Never Let Me Go

By carlilloyd2020

41.6K 1.1K 355

Tobin finds out about Alex's trade to Orlando through the news. Will tobin want to keep what they already hav... More

The Morning Of
Beach Trip
Needing Space
Find Yourself
Fighting for all the right reasons
Your Mess Is Mine
When a Heart Breaks
We'll Sleep When We Die
Play it Again
Id Go Crazy
Turning page
Not so Hallelujah
Not About Angels
See You Again
I lived
You Deserve It
Only One Call Away
Marry Me

Same old love

1.3K 47 1
By carlilloyd2020

Next morning

Hope pov

I woke up alone in bed...which i was kinda expecting. I heard chatter out in the kitchen which meant everyone was probably already up and eating.

I walked out to see tobin at the stove making pancakes and alex and kelley at the kitchen counter cutting up fruit. I walked up to them and stole a piece before alex had a chance to swat my arm away.

"Hope we're all hungry here, wait like the rest of us." Alex said while she continued cutting.

"Sorry im just starving considering i didnt get to eat dinner last night." I respond while stealing a quick glance to kelley who tensed up at my statement.

Alex gave me a death glare, signaling to chill before i regret something i say.

"Uh so whats on the menu for the morning?" I say trying to ease the awkwardness.

"Pancakes, fresh fruit, muffins and bacon." Tobin announces while flipping the last pancake onto a serving dish.

We all gather around the table and start to eat breakfast, making small talk about what we will be doing for the day. After im done tobin sends me a look telling me that i need to talk to kelley. I want to talk to her but im afraid of what she might say.

I cave in anyway.

"Hey kell, can we talk for a sec in our room?" I ask while already standing up and walking away.

"Uh sure." She says following close behind.

Once i enter the room i wait for her before shutting the door and sitting on a chair in the corner. Watching her as she goes and sits on the bed. I can tell by her body language that shes nervous too.



We start at the same time.

"Uh you can go first." I say quickly.

"Right, uhm...listen i didnt really mean all that i said last night. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing and i was just really mad that you punched some random guy." She starts.

"I only did it because he was practically dry humping you. You know that right?" I ask

"Yea i know, but sometimes you go to far with your protectiveness. You were out of line there hope. And thats what upset me the most is that you let your anger consume you. Ive thought you've changed the past couple years, but after last night, i see that your still the same hot-headed angry goal keeper i met before london. I love you hope, i really do, but sometimes you take it too far, and i dont know if i can handle that much longer." I can tell shes fighting back tears by the way her jaw clenches.

"Kelley im not that same person. Why cant you see that?"

"But you are hope. You just have learned to hide it. Deep down i know your still the 2012 you. And while i fought for you then, it tired me out, and i dont know if i can do that again. If im prepared for that again." She says as a tear falls down her cheek.

"S-so what are you saying? You want to break up?" I say, hearing my voice crack at the end.

"No...not yet atleast. But i am willing to give you a second chance hope. I love you with all my heart, i really do, but sometimes i think you cross the line and thats it for us. I need you to learn to control the boiling rage inside of you. A lot of stuff pisses me off too, but you dont seem me punching some innocent man. I still want to marry you hope, but as long as you learn to control yourself." She says getting up and walking over to sit in my lap.

"Kell dont you see? I am calm with you. You keep me collected and i may break out every once in awhile like last night, but its only because im afraid i'll lose you in the blink of an eye. Im protective of you because i cant lose you kell. And any time someone lays a finger on you, or compliments you, or even as much as glances at you, i feel like they'll swoop in and pick you off your feet, leaving me in the dust. I cant lost you kell, thats why im like this. I promise you ive gotten better. And if you want more than that, then so be it. I'll learn how to tone my anger down more for you. Because losing you, would me losing my whole world, and without that i dont think i could go on in life." I say while squeezing her tight into my chest, never wanting to let go.

"I know hope, i know. I just need more though. I love you."

"I love you too."


A/n short chapter i know but big one coming up next! Hope you enjoyed it! Ill post big update as soon as im done writing it which should be in about an hour or two. Have a good day!

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