Iluna Jadulla (Star Wars Rebe...

By Pipster62442

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Iluna Jadulla is a young 16 year old Twi'lek girl, who has gone through things she shouldn't have. She has be... More

Do NOT Skip This AN IMPORTANT!!!!!
Prologue - Her Past (Mostly)
Chapter One - Episode One - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - Episode 1 - The Rescue
Chapter 3 - Episode 2 - Not on YouTube
Chapter 4 - Episode 3 - Day Off
Chapter 5 - Episode 4 - The Jedi Master
A Question
Chapter 6 - Episode 4 - The Inquisitor
Chapter 7 - Episode 5 - A Cadet
Chapter 8 - Episode 2 - I FOUND IT!!
Break from updating

Chapter 9 - Episode 6 - Iluna's Birthday

126 2 0
By Pipster62442

 Hey guys I am making this chapter Iluna's birthday instead of the episode were Hera and Sabine meet those nasties, let's just pretend it happened during this chapter and she was somewhere else, also that the Phantom got damaged on a joy ride, okay. So this is the day before Empire Day or should I call it Dark Devil Day.

The Ghost was parked outside the old communications tower Ezra and I used to live in. Kanan was training Ezra and I was supposed to be watching, but really I was in my own thoughts.

"Iluna are you listening?" Kanan asked, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"Huh, no sorry Kanan. I was lost in my thoughts, what were you saying?" I asked.

"I was saying that we would give a demonstration of how to fight in a lightsaber battle without using your eyes to see," he told me.

"Right," I say and he hands me the blindfold. We get in our fighting stances, and I look through the Force and see everyone's aura's, including my own. Ezra has an electric blue aura, Kanan has a light blue aura and I have an aqua blue aura. Even though the rest of the crew were in the ship I could still see there auras. Sabine has a multi-coloured aura, Zeb has a purple aura, Hera has an aqua green aura, and Chopper has a silvery aura, like most droids do, but there aura colour depends on what they are made out of.

Kanan charges at me and I only just block in time, as I did not hear him start running. We fought for a little while until Kanan pushes me down and points his lightsaber at my neck. He deactivates his lightsaber and helps me up and I take the blindfold off.

"What's wrong Iluna? I know you can fight better than that," Kanan said and I just shook my head.

"Today's not a good day for me. You should know what day it is today Kanan, you were there when it happened," I said sadly and turned towards the ship. "I think I just need some time alone today," I say as I walk towards the ship and to my room. I pack my satchel with some food, water and my holocron's. Then I exit the ship and set off towards the tower, but I pass by it and take off running towards the south, away from the city. I run for about 2 kilometres and end up near a mountain with a cave in it. I walk into the cave and light a small fire in my hand, then I walk about 10 metres then go round a bend and what I see still amazes me. It is a 50x50 metre circular cave with plants growing around and a waterfall with a small lake. It has a fire cauldron in the centre and in some places it is very dark, there is also some rocks that can amplify electricity. The roof of the cave went 50 metres in to the air. There is also a small hole in the roof that lets light in. I set my bag down on the grass near the water's edge and lit the cauldron on fire. The cauldron was nothing special. It was just made from stone with swirling patterns on it. It looked a lot like a goblet that you drink out of except it was much larger, had a shallow bowl and the bowl was filled with a special type of dust that can easily light on fire. I started singing a tune that I knew very well, it was a tune that my adoptive mother would sing to me whenever I was sad.

