Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

95.9K 1K 188

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Chapter 12: Moving in

2.3K 27 4
By imfeelinghappynow

“Right, I’m going to go and help Connor and Christine put there last boxes into the car. You sure you’re alright making your own way into school?” dad asked as he did his tie round his neck, I finished the mouthful of cereal in my mouth then picked up my phone “Yeah. Oh and don’t forget we have the hospital after school today” I said turning round in my chair, dad nodded and came over to kiss my forehead before walking out the door. I finished my cereal then started packing my bag for school when my phone started vibrating; I looked at it reading it was a blocked number. “Who are you and why’s ya number blocked?” I sighed down the phone, expecting it to be a sales person trying to flog me something. I sat up sternly when I heard his voice on the other end “I’m coming round tonight whether your dad’s there or not, I miss you” his croaky voice sounded, I bit my lip a little “You can’t. I’m at the hospital and my dad’s girlfriend’s moving in with her son…I’ll tell you when you can come” I said then hung up the phone turning it off instantly. I looked straight ahead then burst into tears, letting my face fall into my hands as if shielding my tears from someone who wasn’t there. I sat there crying for a few minutes until there was a knock at the door, I jumped up and quickly wiped away my smudged eye make-up leaving me looking quite pale since my foundation came off too, I wasn’t bothered by this as I grabbed my bag and unlocked the door opening it to a smiling Barry. I gave him a weak smile then stepped out and locked the door “What’s up babe? You look like you’ve been crying?” he said as he put an arm round my shoulder and walked me up the path “No, I’m fine just tired and a little bit scared about the hospital” I said as I buckled myself into the car, Barry got in and squeezed my hand lightly “You’ll be fine” he said and started up the car, since I’d said something about his speeding on the first day he’d been driving at a normal speed which I liked a lot better, especially today since I felt ill and like I was going to throw up any second. Once we got into school, I didn’t wait for Barry just jumped out and ran inside, the second I got through the doors I pushed people out of the way and ran to the toilet. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, as soon as I entered the bathroom I went straight to a cubicle and basically started throwing my guts up. “Kait?” I heard someone say my name but didn’t turn around; I already knew who it was. Dynasty. “You alright babe?” she asked coming over to me, I was done being sick and it actually made me feel better so I turned around “Yeah, just scared I guess” I said, it wasn’t uncommon for me to throw up when I’m nervous but I hadn’t done that in a long while now so it came as a shock. “Come on babe, let’s clean you up” Dynasty said, she lifted me up off the ground and cleaned me up like I was a baby then did my make up for me. “There’s no need for you to be scared about the hospital babe, you’ll be fine okay? And me and Barry’ll always be here for you, through it all I promise!” Dynasty said then pulled me into a hug; we weren’t paying attention and didn’t hear the bell go. We only pulled apart when the door opened and we heard Mr Clarkson’s voice “If anyone’s in there then you need to go to form” I quickly flushed the toilet which I’d been sick in then grabbed my bag and walked out “Sorry sir, I wasn’t feeling too well so Dynasty was looking after me” I said to my form tutor as we walked out “Maybe you should go and see the nurse then, Kaitlin” sir said, a worried tone on his voice I just smiled and shook my head “It’s okay sir, it was just nerves about the hospital tonight” I said, I could tell Mr Clarkson was suspicious about that answer but didn’t ask any further questions and walked to form with us.

