Catastrophic Supermodel (RE-W...

By Tyrannasaur_rex

8.2K 204 37

(Currently on-hold for rewriting purposes, may see new changes afterwards but the plot will still remain the... More

42 - Lights, camera, Fire
43- Last Warning
44- Tony Conrad Simpson
45 - Nellisi Mateo Vanrique
46 - The Invite
47 - Confessions Pt. 1
48- Confessions Pt. 2
49- Exposure


428 14 8
By Tyrannasaur_rex

I could feel the hot Mexican air drifting away from me as we stopped over at the airport.

I got off the minivan and jenin helped me with the luggage. "god did you put the entire house into this?!" she struggled with the pink bag which I told her to be careful with.
"um. you might wanna let me carry that one" I said as I reached out to take it from her.
she gave my other case and helped me put on the back pack.
well,its time. I thought as I gave jenin one last hug before I walked into the airport. I turned back once more just to see her still standing there waving at me and a heartwarming smile plastered on her face.

At the airport's waiting area, I had gotten a call from Tiffany. Turns out she was to be free the next day and that she'd meet at LAX. Which was relieving, being alone would've been my biggest fear.


while inside the plane, I thought hard to make sure I'd have everything under control after I get to LA.
okso, I have to live with three boys. mhm. well at least its not four.

oh who am I kidding I'm gonna die out there.

I drifted off to sleep after a while and woke up to the captains announcement to prepare for landing. I grabbed onto my backpack which was on my lap and closed my eyes. the landing is my least favourite part when it comes to airplanes. not only does it mean your journey is over, but its also a really uncomfortable moment where you have to hold on to everything while experiencing an earthquake.


As I walked out of the airport I was greeted with a gush of wind being blown at my face making my long hair fly in different directions. it was only afternoon, the sun was right in the middle of the sky yet it was cold as a freezer.
then It hit me. right. I'm not in sunny Mexico anymore. or maybe I'm just exaggerating because I sat in the AC for hours when in the airport.

I dragged my two suitcases with both hands as I walked over to one of the taxi cabs. I took out the piece of paper that jenin had given me, which had the address and gave it to the driver. he seemed to be shocked as he looked at the paper and back at me. he motioned me to enter the car and I did.

As we drove I looked out of the window and admired the wonderful city of los Angeles. Sky scrapers and several other expensive looking buildings towered the area. Being a person who's never travelled out of her home country, it was almost as if I've entered a new world. Everything appeared so colorful and exquisite.
We drove past a street full of shopping centers and malls. I couldn't help looking at the posters of celebrities put up for advertisements. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw myself. And by myself I mean Viana.

After a couple of hours, I was still looking out the window and I noticed that we've driven away from the crowded area of the city and into a quiet neighborhood.
Each house looked different and unique from the other which was something I found odd.
It took me a moment to realize that this was the 'rich' neighborhood. Each one of the extravagant houses were designed in their own unique ways to compliment their owners. Definitely worth a lot, I thought, I'd be surprised if I had to live in a house from here.

and I really did get surprised.

the car driver stopped infront of an equally astonishing house which appeared to be pretty much like a palace from the outside, the metal fences surrounded the place. However the main gate was open, I suppose they were expecting me.

Even through the metal fences I noticed that the lawn was freshly mowed, decorative plants and other glass structures were placed here and there. I even caught a glance of a swimming pool at the back. and is that a golf course over there?

I was peering out the car window, my mouth gaping open as I stared at this one fine house, I didnt even notice the driver call out to me. "excuse me miss, we're here." he told me.

"Where here?" I asked dumbfounded.

he looked at me for moment. "this house is where this paper tells me to stop at," he handed me the adress card I gave to him.

he was right. I looked at the piece of paper and back to the house.

"Sorry," I smiled it off. "Just new here."

"I can see that." He replied.

I paid for the ride and stepped out with my luggage, and the car drove away.

I stood at the open gate with both suitcases by my sides. with a deep breath, I stepped my way onto the porch and stood in front of the main door which was wide black and had one of those 'nose ring' door knockers hinged on it. to knock or not to knock. That's the question.

My illegitimate fears kept myself standing in front of the door as several minutes passed by. Then I thought, I'd rather not freeze to death but thanks for the offer, fear.
And knocked straight on the door.

just then, a lady who seemed to be in her 40's opened the door and gave me a bright smile. "Hi there! you must be Vivian. we've been expecting you for quite a while now," she greeted Me and motioned me to come inside. I tightly held on to my backpack as I cautiously made my way inside the well-built house. I found myself stepping into the foyer, where there was not much but an elongated stair way taking up most of the space, and a door-less entry to what seemed like a kitchen right behind the stairs. I happened to notice at my right, right across the stairs where futon leathered couches placed by the wall, surrounding a table facing a wide 90 inch flat screen TV.

wow. i'd like to watch some boybands on That television. was the first thought that came to me as I saw the high quality TV. hey just because I grew up in an abandoned part of a city doesn't mean that I wouldn't know the famous bands like one erection, five minutes of summer and imaginary dragons.

my thoughts over how astonishingly amazing this place was- were interrupted as the woman who greeted me earlier said, "of course, where are my manners. I'm Katherine, but please, call me Katie" she reached her hand out to me, expecting a handshake.