She gave it her best
She tried to fit in
She tried to be cool
But she never could win
her mom says she's great
the kids think she's weird
honestly she wish she could disappear

Why you try, try to be like the rest of them
When you know there's so much more within
There's only one you
Here's what you gotta do

Whoa, whoa
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Love is coming through your headphones

He gets in his car
He falls apart
it came to an end
And now it's breaking his heart
He wants to give up
Wants to try again
honestly he doesn't know what he's feeling

Hey, you might not see it with your eyes
but keep your head up to the sky
the sun is coming through
here's what you gotta do

Whoa, whoa
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Love is coming through your headphones
Love is coming through your

So keep your head up high and dust off your shoulders
It's alright, no, it's not over
Love is here, it came to dry up all your tears
Oh, can you feel it
You gotta believe it, you gotta see it
By your side in the middle of the night
Keep your head up high and the dust off your shoulders
It's alright, no it's not over

Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Anytime you feel alone, put on your headphones
Love, love's coming through your headphones
Love is coming through your headphones
Love is coming through your

Twinkle, twinkle in your eye
Listen to this lullaby
the sun is shining in the sky
I see love it's in your eyes

This ain't the first time you felt like this, no
this ain't the first time, this ain't the first time
this ain't the last time you'll feel like this
But it'll be fine
if you can just, smile

Once I had finished I took out my blue holocron and started playing the recording of my parents.

A holo-image of my father in a cloak, came in view. "My precious daughter. I am appearing in this hologram hoping you will never see this message. I want you to know that me and your mother love you dearly," my mother now appeared, also in a cloak, and said, "we wish it could not be this way but it has to be. The Empire has found out where we live and will be coming for us soon. Just know that we love you very much and that all you need to know about us in stored within this hologram, as well as this message." She stopped and turned to my father. "And in this hologram," he said holding up the one with the green centre, "is all you need to know about the Jedi, all the Jedi that may have survived Order 66, and anything else you need to know about the past. Any knowledge we can give you about us is stored in the hologram containing this message. We must go now. Goodbye our precious daughter. We hope to see you again; one day."

"I hope to see you again too, mum and dad, I really hope to see you again too." I said sadly, a tear rolling down my face. I started to meditate, as I was sitting on the grass when I opened the holocron, hoping I could contact Master Kenobi, knowing he always has a way of cheering me up when I'm sad. I slip away into my mediative state.

I emerge in a void of white.

"Master Kenobi? Are you there?" I asked.

"I'm here Iluna," says a gentle voice behind me. I whip around to see Master Kenobi standing there in his usual Jedi robes.

"Master Kenobi!" I exclaim as I run and give him a hug, a huge smile on my face.

"Oh ho! Iluna why did you contact me? I know you have met a band of rebels and are in there crew, they could comfort you as well as I can," he said and I just gave a small smile.

"I know it's just, I miss you and today, *sigh* I don't know, I just really miss you," I said as I broke away from the hug.

"Iluna, I know today is a hard day for you, but I'm sure others are going through the same thing," he said soothingly.

"That's just the thing, no other Jedi is going through what I am, I mean being a Jedi and being born the day your kin where massacred; it's just all too much. I fear my powers are going to go out of control and I'm going to hurt someone in the crew, someone in my family," I say sadly.

"Then tell someone about your birthday and you'll feel better," Obi-Wan said gently.

"Maybe," I said.

"You will, and you'll feel even better if you tell them about your powers," he said.

"No I-I can't tell them, they'll think I'm a freak! If I tell them I'll have to run away, they'll be terrified of me! Telling them that I am all the elements and that all the elements creates magic will terrify them! If one of them told me they had my powers, I'd be scared as well," I said quickly.

"No they won't Iluna, you just need to tell them in the right way," he told me.

"That's the thing, I don't know how to tell them," I said sadly.

"You will figure it out eventually Iluna, don't you worry. I have to go now, and so do you. Goodbye Iluna, and May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you as well, Master," I say and everything starts to fade to darkness.

I jolt out of my mediative state quickly and look up at the hole in the roof. The sun is nearly covering the hole, midday. I get up and grab my green holocron and find where it has my master's message on it. The message begins;

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order, and the Republic, have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi; trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple, that time has passed, and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged; our trust, our faith, our friendships, but we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always," and with that the message ended. I sighed, I guess I have to go and tell them about my birthday, but I will keep my powers secret still.