First lesson was PE, it would be the first time actually doing it in about a month now and it felt weird pulling on my vest top and joggy bottoms. As we were walking from the changing room to the hall, me, Dynasty and Imogen were talking about her and Connor, I did feel a little bit awkward since Connor moving into my house was stopping him seeing Imogen out of school. “Look, Imogen. My dad has at least one meeting a week and from what I can tell so far with Christine she normally goes out herself when dad has a meeting so if you want I can find out when he has a meeting this week and you can come round, spend some time with Connor?” I suggested after feeling way too awkward to just stand there. Imogen’s face lit up and she nodded enthusiastically as we walked into the sports hall. We were made to get into lines and then run threw some cones individually, a load of bollocks in my opinion and I made a girl called Nancy do my turn for me “So who was your first then?” Imogen asked Dynasty since we’d been talking about boyfriends “Just some lad back in Liverpool. It was a disaster, though” Dynasty said as she jumped a little on the spot “Most peoples are babe” I said, I watched carefully as Rhiannon started running and smirked to myself “Why who was your first?” Dynasty asked turning to me, “My ex in Rochdale, Kyle” I said, biting my nails a little “That lad who came up on your birthday you mean? You weren’t wi’ him was ya?!” Imogen asked, shocked, I smirked a little most people were pretty shocked when I told them about me and Kyle, he was a chav and everyone knew it including himself. “Yeah, I weren’t always like this ya know, I used to pretty much be the female version of him” I said, Dynasty looked at me and stared in shocked “You’re kidding me? But he was a right twat” Dynasty said then laughed a little obviously imagining me as a chav “I know, I wasn’t as bad as he was but I was a chav myself. It’s was living in Rochdale does to ya babe” I said and stretched back a little “So why was it a disaster exactly?” Imogen asked, I looked at her then thought for a moment “It were at his ‘ouse, we were on the sofa doing it and it was his first time too so we were both just like inexperienced and that then his mum walked in on us” I said, bursting out laughing as I relived that moment. Imogen and Dynasty looked at each other then laughed too “What’s so funny?” Rhiannon asked when she’d run back to the line “Just on about Kaitlin’s first time” Imogen said, Rhiannon laughed a little until I glared at her and she shut up “So. Who was your first then Rhiannon?” I asked, a smile playing on my lips, I knew she was a virgin, I could just tell like I could tell Imogen was a virgin too…And the fact that she told me but I’d guessed before she’d said a word. “That’s for me to know” Rhiannon said, I could tell in her voice that she was a virgin just trying to sound like she wasn’t ”So there has been someone?” Dynasty asked, folding her arms, she looked at me and smirked, we both knew she was lying “Yeah” Rhiannon said, the nervousness still clear in her voice. Imogen hadn’t got that we knew she was lying and believed every word that was the only thing I disliked about Imogen; she never knew when people were lying. “Come on, Rhiannon, spill” Imogen prompted, clearly not understanding the lie. “Was it someone at school?” Imogen added. I watched Rhiannon carefully then watched her turn around to look at geek boy “It were Naz” she said, turning back to us, it took all of my strength not to burst out laughing right there. “Geek boy?!” Imogen and Dynasty exclaimed, by this point I was getting bored of their conversation so walked outside claiming to have a headache. I walked through the corridors with a bottle of water in my hand when I felt cold hand on my waist “Hiya baby” I heard Barry’s voice breathing on my neck, I smiled to myself feeling his hot breath “I skipped class for this” he added then spun me round and pulled me into the cupboard. I smiled at him before he pressed his lips to mine and pushed his hands up my t-shirt; I smiled against his lips and jumped up with my legs round his waist. I wrapped my arms round his neck and opened my mouth slightly allowing him entering with his tongue, Barry was about to explore my mouth when I felt the door disappear from behind me and Barry lost balance, both of us falling backwards “Ahh fuck” Barry cursed, I looked up and my eyes widened when I saw my dad looking down at me “KAITLIN ISABELLE BYRNE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” my dad screamed at me, I looked at Barry then leant my head back groaning, I stood up off the ground and helped pull Barry up. We walked in silence to my dad’s office, Barry entwined his fingers in mine and squeezed my hand a little as we walked in the door and sat down “Right, I said I don’t mind you two dating but I don’t like anyone showing that kind of affection in my school, kissing I don’t mind but when you’re on verge of having sex in a cupboard I won’t allow it. You’ve both got afterschool detention’s for the rest of the week” my dad said, I groaned in annoyance before walked out the office with Barry’s hand in mine. He went back to wherever he’d been before and I went back to get changed “Where did you get to?” Dynasty asked as I walked into the changing rooms, I explained what happened while I got dressed into my uniform. I walked out the changing room and smiled when I saw Jack hadn’t forgot to wait for me “So, we still on for movie night after school?” Jack asked, he put his arm round me as we started to walk to History “Oh my god, Jack, I totally forgot! I’m so sorry, I can’t make it, I got an after school detention for the rest of the week” I explained, he looked disappointed but I promised to make it up to him and we walked into History and sat next to each other like always. I was writing something down in my planner when Jack nudged me and pointed to the door “What’s she doin’ ‘ere?” I spat as Miss Boston walked into the classroom, since she’d stepped foot in the school in Rochdale I’d disliked her strongly and was never going to get on with her, having her in the same classroom as me would just distract me and I knew it. “Miss what’s she doing here?” I asked Miss McFall, emphasising the she. “Miss Boston is here to observe our class for today, Kaitlin, so I expect you to treat her with as much respect as you do normally or it’ll be a detention if you don’t” Miss McFall said, “Too late, Miss, already got a week of after schools” I said, leaning back in my chair “Well don’t make it two” the History teacher said, everyone laughed at this and even I had to smile a little before offering to hand the text books out.