I stood there staring at her hand almost as if it was morphing into a snake.

Katie noticed my uncalled behaviour and awkwardly put her hand away. "aaalrighty then.." at that moment I realized there were two boys standing right behind her. "..and these are my two sons!" she said excitedly.
funny. I thought there was suppose to be three.

"well there's actually one more," she added. "but he's at his regular detention classes," she rolled her eyes as if this son was a huge disappointment.

The other guys just stood there like well behaved boys. They were tall and really good looking. dang flabbit this is exactly what I was worried about.

I jumped back as one of them reached their hand out and went "hi, I'm Simon."

He awkwardly took his hand back and exchanged a confused glance with his brother. At this point I was pretty much looking like an alien who's having contact with a human for the first time.

Tiffany was right. my one specialty would definitely be embarrassing myself infront of cute guys. and I'm telling you, these guys are cute alright.

The one named Simon looked like one of the guys I see at the modeling agency. He had that well built body and wore small glasses on his manly face which made him look adorable and somewhat badass as the same time. A good compilation I'd say.

I was struck at Simons features until the other one went, "and I'm Jared," then he pointed at Simon, "his older brother." he said proudly.
My attention diverted towards Jared who did seem a bit older than simon, yet they looked alike. Except Jerad didn't wear glasses, had his hair slicked back and wore decent clothing.

Katie stood there, a bit concerned for the fact that I wasn't saying anything. And I felt utterly stupid upon realizing that.

"so.. how about you guys sit down and.. get to know each other better. I'll go get your bags," Katie nodded her head towards the sofa and went to get my suitcases.

I was left standing awkwardly with the guys, who were also looking around aimlessly trying to avoid eye contact with me, who was doing the same.

"so are you like, mute?" Simon finally asked nonchalantly and Jared elbowed him in the stomach, he also motioned me to come sit next to him on the sofa and I slowly did.
Simon Came over and sat on a chair right across from where I was sitting.

"sooo.. look, not to sound mean but," Jared began. "if you have a socializing difficulty or anything else we should be aware of you might want to tell us now."

I can see that their first impression of me wasn't a good one. welldone with your first screwup Vivian De Maria. welldone.

"no, I'm fine," I told them. "just got out of the gutter so I'm new to this country, this type of luxury and.. new people, that is all." they gave off understanding looks as I started talking to them. "I'm Vivian by the way." I added.

"yeah we know that," Simon continued, "mom told us about your arrival yesterday and we've been pretty hyped about it ever since. you know, considering the fact that a girl is going to be staying with us." then he flashed an attractive smile at me. "And you're very pretty, I bet you're an Instagram model."

"Simon, knock it off." Jared scolded his younger brother, "that's the type of talk Lucas would do."

"who's that?" I asked him curiously.

"That would be my other son." Katie said as she struggled to drag my suitcases into the house. Adding the fact the boys werent even flinching to get up and help her. Priveledged much?

"yup, the youngest," Simon rolled his eyes. "I do not take pride in calling him my brother."

"Since you're living with us you'll learn a thing or do everyday" Jared said to me with a smile "don't be afraid to question."

I did have a lot more to ask them and I can see that they had burning questions for me as well, though our conversation was cut short when Katie called out to me.

"Vivian dear, its time to come see your room!" she said as she put my cases together and sighed at the effort.

Waving the boys a 'bye', I followed her up the stairs and into a hallway which had doors on each side. Katie stopped at one door from the two rooms and fidgeted with the key hole.

"Its been quite a while since I haven't opened this room," she told me and finally managed to unlock the door. "ah, there we go."

She opened the door and I found my self wide-eyed. The room was a lot different from the cranked up room I lived in before. More spacious and calming to be exact. The walls were covered in a red velvet. A queen-sized bed with silver linens and a floral bed frame, was placed in the middle against the wall. There was a window on the other side facing the bed, covered in the same red velvet toned curtains with a golden string on it.

a wooden dressing table and a black closet which took over the size of almost the entire wall- stood by the next to it.

Katie smiled at my obvious state of amazement. "I'm hoping you like it." she said, grabbing a remote and turning on the AC.

"like it?" I said. "I LOVE IT!" I calmly walked over to the bed and sat on it. what I really wanted to do was jump on the bed continuously while laughing like a maniac. but I didn't wanna get kicked out on the first day so.

