The Gamer Girl Crush

By angels2370

5.7K 216 26

Meet Victoria, with a dysfunctional family that never remains in one place for long, and she never feels that... More

The Gamer Girl Crush
The Last Day Home
The Airport and the Arrival
Weekend at the Hotel
The Relieving First Day
New Player?
New Home
The Boring Week
The Weekend
Jittery Jordan
Vacation Invitation
Her Friends Know
The Sleepover

Welcome, Again!

347 11 3
By angels2370

I head out to school once more in the taxi. I pay and head in and I see Jessica she smiles at me and I smile back. "Jordan has been thinking about you since he found out you played video games" she says with a small smirk on her face. I roll my eyes and we walk inside. We grab our books and head to science. We keep learning from the lecture yesterday and have a 20 minute stufy session to end the period. We head to health and to my surprise I notice that Jessica's friend from the other day and the boys (Danny and Jordan) are in this class with their friend Kevin, a blonde haired blue eyed boy with muscles about equal to Jordan, he wore black converse with a hoodie covering some green shirt with black jeans. I introduce myself and the bell rings. We all sit down in time to learn about bones. The class ends and Danny heads over to my locker with me so I can get books for math.

"I should bring my books to health, huh?" I say

"Ya that would be a good idea" he says smiling. Jordan comes over and smiles at me

"Shouldn't you be getting to english?" I ask

"Ya, whatever. I hate Mrs. Perry anyways, I wanna be late. I laugh

"I know, I don't like her either..." I've only had her for a day but I had already discovered I disliked her, along with almost everybody else.

"Well I don't wanna be late" I said in a sarcastic tone. I grab Danny's arm and pull him to class in Mr. Grey's room, my new favorite teacher, just as the bell rings. I think on how Jordan will be late, Mrs. Perry's class is all the way on the other side if school. It rolled around to lunch and I sat with Kevin, Danny, Jordan along with some other people at the end of the table from a different group. "So..." Jordan said shyly.

"So..." I said with a smile.

"We were thinking," Danny said butting in.

"Ya?" I questioned.

"Well we think you should be in our little Minecraft group."

I lit up. "Ya!"

"Awesome! We thought it would be a nice way to welcome you" Jordan said ending off the topic smiling. OMG YAY! I thought to myself. It got silent for a while before Kevin jumped up shouting "ANYONE FOR CELEBRATORY SLUSHIES!?!?!"

I giggled before nodding my head and both the boys chimmed in "YA!"

"I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" Kevin said, a little calmer than before.

Kevin comes back with 2 red or cherry for the boys, slushies 1 blue or blueberry for himself, and a mix for me. We all take ours and drink it up by the time lunch is over. I head to Mrs. Perry's class UGH! We get through one of the most boring lectures ever and I have to go up to my last few classes. I get through school and see Jessica at my locker

"Sup Jess?" I shout to her from across the hall

"New nickname?" She laughs


"Cool," she says as I come closer "I like it." We both laugh a bit until Jessica has to catch her bus. I go back to the hotel, and pull out my laptop. I do a little homework and then go on the server Jordan told me and Danny and himself plays on, I'm kind of surprised to see another person on the server.

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