I pack up my stuff into my satchel and walk out of the cave. I run back to the tower then slowly walk back to the Ghost. I see everyone outside, waiting for me to return. I smile slightly, happy that I know they care. I walk until I'm about 5 metres away from them and I can see, and sense, their relief to see me.

"Iluna where were you?" Kanan asked a little harshly.

"I went to the place I feel the most comfortable, most relaxed. In a way you could say I went to my happy place, except this place is real, not just in my head," I said.

"Why did you go there?" Ezra asked me.

"I thought Kanan would have explained part of my reason but I guess not. Today is the day before Empire Day, to most it is insignificant, but to a Force-sensitive who uses the light side of the Force, it is a dark day. Dark Devil Day I call it. The day Order 66 came, the day the Jedi, my kin, died. The day I was born," I said sadly and looked at the ground. I felt a few tears roll down my face and saw them hit the dry, hard ground.

"Oh Iluna," Hera says and she and Sabine come and each give me a hug.

"Thanks guys," I say with a small smile, then a little giggle ass I realise something.

"Why are you giggling?" Sabine asks me.

"I just realised that normally Master Kenobi is the only one who can make me smile on my birthday, now you guys can too. Guess that makes you family," I say with a smile, then I realise I said the last part out loud. I blush a little, embarrassed that I called the crew my family.

Kanan chuckled. "No need to be embarrassed Iluna. We are a family, even if were not related," Kanan said.

I smiled. "Your right," I said, "you know I kinda want more people to realise that the Jedi almost died out today, but I have no idea how to do that," I said then an idea came to me. "Actually I think I do. Ezra you said your parents used to broadcast against the Empire right?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said, confused as to where I was going with this.

"Is any of the equipment they used at the tower?" I asked.

"A bit, why?"

"You'll find that out soon enough," and with that I took off running towards the tower.

"Iluna wait," Kanan called after me.

"I'll be back soon," I called, turning around and running backwards as I said it, then turned around again and continued running to the tower.

When I got there I shot up the elevator and raced into the tower. I searched through the mess until I found some of the gear that they used. I searched around trying to see if a signal spike was here and I found one, but it was old and could only be used once. I put the stuff into my satchel and raced back to the Ghost, passed everyone who was still outside, and ran into the living area. I got everything out of the satchel and got to work, testing things and making sure they worked. Everyone just stood there watching until Sabine stepped up.

"Okay, Iluna just stop for a second there. What are you doing and why?" she asked.

I just smirked. "I'm putting my plan into action," I answered.

"And what exactly is your plan?" Sabine asked.

"It's simple really. We do a broadcast and tell anyone who listens exactly what today is, and before you ask what to call this day, I call it Dark Devil Day. Dark, because it's the anniversary of Order 66, Devil, because It's the day the sith rose to power, and you know why the day part is there," I said and saw that they either had a determined face on, or a confused face.

"Okay that sounds like a good plan, but how are we gonna get a signal?" Sabine asked.

"With this," I say holding up the signal spike. "Hopefully it still works and has a signal, but I'm still gonna need something to amplify the signal..." I say trailing off and looking around for something to amplify the signal. Then I spot my holocrons and I get an idea. I take out my lightsaber and concentrate until I have my kyber crystal in my hand. Then I put all the bits of my lightsaber back in place, but without the crystal.

"What are you doing?" Sabine asked curiously, since she likes to work with tech.

"Well kyber crystals are very powerful, so I thought that mine might just be able to amplify the power of the signal spike, but I don't know, I've never really worked with this kind of tech, I'm more interested in modifying blasters and other weapons then modifying communication tech," I say and try to find a way of doing this.

"Here let me help," say Sabine and we get to work on trying to amplify the signal.

"No, Sabine don't touch that," I say as she goes to pick up my kyber crystal.

"Why?" she asks.

