
By Spriggs2756

187 6 1

In 2019, weapon companies around the world began making a killing on selling weapons to the public; a company... More

The Prelude: A life changing deal

This war of hers

23 2 0
By Spriggs2756

Eiko tossed and turned in her bed as she slept, it was odd how she was able to still sleep when the person shes working for just said she was declaring war on the other companies that she was working against. Eiko dreamed she was in what looked like a prison visiting area; she felt small for some reason, she looked around the room to see that not a single soul was in the room as she sat at a steel table and on a small stool, Eiko looked down to her hands to see she had both her hands instead of her robotic hand.

The moment Eiko looked up she saw another child in the room, from what Eiko could see it was a little girl, she sat across from Eiko, then Eiko noticed that the girl was herself, the clone started to stare at Eiko when she came to the realization that she was looking at herself years in the past. The clone hopped up on the table and Eiko fell backwards onto the floor, her clone then leaped onto Eiko and grabbed her by the neck, the child clone stared at Eiko with giant crimson colored eyes before screaming at Eiko.

" Release me !" It yelled in a light Japanese accent before drawing a knife on Eiko and cocked it's arm drawing the knife back in a dramatic fashion, but before she could feel the cold blade touch her throat, Eiko instantly woke up in a cold sweat, but before she could even wipe the sweat from her forehead, she quickly got up and ran into the bathroom feeling a bad urge to use it. When Eiko was finished doing her business, she looked at herself in the mirror.

She was glad that she kept her robotic arm and leg on while she slept, Eiko wiped the sweat from her forehead with her robotic hand feeling the warm metal rub across her head." I-I never had a nightmare like that before or even ever." She spoke to herself, Eiko was breathing heavy but soon calmed down and washed up in the bathroom when she came out of the bathroom she was back to her old stoic self.

As Eiko began going back to her room, Jun seemed to kick in the front door to the apartment, she seemed to be wired or really excited about something because the first thing she did was nearly yell what was on her mind." I'm Home ! Are my two little noodles awake ?!" Jun was wearing a a white suit with a bright blue turtle neck she had on pair finger less red gloves and a purple lipped smile on her face.

When Jun noticed that only Eiko was awake and wearing a simple ash tank top and a pair of black briefs, she looked over to the door leading to Maya's room, she casually walked over, and instead of lightly knocking like a normal human being, Jun began punching the door like she was angry followed by yelling." Maya ! Maya ! Wake up ! Time for war, and I want my giant German shield by my side !" The punching turned to head butting.

Eiko grabbed Jun in a bear hug and pulled her away before Maya opened her door and asked what the time was in German, she walked out with her minty green hair dangling down to her shoulders and in her face, she was wearing a pajama suit in the what Eiko could guess was in the quad x region. The second Jun had her sights on Maya, she broke free from Eiko's robotic grip and dusted off her white blazer, she cleared her throat and noticed that Maya wasn't dressed either.

" Why aren't either of you dressed ? I thought that it was simple enough to get from my speech the other day that I was going to kill my competition, without mercy." Jun began stomping her feet like an angry child, Maya patted Jun on the head." Jun, the adults are sleeping, calm yourself down." Maya said in a cool tone, she sounded like she wasn't even bothered that a woman child just punched and headbutted her door to wake her up.

" Juny, why don't you make us some of those burgers you make so well ?" Maya asked still sounding a mix of cool and tired, the whole look of the situation seemed somewhat familiar to her. Eiko remembered back when her mother would pull her out of bed to wake her up in the morning and if she were to try to wake her mother she'd get yelled at for doing something simple, and how her father would always simply just shake her awake and tell her that it was morning.

Jun just seemed to instantly jump to the idea of cooking for them." Oh my Jun burgers! Sure I'll make some for the both of you, so you two can shake yourself awake." Jun quickly dashed into their kitchen and began looting the fridge for food, before Eiko could even speak Maya simply put a hand on Eiko's shoulder." I think I should have told you this earlier, Jun is one of those people always awake and full of energy. We should get dressed for whatever it is the princess has to tell us."

