Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

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Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
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Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
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Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
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The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

Baby Shower [part 1]

4.6K 35 3
By ScriptStories13

so sorry for the long delay in updating been so busy been having birthdays , job interviews looking for a job , being sick , cracked my toe : /  been not so amazing week. but i managed to find time to update woop :) 

 took me forever to find a right outfit for her haha ..  i love the song too heheh 

its in two parts sorry !!! here is part 1 <3


5HOURS!!!! 5 long torturous hours I had to stand – well lay there listening to My cousin and her boyfriend. In bed. Having $ex! 5 Freaking long hours.

So you can imagine my mood was less than cheery when id woken expecting to feel leons arms I felt warm air and my blanket. Because I lost 5 hours of much needed sleep I slowly drifted back into dream land.

“Karla!” her voice whispered through the black fog the room slowly focusing into the same room id met her in before. “Karla” her voice now clear as a bell I turned around from facing myself there she stood in the same dress with the same hair and the same warm smile. This woman, my mother, my freaking mother.

“You- you’re my mother?” she nodded and to my surprise she stepped out of the mirror becoming as real as myself. She walked over gracefully to stand in front of me in the middle of the room.

“I wanted to tell you” she started her eyes holding sadness and regret “ but I couldn’t , it wasn’t the time and I wasn’t the person to tell you”

“but you’re my mother-”

“yes I am” she cupped my face “ but it still wasn’t my place.”

I wanted to scream at her ask her why it wasn’t her place scream myself awake I felt like a complete lunatic for even dreaming this I felt like a huge joke was being played on me.

But knew how much I asked how much I screamed she wouldn’t tell me even though id only known of her a short time I could just tell by her look in her eyes , the look a mother gave her child telling them not to argue. She gave me that look as if she could read my mind she just knew and I obliged for some unknown reason I obeyed her stern yet warm mother like look.

But that didn’t mean id avoid asking any other question swirling in my mind I mean this is like a miracle I was lucky to even be seeing my dead mother unlike most normal people who never would. Ha! Still hard to grasp im not normal.

The first question flowed from my mouth without thought or regret “Why did you give up your life for me?”

“The love a mother holds for her child is more powerfully then any kind of love” she simply replied. Before I could even ask her to elaborate shed cut me off

“-Before you ask anymore questions I want you to understand one thing.”


“Now you know who you truly are doesn’t mean your in any less of danger then you were before, phoenix he will read your thoughts he will figure it out and when he does he will be even more persistent to get to you.” She suddenly sighed she obviously knew him too “we don’t have much time”

in an instant shed wrapped her arms around me squeezing me lightly, it hit me this was all real I was here with my mother, my real mother who is dead. The thought made my eyes water this was only as dream only half real when I wake up she wouldn’t be there. Tears rolled down my cheeks I held onto her tightly though id just met her / known about her recently I feel as though id known her long before like shed never died it was a strange but familiar feeling being in her arms feeling her hand stroke my hair. “What am I to do?” I pleaded begging for her to give me an answer.

She pulled back smiling gently her soft hand cupping my left cheek after wiping away my tears “you-”

black. That’s all I saw after everything faded within seconds she was gone she was about to tell me something. What was it this was going to bug me all day I could tell.

Something brushed against my nose soft and smooth with a little tickle I groaned wiping my finger across my nose to rid of the disturbance trying my best to fall back to sleep to hear her say what she needed to say. But it only happened again instead of my nose this time it tickled my cheek.  “iveee ore inuetsa” I mumbled

it happened again now on my other cheek that’s when  I realized what was going on  my eyes flew open recognizing the laughter anywhere I set my eyes into the coldest glare up at him. My 29 year old brother uh Cousin Ted smiled down at me with toothpaste in one hand uncapped and a grey fluffy feather in the other.

“MORNING SUNSHINE” he shouted in a sing song voice I felt my cheek feeling a gooey paste then looked to my finger where there was smothered white toothpaste my gaze when back to him who grinned smugly at me.

“YOU SUCK!”  I yelled

“And this is my cue to leave, breakfast is down stairs along with your boyfriend” he called emphasis on ‘boyfriend’ booking it out the door I jumped up after untangling myself from my sheets tripping once

“Yeah you better run your dead meat when I catch you” I got to me feet again and bolted after him picking up speed rather quickly.

Well what do you know I am pretty fast I must have some of that super speed thing vampires poses unlucky for me though cause he was more vampire than myself he was faster.

 I go to the kitchen a few seconds after him “you” I growled through gritted teeth

“Oo im scared” he waved his hand up in the air still grinning. I darted to his side of the island on my way passing Lyla- aka my aunt aka the woman I thought was my mom 24 hours ago.

“Morning darling” she said without lookup from her magazine rather cheerfully slowly sipping her mug.

“Morning” I said back quietly running past her to the dining room where everyone was.

Kelis with 2 plates of food scoffing them down, next her her husband rubbing her belly whilst drinking coffee and reading the paper. Next to them was my niece chewing at toast, next to her was her older brother half asleep eating cereal and drinking OJ.

