Princess and the Pea? No no...

By XxDontmesswithmexX

67.2K 1K 374

Avery June, meet Ian Corlett; Your prince. Now, don't mistake him for a REAL prince, Avery. He'll just throw... More

Chapter [2]
Chapter [3]
Chapter [4]
Chapter [5]
Chapter [6]
Chapter [7]
Chapter [8]
Chapter [9]
Chapter [10]
Chapter [11]
Chapter [12]
Author's SADDD Note :'(
Chapter 13
Chapter [14]
Chapter [15]
Chapter [16]
Interviews!!! :D
Last Chapter(':
Final Chapter

Chapter [1]

11.1K 195 149
By XxDontmesswithmexX

*Sigh* I did it again guys...I made another story...

I now have like, five. Aha, im so screwed! :)

Oh well, I'll work it out. I always do!...Right...?


When school starts, one of the stories is gunna be murdered from my works(: Just a heads up. Ahhah(:

And, for this story, Imma try to do a bunch of different POVs! So you know who's thinking what you know? See, I think about you guys!(; Lol, that might sound a lil bit creepy...But you know what I mean!

Ohkay well...

Uhm, enjoy!!

Don't hate!!(:

...No seriously, don't. I wasn't joking about that.

The goal is four pages(:


[Avery POV]

"Look, Avery, I don't think running away is going to help."

"Why should I care? They won't notice anyways." I snarl. I zip the bag shut after stuffing half my closet in there.

"C'mon. Unpack all the crap and go to sleep." My cousin, Kyran says in a stern voice.

I sigh in fake defeat, and plop my body onto the bed like I was tired.

"Okay. I won't go. Jeez." I lie into a pillow. I look up, and see Kyran's gray experienced eyes peer into my same colored gray, unexperienced, naive ones.

I feel like she knows what I'm going to do.

"Go to sleep." She warns. I snort, and pull the covers over my head.

I hear her footsteps exit my room, and then slowly shut the door.

After about three minutes of silence, I slowly and quietly get out of bed.

I snag my bag from the ground where I had left it, and open the window.

"Pfft, bye." I mutter into my room, and jump out of the window.

Yeah, like anyone would actually notice me gone.

[Ian POV]

I sigh, and look at Tammy; the chick at my doorstep.

"Ian! Can I just-," She tried to peak over my shoulder and see the inside of my house.

"What the hell are you doing?" I bark.

Who DOES that? Oh right, creepy, stalker chicks do.

"You have a white couch? Ohmygod! I wanna-,"

I shut the door in her face.


She's the eighth girl who's been that obssesed with me since I went to the high school...

I just want a girl who's actually NOT obssesed with me, and likes my personality, rather than my looks.

"Ian! IAN!" I hear Tammy's muffled voice yell at the door.

It's amazing how I actually heard her from downstairs screaming my name.

I put my iPod earphones in my ears and turn it on.

'Choke Chain' from 3OH!3 came on.

HA, I love this song.

I hear muffled, "IAN!" 's from outside.

I decide to clean the house, and work from downstairs to upstairs.

My senior year in high school, and my parents decide to give me a house.

I guess they just don't want me to live with them, since they had four more kids to take care of. Oh yeah, you read right.


There were seven of us living in a medium sized house.

It was my older brother, Jones, then me, Ian. After that, my younger sisters, Scarlette, Violet, and Ivy. Then the five year old twins, Flora and Finn.

Yeah, my parents were pretty busy. 

Jones is in college, and I'm a senior in high school. Scarlette is a junior, Violet a freshman, and Ivy in eighth grade.

Scarlette actually lives with me in the house. But she practically lives at her boyrfriends house, Kendal.

All of us Corlett's have trademark eyes, I don't know why.

It all started with our mom.

She has these sparkling gray eyes, but when she gets mad, it dulls into fierce ones. Then it sparks up again when she's not mad.

All of us kids seem to have it.

It sucks for me, because all of the people I know knows when I'm mad or happy.

People who know me or my family well make sure to back away from us when our eyes turn to a dull color.

[Avery POV]

"Ugh, stupid parents." I mutter.

I drag my suitcase on the ground.

"Stupid Kyran! Stupid suitcase!" I mutter to myself again.

This can't be healthy for me...Muttering to myself, I mean.