After both Eiko and Maya got dressed, Eiko in her navy blue jacket and black pants, and Maya with a simple long sleeve shirt and cargo pants. They went into the apartment's kitchen where Jun presented two giant looking burgers that had looked like sloppy Joes, the meat inside the buns looked like warm looking slop, or gruel with large pieces of meat. Eiko thought twice about eating the burger, but Maya on the other hand just chowed down on the burger, she took a giant bite out of the burger.

" Eiko you shouldn't judge it on it's outward appearance, it's good despite it's look." Maya tried to reassure her and get the pale girl to take a bite out the burger. Eiko put her robotic hand over the burger and attempted to not get whatever substance was in between the buns, but sadly it still got on her robotic arm and Eiko switched hands." Eat it quickly Eiko or you'll make a mess on the plate." Maya said with a full mouth.

Eiko mentally said " Screw it " she shoved the burger into her mouth and took a bite out of it, she didn't bare to chew it and only wolfed it down, surprisingly Eiko soon felt a burst of energy. She then began devouring the rest of the strange burger quickly and then noticed that she was actually licking the metal on her right arm. Both Jun and Maya couldn't help but chuckle at Eiko licking her hands." No human being can resist a Jun burger. They may look horrible on the outside, but like an ugly looking woman, they are tasty on the inside"

Maya chuckled at how Jun described her own food." You should make them look tasty, now what was it you came in here for Jun, we got to go somewhere ? Or a shopping spree for suits again ? " Maya asked. Jun put a hand on her chin as if she needed to think about what she was just going on about earlier." You couldn't have forgotten why you kicked our door in Jun that's just crazy if you did that then cooked for us for no real reason." Eiko gave the purple eyed woman a piece of her mind.

Jun snapped her fingers ignoring what Eiko said."Ah I know why now." She put her hands onto the kitchen table and looked at the two." The both of you know that our company is pretty much in control of the Japanese weapons here, but sadly the weapons that we sell here are only the pussy guns while everything else gets shipped Right." Jun sounded serious as she spoke to the two of them her smile gone, Maya nodded to their boss while Eiko didn't really know what the company did too much, she only focused on Jun.

" Jun I've been here for two weeks and only know that you guys make weapons and your somewhat bi-polar." Eiko revealed all she knew of the company. Jun groaned for a quick second and looked at Eiko." Well let's not be boring you guys, I'll get up to steel tacks." Jun said in a cheerful tone. " Down to brass tacks." Eiko corrected.

Jun cracked a smile again, she spun around saying." I don't care." She stopped spinning and did a pose with her hand in front of her mouth and over one of purple her eyes." Listen up." Jun turned serious once again." Consider this to be like a gang war. We have the Destroyers moving on our turf Swan, we can't have them flexing their muscle ! So let's show them what Excalibur is made of !" Jun told the two.

Eiko stared at the purple eyed woman like she was crazy and didn't get where she was going with what she told the two of them, Maya cleared her throat." So someone thought about coming over the pond and attack our business." Maya crossed her arms and looked angry." I hate it when people fuck with our money." The giantess pulled back her hair and put it into a ponytail with some rubber bands.

Both Eiko and Maya got up from the table." So where are they Jun, we can attack them with the guards here with a-" Eiko proposed a plan only for Jun to cut into it mid sentence." Nope." Jun simply told Eiko." We're going to do this, none of the guards here are trained for assault, and a giant fire fight in the streets of Japan would give the company bad rep with people, so that's a no."

" Then what do you want us to do ?" Eiko asked.

" Easy. We attack, just us, it can be like a girl outing or whatever girls all do with each other when they go out together." Jun told them.

" Well before we jump in the car and make ourselves known, we gotta figure out where they are." Maya said to Jun.

" They are right in the Yokohama district." Jun informed Maya.