"Well that's good to hear," Katie said while placing the keys on a table, "your mother says you'll be staying here for quite a while, so feel free to dominate this room while your here," she smiled, then walked out and went down the stairs.

I sat on the bed admiring my new room. wow it was just yesterday when I wondered when i was going to get out of the gutter. I thought, God sure is real. I should probably recite a thank you prayer. If only I was raised in a religious society and not a murderous gang culture where death and murder is the only thing I know.

After a few minutes Jared came up to my room with the suitcases. One suitcase over his shoulder and he placed it down with ease.

"well, there you go. take your time and get used to the room."


Upon taking a nap, I stood up from the bed and went over to the dressing table. ugh. I groaned at myself in the mirror. I slept for like 30 mins and my hair looked like it had been in a tornado and my face looked as if I've been sleeping for a century.

I quickly washed my face, did absolutely nothing to my face and left my hair in its messy glory. Right when I stepped out the bathroom I heard the main door slam from downstairs followed by someone shouting, "I'M HOME!"

I figured it could be the one named Lucas.

should I go and greet him like the rest or ignore him and continue exploring the room? I thought as I ignored him and continued exploring the room.

However the exploring was cut short as I heard a loud growl. Realising that it was my stomach, and that I haven't eaten anything since I came here, I closed the closet door and walked out of my room, stopping midway down the stairs.

Lucas was crouched down by the refrigerator.
I couldn't quite make out his features since the fridge door was covering most of him and it was dark, the only light was coming from the fridge.

I though it would be rude to just go back upstairs pretending not to see him since I have confrontation issues, so me being the straightforward-as-hell type, decided to walk over to the youngest boy for a meet and greet. It was quite stupid of me to think this one would be as friendly as the others.

Just as I reached the last step and was only inches away from him, he slammed the fridge door shut. Suddenly everything went dark and I screamed. My terrible scream was followed by a "what the fuck?" from Lucas.

The lights flicked on and I found myself face to face with a mans torso of a black Tshirt which had the Star Wars logo on it. I slowly looked up and met with Lucas's eyes staring into mine. And it was almost like all my internal organs stopped functioning.

He looked a lot like his brothers, though his features appeared more stricking, atleast to me. Simon and Jerad both had a reasonable height. But Lucas here, considering he's the youngest- towered over me like a wolf looking into the eyes of its prey. And boy did he look hungry. He was opening a pepsi can in his hands, still not taking his alluring eyes off mine.

I couldn't help myself. I found myself staring back at his dark eyes too. dear lord this guy Is beautiful.

"who's this?" Lucas asked in his crazy deep voice.

"That's Vivian," Simon came out of nowhere and replied to his brother "you know the one mother was talking about?"

"this is her??" Lucas asked pointing at me, a slight tone of disbelief I had noticed. "Are you serious?"

"come on man she's alright for a Hispanic who's lived in the gutter for 19 years." Simon patted my shoulder.

"Wait who told you that-" I started but was cut off by Simon defending(?) me. "She deserves respect okay do not illtreat her just because she's a streeto."

"Simon please you do NOT sound cool edgy when you talk like that." Lucas shook his head and took a sip from his can, walking away towards the stairs.
"Disappointed that we didn't land an Instagram chick or atleast someone that sparked my interest" he added and disappeared upstairs.

Did he just lowkey diss me by showing his uninterest in me? Who tf he think he is? what was he expecting? a supermodel? well I got news for you.

"sorry about that.." Simon said noticing my glum expression. "he's quite a..pain sometime. I mean Most of the time." Simon corrected himself. "Okay maybe all the time. Just ignore him like I do and you'll be fine. Also its getting late, you should probably go to sleep."

"Simon its 8pm" I added deadpanly.

Simon gave me a confused look, "that's.. not your bedtime?"

I looked back at him blankly, "yes. I'm not a kindergartner."

"Well, uh," he awkwardly started rubbing the back of his head, "I'll uh go play some call of duty" with that he left off.

I stood there in slight confusion, its gonna take them just as much time to get used to me as I would take to get used to them.

I made my way up the stairs heading to my room. I almost reached there, when I saw that the door right in front of of mine, was halfway open. slightly curious, I slowly walked over and peeked through.

I did feel a slight disappointment once I saw that it was Lucas room. He was lying on the bed and had his eyes glued to the phone. what could he be doing? texting someone? playing a game? social media? porn???
I didn't give a shit.

I immediately turned on my heel, went inside my room and slammed the door shut loud enough, I was sure it would have made Lucas jump from surprise.

I had several thoughts keeping me from going back to sleep, the most important one was ofcourse, keeping my secret here is going to be harder than I thought..

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