Mistletoe [nouis]

By ouijalover

67.5K 3.2K 647

"Dear Santa, I just want my dad to be in love. Maybe that new guy down the street?" The one where Louis' dau... More

Dear Santa


7.5K 347 31
By ouijalover

It's 11 days till Christmas and Niall was sitting home alone. His mom had to go back late last night after staying for thanksgiving.

He hated living alone, he also hated the fact he was spending his favourite holiday alone. All his friends are back home in Ireland probably going to the neighborhood annual block party that was in his neighborhood every Christmas, while he sits here board and probably going to watch How I Met Your Mother or friends. Those same friends will go out and get drunk on New Years while he sits here, alone not sure where to go. He moved in around Halloween and still hasn't made a decent friend. He met one guy when he was out buying a turkey.

His name was Harry and he had long hair and green eyes. He seemed nice and Niall thought he made his first friend. But when he was finish buying his stuff so was there conversation.

Niall was watching friends when the doorbell rang. He pauses the show, even though he has seen it a million times, and walked to the door.

He opens to find the cute boy from down the street.
"Hi." Niall says hoping he comes off friendly and not nervous.

"Hi I'm Louis from down the street." He said to make sure Niall remembered him.

"I remember." Niall smiled.

"Well you had a note saying something about babysitting. I was wondering if tonight you could take Bea for a bit? I'm seeing a friend-"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me."

Louis smiled at the blond boy. Usually every babysitter would question everything like where your were going and why. It's quite stupid and disrespectful, it's not their business.

"When will she be over?" Niall pulled out his phone.

"Around 6 and I will be back to pick her up at 8 maybe 9." Niall nodded and typed down the information. He then opened his phone book and hit

new contact.

"I will need your phone number or email just in case something happens." Louis took the phone and typed in his number and put his name with his daughters in parentheses.

He handed the phone back. Usually he would never put the persons name into a contact, he has everyone filled into his notes on the phone which gets transferred to his computer. But there where 2 reasons he decided to add him as a contact.

One: he lives down the street so he might call often about babysitting.
Two: way to get his number without coming off flirty or like he likes him. He doesn't know if the older lad is gay, hell he doesn't even know if he is ready to date again.

"And is there anything she is allergic too food wise?"

"Nuts, that's all I know of now." Niall nodded and typed it in.

"If there any rules I should know now?"

"Her bed time is 9 but she might pass out before then. No sugar past 7, and no video game playing on the phone past 8." Niall typed it all in and saved the note.

He smiled up the Doncaster Lad.

"Okay see you at 6."

"Wait your not really expensive are you? I mean you don't seem like you are but I need to ask."

"No I'm not, 5 pounds an hour and per kid. Unless the kid is over the age of 9 then it's 10. Because seriously, why does a 10 year old need a babysitter." Louis laughed. The skin besides his eyes crinkle and his eyes sparkle in Nialls. He was so beautiful and his laugh was absolutely amazing.

"True. Well okay see you later. Thank you."

"No problem." Niall waved and shut the door. Guess I have to do 2 days worth of cleaning in 4 hours.

Nialls house was a mess and he doesn't want to come off as a pig on the first introduction of the boy he likes kid.

He ran around throwing clothes into a basket and throwing them in the washer. He ran into every room and grabbed all the dirty dishes and placed them in the sink. I will do them last, he thinks while he grabs Clorox wipe and paper towels.

4 hours later the sound of his doorbell rang through the house.

He jumped down from the bar stool, clicking off his phone which was playing a YouTube video on how to cook some elaborate meal he was never going to actually do but he enjoyed watching the process of cooking, and went to open the door.

"Hi." Niall said in a happy tone and a bright smile. He looked at the small girl in Louis arms. She looked sad.

"No daddy I want to go with you."

"Sweetie you can't I'm sorry. You will have fun with Niall. I love you see you soon." Louis placed her on the ground just inside the door.

"Bye and thank you again." Louis said after giving his daughter a small kiss on the top of her head.

"Anytime mate." Niall responded simply and Louis shut the door as he went on his way.

Niall was about to crouch to the girls level when she already started making her way to the couch. Easy enough. He walks over and sits beside her, her head still lowered and eyes full of sadness.

"So your name is Bea." She nodded slightly not making a noise as she did so.

"Come on don't be sad. Your dad will be home soon." She shrugged and swung her legs back and forth.

What to do. Niall thinks. When they are sad it's harder to take care of them. He looks around until he notices the lack of Christmas spirit in his house.


"You like Christmas right?" She nodded.

"Well as you can see my house is still pretty plain, and I have no Christmas tree..Why don't we go get me one, one that's already puffed out and full so we can decorate it when we get it up."

Her face lifted and she met his eyes. A small smile formed on her face.

"Okay." She said less sad then before.

He smiled back at her and grabbed his keys and wallet. His phone already in his pocket.

He picks up Bea and walks out the house locking the door behind him.

After an hour of driving and looking they found the perfect tree to bring back. It was 6 feet and full of life, and sap. They made it home and Niall gave the house key to Bea.

"Go unlock the door and keep it open so I can bring the tree in. Oh and set this in front of the window." He handed her the stand to hold the tree. She nods and runs to the door.

He waits till she sees her standing at the door after setting down the stand.

He brings in the tree and puts it in the stand. He screws the metal things in the stand into the tree, like your supposed to, and filled it with water.

"Now let me get my decorations."

Now Bea was really excited. That once sad look was replaced with happiness and Christmas joy.

"Yeah!" She clapped her hands together.

This is going to be a fun evening.

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