Eiko put both her hands up before saying." Hold up Jun. You want only me and Maya to go up against an unknown amount of security guards and possibly body guards."

" Yup." Jun said with a smile

" An unknown amount that probably have heavy weapons and superior fire power."

"Mmm hmm." Jun nodded." You sound like your nervous ? I didn't think you'd be nervous Eiko."

Eiko stared at Jun, she almost shot her boss a glare but stopped herself." I'm not, the idea of not knowing the odds of a battle excites me actually."

Jun put her hands together in front of her face looking like she was some type of villain from a canceled television show." Well Swan, I think Snow here is ready to flex on these fools, what do you think ?" Jun asked Maya.

Maya chuckled." Shes ready, we should get ready in the garage, instead of in public or in front of our enemies ." Maya told Jun.

Jun saluted Maya before dashing out of the apartment, Eiko put her robotic hand on her forehead and felt the metal fingers on her skin." Maya you gotta tell me why she called me Snow and you Swan."

Maya put one of her big hands on Eiko's shoulder before they walked out locking the door behind them." You'll get it over time Eiko." She told her with a warm smile, the two joined Jun on the elevator and took a long ride down to the garage level of the building.

When the doors to the elevator opened up, the trio was greeted by an underground parking lot with several different types of car, from lame sedans, all the way to expensive sports cars. The black limo Jun loved was parked at the end of garage, leaning on the hood was the driver that drove the group before in America, Eiko forgot his name.

The driver stood up straight upon seeing the three, he gave Jun a warm smile." I have your weapons and armor in the trunk, and Miss Jun, your Swords are in the back of the limo." He told them.

" Awesome !" Jun yelled before jumping into the limo.

Like the last time Eiko and Maya went to the trunk of the Limo and Maya popped the trunk, like always it was filled with a plethora of weapons making it a small armory, Eiko grabbed the P90 with her robotic hand and loaded a full magazine of ammo into the weapon, when Eiko looked over to Maya the giantess was half suited up, she was wearing the pants to her armor and glanced over to Eiko while she strapped on a gauntlet to her wrist.

Eiko set the submachine gun down in the trunk and took off her leather jacket and shirt, the thin pale girl put on a bulletproof vest and put her shirt and jacket back on. Once Eiko felt ready she got into the Limo and left the door open for Maya. The second she got a look at Jun she kept her eyes on the purple eyed woman; Jun to Eiko's eyes looked as if she was some Yakuza mob boss, she was looking over a katana in both her hands.

Jun slowly unsheathed the blade in front of her mouth and nose, Jun's eyes were devoid of any real emotion as she unsheathed the sword, she almost seemed stoic while she was doing it. While Jun was examining the blade, Eiko got a look of the sword as well, the sheathe of the katana was a black as night with several images of what looked like cherry blossom petals.

The sword it's self was an obsidian katana with a normal hand guard, but on the handle there were brass knuckles as if Jun would punch some one with it, for all Eiko knew she would. Next to Jun sitting up right was a second blade with a white sheathe and blue petals on the sheathe, the hand guard looked exactly the same as the one Jun was holding, and the handle was just the same, a brass knuckle.

When Jun took her eyes off the blade to see Eiko sitting in front of her, her eyes showed she had a shocked look, she instantly sheathed the blade she was starting at and set it down next to the other katana." Oh Eiko I didn't even notice you at all, sorry about that E, so are you ready for our assault ?" Jun asked planting a smile on her face.

Eiko pointed to the two swords before saying." Are you going to fight too ?" Eiko asked ignoring Jun's question.

Jun just waved the question away along with waving her hand back and forth." Oh they are swords from my school days and childhood years." Jun told Eiko sounding like she was deep in thought but still she had a smile on her face.

Before Eiko could dig deeper into what Jun was about to get at, Maya got into the Limo giving the limo a lean to it, Maya sat down next to Eiko and looked at the two." Ah Maya your here, say something in German so I can hit the exit door to this conversation with Eiko." Jun pleaded with the giantess smile still firm on her face.

