Human (ON HOLD.)

By harlenaspassion

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❝When you really love someone, it's worth fighting for-no matter what the odds are.❞ In which two dehumanized... More

Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: VMA
Chapter Three: Perfect to me
Chapter Four: Unsure feelings
Chapter Five: Sober
Chapter Seven: Moving on?
Chapter Eight: Fresh Start
Chapter Nine: First Date
Chapter Ten: Night Changes
Chapter Eleven: Breaking my walls
Chapter Twelve: Happy
Chapter Thirteen: Everything Changed
Chapter Fourteen: Crumbled
Chapter Fifteen: Met Gala
Chapter Sixteen: You
Chapter Seventeen: What?
Chapter Eighteen: Lovey Dovey
Chapter Nineteen: Please Don't Leave Me
Chapter Twenty: Love
Chapter Twenty One: Our Escape

Chapter Six: Somewhere to begin

2.1K 68 19
By harlenaspassion

𝒔𝒐 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏.

Harry's POV

The cold winter air is beating on my skin yet it wasn't even cold. I'm so used to England's winter weather, that when it gets 'cold' in California, It doesn't really bother me. I mean it can get pretty cold, just not as cold as I have experienced.

I really needed to get my mind off of things, so...I decided to take a long walk along some park I've been to many times before for this exact reason. Plus, despite the chilly weather, it's actually a pretty nice day outside. Although, of course, the rude and obnoxious guys with their cameras blinding my eyes aren't fucking helping.

I ignore the questions they keep bombarding me with. It was always the same old shit questions. More recently, they have been dropping a few comments about Selena Gomez ever since the few times pictures of us had reached the headlines, which was predictable. But it didn't last long since she was seen with her ex-boyfriend.

The thin black sweatshirt I'm wearing isn't cover me enough, I can feel the thick goosebumps rising on my skin. I walk over to my car and drive to Niall's place since he had texted me to meet him there as soon as I could. Have no idea why but I don't really have anything else to do.

After a few knocks, Niall opens the door. I practically run inside, freezing my fucking balls off just by standing out there for thirty seconds. Somehow the weather got even colder in the past hour. I'm in the middle of messing with my hair when I hear him shout to someone, causing me to look up with confusion.

"Harry's here!" I have no idea who he was shouting to because none of the boys could be here...they're all spending the day with their girlfriends. I furrow my eyebrows but then I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey!" Selena smiles at lips part with shock. Fuck, I hadn't expected her to be here, out of anyone. I'm a little embarrassed Niall didn't tell me she was coming, I would have made myself look a little more presentable. Not like I just walked an hour in the winter wind with my face flushed and my hair an absolute mess...

"Hello," I smile back and pull her into a quick embrace. Her hair is soft against my face and it smells like Coconut...why the hell am I smelling her hair? Anyway...

"I asked Selena to hang out with me but she said she wouldn't come over if I didn't invite you," Niall jokes with a pout. I burst into laughter as the offended expression took over Selena's face.

She swats his arm lightly, "I did not!"

Niall lets out an even louder laugh and we join him a few seconds later, his laugh being just as contagious as it's always been. Selena's laugh was a bit contagious as well...quite cute, actually.

"So what do you guys wanna do?"

"Let's just hang out?" Selena suggests with a shrug and we nod. I'm honestly too exhausted to go out and do something, the whole week has been hectic as hell with working on the album. This whole month, actually.  "What have you guys been up to?"

"Erm...we're working on our new album, actually. Been working on for a while now and it's coming together nicely," Niall answers.

"Yeah, kind of nervous how fans will react to how different some of the songs will be on this one," I add, remembering the different tune of some of the songs we recorded. I notice the way Selena hangs on our every word when we talk.

"Your last album was Midnight Memories, right?" She asks and we both nod. "I liked that one, I downloaded a few songs from that one on my phone."

"Really?" Niall smiles. "Yeah, we're actually almost done with the album and we're already working on the album cover next week."

"Really? Do you guys have any idea the theme
of your cover is going to be?"

"I'm thinking something black and white," I shrug. "I've kind of been digging the whole black and white theme." It's true—I've been posting pictures on Instagram of all my photos in black and white to kind of hint towards them about the new album. I try to remember if Selena follows me on Instagram or not, but I'm not too sure. I don't really pay much mind to that kind of stuff.

"I'm gonna go get some waters," Niall gets up and leaves to the kitchen.

"I like your hair," she suddenly says, a coy smile on her lips. I smile back, feeling my cheeks flush. My hair has reached my shoulders and a lot of people have had a lot to say about that. Whether they liked it or they absolutely hated it and wanted me to get a haircut. So I have to admit, it's kind of nice to hear someone say they like it.

"I don't really know what I'm doing with it right now. It's long enough to pull into a bun now so there's that."

She reaches her hand out and runs her fingers through the ends of my curls, "Sorry. Your hair just looks so soft...what conditioner do you use?" She jokes.

For some odd reason, I liked the way it felt when she touched my hair like that. It felt nice...I clear my throat and scoot back a little, since we somehow moved closer to each other. She has a boyfriend, I remember. She frowns a little at my pulling back and opens her mouth to say something but Niall comes back with the waters and hands them to us.