This sucks.

The bag was so damn heavy...

I groan, set the suitcase down, and look at my little map I brought.

Oh yeah, I was so responsible. I brought my own MAP. How much more responsible can I get?!

"All right. So this is where I am..." I point at the map.

"And this is...where the bus station is...?" I point to the completely different direction I was standing at the moment.

Are you...serious?

From pure anger, I rip the map in two.

I hate this.

I hate the person who made maps.

I feel a drop land on my arm.

"What the...hell?" I say, and look at my arm and the place where the drop landed.

It's water. I think to myself. Then I think bitterly, Well good observation Sherlock.

"Water? Why is it...O-h crap."

Now, my town has drastic weather changes. So if it's sunny one minute, you should always carry an umbrella just in case.

So, from this? It means it's most likely going to pour down raining.

And the second I think that, I hear thunder, and then water spray down on me.

The liquid poured on me, and I mean POURED.

"Augh DAMN it!" I yell, and try to find someplace where I can take cover. My clothes are probably ruined by now...

Stupid rain.

Stupid people who like rain.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I see a house, and think there's no choice but to ask if I can stay there. I mean, I can't go back to the house. No no, I'd stay at a kidnapper's house before I go back to my house.

Hopefully, the people who live here are nice.

I slowly and hesitantly knock on the door.

No answer.

I knock again.

No answer.

I know once again really hard, until my knuckles hurt.

Then I kick the door, but end up jumping around on one foot because it hurt so much.

Well I didn't think that through. Nice one, Ave.

After a couple of minutes, I sigh impatiently, and decide that it's only safe if I just go through the backyard under like some tree.

Or something.

So I climb the fence, then scamper towards the yard.

There's a sliding glass window, and I peer through it. I see a tall, blonde haired guy scrubbing the table, smiling a little.

Well...You don't see that everyday.

Then, he looks up.

[Ian's POV]

I hear rain patter on my window while I scrub the dining table, and smile.

I actually love rain.

Then I feel someone staring at me. I stop scrubbing, and look up.

I widen my eyes when I see a girl staring at me through the sliding glass window.

She doesn't look like Tammy...Or any other of girls...

I've actually never seen her...I stare at her for a little bit, and she stares right back.

Her gray eyes dances around in her iris, and her full lips turn into a crooked smile. I see her bronze hair lift slightly from the wind.

I cock my head to the side like a dog, but keep staring at her. I see her mouth move, but I can't hear what she's saying. I realize I can't hear her because of the music blasted into my ears.

"What?" I ask.

"LET ME IN!" She screams.

I don't move.

"HEY! YOU!" She pounds on the sliding glass door.

I don't respond, and keep scrubbing the table.

Well, this surely is amusing.

[Avery POV]

I see the guy's mouth part open as he gazes at me.

Staring back, I freeze.

The guy's blonde hair is all messy, like he just woke up, and his gray eyes are sparkling. Why the hell were they sparkling?


"Let me in!" I say. He realizes I'm talking to him, and takes out the earphones out of his ears. I roll my eyes, and put my hands on my hips.

"What?" I hear him say. I sigh impatiently, and yell, "LET ME IN!"

He doesn't say anything.

Why isn't he letting me inside?! He's crazy!

I was only wearing a tank top and shorts!

If I get sick and die, I'm going to kill him.

"HEY! YOU!" I scream, and pound on the glass door. I see a small smile playing on his lips as he keeps scrubbing his stupid table.

Stupid table.

Stupid person who won't even let me in!

"URGH! JERK!" I exclaim, and walk on his yard, kicking grass.

I end up kicking nothing, and landing flat out on my ass.

"Ohmyfiretruck..." I mutter, my back pounding from the impact.

I hear a slide of glass, and slow footsteps.

Then I see the face. That mean, cold face that didn't let me come inside of the house.

"I fell." I state, not moving. The rain splatters on my face as I talk. I open an eye, and see that it's indeed the guy.

"Yeah well no shit." He mumbles. My back burns, and so does my face.

I see his lips part slightly, analyzing what he should do with my body. Maybe he should go dump me in a dumpster and erase all evidence or something.

 "Look, don't move." He says.

"Oh, that's such a hard task to do now." I say sarcastically. The guy doesn't smile, and walks back to the house.