" Uhh Luchs." The giantess uttered.

Eiko cracked an eyebrow at Jun, then the white suited woman yelled out." Punch it !" Suddenly the limo took off in the garage, Eiko could feel the turns that the driver made when he turned and hung on when they started to go up ramps, the second the limo got out of the garage the driver didn't stop when they were out in the streets, the driver managed to squeeze the limo in between cars as they made several green lights and nearly hit people.

After several near misses and after running through a few red lights, they soon stopped with the tires screeching and leaving burnout marks on the ground. Eiko put the P90 into her leather jacket, and looked out the tinted windows, she didn't see any skyscrapers like Jun's building in eye sight, Eiko climbed over to the other side of the limo only to see a tall apartment building.

" Jun where are we ? I thought we were going to someone's company ?" Eiko asked. Jun looked out the same window Eiko was looking out of and noticed the tall apartment building." Yeah that's it I put in the right coordinates that I've been sent, I doubt someone would mess with my and text me something stupid." Jun pulled out her cellphone and looked at it.

" Yeah it's this place right here." Jun told them both." Why don't we just go in and say Leroy Jenkins." Jun opened the door to the limo and stepped out onto the pavement with her heels, she looked to the front door and began heading towards it, she had one of her swords with her she slipped it through the loop on her belt as Eiko and Maya began catching up to Jun.

The front doors to the apartment building were made of mirrored glass or two way glass, Maya pushed both Jun and Eiko out of the way and charged head first into the glass doors shattering them into pieces, on the inside of the apartment building there were several large wires going across the floor and in the middle of the room there was a large desk similar to the greeter desk in Jun's building, the entire first floor looked almost the same as Jun's lobby.

Sadly for the trio, the lobby wasn't empty, several men dressed as security guards were at the giant front desk, they were several guards, once they saw the giantess they smashed the alarm button and the entrance doors had shutters drop down from the ceiling blocking the way out. Eiko and Jun managed to slide under the shutters before they could be locked out of the building, the two took cover behind the giantess as the guards began opening fire on Maya with pistols, Eiko was about to step out into the open line of fire but she first stuck her robotic hand out from behind Maya only for a bullet to slam right into her metal palm.

" Ah !" Eiko Shook her robotic hand before looking at the small bullet stuck in her robotic hand, she but the end of the bullet and pulled it out with her teeth, Maya suddenly began walking forwards, as she did Eiko and Jun stuck close to her." Ah it's nice to have an impenetrable shield to give you cover when you need it most." Jun said in a casual tone over the gun fire, the guards taking cover behind the the giant front desk were taking turns shooting Maya.

As they were inching closer to the desk, Eiko got an idea, she pulled her machine gun from her jacket and climbed up on Maya's back, from the giantess' back Eiko had a good shot at the guards she fired the first half of her magazine at the guards hitting a couple of them as she fired the gun right next to Maya's ear the giant German cursed just loud enough for Eiko to hear her over her own gun." Scheise !"

Eiko grabbed the large armored back plate on Maya's back with her robotic arm and jumped off Maya's back and into the air, while Eiko was in mid air time just seemed to slow down as she caught a glimpse of the remaining guards behind the front desk, there were only two; with one guard gravely injured and bleeding from Eiko's bullets.

While Eiko was falling she fired the rest of her magazine at the guard's but missed her shots, the second she landed on the floor she landed like a cat on her feet, she rushed to the front desk as the two guards attempted to shoot at her only for her vault over the desk and get behind them.

The two guys tried to spin around to her but Eiko grabbed one guy's wrist with her robotic arm, while she kicked the other in the back of his knees with her robotic leg, Eiko began slammed the guy's face into the front desk while she crushed the other man's wrist with her robotic arm she then let go of him and watched as he dropped his gun and held his wrist in pain.

