The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 1: Cuts

487 13 0
By Peace_life_Nh

Read if you dareeeee...


Do you ever have that feeling of pure fear? The type of fear where you sense it. You can not feel it physically, even though it'll find a way to hurt you both ways. It's like that feeling when you're all alone in your house, and you hear a sound.

It was the feeling of immense fear. Darkness circulating my vision. I heard my heart pumping ferociously through my ear. Illuminating with the thoughts of unknown.

I heard indistinct sounds coming from the far corner. Which rose my anxiety. Sky rocketing my nerves and creating the only illusions I could think of.

Where am I? Why am I here? Please be a dream please be a dream. Nightmare correction.

This wasn't the fear where it was there and left soon after. This was a lingering ever so silently.

I was shaking.

It was worse than the tiny fears of unknown. Like when you're in the schools' bathroom, the bathroom stall creaks, but you're the only person there. While you're looking at the bathroom stall like what the fuck? Then some chick walks in, asking why you look so freaked out, but you just leave trying not to suffer further embarrassment when you know in reality she should mind her own business—


If anyone ever felt like that then multiply that feeling by a thousand, Add a dark room.

Physical and mental fear were evolving in my mind, once I felt the presence of someone else. I hope this is all a dream and Thomas took me somewhere. The fact I didn't know where I was..

Where I last was. Where was I last? Crap what? There was nothing, but darkness in the empty room.

Maybe it wasn't a room at all.

My thoughts diverted to what had me constrained, I started hyperventilating.

My hands had something leathery around it. Enclosing each hand to one another. Closed tightly. My feet were bound as well.

Maybe if this was some kinky move my boyfriend made it would've felt better.

However, I doubt he even knew where I was. Let alone do something like this.

As well as my hands being closed my mouth was covered over with a cloth. Unbearably hard to move. I moved my lips.

However, I did not realize how hard that was. The pain started escalating up my body.

It felt like almost an electric shock twisted my body every time I moved.

However my dumbass still moved.

I moved and struggled, sitting in a chair I suppose. I moved my arm over, twisting it pulling while falling back in the process.

Along with something falling. I heard the sound. Glass breaking.

It happened exactly when I yanked my arm and fell. My hand was tied with a leather garment, and I suppose whatever was connected to the leather material made the glass object fall.

Oh, bloody hell.

Good job, Trinity. Good job. I moved from the seat onto the floor. Ugh. My head hurts so fucking bad.

"Don't worry sweetheart," I screamed. I took in a deep breath. Breathe Trini breathe! Oh god don't have a panic attack now. I couldn't breathe.

I was too afraid to move, so I closed my eyes tight shut. Creating more envisions of the person who might be standing right above me.

"Open your cute little brown eyes." His voice rose to a higher pitch other, than the raspy like the first. How do you know I have brown eyes?

"He said open your eyes." The raspy voice came back. I slowly tried to open them. But my body was too frightened to move. Two people. Fantastic.

"Faster!" He yelled. I opened them. Expecting to see darkness. I saw a face in that darkness or what seemed like a face.

I could've been imaging it. But it felt too real to be unreal. A face that could make you scream in bright daylight.

It was hideous. Creepy, almost unbelieving.

His smile crooked up to his cheek, eyes that were widened as they can, he looked at me with a devilish smile.

I screamed through the cloth loud, and vigorously. As much as I could subdue.

Don't hurt me—

Maybe... Would someone save me?

'Your an idiot!' Shut up a second.

I tried to sit back up and moved backward. Just stay away from me!

I wanted to yell, however, that might provoke them, and number two I couldn't speak with the cloth like fabric tightly enclosed around my mouth.

The cloth itself was already drenched with my drool. Screaming some more wouldn't help reduce the wetness.

My back hit something rough, and square. With a crash sounding through the room. Similar to the one that happened prior.

Except, the glass did not fall on me before. It did this time. I moved over trying not to get as much glass in my back than I already had, but the glass shards poked me in my tightly enclosed arms and thighs.

I was huddled up. Head on my knees. Arms over my knees.

Get away from me! I wanted to scream. Please let this be a nightmare. I shut my eyes please let this be a nightmare. Please don't be real.

I am having a nightmare. I almost believed for a second. Almost. Until one of their raging voices broke through the room. I shrieked never been more scared.

"See what you've done you, bitch." He spoke venomously to me. I felt the heat he gave off that's how close he was.

All I could do was a whimper. The glass ended up on my back, my butt and slightly my hands. I tried breathing while tears stained my face. It was even harder.

"Shut up!" He yelled. I stopped whimpering. Instead, fresh salty droplets fell, down onto whatever clothes I was wearing, down on my bloody hands.

"Have you no mercy she's just a child." The higher pitched voice spoke. Two people and both are men.

Fuck. I am no child I am sixteen years old. Not a child, however not quite yet an adult.

Rustling and footsteps are what I heard.

Coming louder and louder...

Oh god no.

I shrieked through the wretched cloth. One of the men had me by the neck. Restricting a large amount of airflow to pass.

Before I knew it tears fell on my cheeks. But I wasn't crying because I was scared. Even though hell I was. I was crying because I wanted to get out of here. Wherever I am.

'You knew this was going to happen deep down.'

