Josh Jordan and The Pharaoh's...

By Sebas1502

14 0 0

Josh, and American boy who travels to Egypt with his father, uncovers a hidden secret in the great Pyramid if... More

Josh Jordan and the Pharaoh's Rage

14 0 0
By Sebas1502

It was midnight in Egypt. A few kilometers away from the Great Pyramid of Giza, there was an isolated house, in which a teenage boy tossed and turned on his bed.

He was having a terrifying nightmare, in which he dreamed that he was battling an evil creature who wore black cloak. This nightmare would foreshadow the horror that the boy would live that night, where he would face the pharaoh's rage!

The boy's name was Josh Jordan. He was fourteen years old, but looked a lot younger. He was tall, skinny, and very smart. He had brown hair, light-brown eyes, and glistening white teeth. He was born and raised in the United States, but had moved to Egypt because of his father's job.

His dad was Dr. Robert Jordan, a famous American archaeologist, known worldwide for his astonishing discoveries on ancient technology.

After Josh's mother had passed away, he and his father had come to Egypt, where Dr. Robert Jordan had to study the Great Pyramid of Giza to find his greatest discovery yet. While his father worked, Josh studied in a public high school in Cairo, Egypt.

Josh woke up from his nightmare, screaming. It had ended right when the cloaked figure had had a knife over Josh's head, and was laughing in triumph. Josh discovered that he was drenched in sweat, and for the first time in a very long time, he felt truly alone and afraid.

It was late at night, but Josh decided to go outside to get some fresh air. He quickly got dressed, putting on a sweater and blue jeans. As he was leaving his room, he discovered a small metal box on the floor. When he opened it, he found a small blue steel rod. "Another of Dad's discoveries," Josh sighed.

Josh decided to take the rod outside with him, and just as he was about to try it out, he saw a faint white light entering the pyramid. Josh found himself involuntarily following this strange light. As if in a trance, he couldn't seem to be able to go back to his home.

When he entered the pyramid, there was a tremendous cave-in near the entrance, and he was trapped inside. Josh didn't even seem to notice the cave-in, as he was still hypnotized by the light, which brightened his path through the dark pyramid.

He chased it through three entwining hallways and down a steep flight of steps. Finally, when he reached the last step, it vanished, leaving him dazed. He found himself in a brightly illuminated dead end to the hallway. Josh, as if just realizing he was trapped, screamed, but was quickly silenced with a smack across the head.

"Ow!" Josh said. He turned to find his high school classmate, Sophie Silva, glaring at him angrily. She had black hair, emerald eyes, and was a few inches taller than Josh.

"What are you doing here, Josh?" asked Sophie, annoyed.

"I saw a bright light entering the pyramid, and I involuntarily followed it inside," replied Josh.

"Hey, that's exactly what happened to me!" she exclaimed. "Do you know what that light was?"

Josh answered with the truth, "No, I have no idea what it was." "Hey, what's that on the wall?" she asked.

They both turned to find a small knob on the wall blocking their path, and when Josh pushed against it, the wall opened to reveal a hidden passage lit by torches.

"Yes! We aren't trapped anymore!" exclaimed Sophie, and she hugged Josh. He started to blush almost instantaneously.

"Hey Josh, do you see something next to that torch behind you?" Sophie asked as she let go of him, trying to suppress a grin.

"Yes," he said, "it looks like an arrow pointing straight ahead."

As they started to follow the arrows on the wall, Josh suddenly looked at the floor a few yards in front of them.

"Stop!" he exclaimed so suddenly, the Sophie almost fell over.

Directly in front of them was a pit in the floor. When Josh threw a stone into it, an array of sharp, thick needles flew up and encrusted themselves on the ceiling. Sophie and Josh immediately took a running leap over the pit, where they were met with a metallic door coming down from the ceiling of the hallway, only a few yards away.

Josh grabbed Sophie, and, together, they threw themselves under the huge door just as it clamped shut. They barely made it, and if this wasn't enough, at that same moment a bunch of wasps flew out of holes in the walls and attacked them.

Josh, as if on instinct, pulled out the blue metal rod from his pocket. It was the one he had found on the floor while he was leaving his room. It started to glow in his hand, and then it became a flamethrower.

"Wow!" Josh yelled, startled.

He pressed a small button on the underside of the flamethrower, and extremely hot blue flames spewed out of it, searing the wasps blocking their path to a crisp.

"What's happening!" Sophie yelled.

"I don't have the least idea!" answered Josh, "but we have to figure it out, and fast!"

"Ok Josh, let- Oh my gosh, what' that over your head!?" she exclaimed.

As the both stared a faint outline of a huge creature appeared. The size of a small car, it slowly crawled down the wall towards them.

When it's outline became visible in the light of the torches, Sophie and Josh screamed in terror.

"A spider!" they simultaneously yelled.

Without a second glance at the beast, they took off across the corridors, holding hands. They could hear the monstrous growl from the huge spider a few yards behind them, and they knew at that moment that they wouldn't make it out of there alive.