When the two guards were dispatched, Eiko grabbed one of the guard's pistols with her robotic hand and shot the guard with the crushed wrist in the head, she then turned her sights to the guard that was injured by her P90 and turned the pistol on him, without any mercy Eiko shot him several times till the pistol's magazine was empty.

After Eiko was finished with the guard she threw the pistol onto the floor next to the bodies, as Jun and Maya approached the front desk, Jun leaped over the front desk and sat in one of the security guard's chairs and tried to recline." Damn these horrible security guard's chairs." Jun noticed 2 portable radios on a charger waiting to be grabbed she grabbed both and tossed each to both Maya and Eiko.

" I gots a plan my little noodles." Jun told them." Maya your gonna clear out the building one floor at a time, show no mercy and put that German task force experience to work."

" What about you ?" Eiko asked.

" Oh I'll hold down the fort right here." Jun said with a smile.

Maya saluted Jun saying." Aye Aye." Maya smiled under her gas mask, she walked over to the elevators at the end of the lobby.

" Eiko, I want you at the top floor, if I'm right." Jun chuckled almost nervously." And I know I am, then who ever leads this place will be at the top, unless this place has a big basement or subbasement."

Eiko nodded." Got it." she told her boss before going over to the second elevator.

Both Maya and Eiko pressed the button to call their elevators, when they arrived, Jun stood up yelling." Oh and Change the radio channels to channel 3 !"

Eiko and Maya changed the radios over to the channel that Jun yelled at them before climbing into their elevators and going up. As Eiko's elevator began going up, she soon sat on the elevator's floor feeling as if she was in for a long ride, as she was going up, she listened to the radio, she could hear gun fire on the other end of the radio; Eiko could tell it was Maya, the radio's gun fire soon turned into screams of both fear and possibly pain.

The pale girl then put the radio into her jacket and got ready for anything on the other side of the door, she reloaded her P90, but as she dropped her magazine onto the elevator floor, the entire box stopped and the lights inside went out.

Eiko pried open the doors to the elevator to see she was in between two rooms, she wasn't at the top and she wasn't gonna call Jun over the radio to tell her the elevator shut down, Eiko looked up and climbed up on the elevator's railings, she punched the ceiling a couple times in different spots till a panel opened up and she climbed out of it.

Once out, she was greeted by concrete walls and lights travelling up and down, Eiko quickly spotted what she was looking for, the service ladder, she grabbed it as the elevator began to start up again, she quickly jumped onto the ladder and watched as the elevator began going back down to the first floor. Eiko looked up to see a long climb, she took out the radio and held down the button as she climbed up the ladder," Jun. It's gonna take me a while to get to the top, the elevator was powered down, and now it's going back to the ground floor."

" Copy." Jun said over the radio. Eiko began climbing up the ladder once in a while she heard gunfire over the radio, after a while of listening to the gun fire and screams, she wished that the radio played some music or at least a cool song to keep her going. After taking a quick brake, Eiko looked down to see a massive drop, she kept climbing and looking up knowing that she would get to the top soon.

After what felt like an hour of climbing Eiko felt like her muscles burned and she felt like her veins were pumping battery acid, Eiko jumped from the ladder and to the elevator doors, she felt herself falling backwards. Eiko jammed her robotic hand in between the doors and pulled herself close to the doors; she didn't know where she got the energy to do it, but she took a moment to catch her breath and let the beads of sweat drip off her forehead and down the elevator shaft.

After catching her breath Eiko pried the doors open and threw herself onto the top floor, her face quickly met the white marble floor, when she pushed herself off the ground she took a knee and radioed Jun again." I'm...I'm at the top Jun...It was a climb...." Eiko said in between breaths. As Eiko waited for Jun's response she looked around the top floor, the room was like something out of ancient Greek temple, in the center of the room there was a giant water fountain with several nearly nude woman pouring jugs of water that seemed endless.

