My Upside Down Life

By alexh0

16.2K 361 52

Being Rachel Gallagher is easy. Or so it appears, until Jake Evans comes along. Two so different, yet so ali... More

Chapter 1: A New Start
Chapter 2: The Bad Beginning
Chapter 3: All Over Again
Chapter 4:Can't Get Enough Of Me, Can You?
Chapter 5: Determination Is All It Takes
Chapter 6: Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover
Chapter 8: There comes a moment when every girl needs her bibbity bobbity boo.
Chapter 9: Going Downhill
Chapter 10: So Hard To Resist
Chapter 11: Breaking Hearts
Chapter 12: Giving Explanations Isn't My Forte
Chapter 13: After all something good happened
Chapter 14: Plain Old Routine
Chapter 15: A Kiss Goodbye Maybe?
Chapter 16: Now I realize how Jacob must have felt
Chapter 17: No one wants to be the dickhead character on a chick flick
Chapter 18: You're getting soft there bad boy, watch it.
Chapter 19: Right into the bad boys head
Chapter 20: He' the reason why I get daydreams at days and nightmares at nights.

Chapter 7: Expecting the unexpected

656 16 4
By alexh0


Chapter Seven: Expecting the unexpected

After my little meeting with Jake at the library was over, he was more than willing to drop me at my place.I was hesitant at first but finally agreed since it was still hot outside,even though it was the middle of October and I was a twenty minutes walk from my house.The temperature in California is something that sometimes really drives you insane.I mean in other countries you would probably have like sixteen degrees at this season but not here,and even though it's seems pleasant trust me it's not.

However once I saw the huge bike that was parked outside the public building I instantly regret my decision.

"You know what? I'll just walk. Now that I think of it I could use some exercise" I told him and tried to make a u turn,but unfortunately he stopped me,since he grabbed me by my waist and held me in place.

Let me tell you that once his hands was glued on my sides, a chill went throw my spine, making me go numb. His hands on my waist felt so right in a way that was making me want him to let them stay on me forever. And it was crazy how that sliest touch was making me feel.

"Whoa wait a second. Don't tell me that you're afraid of riding it" Jake said, disturbing my thoughts, and nodding with his head towards his bike, reminding me that one, I had agreed on riding that thing and two, his hands were still on my sides.

Taking quickly a step away from him, I glanced again at his bike, and then back at him.

"Of course not. It's you I don't trust" I said, and once I was pleased with my answer I turned around to face the huge thing that was parked infront of me.To tell you the truth, that Jake must be an excellent driver, since he had never been in an accident, not as I have been told anyways. So yeah, as you can imagine I was afraid of bikes, not only his, but I wasn't going to tell him that, was I ?

"Prove it" he said, ignoring completely my comment about his supposedly bad driving

"Fine!" I said and made my way towards the death trap, when I suddenly remembered
"Wait a second I'm wearing a dress!I can't climb on that" I stated

"Dang it! You remembered" he said while clapping his fingers and then continued "I'm gonna climb on first so nothing unwanted will shown, even though it wouldn't be unwanted for me but.." he didn't complete his answer since I slapped the back of his head before he got a chance to continue and after he chuckled he made his way over.

Once he was on he waved for me to go on as well. I took a deep breathe and started walking his way. He extend his right hand and helped me on. I first put one leg on the one side, and then stood up, a foot in each side of the bike, and made sure before seating that my summer dress was as tugged as possible. Once I was seated Jake passed me a helmet

"What about you?"

"Nahh I don't need it.And I wouldn't want anything to hapen to you on our first ride" with that said and after he gave me some sort of advise, he put my hands around him and we were off.

Or that's what I thought..

"Oh and by the way,just for the history,I'm an excellent driver" Jake said and started his bike

"Huh?" I asked confused as hell, but didn't have the time on wondering it any further, since now we were off.

Taking me out of gurd, Jake caused me to clenched my hands tide as hell around him, causing him to chuckle, lean my head on his back, and shut my eyes. I was also feeling my dress raising higher and higher by the second, but at the moment I couldn't care less.