"Well why don't you take your time sweetheart!" I say bitterly. The guy turns around, and gives me a thumbs up.


After about thirty minutes, he's still hasn't came and aided me.

Jeez, how long does a girl have to wait?

[Ian POV]

I continue cleaning the table, when I hear a loud thump outside. Then it continues with a, "Ohmyfiretruck."

I peer out the window in curiosity, and see the girl I was staring at moments ago.

Ugh, what now?

I open the sliding glass door, and approach the girl.

"I fell." She says stupidly.

No shit.

"Yeah well, no shit." I mutter, stealing the line from my thoughts.

I try to look around and analyze how to pick her up from the ground without injuring her

I decide that maybe I should just pick her up and fling her into the front yard.

Yeah, how nice would that be?

"Don't move." I say, getting up from my crouching position. The gray eyed girl rolls her eyes.

"Oh, that's such a such a hard task to do now." The girl says sarcastically. I feel the rain drops pounding on my head, and seeping into my hair.

That did it.

I don't say anything to the girl with the big mouth.

So I walk casually back to the house. Then, I hear, "Well why don't you take your time sweet heart!"

I bite my tongue and clench my fists in anger.

The bitch who stalked my house can lay there in pain for a while.

So I turn my iPod on, put the earphone's in, and turn up the music.

After about three hours of straight cleaing, I start to go upstairs.

Yeah, until I hear screams from the backyard.

"AHHH!" I hear, and cover my ears as I open the sliding glass windows. I see the grey eyed girl. Oh great.

"Stop! Stop! ST-,"

"AHHHH!!" She screams again.



...I can't take this...No, I can't take this...

"Get up! GET UP!" I yell in the pounding rain. She doesn't move, and keeps screaming. So eventually, I just scoop her up from the ground.

She stops yelling, but replaces it with groaning.

"OW! Hey! WATCH IT!" She growls. I remembered about her back.

Wow, she must've done something pretty bad, if it hurts that bad.

"Jeez sorry." I mutter, and carry her bridal style towards the entrance of my house.

The first girl in here. And I didn't even know her name.

"What's your name?" I ask, practically dropping her on my couch.

She raises her eyebrows at me, and crosses her arms.

"You're suddenly curious?" She asks.

"Fine, I'll start calling you, hey you!"

"Whatever." She mumbles, and makes herself all comfortable on the couch.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Uh, what are you doing?" She answers a question with a question.

What a classic.

"Going upstairs. You, are staying down here. And also, leaving tomorrow." I state, smirking a bit. The girl frowns.

"Why?" She asks, her gray eyes staring into mine.

"What do you mean, why? I don't know you, your name, or what you are!"

"Fine. I'm Avery. I'm human. I like goldfish crackers."

I snicker, and the girl - Avery - frowns.

"I'm human. What are you?" She asks, excitement bursting inside of her eyes.

I stop laughing.

"That's such an old joke."

"You're an old joke." She shoots back immediatley.

Maybe I should just dump her ass outside in the pouring rain.

I point my finger to the pouring rain, raising my eyebrows.

DARING her to say anything towards me.

She gets my point, and shuts her eyes.

Good choice. I say venomously in my head. It was meant for Avery, but I didn't want to talk to her or fight with her again.

I climb up the stairs before Avery can say anything to me in her smart-ass tone, and head for the shower once I get to my room.

Jeez, girls are a lot of trouble...

[Avery POV]

Guys are jerks.

They don't let you in their house in time of desperation. They don't carry you inside the house when it's raining hard. But when they actually DO carry you inside, they threaten to throw you back outside. In the pouring rain.

Guys are jerks.

Wait did I mention that?


ta da!

Hope this is 4 pages...

I bet someone $500 that it would be. Watch it be 5 pages! Whoop whoop! Lol(:

No seriously, watch it be like 3. Ahaha(: Then I'd be out of $500!

HEY! Does anybody wanna lend me $500? Yeah? All right! Message me! Ahaha, JK!

Ha...So I hope you liked it! I really like this one. (Especially cuz it's new, lol)

Pardon any spelling mistakes!

Update: Soon as I can, since I love this story(:

Love you all


P.S. Their family will be explained throught the story. Please don't feel confused(: If you do, then you OBVIOSULY didn't read this!(;

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