On the other side of the fountain there was a giant set of doors that looked like they belonged to Maya's great ancestors, the were doors so massive that Eiko felt like an ant when she approached them. Eiko stared up at the doors and pulled out her portable radio," Jun it looks like someone is emulating you in style, but going with a white theme." Eiko told her boss.

On the other end of the radio there was a gasp." That racist, how can someone see the bright colors of white over the tasteful dark colors of granite and black, Eiko you have permission to take who ever is copying me out with extreme prejudice." Jun ordered Eiko in an angered tone." Anyone else is a prisoner of this war."

Eiko looked to the radio as Jun gave her orders, when she was finished speaking, Eiko put the radio into her jacket pocket before she put her hands onto the doors, Eiko began pushing the heavy doors open with all her strength, the doors slowly opened but as soon as there was a opening big enough for Eiko, or in Eiko's case small enough for her to just squeeze through. Eiko noticed the office behind the doors looked like an exact copy of Jun's, Giant desk, some trophies besides many like in Jun's, and a couple paintings that were covered by white tarps.

When Eiko took a step into the room with her robotic foot and squeezed through the gap, a small square object was thrown from behind the giant desk in the room, it landed right in front of Eiko's metal foot, and in the split second she saw the small square she noticed that it was a block of C4. Eiko quickly turned and jumped away from the doors as the C4 went off, the explosion from C4 block tossed Eiko into the fountain, but before she hit the water her back slammed onto the edge of the fountain.

As Eiko put her hands around the rim of the fountain pulling herself out of the water, she noticed that the C4 obliterated the giant doors and kicked up a cloud of smoke, as the smoke began to clear Eiko noticed a figure in the smoke. It was a guy, the second the smoke subsided Eiko saw the man clearly, it was a guy wearing a fleece blue jacket and some simple jeans, he was wearing a blue military cap with a doctor's mask covering his mouth, his eyes were a bright odd yellow.

In one of the guy's hands he had a simple metal bat, his opposite hand was in his pocket." YO ! Homie you still kicking ?" He asked winking one of his putrid eyes." Well since ya ass is still alive might as well make this fight fair."

Eiko leaped out of the fountain, and confronted the guy, as she stood in front of him the water that dripped from her clothes began to pool up under her." Damn dude, I soaked you with that C4, well at least your not that big dude." the guy told her ." Ahh well might expect him later."

" I'm a girl." Eiko told him her gender, the guy looked at Eiko with shocked yellow eyes and cocked an eyebrow at her." Huh I guess you must be one of those reverse traps my boss talks about." He thought aloud." Well less chatting, gotta fight you then that other guy later."

Eiko stared the guy down and took out her P90, she aimed it at him, and the second she did the entire room went black and white, the sound of everything else became muted and all Eiko's focus was on this bodyguard. The pale girl began firing her machine gun at the yellow eyed man only for him to dive backwards around the fountain and out of Eiko's line of fire.

The pale girl ran around the fountain only for the guy to use his baseball bat to disarm her and knock her P90 out of her hands, Eiko hopped away from the guy and put up her fist to fight the guy with her hands." Nice power glove when I kick your ass I'll see if it's one size fits all." The guy complimented her robotic arm mistaking it for some toy.

But his compliment gave her an idea; the blue jacketed man soon jumped spinning in mid air, he held his bat with one hand and planned on bashing Eiko's head in, time seemed to slow down as the bat closed in to her head, she used her robotic arm to block the bat sending splinters into her hair and on the floor. Once the bat broke the guy dropped the handle to it and took a couple steps back," Well there goes the old bat, had her for a lone while almost sad to see her go." the guy expressed some sorry for his weapon.

" Well might as well use the next best thin a knife." The man reached into his jacket with both hands and pulled out two kitchen knives, Eiko quickly glanced at her gun across the room next to one of the pillars in the room. The guy rushed Eiko swinging his knives at Eiko, the pale girl deftly dodged them without breaking a sweat or even needing a quick breath of air.