After a while though, I got used to it and relaxed a bit, loosening my hands around Jake's waist, and opening my eyes. However Jake must felt me relaxing, since once I did that he started going even fasted than before making all my body parts to return in my first position


After some more turns we came in a stop, thanks to a red light.

"So where do you live exactly ?" Jake shouted over the noise

"Umm turn to the left and then straight ahead. It's the fifth house" I shouted back

"Got it." he then said, and started the bike for once more.

"I think you can let go off me now" said Jake, who was waiting for me to climb off once we were parked infront of my house "Not that I'm complaining or something but we're already seating five minutes infront of your house" he stated

"I could use some help you know" I told him after hitting his head again.

"That's seems to become a habit of yours, isn't it? As for me helping you, if I stood up the places you don't want me to have a view off are going to be shown to your whole neighborhood"

"Point taken. Wait for me till I stand up and then you climb off and help me!"

"Ooh feisty ! I'm going to agree with Drew on that and say I like it"

"Shut up will ya?"

"Yes 'mam!"

"Now help me off!"

"Okay bossie!" he said and helped me stand up, still on the bike. While I did so, he climbed off, and then held me by my waist in order to help me off. But for the second time that's what I thought he was doing. Instead he pulled me on him,ending holding me braid style,and finally putting me on my feet

After that an uncomfortable moment began since I was end up thinking about how amazing it felt having him holding me like that.

"Umm thanks for bringing me home" I said in order to break the discomfort

"Aren't you like forgetting something?"


"You're still wearing my helmet" Jake pointed at my head while trying not to laugh

"Oh.Umm yeah sorry about that I totally forgot about it" I said faking a laugh to break the discomfortance,while trying not to turn in a tomato

"Yeah it hapens a lot when I'm around.I got used to it"

"Oo-kay?" I raised an eyebrow before continuing "Anyway,thanks again and see you soon" I said and waited for him to leave before heading inside

"No problem Blondie" he said smiled a cheeky smile and took a step back

"I thought we were passed this!"

"As long as it bothers you we're far away from it" he winked and made his way over his bike. "So see you around Blondie" he said emfasing the last part, and then winked

"Whatever jerk" I said while smiling at him, and then he was off.

After a few moments of me seating outside my house, I finally decided to get in,.still thinking about the facts of day . All in all, I had an amazing day, and I'm pretty sure that Jake holding me twice the way he did, played a huge part on it.

Once I was inside the cool breeze of my house I threw my bag by the door and headed to the kitchen.While I was passing the living room I saw Cody,who was already home, since I couldn't bring him here earlier because of the project meeting,stuffing faces with a pizza on the couch.

"Hey little bro" I said while messing his hair

"Hey big sis" he said, or that's what I think he said as his mouth was full of pepperoni and cheese, and what he was saying didn't make much sense

"Slow down a bit or you're going to drown from your own saliva"

"Whatever you're just jealous cause I'm eating pizza while you'll probably end up eating a salad"

"True" I shrugged, and made my way to the kitchen in order to grab a glass of water,and then headed upstairs,after grabbing my bag from the entrance

Once I was inside my bedroom I quickly threw off me my vest, which by the way was driving me in fainting,since there was thirty degrees outside,and even though I wasn't wearing much, the whole combination was making me feel like I was.

Next came my summer boots and dress, which were quickly replaced with some cotton gym sorts and a tank top. I also thew my dirty blonde hair in a messy bun, and removed every single one of the accessories I was wearing expect from my diamonds-wanna-be pierced earings.

Once I was done I headed downstairs again and made my way to the kitchen for the second time in half an hour I was home in order to make my meal,which Cody correctly pointed would be a salad.

Once I was done washing the tomatoes and lettuces I decided to spent some constructive time with my younger sibling.

"Move your big ass fella" I told him while waiving my fork up and down

"So your bigger one can fit to the same couch as mine?"

