This is A Dream, Right? Hetal...

By FancyNapkin

128K 3.8K 6K

School is boring you, you're tired of everything, all you really want is a nap, but (sadly) fate wants someth... More

1 School Day Like Everyday
2 Dreamland
3 Day with the Nordics
4 Busy Day
5 Shopping Time
6 Dance Wars
7 Nightmares and Breakfast Embarrassments
8 Day with Denmark
9 Meetings and Greeting!
10 Story Time!
11 Little Maple Leaf
12 Slipping into Embarrassment
13 Party in the USA
14 Defensive Dads
15 Advantages of Being a Guy
16 High and Mighty
17 This Should Be Interesting
18 Change Me Back
19 Different Prospectives
20 Pasta vs Pizza
21 Kidnapping Can Be Fun, Right?
23 Sleepless Trouble
24 Can't Comprehend Awesome
25 Adventures of a Pirate
26 The Past Comes Back
27 The Kids Aren't Alright
28 One is Trouble, Two is Tough and 28 is An Army
29 Midday Meyhems
30 Surprise! For Everyone...
31 Beach Day!
32 Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever, Right?

22 Amusement.... And More Asumement

3.4K 92 132
By FancyNapkin


(H/C)= Hair colour

(E/C)= Eye colour

(F/C)= Favorite colour

(Y/N)= Name

(S/T)= Skin tone

        ((Alfred's POV:))

        (Y/N) and I start to board the plane together. Lucky for us, we got to sit next to each other and we took the fastest plane back to my place.

'More time to hang out with her! She seems really awesome and I really wanted to hangout with her since the first day I met her. It's not everyday you get to hangout with someone from a different world! Well, except for Tony... but that's different! I have everything planned out for us so we can have the best day ever! She'll be my sidekick before they know what hit them!'

I start to daydream a little bit when I was snapped out of it by a tap on my shoulder.

        "Hey Alfred. Can I ask you something?" She asks. She had the cutest little face on right now. I can see why my little bro has a crush on her.

        "Sure thing! You can always ask the hero!" I say. She smiles a little bit.

        "I'm just a little worried. I mean, I didn't have the chance to say anything about you kidnapping me, so I'm just a little worried when Romano and Feli find out I'm gone. Plus, I don't even want to think about what Mathias will do." She says.

She obviously was worried about the whole situation and it didn't help that I took her without telling anyone either...

        "Heh heh. I'm sure it's fine. Besides! I'm sure that they're not even up yet. I heard from Germany that Italy is a really heavy sleeper. When we get at my place, I'll charge my phone so you can use later." I say, trying to calm her.

I did feel guilty about 'kidnapping' her. I felt like my whole heart shattered when I saw her cry. I tried to switch the topics.

"So Mathias is really protective of you, huh?" I ask. She laughed a little bit and rolled her eyes.

        "He's the very definition of worry wart when it comes to me. You should of saw him when your brother tried to take me to go hang out." She said with a smile. The smile just made me want to melt.

'Geez. Mattie has some good taste.' I thought. Then again, when it comes to (Y/N), you'd be crazy not to like her.

We talked some more on the plane ride while making jokes and telling stories. I think my favorite was when she turned into a guy. I could just imagine how hilarious that would of been.

        We finally made it back to my place and we entered my house. I quickly plugged my phone in and ran back towards (Y/N). She was about to seat herself on my couch, but I ran and lifted her over my shoulder.

        "Not so fast!" I tease. She starts laughing as I spin her around, making us both dizzy. I set her back down and she almost fell over, but with my hero instincts, I caught her.

I placed both of my hands on her shoulder, making balance for both of us as we continue laughing. Her hair was covering her face so I brushed it behind her ear. My breathing stopped as I looked at her face. Her (E/C) eyes were sparkling, her (S/T) face had red tints on her cheeks from laughing, and she had a goofy smile on her face that made her look absolutely adorable. I kind of wanted to squeal at the cuteness, but I managed to contain myself. A little bit. I ended up bringing her in a bone-crushing hug, which she returned. I set her back down, again, and grab her arm.

        "How would you feel about going to an amusement park?" I ask. Her eyes glittered in excitement.

        "Really?" She asks. I nod my head in excitement. "Yes! That's awesome!" She said. I run out the door, while dragging her behind me.

        "Come on bro! Let's go!" I say. She laughs and and tries to keep up with me. Just before I could fully make it to my car, I get an idea.

''I'll race you!" I yelled as I started to sprint to my car. I heard her say a 'what?' before she quickly caught on and started to chase after me to the car.

I jump in the car and buckled up before she also hops in the car.