But for the guy he was huffing and puffing after a couple of swings, and standing still trying to catch his breath, Eiko used that moment to punch him with her robotic hand, she could feel that right hooks were really laying into him as his reactions to the punches seemed almost dramatic as his head flew side to side from the punches, Eiko then delivered a strong straight punch making the guy stumble backwards.

The man caught himself from falling over and pulled down his doctor's mask, the guy spat some blood onto the white floor and wiped his mouth with a dark gloved hand and put his mask back on his face, the guy threw one of his knives at Eiko luckily hitting her in her in the shoulder. Some of Eiko's own blood got on her face and she didn't show the pain she felt, she pulled the blade out her shoulder and smeared the blood on her cheek.

" You'll pay for that." Eiko told him as she dashed towards him quickly swinging the kitchen knife, the guy blocked the knife with his own knife, and as the metal hit each other sparks flew and a loud clang sound filled the air several times repeatedly, in no time the guy was out of breath again, he attempted to punch Eiko with his off hand but she caught his wrist with her robotic hand.

Eiko began to slowly crush the guy's wrist in her robotic palm, the guy yelled out in pain and dropped his knife, once he did Eiko stabbed him with the kitchen blade and kicked him to the floor with her robotic leg, the guy's hat fell off as he landed on the floor back first with a knife jutting out his gut. The man held his stomach around the knife trying not to make the injury worse, the color to the room began to fade back in and the sounds of the pouring water began to come back to Eiko's ears.

" Damn girl, you shanked me like a prison bitch. I'm not about that dying life fam, let me live I won't back stab you in the back, all I got on me now is just a pocket full of dollars, some bubblegum and a stolen wallet ." the guy felt around his pants pockets." Well look at that I'm all outta wasabi gum. Fuck me."

Eiko pushed him onto the floor face up with her regular hand." Stay here I'll deal with you later." Eiko grabbed her machine gun and began walking into the office, when she entered the room seemed empty, Eiko walked up to the desk to notice someone cowering behind it, once she saw their forehead and eyes she didn't hesitate and shot them in the forehead before walking back out into the giant marble outer section of the office floor.

Eiko noticed the guy was still alive and laying on his back face up, Eiko began circling around the guy with her gun trained on him, the guy only returned a look at Eiko silently; Eiko slowly squeezed the trigger to the machine gun. Suddenly the radio crackled to life startling her." Mein job is finished Jun, returning to the lobby with the survivors."

" Awesome Maya ! A good job like always" Jun complemented her over the radio." Eiko did you manage to keep anyone alive on your rampage ?"

After over hearing the radio the guy leaned up and gave Eiko a look." Yo ! Don't I count as one of those ? a survivor ? someone alive." The guy asked.

Eiko began letting go of the trigger before pulling her radio out of her pocket and putting a couple inches from her face." Yes, one person, possible bodyguard that I dispatched non-lethally, he's somewhat badly injured and could use some medical attention." Eiko reported over the radio.

" Cool so now we got a prisoner, bring him down if you can." Jun ordered Eiko.

When Jun told Eiko to bring the guy down Eiko slowly put her machine gun in her jacket along with her radio." what is your name ? " The girl asked.

The guy looked Eiko in the eye." The name's Gaz, I use to be a uhh, a vigilant." He told her.

" Do you mean a vigilante ?"

" Yeah...Yeah that's what my boss called me." Gaz agreed." So you gonna take me to the lobby ? The elevator should still be up and running." Gaz informed her.

Eiko grabbed the knife in Gaz's guts and pulled it out making him groan in pain." Damn that hurt like ten bitches on a boat !" He yelled holding his now bleeding stomach, Eiko then grabbed Gaz's arm and pulled him onto her shoulders. She walked over to the elevator and pressed the button to call it up to the top floor, the second that it arrived to their floor it opened and they were greeted with an calming music and a empty elevator.

