Sorry (ON HOLD)

By cuddlymxndes

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Being best friends with William Singe can be hard when he becomes famous, but what will happen when Maddy mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

107 7 0
By cuddlymxndes

I opened the packet for my new sim, I couldn't wait to get rid of my old one.

My message box was now full, full of hate and misery.

I slid the old sim card out and placed the new one in.

I restarted the phone and set up my new number.

The first contacts I added were the boys, then my mums and other important numbers.

I opened the bottom draw of my desk and rummaged through my stuff till I found what I needed.

An old phone.

I pulled it out and closed the drawer.

I took the back of the phone off and placed my old sim in the little slot.

Silently praying that it would have battery life, I held the call button until the screen lit up, indicating it was turning on.

The first thing I went into was messages.

I ignored all the messages from unknown numbers, trying to pretend that I didn't care.

I saw one from Julian and opened it.

"Bub where are you?"

I selected to type a new message and slowly typed a message up.

"Hey boo this is my new number 0401 439 252. Could you please give it to everyone else? Thanks xx"

I forgot how hard it was to type on the old nokia keypads.

I kept scrolling through the messages.

Mum: "So I just arrived to an empty home, care to explain?"

"We need to talk"

I texted her my new number aswell.

My new sim didn't have any credit on it yet so that is why I had to use my old sim.

After texting mum and Julian, I turned the phone off, pulled out my old sim and put the phone back to it's original place in the draw.

I sat myself down on my desk chair, feeling the cushion covering it sink a little as I did so, and got ready to do a lot of homework.

2 hours later and a 4 pages of phsychology written down in my book.

I finally tore my eyes away from the pages that lay before me, to the clock sitting neatly on the back corner of my desk.

It was already 2pm.

I felt a low rumble in my stomach, a way of my body telling me it needed food.

I pusged my seat away from the deask and stood up.

My legs had gone to sleep from sitting down for so long.

I stretched them out and waited a few seconds before walking out into the kitchen.

I walked up to the fridge and when I opened it the light turned on.

My eyes searched in the fridge for anything to eat.

I didn't really feel like cooking anything right now, so I just wanted something quick to eat.

finally I settled on a banana and some yogurt.

The fridge started beeping because it had been left open for to long.

After I closed it I walked over to the draws, slid the first one open and grabbed a spoon out before siting down on the couch and turning the TV on.

It was the middle of Tuesday so there wasn't much except for sport and those boring drama's that are always on in the middle of the day that no one watches, like bold and the beautiful.

I started skipping through the chanels, not really sure what I was looking for. I settled on the news.

There was a story on about a teenage boy who had attacked a middle aged man because of something or other.

I wasn't really paying attention, I was more focused on not getting my yogurt everywhere.

The news reporter said something about The X factor, my head snapped up at those words.

"Yes Jerry last night there was a very big rumble, no one is quiet sure how it all started but word is that Julian's new star crossed lover hsd something to do with it. Take a look at the footage taken last night."

I gulped hard, it felt like my yogurt was about to come back up and say hello.

My breathing got heavier and heavier and I started sweating as images from last night played on the screen.

I watched myself get hit in the face over and over, trying to scramble free, and then fall as I blacked out.

"She was in the crowd when a fan called out to Julian, jealousy got the best of her and she started throwing fists and pulling their hair."

i was frozen with my mouth open as the words filled inside my head.

I can't believe this.

First the fans are against me, now the media is making up stories about me to?

I quickly picked up the remote and pressed the soft, rubber button, switching the TV off and ran upstairs into my room.

I slammed the door hard and threw myself onto my bed.

I grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed into it.

I left it pressed onto my face as I cried into it.

I could feel it soaking up the tears, it started getting wetter and wetter.

I pulled it back and looked at it.

It had formed wet circles from where my eyes had been.

It was then I realised what pillow it was, it was the pillow Julian had slept on two nights ago.

I crawled to the top of my bed and slipped under the sheets, playing memories in my head of that night.

The sound of the rocks hitting the window, the site of the picnic.

The taste of roast beef filling my mouth with each bite I took of the sandwiches Julian had made.

When Julian lifted his shirt, revealing his muscly back.

Feeling the cold water surround me and I jumped into the lake.

The water falling off of Julians lips as he whispered that he loved me.

I found myself cuddling the pillow close to me, I had stopped crying now.

I was smiling.


Sorry if this chapter was boring, if was more of a filler chapter :/

Please don't hate me!! I know I haven't updated in like 2 weeks and I feel so bad!!

I've had a lot going on :/ My step mum and dad are probably getting a dirvorce and I've had to move back to melbourne with my mum.

Idk what's going on anymore :/

so now I have to move schools again and make more friends and find a place to work and ughh.

I was just getting settled in at Tassie and now ugh.

Anyway hopefully I'll start getting back on the habit of uploading every second day again, but please understand if I can't.

ohhh also I'm seeing and hopefully meeting the boys on Sunday :)))))))) :D :')

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