Camp Neptune ⇝ 5SOS

By asdflkjhg5sos

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In which, four boys go to camp CALM ; OT4 ASDFLKJHG5SOS 2016 More

warnings and description
"prologue: no sexual contact"
"one: gay as fuck baby"
"two: masturbating in the shower"
"three: fuck off lucifer"
"four: ash you dirty whore"
"five: losers get naked"
"six: don't boss me around"
"eight: i might spank you"
"nine: i'm a teenage boy desperate for dick"
"ten: what if I sucked my own dick?"
"eleven: a dog is a trusted source"
"twelve: i'm not dead"
"thirteen: you have a nice ass"

"seven: like aliens and shit"

6K 325 368
By asdflkjhg5sos

Remember more comments motivate me to write hence why this is written so quickly

Also my mother texted me "you're not gay" so she isn't my mum anymore :)

What are you all doing for Christmas???

Luke looks very pretty in JBH and those photos that icky face claw hands posted were too but I just wished they weren't from her lol bye (don't comment on this, just comment about how pretty Luke looked pls)


When the boys stepped in to the art building, they headed to the main art room. They sat down at a table, the four of them round one together. They sat and waited as the teacher set out paints before she turned to everyone.

"Hi everyone, I'm Brooke, I'm going to be your teacher and today we're doing body painting. Of course you'll be painting someone's body but not in any rude places." She told them and Luke smirked as his eyes trailed down to Calum's bare thighs.

"So get in to pairs!" She exclaimed.

The boys just decided to go with who they were next to, so Calum pulled Luke over to a pot of paint and a stool. Michael did the same beside them.

"And now boys can take off their shirts and girls may do the same if they like. It doesn't have to be the main body, maybe an arm or leg." Brooke suggested, beaming at everyone.

Ashton and Luke looked at each other and shrugged before taking off their shirts.

Ashton looked around the girl, seeing a girl in a sports bra, and well she was kinda hot. Blonde long hair and bright blue eyes, she was pretty as she had a nose and eyebrow piercing. Michael suddenly flicked Ashton's ear, "Don't stare, mine."

Ashton grinned and kissed Michaels cheek. "Cute."

Calum ran his hand over Luke's detailed tattoo, "It's pretty." He remarked.

"Thank you." Luke smiled, "Got it on my eighteenth, my brother took me. I drew it out like three years ago."

Calum grinned, "It's nice, I like it."

Luke smiled as he leaned forward and on to the bed type seat, it was the ones that you sit on while you get a tattoo done. Luke let Calum mess with the paints before Calum sat on the bed behind Luke. "What you gonna paint?" Luke asked.

"Just some pretty flowers and stuff." Calum shrugged and put down a base layer of white making Luke shiver, and chuckle.

"Shït princess, that's cold." Calum giggled and spread the paint across Luke's muscular back, down to the dimples in his back and to his shoulders. "Feels nice."

"Bet it does." Calum smiled, running his fingers down Luke's waist and hip.

Michael slapped the black paint on Ashton's upper back, making Ashton curse out. "Sorry." Michael blushed.

"Just cold, baby."

Michael preferred kitten. He pouted and began to spread the black around Ashton's back. Once that was done he let it dry, and instead went to get some other paints that were bright and colourful. Calum came to his side, poking his waist and giggling. "What're you gonna paint?" Calum asked.

"It's gonna be outer space, so like aliens and shit." Michael smiled. "What about you?"

"Just doing flowers and shit." Calum shrugged, "But if I end up with a dick drawn on my arm like Ashton does, save me okay?" Calum said giggling.

The two went back to the boys who were lazily lying on the beds. Calum straddled the bed, before picking up his paintbrush and doing dots to where he would do each flower. On the other bed Michael did a large semi circle on the side of the black so it looked like half a planet. He used the orange so it looked like Saturn or Mars.

"Mikey." Calum whispered, catching Michaels attention. "Paint this." He said and showed the black haired boy his hand where the word Neptune was scribbled down in marker pen.

