Visible (M.C.)

By Tiffernay4400

1.9K 214 7

Everyone has their own talent. Some can sing or dance, others can play a sport really well or have high intel... More



31 4 0
By Tiffernay4400

I rub my temples, looking up from the table. I sigh as the same guy that has been staring at me for two hours.

"Miss, please cooperate," he says politely.

"I've told you the exact same story ten times, it's not going to change." I say as calmly as I can. I stare directly into the two way mirror behind him, knowing that Ashton, Luke, my mom and a few police officers were watching me from the other side. "You can ask Ashton and Luke and they will tell you the same story."

"Actually," the detective who has yet to tell me his name, smirked slightly and folded his arms. "They have some details missing from their story that you have in yours." I look at him confused.

"What do you mean? They were with me the whole-" then it hit me. They were both asleep when I saw Morgan on the side of the road and didn't wake up until I turned on the lights in the car.

"Yes, you've figured it out, haven't you?" I nod, groaning.

"Can't you just give me lie detector test or something?" He taps his pen on the notepad where my story had been scribbled down multiple times. The detective holds up his finger and leaves the room.

The door opens a bit later and Ashton walks in, squatting down beside of my chair.

"Listen," he says, placing a palm on my cheek. "I know you didn't push her out into traffic and Luke knows that and so does your mom but they don't believe you."

"You don't think I realize this?" I mumble, looking down.

"Jessie, they are going to keep you here over night and then they are giving you a polygraph in the morning." My jaw drops as I look at him. I can't believe they are keeping me here, why can't they just give me the polygraph now? "Luke and I are going back to the apartments tonight, we will get you a change of clothes for tomorrow and then we are coming back and staying at your moms house." I nod and he places his other hand over mine giving it a squeeze and then leaving the room.

An officer walked in, jerking me to my feet by my arm. I look up at him and I would have fallen if it wasn't for the tight grip he had on me. His eyes were solid black. He winks, dragging me out of the room and down several hallways to a holding cell. I'm pushed into the room, falling to my knees as he walks in behind me, shutting the door.

"Did you miss me, my dear?" Axel asks me and I cringe. I haven't heard from him in a long time and I'm glad. "Congrats on killing someone."

"I didn't kill her!" I shout and he laughs.

"It's close enough," He unlocks the cell door, stepping out and opening the little window on the door. "You should be happy, you get to be with your Michael now." I jump up, ready to ask him how but he shuts the window and I'm left alone in the small cell.

How I was able to fall asleep on the thing they call a bed, I have no idea. I was woken up by an officer walking in here, and being much nicer than anyone else here has been.

"Hi, Jessica," He says, kneeling in front of the bed. "My name is Jack."

"Hi," I mumble back. He sighs and helps me to my feet.

"I'm going to take you to get a polygraph." I see him reach for his handcuffs but then he catches my eye and just grabs my arm instead. "You don't seem like a threat." He says, laughing. I half smile and we leave the cell, going down several hallways and then going into a small room that was very similar to the interrogation room. Another man in a plaid shirt and a bow tie stands up from the table, pulling out a chair for me.

"Hello Jessica, my name is Danny." I shake his hand and take a seat in the chair. He wraps a blood pressure thing around my arm and attaches a few things to my fingers. "I'm going to ask you a serious of questions and you have to answer truthfully."

"Okay," I says, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"What is your favorite color?"

"Dark blue"

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He holds up three fingers.


"What is two plus two?"


"Did you push Morgan out into traffic?" There's the real question.


"What's your favorite animal?"

"A zebra"

"Did you have any intentions of hurting Morgan last night?"

"No," I just wanted the bitch out of my car.

"Alright, well that's it," Danny removes the band from my arm and things from my fingers. He takes the paper off of the polygraph and walks over to the door. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He leaves and Jack walks back in, taking Danny's seat.

"You passed." He tells me and I look at him confused. How would be know? "I've had this job for a long time, I have learned how to read those papers very quickly."

"Oh, okay," I smile and he smiles back.

"Your friends are already here, by the way." I smile even bigger at the thought of just running up to Ashton and Luke and hugging them. It might have only been a few hours since I've seen them but it has felt like days. "They brought you some clothes and some beauty products."

"Thank you for-"

"What do you mean she passed?!" Someone shouts from the room next door. Even though I don't know for sure, I get this feeling that they are talking about me. "Fine!" A door slams and the one to the room I'm in opens to reveal Danny.

"You're free to go." I follow him out to the front, sign a few papers and then I run up to Ashton and Luke, hugging both of them.

"Jessie..." I look at Luke and he seems worried. "Michael is gone." My heart beat speeds up.

"What do you mean he's gone?" I question. Ashton wraps an arm around me, squeezing my shoulder in comfort but it doesn't really help.

"We went back to your apartment and I was talking to Calum and he said at around ten last night, Michael just disappeared." Tears spring to my eyes but then I realize what is going on.

"We need to get home now." I simply say and walk out to the parking lot.

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