit 4/4
4/4 Instagram Post After Saying Goodbye From A Holiday
4/4 New Addition Announcement
4/4 Random Mommy and Daughter Post
Baby Fever L.T.
Friends With Benefits L.T.

Home For Christmas L.T.

25 0 0
By fallenforaband

Sometimes things in life just seem to come together, it is like the missing puzzle piece finally fits just right. All these years nothing or anyone just seemed to fit into you life. Boyfriend after boyfriend just seemed to be almost be ashamed of you. Though they swear up and down that that was not the case.

You just couldn't help but to think it was true now. With Louis everything was different. He was the male version of you. He does nothing but show his love for you in any way shape or form. From flooding his Instagram and twitter with photos of the two even when separated. Louis has even been known to send flowers and jewellery just because he was thinking about you.

This time of year was a little for different then the rest. Normally spending it family and loved ones. However, for you they were back in England while you had been studying in America. Getting caught up in finals you forgot to book your plane ticket home before the air fairs sky rocketed.

In a weird way you were relieved because you were supposed to spend Christmas dinner with the Tomlinson's. You had never meet a past boyfriends family so meeting Louis' seemed way to overwhelming. You had heard him Skyping them before while on tour. They were the complete opposite of your family, all of them being loud and crazy like Louis. You being the jokester of the family always bring them out of their selfs.

So, instead of flying home to split Christmas between two families you were staying in America having Christmas alone. Louis and your family hated the idea, but you simple could not afford it. There was no way you would ask Louis to help you, that would be using your boyfriend to your advantage. It was quiet sad you missed them so much.

It was a quiet night the week of Christmas and spending it alone was setting in. You pulled up Skype to see that Louis was online calling him straight away. But, instead of an answer you hear the faint sound of an in coming Skype call from outside your door.

"Oh shit, me phone." a muffled voice came through the door.

You could recall that voice from miles away. Flying out of your chair you rush to open the door to see non other then Louis.

"Louis what are you doing here?" you question him before you even take in the sight before you.

He was wrapped from the neck down in Christmas wrapping paper with a small gold wrapped box with a red bow in his mouth. You the gift out of Louis' mouth helping him out of his Christmas paper. "I couldn't stand the idea of you not being home for Christmas, love."

"So you flew to America just to spend Christmas with me?" that didn't add up. Louis loved spending Christmas with his family. All he could talk about for a month now was seeing his family, giving them gifts, and them finally meeting you.

"No," he shakes off the rest of his wrappings before hugging you tight to his chest. "We leave first thing in morning. We are spending Christmas the way we planned. We will get to your parents house by noon Christmas Eve then to Doncaster by noon Christmas Day. I can't not spend the best holiday in the in the world without my girl by me side. It just wouldn't be right."

You move back to the chair you came from, Louis shutting the door behind him. "I thought you would be excited love. We have been talking about Christmas for a month now."

"I am excited Louis," you avoid looking him in the eye. Admitting that you have never meet a boyfriends family before seeming harder then you ever thought it would be. You were in fact getting the Christmas blues which is why you tried to ring up Louis in the first place. But, meeting his family was a whole new set of nervous that you never felt before. "I was getting the Christmas Blues, which is why I tried to ring you."

"Then what it is love?" he kneels down in front of you pulling your chin up and over so he can look into your eyes. The eyes he always says is what made him fall for you. "Come on out with it. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well," you work up the nerve to admit this to him. "I was in a way relieved to not be home for Christmas. I have never in my life had to meet my boyfriends family. Let alone spend a major holiday with them. The more and more I thought about it, the more worked up I got about it. And I forgot about the plane ticket, until the air fairs jumped in price me, nor my parents could afford a ticket."

"You sure have dated some assholes love." He smiles. "My family already loves you to pieces. I told them how upset I was you wouldn't be coming home and you would be spending the holiday alone. I told them I wish I could just fly her home, but there was no way in the world you would expect me doing that. You would just cash in the ticket and send me back the money; which they thought was funny and what makes you such a good girl for me. So, they said Louis you have gone out to surprise her before do it again, that way she can't say no. They were sure your parents would love it. So, I called them up and they do it, they wanted us their for Christmas. See, love nothing to worry about you are just like us anyways."

Just hearing Louis' words made you feel better. He was right you couldn't say no to him dragging you home for Christmas in person, when it really was all you wanted.

Christmas was everything you had wished for. You always thought Louis was the missing puzzle pieces to your life, but it turns out is family was another missing piece. They welcomed you into their family and their traditions with open arms, just like your family did Louis when you started dating.

Lottie and you even making plans for the next time you join Louis on tour because she will now be working with Lou. You know understand why it didn't work out with any other boy and why it was probably best you didn't meet his family. No one can compare to the Tomlinson's. This was the greatest Christmas you could have asked for.

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