Never Let Me Go

De carlilloyd2020

41.5K 1.1K 355

Tobin finds out about Alex's trade to Orlando through the news. Will tobin want to keep what they already hav... Mais

The Morning Of
Beach Trip
Needing Space
Find Yourself
Fighting for all the right reasons
Your Mess Is Mine
When a Heart Breaks
We'll Sleep When We Die
Play it Again
Id Go Crazy
Turning page
Same old love
Not so Hallelujah
Not About Angels
See You Again
I lived
You Deserve It
Only One Call Away
Marry Me


1.5K 49 33
De carlilloyd2020

A/n - be glad it wasnt kelley

Tobin pov

"Amy what do you mean? What happened to lauren?! Is she okay?" I say frantically while putting shoes on and grabbing a backpack to put clothes in.

"Tobs its not good. How fast can you get to New Orleans?" She says inbetween sobs.

"Already on my way to the airport. Ill text you what flight i can get on okay? Amy dont let anything happen to her please. We cant lose her." I say beginning to cry. "See you in a few hours."

"I love you tobin. Get her quick." She says before hanging up.

I dont even know what happened to cheney and im already having a panic attack from the way Arod was talking.

I leave a note on the counter for my family when they wake up, to know what happened and where i went.

I get in perry's car and drive as fast as i can to the airport, most likely breaking the speed limit by 30+. But who cares, i need to get to lauren.

I pull into the short term parking lot and sprint inside to the ticket counter. Its pretty empty for 2:30 in the morning but im not complaining.

"Ma'am, yea hi," i say as i must have scared her considering she jumped, "ya okay i need the next flight out to NOLA and as fast as you can please, its an emergency." I say while pulling out my credit card from my wallet and sliding it over with my i.d. 

" flight leaves at 3:15, with only 3 seats left. 1 in first class and 2 in economy. Which would you like?" She says while typing.

"Surprise me." I say not giving one fuck about my seat.

"Alright that'll be $675"

I wince at how much this will cost me, but i really just need to get to Lauren so i could care less.

She hands me back my cards and the ticket as i sprint towards security to get through as fast as i can.

I take off my shoes and belt and put all the stuff on the conveyor belt a i walk through the metal detector. 

Thank god it was clean.

I grab my stuff, not even bothering to put my shoes on until i arrive at my gate, which has just called the final boarding call. I rush up to the counter and hand my lady my ticket as i walk down the walkway.

I finally find my seat and drop down into it, sending a quick text to amy to tell her i should be there in 3 hours or less.

I turn it off as the captain starts to go through safety procedures. I pull out my ipod, which thankfully i remembered, and put my headphones in. I know im not going to get any sleep so i end up looking out the window most of the ride.

Ive gone through just about a whole playlists when the captain notifies us that we are beginning our descend.

20 mins later and im walking off the plane to go meet arod at the front of the airport. I sprint down the stairs and run outside to where the drop off area is. I look around until i hear a broken voice to my left.

"Tobin" i turn and see amy, red eyed and puffy, with a look of terror on her face. I drop my shoulders and slowly walk over to her pulling her in for long and tight hug.

"C'mon, we gotta go see cheney." I say as i wrap an arm around her shoulder and begin to walk towards an open taxi.


We get to the hospital 15 mins later. Amy gets out first and takes me to laurens room. I open the door and set my bag down by a chair. I walk in a little further and the sight infront of me is enough to make me break down.

There lauren is

Laying in the hospital bed

With tubes and wires coming out of her in all directions.

Looking as helpless as ever.

"W-what happened?" I manage to get out.

"They say she must have had a heart arrhythmia. It started to pump too fast and ended up tearing one of the valves to shreds. They tried repairing it but her body couldnt hold much longer in surgery. She was in there for about 30 mins before they had to stop.

"Right now its just a waiting game to see if she'll gain more strength so they can go back in," she stops letting out a silent sob, "b-but they said its unlikely she pull through this." She states before fully breaking down.

I feel my knees go weak and give out as i fall into the chair beside her bed.

"Amy how did this happen? She was doing fine the last time we saw her, what? 2 months ago?" I say grabbing cheney's hand.

"I know tobin, i dont know how, or why it happened. But hey, look at me," i turn and look into her red eyes, "we need to stay strong for her okay? She cant get better if we're like this alright? We need to be here for her as much as we can. Shes going to pull through tobin, shes a fighter." Amy says while pulling me in for a hug.