        "How did you even get in here so fast?" She asks with a giggle.

        "With my hero powers!" I say and start to take off to the amusement park.

It didn't take too long, since I know all the shortcuts there.

As soon as we exited the car, we raced each other to the entrance. She was super fast! Like, Speed, fast. I didn't stand a chance. She waited by the entrance.

        "What took you so long, slowpoke?" She asked. I pouted.

        "No fair! I was only two seconds behind you! How did you even run that fast anyways?" I asked. She sent me a wink.

        "With my hero powers." She said. I rolled my eyes playfully and followed her in the amusement park.

We decided to go on the scariest roller coaster first... Well, more like I dragged her.

We sat in line for a couple of minute for the Death Plunger.

I dragged her to the very front of the roller coaster so we would have front row seats.

We sat down and I felt her start to shake like a leaf. I laugh and pat her shoulder.

        "Hahaha! It's not that bad!" I say. She shot me a glare.

        "If I die, I'll make sure I come back to haunt you." She said. "I know you're afraid of ghosts, so that makes it 10x better." She declared. I laugh more.

We felt the Roller coaster start to move and she grabbed onto my arm. "This is your fault!" She screech while clinging onto me tighter. I laugh more. I didn't mind that she held onto my arm.

We slowly made our way to the very top with her looking like she was about to face death itself. Since we were the very front, we hung a little bit off the edge that went almost straight down.

Before we even went over the edge she started to scream and thrash. looking like she just witnessed a murder. I laughed even harder at her scared face. I could tell that if it wasn't for her so terrified, she'd be yelling at me.

In a matter of seconds, we started to go rocket speed down the roller coaster. I laugh like a manic as I hear (Y/N) screaming her heart out as we start to turn corners and go into loops. After a couple of seconds, I hear her start to laugh a little bit.

Soon we were both laughing like psychos throughout the whole ride. When it ended, we hopped off and continued laughing our asses off. We ended up having to sit on a bench to calm down.

After a while we finally calmed down.

        "It wasn't so bad, now was it?" I say. She rolled her eyes and lightly punched my shoulder.

        "Don't think I won't get you back for that, or for kidnapping me." She says.

        "Suure. Like you would actually do something to me." I tease while poking her. She scoffs.

        "I will! Just you wait and see!" I roll my eyes.

        "Oh please. Your like an angel in disguise." I say. She blushed a little bit and so did I at just realizing what I just said. Then she shook her head and put on a determined face that could make a grown man squeal at.

        "Whatever. I'll get you back though. Even if it's something as small as stealing your hamburgers." I gasp.

        "You wouldn't!" She smirked.

        "I would." We laugh and tease each other a little more before we ended up going on all the rides together.

Just as we were about to leave and go get some hamburgers (that weren't ten dollars. Like really, what the fuck, do I look like I have a fucking tree that sprouts me a million dollars.), I was stopped by a man at a game stand.

        "You young sir! Why don't you get that beautiful girlfriend of yours a gift!" He said. I blushed like crazy. And I could see that (Y/N) was also blushing in embarrassment.

        "Oh! We're not dating!" (Y/N) said quickly. I felt a little disappointed but pushed it aside.

        "Yeah dude! It's not like that!" I say. The man smirked.

        "Well why don't you make her yours by winning her a gift!" He answered. I blushed even more and (Y/N) looked like she ate the spiciest pepper in the world by how red she was.

        "I-I u-um..." I stuttered. I must look like an idiot to (Y/N) right now.

I sighed and handed him money. He smiled as his planned worked. He handed  me some darts.

'Yes! I'm amazing at darts!' I thought.

I threw the darts and hit a balloon every time, resulting in my winning a huge Pikachu. Seriously though, it's like half of my body. I grabbed the stuffed Pikachu and turned towards (Y/N) with a big grin on my face and a blush present. She blushed even more and took the Pikachu.

        "Thank you Alfred!" She said. She had a big smile and I could tell that she liked the big Pikachu by the way her eyes sparkled at it. I laugh and rub the back of my head.

        "That's what heroes do!" I say.

We walked side-by-side, back to the car. We ended up going to McDonald's and we sat down in the booth as we waited our order.

We were talking and laughing about the memories we had at the amusement park. Luckily no one was here, except for the poor teenager who was working behind the counter.

When the food came, I grabbed the one in many hamburgers I ordered for the both of us.

        "Hey (Y/N), think I could fit this entire burger in my mouth?" I ask. She laughed and gave me a challenging look.

        "I bet you couldn't. Not without choking." She said. I returned her challenging look.