Michael smiled and nodded, getting the light blue colour he had and painting a planet.

Ashton was practically asleep by the time he was done and Calum had sucked love bites in to Luke's neck, disguising it as another flower as the paint went up his neck.

Michael set a kiss to Ashton's cheek, "Ash, I'm done." He whispered, running his hand through Ashton's hair and pecking his lips.

"Hm?" Ashton blinked heavily, eyes heavy with sleep. "Done?"

Michael nodded, "Just let it dry."

Ashton let Michael sit down on the chair, "Where do you wanna be painted?"

Michael held out his arm, "Just here please." He smiled.

Ashton nodded and picked up Michaels paint pallet and brush, "I'm going to do you some pretty vines and a rose and then I'm gonna take a photo and show off my fabulous art work to my mother when I go home." Ashton grinned, his dimples popping, making Michael stare at him fondly.

From the other bed Luke was painting up from Calum's chest to his neck, "You realise we're going canoeing after this right?"

Ashton whined, stamping his foot, "I'm so proud of this though."

"I won't go in the water then silly." Michael giggled, grabbing Ashton's shirt and his attention. "Ash can you get my camera real quick?"

Ashton out the pallet down and went to Michaels bag, picking up his cam corder. As Ashton got back to work on Michaels arm, the black haired boy turned on the camera and began recording. "Say hi." Michael said pointing it at Ashton.

Ashton looked up and smiled, "Hi." He giggled.

"Show the camera what I did." Michael smiled, watching Ashton turn around and Michael got a nice view of the outer space painting on Ashton's back. "I'll show you later."

"It feels so thick and weird." Ashton scrunched his nose up at the paint feeling. "I can feel it drying, ew."

Michael giggled at Ashton's words before he pointed the camera at Luke and Calum to see the both of them lean in for a kiss. "Cake!" Michael yelled, making them both pull away and turn to Michael. "Show me your paintings."

Luke turned around as he was still shirtless and Calum did the same, tho he just wore a shirt that could be tugged down. "Does they look okay?"

Michael nodded, "Looks great." He pointed the camera at Ashton again, "So do you."

Ashton blushed and smiled before he kissed the palm of Michaels pale hand. "You're adorable."

"Can I ask you guys a favour?" Michael piped up, letting Luke and Calum hear too. "Can you guys do a YouTube video with me tonight?"

"Sure thing." They shrugged. "What will you be doing?" Calum asked.

"We'll do you have any wax strips?" Michael asked and he saw Ashton and Luke's faces pale slightly.

"Yeah, why?" Calum asked sceptically, yet slightly confused.

Luke's eyes widened, "You fucker." He gasped, "I've seen your videos, I know what you're gonna do." He pointed an accusing finger at Michael. "If I get it, I'm getting revenge on you."

"Why do you need them?" Calum asked.

"For a Call Of Duty match, the person with the least kílls gets their legs waxed." Michael smirked when Ashton pouted--he wasn't one for video games and they would all go easy on Calum anyway. Luke knew how to play and so did Michael obviously.

"What if I lose? I have no leg hair, I shave and wax." Calum pouted.

"Then I guess it'll just hurt then." Michael giggled, making Calum gasp, stand up and walk over to Michael before slapping Michaels bare arm. "Hey you prick, you've got sharp nails."

Calum glared, "You sadist."


The four boys sat on the canoe on the large lake. It was deep but no one would physically drown there. They each wore the bright fluorescent orange life jackets. They each lay down, or just lounged. Luke had his head in Ashton's lap, his feet on Michaels knees and Calum sat behind Michael, his hand in the murky water.

"I don't have that many friends." Michael admitted. "Lots of people sucked up to me once they knew I knew some famous youtubers though. My friends are mainly geeks or internet friends. I know Dan and Phil who are totally gay for each other, and I know these guys called The Sidemen, Vik is who I'm closest to." Michael said, his fingers playing with Luke's ankle bracelet of a blue stone.

"I love Dan and Phil." Calum mumbled, "I wanna hear Dan laugh in real life."