"Does jrue know?" I ask noticing i havent seen him yet.

"Yea, and her family too, he's in cleveland for a game, i called him as soon as i could, he should actually be getting her soon." Amy says.

"Im gonna go take a walk alright? I just need to clear my head." I say heading for the door.

"Be back soon okay? Doctor should be here later to check on her."

"Sounds good." I turn out the door and head down the hall looking at the direction signs they have posted. Im looking for one thing and one thing only.

I see a nurse at one of their stations and ask her.

"Hey ma'am, wheres your chapel located?" I ask.

"Go down the hall, turn left and take the elevators to floor L3. Follow the signs and you'll see it." She says while pointing down the hall.

"Thank you s'much" i say following her instructions.


It honestly wasnt that hard to find. And im glad it was empty when i walked in.

I walk up to the front and get down on both knees bowing my head.

"Hey God

Uhm, you've been there for me through everything in my life. I never really ask much from you because i know you'll give me all i need in life. But God, right now, i really need you to help lauren pull through this. I need her to come out of this, she has too. Whatever it takes, she needs to get through this in little amount of pain as possible. She needs to get stronger so she wont be in pain anymore. I need You with me here...with her. Please guide her through this, and make sure she comes out safely.


I get up and head back to laurens room, hoping the doctors will be able to give us more answers.

I walk in and see jrue by her side and amy on the other. They both look up with tears in their eyes.

"They said she's not getting better, it'll be a miracle if she makes it til the end of the week." Jrue says while holding onto her hand tightly.


Its been 3 days since lauren got to the hospital...and thinks still arent looking up.

I havent left, not even to eat. I havent had much of an appetite, nor has amy or jrue. We've all been sleeping in laurens room or the waiting room down the hall, afraid that if we leave her sight that'll be it.

The past couple of days we've been reading verses from the bible, some of her favorite ones, because we know she likes to do that in her free time.

Right now jrue and amy are down the hall, asleep, but i couldnt so i came her to talk to lauren. The doctor said that could possibly help her get stronger...hearing a familiar voice. I just dont really know what to say, so ive been going through our past accomplishments...the ones of the New Kids.

I got through everything up until the victory tour of the recent world cup and skipped the 2011 world cup because who wants to relive that experience?

"...and when your retirement game was nearing, all you, me, and amy did for a month straight was be by each others side, never wanting this chapter in our lives to end. I'll admit, it was heart shattering to see you walk off that field, but it was also a sigh of relief, knowing that you went out the way you wanted to...and knowing you were happy with your decision.

"Missing you on the field is one thing cheney, but missing you every day of my life, knowing i dont get to see you everyday like we used too, that just flat out sucks." I stop, trying to fight back tears and keep myself together.

"Cheney, atleast before all this, i know i could call you up and hear your voice, anytime i wanted, whenever i needed your help. B-but if you go, well damnit cheney, i would hate you. I would hate you for leaving me. For leaving us. Me and amy, because lauren, we dont know how to live without you! You were our rock for 7 years on the national team, you kept us grounded, like the mom of the group! You directed us when we didnt know where to go!

"You were our New Kid. Ours! And you leaving will destroy that. I dont want you to go chendog. I really dont. So please, fight like hell to stay alive. I know that sounds selfish but please do it. For as long as you can. And if the time does come...when you dont have an ounce of fight left in you...well then...i atleast hope youre out of pain and suffering. I never want you to be in pain cheney. Never. And if you are...then let go.

"It'll suck losing you, but i'll try my hardest to keep Amy together...and everyone else. I'll do it for you, like you did it for me and amy. I love you cheney. I love you more than life itself...its okay to let go." I say finally breaking down like never before. I feel someone next to me, and as i look up arod's standing by my chair...tears streaming down her face, a look of grief on her face.

"Shes right lauren...its okay to let go. You can do it sweetie...its okay." She whispers coming over to where i am and hugging me and lauren.


12 hours later Lauren Nicole Holiday passed away. One of the greatest the United States has ever seen, took her last and final breath.

And the 2 people who have been there since the beginning, were right by her side, like they have been since day 1.


A/n- ohhh boy. I know some of you are crying, and to be honest i bawled my eyes out writing this. But the book must go on. And the end is not near. I would say enjoy but thats kind of tough to do, sooo cry instead.

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