I looked up at the clock and smiled when I saw we only had a couple of minutes left before the end of the lesson, before looking down at my work again I glanced at Miss McFall and saw a smile spread across her face “Is that your new boyfriend, Miss?” I asked, noticing the black man standing at the window and waving at our History teacher, everyone laughed but then the bell rang and we packed everything away. “I want your essays done and finished on my desk by Monday. No excuses” Miss McFall said as we all filed out the classroom. I eventually caught up with Dynasty and walked with her to English, “I still can’t believe Imogen actually believes that Rhiannon lost her virginity to Naz” I said, Dynasty looked at me then we both burst out laughing as we walked into English “I mean come on have you seen her? She wouldn’t know what to do if a boy took his clothes off in front of her” Dynasty said as we sat down “She’s probably just stand there staring at his dick and he’d leave her” I laughed but we stopped when we saw Mr Clarkson staring at us “Save that conversation for break time girls” he said but I could see a smile flicker on his face. We were half way through the lesson, working in pairs when there was a knock at the door and my dad walked inside. “Mr Clarkson, can we have a quick word with Rhiannon, please?” he said, I looked at Dynasty then back at my dad with a smile on my face. “Er, the rest of you, get on with your work please” Mr Clarkson said as Rhiannon turned around. “Rhiannon?” my dad said when Rhiannon didn’t move a muscle.

“I’ve done nothing wrong” Rhiannon protested. “They’ve just been using ya!” Maggie said, I looked at Dynasty and we both smiled before stopped our work to watch “Wise up, you silly little girl” Maggie started walking towards Rhiannon and it took everything in me not to burst out laughing. “He only slept with you so they could get at me” Maggie said, I couldn’t hold it in any longer and me and Dynasty burst out laughing “That’s quite enough, Mrs Budgen” my dad said, me and Dynasty were by now the only ones still laughing but we didn’t care, we knew it was all a lie and we found it hilarious. “And Kaitlin and Dynasty. Cooler now!” my dad said, we just grabbed our bags, carried on laughing and walked out the room heading to the cooler. “Did you see his face?!” I said through fits of laughter, Dynasty nodded and by now we were both crying from how much we were laughing. “What’s so funny?” We heard someone say and turned around, we laughed even more when we saw Barry “Rhiannon went told everyone she slept with Naz and Maggie just walked into our English and started shouting out about it” I explained while still laughing, Barry just looked at us, laughed a little then walked away leaving us standing in the front entrance just laughing. Once we’d calmed down, we grabbed each other’s hands and skipped down the corridor to the cooler.