"I've never heard of them." Luke admitted.

"My sister likes them." Ashton said, running his hand through Luke's hair. "I hear her giggling at them, they make her happy."

"I know the sidemen though." Luke said, closing his eyes at Ashton's softly fingers. "Me and my brother watch them a lot. They never come Aussie though."

"I usually go to them, maybe you can come one day." Michael suggested, watching a smile spread across Luke's pink lips and he grinned.

"Thanks, might take that offer. I have like this small crush on JJ, Josh and Simon though." Luke admitted, they were pretty hot. "Too bad they're all straight."

"They couldn't be more straight sorry bro." Michael chuckled, "I'll tell them of your crush yeah?"

Luke sat up gasping, "No, you never do that, I don't care if it's them. The homo jokes on Ethan are enough." Luke suddenly squealed as the boat rocked and he went head first in to the water.

The boys all gasped as Luke suddenly resurfaced, his hair in his eyes before he let out a laugh. His life jacket helped him stay afloat, as the boys laughed at him. "You're such a fucking idiot Luke." Ashton said rolling his eyes.

"Holy shit it's cold." Luke climbs back in to the boat with the help of Ashton before he cuddles in to the honey haired boy, kissing the blonds neck softly. Luke's teeth chattered and he sniffled. "Fudge."

Michael giggled, Calum moving to sit next to him, "So um, before Luke fell in lets go back to the subject of school."

"I have two years left." Calum said, leaning forward and wiping at Luke a hair that was soaked. "My painting is gonna be ruined you idiot." He grumbled, Luke sending him a small smile. "I end up going to prom every year because seniors ask me to, but I just give out blow jobs. I don't date anyone there. I um have good grades, like A's and stuff and I'm smart but a little slutty." Calum admitted quietly, his cheeks feeling warm and a hesitant smile on his face.

Ashton knocked his knee with Calum's, "I start college after this summer, because I turned eighteen in July."

Luke looked up at Ashton, "What date?"


"I'm on the sixteenth." Luke grinned, "Birthday buddies." He poked Ashton's torso with a giggle.

"I almost didn't go to prom." Ashton said, reaching up and scratching at his cheek awkwardly when Calum asked why.

"Because my girlfriend of two years, dumped me a week before prom. She ended up going with my best friend. She was my date so I was just not gonna go because I didn't want to see her dance and be happy with my best friend." Ashton said, seeing the boys give him sympathetic smiles.

"Did you go?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, mum dragged me there. Made me change out of my pyjamas in the car." Ashton chuckled. "I um spent the night with the teachers and mainly my art teacher...I ended up making out with him too."

All the boys were shocked. To be hornets, Calum expected that behaviour off Luke or himself, not Ashton.

Luke burst out laughing, "Wow." He wheezed. "Of course you made out with your teacher."

"We uh did more than kiss but we didn't have sex or anything, that would've been way too illegal." Ashton said, running his hand through his hair nervously. But the nerves went away when Michael knocked his knee with his, like Ashton did previously. And Luke entwined his hand with his, making Ash smile.

"I regret it obviously, it was a one time thing anyway."

"You're such a slut." Calum said tutting and shaking his head, obviously joking because he'd probably sucked more dick than all of them combined.

Then the boys all turned to Luke. "Oh yeah my turn."

Luke perked up when realising he could talk about himself, "I'm a straight A student, I played on the football team, popular, and I have college next year to study sport technology and biology." Luke beamed, his soaking hair still on his forehead.

"So where does everyone live?" Ashton asked next.

"Sydney." Michael shrugged, and Calum said he lived there too along with Ashton while Luke lived a little out of Sydney, in the suburbs.

"We need to exchange numbers, so when we leave we can keep in contact and also if one of us gets separated we can text them." Calum suggested smiling.

Once off the canoes the four sat down on a bench, Luke sitting on the floor, with his head resting on Michaels knee. The four swapped numbers, each setting their usernames in sync so they were the same.