        "Well today I'm going to prove you wrong!" I declared. She rolled her eyes and watched as I shoved the whole burger in my mouth. She stared at me, wide-eyed.

        "You're going to choke!" She said, I tried to answer her but it only came out as muffles as the burger was keeping me from talking properly.

After that, I felt the burger get stuck in my throat when I tried to breath in. I was doing my best to cough it up, but that wasn't going to help. I gripped my throat in panic at the lost of air.

        "Alfred! Alfred! Are you okay?!" (Y/n) asked, panicked.

I couldn't answer, so I just pointed at my throat, still trying to cough up the burger. "Oh my god! You idiot! I told you, you would of choke!" she yelled.

She ran over to my side and tried to hit my back. Instead of it helping, it just made me lose more air.

She started to panic and put her body against my back and started pushing against my stomach with her arms.

Luckily, that did the trick and I ended up swallowing the whole burger, not really wanting to throw up the half eaten burger in front of (Y/n).

I panted and rested my head on the table to get the air back in my lungs. I looked over at (Y/N) to see her with a face full of worry.

        "Alfred! Are you okay?" She asked. I smiled and gave her a thumbs-up.

        "The hero is always okay." I said breathlessly.

        "Oh thank god." She heaved.

I felt very embarrassed as I felt myself start to flare up in embarrassment. 'How could I do something so stupid in front of her?! She must really think I'm a joke now...'

        "It seems like you're my hero now." I said with a sheepish grin, trying to cover up for my actions. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

        "Now let's eat and NOT choke." She said.

        We went back to my place and we both collapsed on my couch.

        "Wow. Who knew after going to an amusement park and almost dying, I would be so tired." I said. She laughed.

        "Oh! So where is your phone?" She asked. I shot up and grabbed my phone.

        "Don't worry about it bro. I'll call them." I open up my phone to see that it was blowing up with messages.From: Mattie Bro
9:56 AM
Did you hear about the emergency?

10:31 AM
Hey? Any news so far?

11:01 AM
A lot of nations are forming search parties. Mathias and Prussia want you to join them.

12:15 PM
Everyone is trying to reach you. Especially Mathias and Prussia. Why aren't you answering?

All the countries are flipping out. We need you to call IMMEDIATELY.

Everyone is coming over. We'll be there soon.
        I was really confused. 'Emergency? What emergency? And why is everyone so freaked out about me not answering?' I checked my other messages.       
From: Germany8:30 AM   

(Y/N) (L/N) has previously gone missing. We have suspicions that she might of been kidnapped. She was last seen at Italy's house around the time of midnight. All nations have been notified, so keep your phone on you at all times. Descriptions include: (H/L),(H/C) hair with (E/C) eyes, around the height of --- and weight of --- with (S/T) skin. Please keep a look out and let us know if you have an information as to her whereabouts.
        My face paled. 'So this is what Mattie was talking about... I'm in so much shit.'From: Mathias (My awesome bros!)
10:45 AM
Hey! Prussia and I want you to join our search party to find (Y/N)!

10:51 AM
We really need you! Meet us at the world meeting place!

10:56 AM
Answer me dammit! This is no time for your stupid games! We need to find (Y/N)!

11:00 AM
(Y/N) COULD BE DEAD! WE NEED YOU!From: Prussia (My awesome bros!)
10:47 AM
The awesome trio needs to come together once again to save (Y/N)!

10:53 AM
Mathias and I are waiting for you. HURRY UP!

10:58 AM

MATHIAS IS FREAKING OUT! THIS IS TOTALLY UNAWESOME OF YOU! ANSWER US!        ((Back to the past with the Nordics:))

        There was silence for, who knows how long. Until Tino broke it.

        "What do you mean she's been kidnapped?" Tino spoke in just above a whisper, but with the silence, it was heard perfectly clear. Germany sighed.

        "Italy and Romano woke up to find zhat (Y/N) vas gone. All of us searched Italy to find zhat no one has even seen of her. We have reason to believe that she might of been kidnapped." He said.

(Cue Nordics freaking out in 3...2...)

        "WHAT?!?" They all screeched. Mathias jumped up.

        "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!?!" He hollered. Spain tried to calm him down.

        "It's okay amigo. We'll find her-"

        "BUT WHAT IF WE DON'T FIND HER!?!" He demanded. Tino stood up with a very scary aura.

        "Then we find out who took her and get answers..." He replied while cocking his shotgun. Wait... WHERE DID HE GET THE GUN?!?!

Berwald walked over and looked down on everybody with a very terrifying face, causing Prussia, Romano, and Feli to scream out in terror.

Lukas jumped off the couch.