On the other side was Leon texting away probably for work also drinking coffee. Next to him was tahliah eating cereal next to her her bed budding from last night her BF whispering things into her ear making her giggle. I could almost gag.  Next to him was my annoying brother’s wife Erin cutting up my other sisters baby nieces food while my uncle/ dad was at  the head of the table reading the papers.

Now that I saw him in the actual daylight I could notice he was paler than usual.

“Oh my god not again” kelis cried with a sigh I came to a halt behind her Ted behind and between tahliah and Leon who just like everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing and looked between us two besides Leon who just stared at me with an amused expression causing blush to rise to my cheek part from embarrassment and part from anger directed to Ted who laughed like a hyena behind him.

Like I said before my family never fail to humiliate me.

“I cant believe he got you again” tahliah chuckles shaking her head by the time Lyla walks in most of the table is in around of fits save for me , Ted’s wife who gave him a disapproving look. This is why I always liked her she was always on my side whenever either of them humiliated me or fought with me.

“I hate you” I grumbled he winked

“love you too baby sis” I felt my heart hurt at the mention of baby sis. What would he do when he found out I wasn’t, if they he got told.

Greg cleared his throat his laughter dying down to silence “Karla sweetheart why don’t you go clean up-“

“yeah the showers at 12 we have 4 hours to get ready and decorate” kelis interjected

“- and Ted your 29 start acting like it or ill be forced to punish you like you 9.”

“yes sir” he mockingly saluted sitting next to his wife who slapped him over the head I chuckled walking out of the room. Karma is a bitch.

After a long warm shower id stepped back into my room my hair which id previously blow dried out wavy down my back my face clear of all makeup and thankfully toothpaste wrapped in a towel. 

After stepping into a pair of matching black lace bra and underwear I walked over to my bed where Lyla had told me shed put the dress shed picked out for me.

Everything was in a tan skin color tone with gold and nude color jewelry all set out for me across the bed the dress its self was simple but beautiful.

I slipped out of my towel and into the dress carefully. Unfortunately it at had little bit of a zipper at the back I bend over in awkward positions trying to do it up but the zipper somehow got caught just above mid back.

“Umm did I come at a bad time?” holding the fabric of the dress to my chest I turn around to an amused Leon clad in dark denim jeans and a pin stripped grey and white button up with a black dress jacket over top. Smart casual yet formal for the  I don’t know why it was so formal being a baby shower but then again it is kelis and she’s always been over the top.

I laughed nervously at the situation me being almost half dressed him just standing there smiling someone would walk in and think other wise of the situation. “Need some help?” he strode towards me slowly I gave him a grateful smile turning around.

His hand grazed down my back barely touching the skin his hand pulling down the zip abit since it was suck then tugging it smoothly up his hand lingering longer then necessary bringing back memories of last night how hed confessed he liked. And me him.

willing myself not to blush I turned around  once his hand left my skin “thanks” he nodded but didn’t move  from his spot so close I could smell his cologne one I loved to smell. I suddenly felt like a creep smelling him even more so after id been weird out hed been smelling my sister.

“your thoughts are cute” he laughed suddenly his hands finding my waist his lips all but came crashing down onto mine throwing me off guard for a moment but like usual id melt and going along with it my hand tangled in his hair while his hands  pulled me even closer into him.

Being just the one little kiss it still blew my mind away and every thought or doubt with it he just had this affect on me it probably wasn’t healthy but right now I couldn’t careless.

“Karla are you ready-”

Just like yesterday the door burst open in walks Lyla in her tan silky halter neck dress we jumped apart but luckily shed been looking down doing up her diamond bracelet so she didn’t even see, I wonder how she would react.

 “Oh hey Leon” she smiled so oblivious to watch shed just missed.

“Hello” he rubbed his neck uncomfortably his uncomfortable ness made me want to laugh he looked so cute like a little kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

“Uh no sorry” I replied to her question.

she frowned putting her hands on her hips “ well chop chop we have 2 hours till guests arrive everyone’s down stairs decorating” I nodded “ oh and good you’re here Leon Greg wants to talk to you”

“oh okay thanks”  he walked out  leaving us alone.

“Go on quickly we don’t have all day” she ushered me into my bathroom “oh and honey it doesn’t take a fool to know what was happening before I walked in” she shut the door smiling at my gaped mouth.

“1 HOUR” she yelled from the other side of the door. 


so here it is i had it written for ages just had afew mind blocks but i am pulling through thanks to the readers :)    

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the outfits on the side i couldnt explain it i suck at explaining anything id only confuse you lot haha . i love those color clothes just saying .. :)

oh my gosh last night was my cousins 21st and me my uncle n cousin were watching funny videos  these 2 had me rotfl  <<<< heheh soooo cute:)  and the faces this guy makes made me cry laughing... my uncle tried to do this but failled misserably ahhah so funny : ) 

umm yer  so  not much to say other than thank you for reading i really love the feed back  and hope you all had an amazing week ... weekend <3

pleease vote , comment, rate, fan

much love <3  

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