"Because only a Force-sensitive can touch a kyber crystal. If a nonforce-sensitive touches the crystal, then the crystal melts, as if it was ice and it had just touched a warm hand," I say as I pick up my kyber crystal. "Well, that is if the kyber crystal has found its owner, then it will melt, but if it hasn't then a nonforce-sensitive can touch it, but this one has found its owner, me," I explain.

"Okay that has just confused me more, but I still won't touch it," she says.

We work in silence for the next few minutes, then everyone, as in Kanan, Hera, Ezra, Zeb and Chopper, move away to do other things while we work.

"Okay, nearly done with that, Sabine?" I ask as she finishes making a few mods.

"Yep, and... done," she says triumphantly as she holds up the signal spike.

"Okay, now all we need to do is add the crystal..." I say and add the crystal to the slot we put on it. "Okay, Sabine, com Hera in the cockpit, and ask her to tell everyone to come in here," I say and she does that. Soon everyone is standing, leaning and sitting around us, waiting for us to tell them about what we did.

"Okay, so we amplified the signal with my kyber crystal, and made a few adjustments to the tech so it can't be traced, but I still advise us to go somewhere where we can escape easily or go to a location we don't mind revealing to the Empire to do this, cause our upgrades might not work," I say and they all nod.

"How about we go to my tower? We'd be safe enough in there," Ezra says and I clear my throat.

"It isn't your tower Ezra it's ours. Remember I lived there with you for a year, so technically it's mine too," I say with a small smirk.

Ezra groans. "Fine it's our tower, happy now?" he asks.

"Very," I say and give Ezra a nod then get them all to help carry this stuff over there. We set it all up then Zeb asked something that was actually very intelligent, for Zeb. (AN for all you people that like Zeb don't hate me, I don't think he's stupid, I just needed to put something there that sounded alright, but didn't sound like Iluna hadn't thought of the question before)

"Ur, don't we need a signal for it to work?" he asked.

"One step ahead of you Zeb. I checked the signal spike over and I found an inbuilt signal into it, although, since it's very old, it can only be used once," I say.

"Okay it's good to go," Sabine says and hands me the mic, thing.

"Wait you don't expect me to say something do you? I'm not good at that kind of thing," I say and she sighs.

"Well it was your idea to do this, and I was thinking you would want to do it but, if you don't Kanan or Ezra can do it," she said.

I grabbed for the mic. "No I'll do it. I don't trust the boys to know what to say," I whispered the last bit.

I got into position and waited for Sabine to signal that the channel was running. She gave me a nod and I started to speak.

"Hello to everyone that is listening. I don't know if you have heard of me from the Empire or not but I am one of the so called 'insurgents' that they call us. But we are rebels not insurgents and we fight for what's right. We are broadcasting this message today, to tell you what this day is. Most people think today is just an ordinary day, the day before Empire Day, but it is not just an ordinary day. Today is what I call Dark Devil Day, the anniversary my kin were all but wiped out. Today is the anniversary of Order 66, or as it's known to most, the day the Jedi were killed, the day my kin were killed. And to make matters worse for me I was born 17 years ago today. Ha, being born on the anniversary that your kin were killed. Many people believe that the clones killed them; that is not initially true. The clones may have pulled the trigger, but the blood was not on their hands. I only ask 2 things of the people listening to this. Firstly, do NOT blame the clones, they were engineered to follow orders, and that is exactly what they did; they followed orders. And secondly, please morn all those Jedi who died in Order 66, but if you do mourn them, celebrate them as well, for they lived great lives and died honourably, for they were Jedi; not warriors, but keepers of the peace, and they kept the peace in times of the Republic, and served the Republic well. I may not have been around before the Empire, but I sure know that the Republic was better than this." And with that the signal spike dies. I look up at the crew, my family, and smile, they all smile back.

 hey guys i'll update as soon as i can but i haven't started working on the next chapter so i won't be able to update for at  least another day.

See you soon my friends ~ Pipster, out.

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