Once the bell had gone, me and Dynasty had been allowed out for lunch, I went straight outside to find Barry. I saw he was collecting money so I stayed back a second before the boy had left “Hey beautiful” Barry said once he’d seen me, I smiled and walked over to him wrapping my arms round his neck as he planted his lips against mine. We kissed for a few seconds before pulling away and I turned around so he could wrap his arms round my waist “Erm babe, I’ve been thinking” Barry said, resting his chin on my head “Well that’s a first” I smirked and he jabbed me lightly in the stomach “I think it’s time we tell me mum about us, we explained to your dad and now he’s accepting. I think if we tell my mum what we told your dad plus a bit more persuasion and I think she might accept because  otherwise she’ll just have to deal with it anyway” Barry said, I turned around and looked at him before smiling, nodding and throwing my arms around him in happiness. I stayed with Barry for the whole of lunch until just before the end when he basically dragged me inside the building “Oi, Connor!” He shouted when he spotted the person he was searching for, I groaned a little before running after Barry to see what he was planning. “I hear you’re looking to buy a motor” Barry said, I watched him carefully as I sat on the window sill waiting for him “Yeah, like he’s going to buy one off you” Kevin said, a laugh in his tone of voice which I knew would annoy Barry. Barry laughed sarcastically before putting his hand on Kevin’s back “Do one!” He said and pushed him forwards. “He’s right, I wouldn’t buy anything from you” was the last thing I heard before he walked off with Connor. As I was waiting, I pulled out my phone and logged onto my Twitter account, I looked on my profile and let a huge smile spread across my face as I saw I’d got myself up to 10K followers. Really wish my boyfriend wouldn’t just leave me alone while he “collects money” Hurry up Barry! I tweeted then started smiling as I read through some of my mentions, I ignored all the hate I saw and just looked at the positive. “I’ll take as long as I like thanks” I heard Barry’s voice and hands on my waist as I’d been waiting for about five minutes. I smiled and put my phone away before taking his hand and dragging him to the next lesson once the bell had gone. I only ever had Science and Maths with Barry and we had Science next, with my dad. Once we’d walked into the classroom, me and Barry took our normal seats together at the back and pulled out our books as my dad walked through the door. We had double Science so we had to endure my dad for two hours, he made it fun though which was alright I guess, “Tell your dad that I might be a little late to detention, I need to sort something out with Connor” Barry said once the bell rang and we started packing up, I nodded and walked with him to the door “Right you two, I just need to talk to Miss Donnegan so you have just other 5 minutes then I want you in the cooler” he said, we nodded and I ended up going with Barry as he gave Connor the keys to a new car and sorted out how they were paying for it.

It finally came to half past 5, it felt like we’d been there for ages before my dad said we could go. I quickly kissed Barry before he walked out the building and I waited for my dad in the car, he jumped into the driver’s seat and started the car, driving to the hospital. After waiting for 10 minutes we were called into the doctor’s office to talk about what was going to happen now. “Okay, so after looking through your scans and your records, Kaitlin, we’ve come to a conclusion about your therapy. With the severity of the tumour we have come to the conclusion that you’ll be pushed to the top of the waiting list. You’re first round of treatment will start in 2 weeks” the doctor said, we then went on to explain how the treatment would work and what would happen and the after effects of it all. By the time we got home, Imogen was there, the boxes had been unpacked and dinner had been made by Christine. We all sat down together and celebrated the move and the fact that I was going for my treatment which I really did appreciate. It made me realise how much I loved and cared about my dad.

I think I made this chapter a little longer than others but I guess it's making up for all the times I took so long to update:] Before I go, I was just wondering if anyone would want to read a fanfiction about Kaitlin from when she used to live in Rochdale and like before they went to Scotland? I started rewatching Waterloo Road episodes and I got some ideas for a Prequel to this fanfiction, Let me know and I might publish when this story is finished:)


8+ vots for next chapter

And please do comment, it really means a lot to hear what you think of each chapter:)

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