Eiko walked in with Gaz still on her shoulders and hit the button for the lobby as the elevator began descending down to the ground level, Gaz began asking questions." So uhh, how's your boss on sane levels ?"

" What do you mean ? "

" Well I'm asking if shes just gonna execute me and probably whoever else is down in the lobby."

" Personally, I don't know."

" How do you not know what your own boss will do ?"

" Shes...Very unpredictable really, for all I know she might just take a selfie with you and send you to the hospital."

" Oh. Well you think you could tell her not to execute me like some prisoner of war fam ? I wanna have a future."

" No, it will be her choice of what she does with you."

Gaz yelled out," Oh come on !" the doors to the elevator opened up to show a blood bath on one side of the lobby and a on the other there were several men and women lined up on their knees with their hands on their heads, Maya was sitting on the front desk with her helmet off and looking bored till she laid her eyes on Eiko.

" Ahh Eiko, Jun is ahhhh...." Before Maya could make something up, blood splashed on the side of her face from the bloody side of the room. Eiko looked over to see Jun holding her katana and see a man have his head fall off his shoulders and for his body to hit the floor; Jun's white suit and light blue turtle neck was splattered with blood, probably the blood of all the people that Maya took as prisoners.

Eiko threw Gaz onto the floor and in front of Jun, Gaz looked at Jun, and Eiko could tell he was some what nervous about the situation, Jun put the katana into Gaz's knife would and gave him a deathly stare, Eiko noticed the death stare and how serious Jun looked." Get down or lay down, which is your choice ?" Jun asked.

The question made Eiko cock an eyebrow, but she could see Gaz understood it when he spoke." Get down, I don't even care if your gonna give me 2 nickles every two weeks, I think I choose to be breathing than get my guts spilled on the floor." After hearing Gaz's answer Jun slowly pulled the blade out his wound, and wiped the blood off her katana in the crook of her arm.

Jun turned her back on Gaz and Eiko before sheathing her katana, once it was sheathed, Jun spun around with a smile on her face." Nice, you'll be subjected to a 168 hour jailing period in my skyscraper's brig. Eiko let's go, Maya I'll make sure to send someone with a transport to get these people all back home, make sure none of them try anything funny." Jun sounded so casual as she spoke.

Jun and Eiko walked over to the shutters blocking the exit, as the two gotten close to it Jun called out to Maya." Ohh Maya could you please open the shutters ?" The giantess punched a button on the desk opening the shutters slowly, once they were open Eiko noticed how bright the sunlight was outside, part of her even forgot that it was still daylight out.

As Eiko and Jun got into the Limo, Eiko stared at her boss and turned the safety on her gun before setting it down onto the limo's padded seats." Jun, are we going back to the building ?" Eiko asked. Jun took off her blood soaked blazer and turtle neck before saying." Yes, but first I want to buy another white suit, I ruined this one. Also don't think I haven't noticed your lack of wardrobe, you only got like two outfits."

" four if I mix them right." Eiko corrected her boss.

Jun shook her head." No Eiko a woman needs to have a wardrobe to show she means business while I'm buying clothes I'll get you some clothes as well."

Eiko sighed she managed to cross her arms as Jun took out her cellphone, Eiko managed to just ignore Jun's conversation as she stared out the window watching the landscape change. The pale girl began thinking about what Jun was trying to do, Jun was trying to start a war with the other weapon companies that have been in business longer than her; Eiko thought having a war against people with more experience than Jun, Eiko gazed back to Jun and noticed that Jun wasn't too old and didn't seem like she knew what she was doing besides causing a blood bath.

The pale girl didn't know which direction that Eiko was going with this war of hers, but it was going somewhere even if it was some direction Eiko couldn't see, Eiko crossed her arms and laid back in her seat she figured she'd get some rest before escorting Jun around a mall or clothing store, the ladder really killed her energy and before Eiko knew it she was snoring in the limo fast asleep.

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