"She deserves punishment." I shook my arms and legs. He pulled me tighter into his grasp. Dark spots seemed to fall into my vision.

If it wasn't dark already. He has just about made the room darker.

'I don't think that's..' But it was too late. I blacked out into a pit of darkness. Just darker, than the one I'm in now.


Droplets of water were falling on my face when I woke up. Cold water. I opened my eyes. Is it raining? Am I dreaming? Was I dreaming?

I wanted to take my tongue out of my mouth since I was parched, but something was restraining me.

There was a figure above me, twisting a rag above my face.

Making sure all the water fell down. Well. It's not raining...

But where am I? This is no dream. This is a nightmare. There was a dimmed light, placed at the far corner of the room.

Where am I?

Where the fuck am I?

Must I say it was a very dim light? If you weren't fully awake or alert you couldn't see the one person staring down at you.

While you sat their hands tied, legs tied and mouth covered tightly. I got up sitting. On my bruised butt. Ouch.

It looked as if I was a rocking chair, or so how I pictured it.

My knees were against my body, hands over my knees, and it felt as if I could rock back and forth, without a single problem.

If two men hadn't have captured me, I was at home and this was just a yoga class, sure I would've done just that.

Except, two men have taken me, I do not know where the hell I am, and for starters, I don't do yoga.

Never have never will. Well I have just won't do it again.

"Sweetheart don't look like that, you look crazy." I heard the high voiced man speak. Hm. Ironic words. I looked at the source. Across the dimly lit room in an old raggedy plaid chair.

I looked back to where the other man was. Standing above me...

He wasn't there anymore.

What the— Was that a ghost or some—

The pitter patter of an old man's footsteps crept onto me. I shut my eyes for further reconciliation.

"Open those eyes."

'Open your damn eyes, you idiot.' My subconscious spoke.

I don't have time to deal with you. I opened my eyes. Not because he told me to, no I am stronger than that.

However, I am not stronger than a grown man nearly choking me to death.

"I've always loved your big brown eyes, Judy." Judy? Who is Judy?

His face crept near me again. The smile that seemed too big to be real. It was like the Joker's smile. Minus the green and red makeup.

His eyes looked as if they might pop out of there socket. Any minute now.

I didn't want to look. But I knew if I closed my eyes again the other man would come doing god knows what.

He came closer to me. I flinched at his rough touch on my cheek right below my eye. Christ ow! He touched my cheek, but why did it—

"You deserved that," He mumbled poking my cheek twice roughly. "and that," He poked another spot on my jaw. " and that one."

He touched another spot on my cheek. Making me shake at his touch. It hurt. Really bad. I wasn't gonna show him that though.

At least tried not too.

"Now that, Judy pie you did not deserve." He went to my right cheek. Digging his ever so sharp nails into the now agonizing cut. Dragging them to enforce the pain.

Tears dotted my eyes. Nope, tears don't fall. You're not that weak. Do not fall. I tried to tell myself. But you know the saying; 'Easier said than done.' They fell. Just like they always do. Sigh.

'Weak is what I call it.' You know what you can shut the fuck up.

"Aw Judy doll don't cry, or I'll have to punish you." He smiled. Such a sadistic smile. It was so scary to look at. But who is Judy. I'm not Judy. Why does he think I'm Judy?

"If another tear falls, Judy, I am gonna have to punish you." I stopped crying. I truly did when he said that. But there was one falling tear, still on the brink of my eyes.

"Whoops." He poked at the tear. Oh gosh no. It fell into his off white rough dirty hands.

I looked down, then up at his grin-full face a stare determining evil thoughts.

"No no no!" I tried saying. It just sounded like I was saying mm the whole time.

"Yes yes yes." His voice rose. For an old man to speak that high, I would be impressed. In any other case.

Right now I was breathing heavily. Frightened. His voice was resembled when a woman talks to a little baby. He bent down, closer to me on the floor.

"I am gonna love doing this." He said. My eyes widened. No no no! He yanked down the cloth, went straight for my mouth. Stop!

He tried getting in my mouth and he won due to slapping my cheek. Ow. I felt his tongue in my mouth while I gagged. Wait— Hm. I bit his tongue. He yelped in pain. Haha, you crazy old man!

Should've released my hands too bitch. I tried crawling, even though the sight was almost impossible.

However, once I got face to face with him on the ground. I spit in his face.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked seriously. Trying to pull down the rest of the cloth with my lips. A door opened, then slammed shut. Another man walked into the room. His stature tall and very muscular. At least in the shadow of what I could see of him. He stepped closer in the dim light. Immediately bewildered at the scene in front of him.

Oh god. Think Trinity. Think.

"What the fuck happened here?"

Oh shit.



Hello! This is a story that should be long termed. I am trying to figure out where I am going with this. So bare with me, please! Thank you to anyone who reads this story.
Please vote if you like it.

You don't have to vote...
Haha, but it would make me happy! Yes? No? Okay no.
*Cries softly into a pillow.*
*mother walks in.*
"Frikin mom the stupid show ended!"
*In reality your on the fifth episode. And there are three more seasons.*
"Um okay."
*Walks out scared to know the actual reason. Or just simply doesn't care.*
Haha. Thank you if you read! *Hearts all around*

See ya lovely people! 😋✌️

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