Luke had fuckboiluke☃, while Calum had cally🦄. Ashton had ashy🦁, and Michael had mikerowave🤖👽.However, Luke changed Calum to princess✨💫, as Calum was his little princess.

Luke started a group chat with them all in, posting a selfie from last year so they all got it before changing the title of the group chat to: boyfriend squad✊🏻💦.

"Luke Hemmings, you dirty boy." Ashton chastised, flicking Luke's head making the blond whine and lean his head back in to Michaels tummy, Luke blushing cutely.

Calum flicks Luke's ear, making him whine and glance at Cal who tutted, "if you want to be boyfriends, you gotta ask Lukey." Calum smirked, leaning down and kissing Luke's cheek, teasing him softly.

"Just wait." Luke said, a smile on his face. "Now send me selfies for your contacts. Make them cute."


After dinner, the camp goers were all told to go to the mess hall where they set up a projector and a film. The four boys sat at the back of the room in bean bags, Alex and Jack sitting with them but in their own world as they cuddled.

Half way through the film, Luke untangled himself from in between Calum and Michael, mumbling about needing a piss which Calum scrunched his nose up to. Luke wondered off to where the cabin leaders were seated, finding Louis with his boyfriend, Harry.

"Lou?" Luke called, whisper shouting. Louis caught his eye and Luke waved him over.

Louis got up with a sigh and walked over to the blond, "What is it Lucifer?"

"Can you do me a favour?" Luke asked.

"Depends what it is?" Louis narrowed his eyes at the taller boy, looking up, so he raised himself on his tip toes and stated at Luke.

"Can you like turn on the lights and pause the film so I can announce something?" Luke asked, fiddling with the bracelet in his wrist. "Pretty please?"

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Just please, you'll see if you do it. I'll do anything." Luke begged and Louis sighed before nodding.

"Okay, fine. When?" Louis huffed, crossing his arms.


Luke runs off to the stage as Louis goes to the computer that worked the projector, and pausing the film. Everyone groaned, the lights turning on, but Luke quickly ran in front of the projector, getting everyone's attention.

Luke could see his three boys laughing and giggling to them selves as he could feel his palms sweating. Luke saw the microphone to the side and swiped it just as Cody was approaching the stage. "Luke Hemmi--"

"Hang on a min." Luke held his hand to Cody, before he turned to his cabin. "Date me."

Everyone burst out laughing at his words.

"I mean I like you three boys and I want to make it official, because I mean you've already sucked my dick so..." Luke trailed off, making Calum giggle.

"Luke, off stage." Cody says, coming to his side but Luke turns away from him, his blue eyes shining as he waits for an answer.

"What will it be?" Luke asked the boys, from across the room.

He saw them whisper to one another before the three in chorus yelled: "Yeah!"

Everyone whooped and clapped for the boys as Luke handed Cody the microphone before he legged it back to his new boyfriends. Luke kissed each of them on the lips swiftly before he sat down again on the bean bag.

After the film had finished, Cody approached the four boys, "Boys we need a chat." He said, making them follow behind him to an office in the mess hall. Calum sat down in the chair in front of the desk, the boys behind him. "What Luke said on stage? Is it true?" Cody asked.

Luke bit his lip and nodded, "Yes but not Michael, he doesn't like it."

"I know about Michael, so he can technically be excused." Cody says, waving the black haired boy out of the room. Michael left quickly, waiting outside the door as he saw everyone leaving the mess hall.

"Now you three." Cody smiled sarcastically, "What you did was against the camp rules, which we are very strict on so your punishment is that you'll be on cleaning duty after every breakfast until I think you should be done." Cody smirked as the three of them sighed, and rolled their eyes. "Now now, this is your own fault."

Cody let the three of them leave with a congratulations on becoming boyfriends, before telling them to head to their evening activity.

"What'd he do?" Michael asked when the door opened, Ashton taking his hand in his.

Luke gave him a sarcastic smile, "We're on breakfast cleaning duty till he says we aren't." Luke's face fell, "Fuck sake."

"Is your mum gonna kill you?"




Who's your FAV character in this so far???

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