        "I'll see if I could possibly track her..." He said. Emil peered over his brother's shoulder, praying that they would find her somewhere close by. After about a couple of minutes and everyone impatiently waiting, Lukas let out a sigh of defeat.

        "Nothing..." He confirmed. A knot twisted in all of their stomachs.

        "Vait! Vhy don't we gather a bunch of the nations together to help search! Like a search party!" Prussia announced. Everyone nodded their heads. It was all they had that came close to a plan.

        "Prussia and I could get Alfred to join our group!" Mathias declared. Prussia nodded his head in agreement.

        "Me and Romano will search together!" Spain said.

Germany grunted. "I guess I could take Italy and Japan with me." He said.

        "I'll try to get England and Romania to join me." Lukas said.

        "I'll take Tino." Berwald stated. He looked at the smaller nation to see that he was fuming and panting from rage. If it was possible, Tino would probably have foam coming out of his mouth.

Emil looked around.

        "Wait! What about me!?! I want to help search for (Y/N) too!" He said.

Everyone looked at him.

        "You could stay here and keep an eye out in case (Y/N) shows up back here again." Lukas stated while putting his hand on Emil's shoulder. Emil glared at his older brother.

        "What help will that do!?!" Emil demanded.

        "If she does sh'w back up, you could 'lert us." Berwald said. Emil huffed and crossed his arms.

        "Fine." He said. He clearly wasn't to happy about it.

        "Before we leave, we need some more information." Germany said. Everyone gave him their full attention. "Can jou think of anyone who vould vant to do anything to harm or kidnap (Y/N)?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads.

        "No! (Y/N) is such a sweet girl! I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to do that to her!" Tino said with tears starting to form in his eyes. Germany nodded his head.

        "Alright. We'll all meet in the meeting place vith zhe other nations."        All of them gathered in the meeting place to see some nations either freaking out or had some worried expressions on their faces.

Everyone gathered into groups to begin the search.

        "Vhere is America?" Asked Prussia. Mathias shrugged his shoulders.

        "I tried texting him a little bit ago, but he won't answer." Mathias said. Canada happened to over hear and came over.

        "He hasn't been answering me either. I could try again..."

        "No vorries! Zhe awesome me vill get ahold of him!" Prussia declared. Soon after about 30 minutes of getting no reply, they started to freak out.

        "This is valuable time we could be using to find (Y/N) right now!" Mathias shouted. "Every minute we wait is a higher possibility that she could be dead!!!" He started to tear up a little bit at the thought.

Canada quickly brought out his phone and called the other nations. He informed the situation and some decided to meet up at the world meeting place to go to Alfred's place to see if everything was okay.

They all went to the airport to see the gaggle of nations that decided to come.

The Nordics, which was no surprise, Canada, and Prussia.

Everyone else decided that they would stay behind to continue looking.

They boarded the plane with worry starting to consume them. Tino was tearing apart and was crying next to Berwald right now. Lukas kept a blank look, but his eyes went even colder, Emil had a little bit of tears in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill over any second now, Berwald felt as bad as Tino looked, Mathias was trying his hardest to seem like he wasn't tearing apart on the inside, Canada was the very definition of worry, constantly trying to talk to Prussia about his opinion about everything, and Prussia had no idea how he was feeling, he had never felt like this before, he didn't talk to the girl yet, but he felt like he was really close to her.

They could do nothing but pray that the nations will find her soon.

        ((Back to Alfred's POV:))

        I quickly check the time. 5:30. I gasped in horror. 'I am so dead.'

Just as I was about to quickly call everyone, I heard the door swing open, causing a loud thud against the wall.

I run back to my living room to see a huge group of fuming nations, gathered in my living room. Mathias's head snapped back and spotted me, along with Prussia.

        "You!" They both called in union. They run over to me.

        "Where the hell were you!?! We've been trying to contact you all day!!!" Mathias shouted.

        "That was totally unawesome! We have to find (Y/N) and jou have just been sitting avound!" Prussia yelled. I tried to calm him down, when the room went silent at the melodic voice rang throughout the house.

        "Guys? What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked. Everyone's heads snapped towards the direction of the voice.

In the entry way of the hallway was (Y/N) with a very confused look. Everyone stopped dead in their tracts at the sight. Tears of disbelief in the corners of their eyes.

        "(Y/N)..." I heard Mathias whisper. Everyone's attention turned away from me as they all ran to hug (Y/N).        ((Your POV:))

        I stand by the frame of the hallway. I just got back from using the sink in the restroom to clean up my face a little bit. to be met with all the guys, Canada, and Prussia.