"What about you? With new music?" I ask to kill the awkward tension before it would rise.

"There's this album I've been working on for a while, I think I'm really gonna take my time with for this one." She tells us.

"When do you plan on releasing it?"

"I'm not completely sure yet but I do know I want it to be around 2015." We raise our eyebrows in surprise. That's a year from now. The boys and I will be in the middle of our tour for our new album by then.

"Why so long?" Niall asks, taking a sip from his water.

"I don't know, I just really want this one to tell a story—tell my story. You know what I mean?" I really admire her ambition and how passionate she is. "I feel like I've kept my fans in the dark about so many things in my life and I guess I just want this album to open up to them in that way."

I hang on her every word as speaks...I hadn't really known her that well in the past but I do know she has gone through so much criticism for the most rubbish things. I had seen comments about her weight recently and it was just disgusting to watch people be so damn hateful.

"Well. I'm proud of you, Gomez. I can't wait to hear it." Niall nudges her.

"Enough about me," She waves him off. "Give me more information about the album!"

I hum, trying to think of what we could say about Four. "We're going to be releasing our new single very soon. Steal My Girl. We're thinking next week or so."

"Yeah and don't have loose lips with this but we are going to be calling it Four," Niall adds.

She furrows her eyebrows, "Wait. Why is it called Four?"

"Honestly? I don't know. We've been together for four years so...yeah." I snickered.

"That was Harry's idea," Niall rolls his eyes playfully.

In all seriousness, I feel like this album is going to be great. It's almost 2015 soon and I feel like next year is going to be the best year for One Direction. I can just feel it in my bones and how hard we all worked together for this album. We're all just in a good place right now and I'm just overall really excited.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear someone's phone ding. Selena pulls her phone out of her pocket and looks at her screen, her whole face dropping slightly. She quietly sighs and starts typing away on the screen. Niall was too busy opening the bag of Cheetos to notice. I frown and am about to say something, but she stands up and gives us a listless smile.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes, we both stand up with her. "I have to go. I'll text you guys?"

"Sure," Niall gives her a warm smile. I couldn't help but notice her sad expression...I want to mention it, but I decide against it.

"Bye, Love," I mutter and pull her into a tight embrace. I rub her back, a habit of mine when I notice someone is stressed. "You okay?" I whisper, trying to keep my tone as casual as I could. She pulls away with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I'll call you or you can call me, I'll see you guys later."

"Harry," Julian calls out to me. "You're up."

We are in the middle of recording one of our songs for Four. Julian lays on the mattress with the headphones on his ears as I walk into the little 'booth' area. I put the headphones on. He and the others gesture for me to start singing and I take a deep breath.

"Shadows come with the pain that you're running from, Love was something you never heard enough. Yeah, it took me some time but I figured out how to fix up a heart that I let down!" I pause for a few seconds and look to see Julian gesturing for me to sing more. I take another deep breath, "Are you sleeping baby by yourself? Or are you giving it to someone else? Try to find you but I just don't know—where do broken hearts go? Where do broken hearts go?" I sing with as much strength as I could. Julian nods and tells me how one of the techniques I used was good.

"That was good." He nods with a smile. I smirk proudly.

I  walk out of the booth so Louis could sing his part. I sit on the couch and scroll through Twitter to pass the time...I haven't been on social media as much as I used to because I just don't find that much interest in it anymore.

Pictures of Selena and Justin Bieber snogging pop up as one of the trends, with the hashtag #jelena. I let curiosity get the best of me as I clicked on it to see more tweets about it.

selenagomezsource: Selena seen with Justin Bieber. More of #jelena? image attached.

So that's where Selena went after she left earlier today...but why did she look so uneasy about it? She was all smiles with us but as soon as she got that text message, it was like her whole mood just changed. Curiosity getting the best of me again, I exit the Twitter app and decide to call Selena.

I wasn't trying to stick my nose where it didn't belong but I had also agreed earlier to call her tonight so it shouldn't hurt to do so. I click on her contact and after a few rings, she answers. It's dead silent at first, I thought she had declined the call but then I hear her soft voice speak.

"Harry?" She whispers. Why was she whispering?

"Hey," I smile. "What are you up to?"

"I'm at Justin's place," she tells me and something what felt like jealousy roared through my chest...anyways...I hear shuffling and someone speaking in the background.

"What's up, Harry?" I hear Justin's voice yell to me and I fold my lips awkwardly. Nice.

"Just recording some music," I awkwardly reply. The boys look towards me because they noticed my uncomfortable fidgeting—something I do when I'm somewhere I don't want to be, or this case, talking to someone I don't want to talk to. They arch their eyebrow at me and I mouth, 'hold on' to them.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I have to go," Selena suddenly  says and I frown in disappointment at our conversation being cut short. The whole point of me calling her was to talk to her. "I'll talk to you later or something. Tell everyone I said hi!"

I look at the boys, "Selena says hi."

They all raise their eyebrows again. "Hi Selena!"

"Bye," she quickly says and the line disconnects. I puff out a breath and sit my phone on my lap. That was weird.

let's pretend the timeline isn't so inaccurate with the storyline hehe it's all rushed because I'm trying to get to present day (,:

xx harlenaspassion 💌

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