"Ha ha.Grate comeback now move aside"

"Whatever bossie"

"So how's life?" I asked once I was feeling comfortable, legs crossed Indian style and all

"Boring how's yours ?"

"Nothing too exiting" I answered while putting my fork on my mouth

"So can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I shrugged

"How do you know if a girl likes you?" wite that said he earned an eyebrow raise and a tomato red face

"The easiest way is to ask her why are you asking?" I smirked

"Well yeah but aren't there any sighings?"

"Umm she usually laughs with your lamest jokes,or smiles at you,or get jealous over small things that contain other girls.Now don't make me ask again"

"Isn't it obvious?Don't make me say it to you"

"Aww so you do like a girl after all?My little brother is a love sick puppy"

"Shut up.I didn't say I love her, I just like her" he shrugged,he's cheeks starting to blush even more if that's possible

"Aww you're just so cute!" I exclaimed while pinching his cheeks

"Stop it" he grumbled

"Fine.Now where's dad?I thought he was going to make dinner tonight"

"You're already eating?What are you?A whale trapped into a humans body?"

"Says the boy who ate a whole pizza by himself without even chewing on the pieces first"

"Whatever" and with that I knew that I had won this battle.However I was still wondering where on earth my dear father was. I was six hours at school and then three more in a library and I was now practically dying from hunger. What kind of patent is he for leaving his child in a situation like mine's?

After a little bit long after my convo with Cody dad returned home and finally made diner. It wasn't anything special, just an usual chicken with potatoes on the oven. But even though it was that simple I had missed my dad's cooking.

So after dinner was over I went upstairs and locked myself inside my room for once more. I just had so many homework to get over with anf the whole situation was just making me sick. It was probably because we were nearing the end of October why school has started to have more requirements.

When I was finally over with my school work I thought it would be a good idea to just lazy around on the house and watch a good movie since it was already half past nine and a school night as well. However my friends seem to thought otherwise because ten minutes after my decision was made my mobile rang.


"Hey babes!So we have like the craziest idea ever!" I heard April shouting over the line

"Oh please share"

"Well we thought about attending to a party" April cheered and I could practically see the grin on her face

"Are you guys for real?Do you know what time is it?"

"Are you serious?It's like one of the biggest parties of the year! We've been invated and we have to go!"

"Who's throwing it?And why on earth are we invated on a party as big as that?"

"A guy from the soccer team,that's how we got invated he's a friend of Aaron's"

"Do I need to come?" I groaned

"Unless you want to be a party pooper no"

"But it's a school night and it's alread-"

"Yeah I know the time.How old are you to care if it's past nine? My grandmas age?"

"Shut up!My dad won't let me attend to anyway"

"Don't be so sure!I had Aaron calling him earlier and your old man seems to be more of a teenager than you are cause he let you come with us!"

"He did,didn't he?" I face palmed myself something that I tend to do a lot the last days

"Yeah!The guy seems to like a lot Aaron!So we'll be there in an hour!Be readyyyy"

"Fineee" I groaned again

"Oh and be sure to wear something sexy, I heard that our newest friend will be there" and with that she hung up on me.

It didn't take much for me to understand that she was refearing in a spesific person,it wasn't rocket science after all.

However my problems now were bigger than having Jake attendind the same party as me, cause I just hapened to have an hour to get ready and I haven't even had a shower yet.

Let the lord help me!

**** So that was it!An update after almost a month I think?Anyway I'm terribly sorry for any mistakes on the chapter,but because I hadn't uploaded a new part I just posted it without an edit.I however will fix any mistakes that I have for sure done when summer is over probably.I also don't know how many of you are still able to update your libraries so I'm not sure if I should stop posting till the summer ends or not.Furthermore I don't know if I will be able to have an internet connection so the updates will probably be extra slow.

Anyway!Don't forget to tell me your opinion about it and also what would you like me to do,update as much as I can probably unedited chapters or stop uploading till the end of the summer?It's imprortant so please tell me what would you prefer!





love ya all,and thanks for sticking around :)xx

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