        "Guys? What are you doing here?" I ask with confusion written all over my face.

I saw that Mathias had his hands on Alfred's shoulder and Prussia right next to them.

All of them had a look a disbelief when they saw me.

I heard Mathias whisper my name, and soon I was tackled to the ground by everyone jumping on me. I was startled by their sudden actions but I laugh and try to stand up.

        "I need up guys!" I say. They step back for me to get up, but as soon as I stood, I was brought into another huge hug by all of them. "What's up with you guys? Why are you here? And why is Canada and Prussia with you?" You ask.

They hug you a little tighter before finally stepping back to let you go.

        "The true question is WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!" Mathias shouted. I jumped back a little bit at his loud voice.

        "Oh! Well about that. Alfred kind of 'kidnapped' me at Feli's house and took me to America. I was meaning to tell everyone, but I did't get the chance, since I was too busy trying to escape from the bag he threw over me, and when I went to call you, I found out that I left my phone on the counter. It was too late to turn back so Alfred gave me his phone to use, but it was dead. After we got here, Alfred left his phone here to charge as he took us to the amusement park." I said, recalling all the memories. I turn back towards the guys with a really guilty look. "I'm really sorry if I worried you guys..." I said. Mathias and Tino took me in for another hug.

        "Oh no (Y/N)! It's fine. It wasn't your fault!" Tino said, trying to sooth me. After a couple of seconds, everyone in the room had a very dark look, with shadows covering their eyes as they stare down Alfred.

        "But it is America's fault for kidnapping you..." Mathias said. I was debating on if I should help him or let this play out. After a bit of thinking, I decide that I should help him. Sure he kidnapped and all, but he's my friend and I had a really fun time. It just wouldn't be right to abandon him like this.

I grabbed some cotton candy that was next to me.

        "Uuuuh. I can explain!" He said. I quickly ran over and held out the cotton candy while standing in front of Alfred. I was just really hoping that they would take the bate.

        "Cotton candy anyone?" I ask with the best smile I could try to muster. A couple of them perked up and grabbed some cotton candy from the bag, completely forgetting about Alfred.

        "Mmm. This is good!" Tino said. Emil, Prussia, and Canada nodded their heads and Berwald let out a grunt.

        "You guys want any?" I ask Lukas and Mathias.

        "Nah. You guys have it. I'm not very hungry." Mathias said. Lukas just eyed the bag then looked away while taking some and eating it. I smirked. I knew the temptation was too much for Lukas.

I look over at Alfred to see him with a look of relief.

"Yeah! I'll have some dude!" He said as he went to grab some cotton candy. Mathias sent him ago are before snatching the cotton candy out of your hand.

He made sure to take all of the cotton candy that was left, so that way Alfred couldn't have any.

Alfred let out a pout as Mathias held his gaze.

        "Maybe next time you'll think twice before trying to take the king's queen." Mathias grumbled. Everyone shot him a glare but you didn't notice.

        "Here." Emil said. He handed me my phone. My eyes widened.

        "Oh! Thank you Emil!" You say. You give him a quick hug and put it back in your pocket, where it belongs.

Emil blushes."Uh. No problem."

You didn't notice the dirty looks that the others shot him when you turned away. In return, Emil gave them a small smirk.

        "So it looks like we'll have to sleep in a hotel until we can get plane tickets to go back home." Tino said. You nodded your head.

        "Alright. Sounds like a plan." Everyone turned to leave and you quickly ran to Alfred. Everyone turned around to watch what you were doing. You gave Alfred a goodbye hug.

"Bye Alfred. Thanks for everything, I had a really fun time!" You say. He smiled back and patted your head and Ruffles your (h/c) locks.

"No problem dude! I'll have to make sure I kidnap you more often!" He joked. You laughed as the other burned holes in his head at the idea.

You said another farewell to Alfred and walked outside to the rental vehicle you'll be using for the time here. You jumped in and buckled up.

"Is everyone ready?" Canada asked.

        "Ready." You say.

At the sentence you all drove off to the hotel you'll be staying at.

The hotel wasn't bad at all, but it wasn't exactly 5 stars either. It was just a normal hotel. Since Canada also had a house here, he decided to go there with Prussia. He tried to offer us to stay with them but we didn't want to intrude.

The lady behind the counter handed Berwald the key cards and you all left towards where your rooms would be. Lucky for you guys, they were all right next to each other.

        "It looks like we'll have to share rooms together. There's three keys, so two of us to a room. I think it's only fair that we let (Y/N) pick who she shares the room with." Tino said. All the guys nodded their heads in agreement. You sat there with a thoughtful look. Who should I choose?

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