Wheezing, Josh had an idea. While still running, he took out the blue rod from his pocket, and it automatically divided itself and became a blue sword and shield.

Josh stopped abruptly, arms shaking, and quickly did a 180° turn, holding ou his shield in front of him as best a he could.

The monster, who had been only a few feet away, rammed into the iron shield, sending shockwaves through Josh' arm, who was just able to keep his footing.

The spider, however, had hit the shield so hard that it just sat there, temporarily dazed. This was enough for Josh to inexpertly bring his glinting blue sword down on the spider, severing its body in half.

Terrified, Sophie let out a scream, while Josh just stood there, catching his breath and still in shock.

"What is this?" he asked aloud, signaling with his head to the former sword and shield, which had once again become a metal rod.

'Let's go Josh," Sophie whispered, "we have to figure out what this madness is all about.

Exhausted, they half-stumbled, half-walked for what seemed like fifteen minutes, when they saw an extremely bright light up ahead.

Following the light, they reached a room made completely out of gold. In the center of the huge room stood a lonely stand that was about five feet tall. At its top appeared a glistening blue vial, with purple liquid inside of it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Josh saw a disgusting, cloaked figure emerge from another entrance in the room.

It walked very clumsily and shakily, but had a black aura of power around it.

Josh choked on his breath, recognizing the creature immediately, from his nightmare that same night.

The creature, as if sensing Josh's fear, laughed a menacing, evil laugh, which sent chills down Josh's spine.

Then, it's skeletal hands reached for the blue vial on the stand. "Finally!" it exclaimed.

Not thinking twice, Josh snapped out of his trance, and ran right up to the creature. With no hesitation, he took the vial from its rotten hands and quickly moved back.

The creature growled. "Don't you dare do that to me. You don't know who I am, but now I'll tell you. I am King Sekmethop, and I order you to give me back my vial!" rasped the king.

"Why should I?" responded Josh challengingly.

"With that potion, I will go back to being the pharaoh of pharaohs! I will be invincible, and powerful beyond your puny imagination! I will rule the universe!" exclaimed Sekmethop.

With that, the ancient pharaoh summoned up from the ground ten of his elite Egyptian soldiers (now skeletons), which surrounded Sophie and Josh. They each carried dual wickedly curved swords, and had frightening grins on their skeletal faces.

With an order from King Sekmethop, they began to slowly march froward towards Josh and Sophie as one, while they stood in fear.

Then, all of a sudden, the rod on Josh' pocket began to glow, and when he took it out, it began to heat up to a point where Josh just had to drop it. Then, it began to rotate, spinning faster and faster, until it became a small, blue void that sucked in the whole skeleton army in less than a second.

"Nooo!" yelled Sekmethop, "it can't be possible!"

"Oh, I think it can," said Josh, with newfound bravery. He handed the vial and the metal rod to Sophie behind his back, and whispered, "Run the moment he lands on the floor, and don't look back."

"Please don't do it Josh."

"Sophie, listen to me, we cannot let him get his hands on the vial. Give it to my father when you get out. Trust me, please."

With tears in her eyes, Sophie nodded in agreement.

Then, Josh lunged himself toward Sekmethop, who, with surprising strength, grabbed him in midair, and pinned him to the ground.

Sophie screamed.

"Go!" Josh yelled.

At that moment, the evil pharaoh pulled a black, curved knife from his cloak and held it high over Josh's head.

"I'll finish you off myself, you puny mortal." Sekmethop growled in anger.

As he brought it down toward Josh for the final, fatal hit, Sophie cried angrily and slammed an iron club onto to pharaoh's forehead with all her might.

With a resounding "crack, "Sekmethop fell to the ground. Helping Josh up, Sophie gave him the vial and the metal rod, which had transformed back from a club. While Sekmethop lay unconscious on the ground, Josh and Sophie ran out of the room together.

With the vial in hand, Josh ran for what seemed like an eternity through the infinite corridors, with Sophie at his side.

As they neared the entrance, Sekmethop had regained consciousness, and, realizing what had just happened, bellowed in rage.

This caused the pyramid to have a massive cave in, right at the moment when Sophie and Josh had jumped to safety out of an opening in the pyramid.

While he lost consciousness as he lay on the desert sand, Josh watched, dazed, as the Great Pyramid of Giza collapsed upon itself, destroying everything inside, including Sekmethop.

When Josh woke up, he was surprised to see his father and Sophie looking at him intently as he lay on his bed.

"Dad," croaked Josh, barely able to speak.

"It's okay son," said his father, "the important thing is that you and Sophie are alive and well."

"Dad, I have something to give you," whispered Josh, pulling out the vial from his pocket.

"What is that, son?" asked his father.

"It's the greatest discovery in history, and it's all yours to examine!" exclaimed Josh triumphantly. "This may sound strange to you now, but Sophie and I have just saved the world!"

A/N: Hey guys, I really hoped you enjoyed my first story on wattpad. Thank you for reading it, I appreciate any constructive criticism. Please let me know if you would like a sequel to this story. What did you think of it? What was your favorite part? Thanks again, and take care.


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