Torn By Two- Book One

Від Chloetta

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"His passion is dynamic and I have fallen prey to his desires," A life changing relocation from a small Ohio... Більше

First Sight- Chapter One
First Sight- Chapter Two
First Sight- Chapter Three
First Sight-Chapter Four
A Shot In The Dark Chapter Five
A Shot In The Dark- Chapter Six
A Shot In The Dark - Chapter Seven
A Shot In The Dark- Chapter Eight
A Shot In The Dark- Chapter Nine
A Shot In The Dark- Chapter Ten
A Passion Like This- Chapter Twelve
A Passion Like This- Chapter Thirteen
A Passion Like This- Chapter Fourteen
A Passion Like This-Chapter Fifteen
A Passion Like This- Chapter Sixteen
A Passion Like This - Chapter Seventeen
Something Wicked This Way Comes- Chapter Eighteen
Something Wicked This Way Comes-Chapter Nineteen
Something Wicked This Way Comes- Chapter Twenty
Something Wicked This Way Comes- Chapter Twenty One
Something Wicked This Way Comes- Chapter Twenty Two
Author's Note

A Shot In The Dark-Chapter Eleven

792 14 5
Від Chloetta

Chapter Eleven

Bennett stood beside her bed, dressed in his suit and tie, his face ferocious. His breathing was so hard his chest was rising up and down in quick successions, his face tight with anger.

The atmosphere hung large and heavy, his menacing gaze holding her captive. Paralyzed with both excitement and fear, her heart began to thump firmly in her chest, and it hurt.

A thousand questions ran screaming through her mind,

How did he get in here?

Why is he here?

What does he want?

Why is he so angry?

They stood there, eyes locked on each other. His green eyes were livid, scorching aflame. Her blue eyes wide open, like a deer caught in headlights. She could not bring herself to fathom what he was going to do. A thought flashed into her mind and her subconscious yelled out to her, Tiger Bar!!

"You defied me," His voice was deceptively calm and controlled. She broke free momentarily from his eyes to look down at her feet.

Her heart rate spiked, and nervous tension began to slowly climb throughout her body. She was beginning to feel nauseous. Closing her eyes, the memories and the familiarity of this same feeling was rising from the ashes, but she fought with all her strength to keep it locked away and buried, where it had been for years.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you," He demanded, and Emma's head jerked up in astonishment.

"How did you get in here?" Was all she could manage to ask. Her voice sounded much stronger then how she felt, and Bennett's eyes widened infinitesimally as though he could not believe she had spoken.

"Your room mate. She let me in." He continued to stare her down.


"I thought we had already discussed this. You are not to work there," He was still, rooted to the spot both of his hands balled into fists.


Through her confusion and fear she managed to speak. How can he come in here and act like he has some hold over you? Her subconscious bit out. He hasn't contacted you in a week! She maintained her silence, choosing not to encourage him. She had felt this intimidation before, and even though it was frightening, there was a hint of excitement searing through her which she never quite understood. It was as though there was an unknown intruder in her house, and on some level, he was. The Bennett she had spent (little) time with was not in this room.

Slowly and deliberately, he stalked over to her and put his face right up against hers. So close, their noses were almost touching. Emma closed her eyes and tried hard to fight the electrical current that she felt charging through her. Her breath caught as a small part of her body, way down below began to tingle with traitorous excitement. Not now! You will not get turned on by this! How strange this is always where she headed first. Aroused at this gorgeous man standing so close, bearing such fury towards her. The hair on her scalp prickled. You, you're doing this to him. Excitement sizzled through her. He must like you, he must care, look how angry he is!

"I asked you to look at me. Are you deaf?"

His snide remark made Emma's eyes fly open in disbelief. It was all too real now, she had to continue to fight this. She was not going back there again, not with him. 

"Answer me," He hissed, his breath warm in her face.

"I didn't think it would matter," Her voice was small and pathetic, and she felt like a child. She was

"Oh you didn't did you? After I specifically told you, told them," He pointed a finger to the door, "Not to let you work there,"

There was a sudden and unexpected knock on the door which startled Emma so much she jumped, her nerves shot. Bennett did not so much as even flinch. He simply straightened himself up quickly and looked over at it, as it creaked open and Abby peered inside. Her groggy face and sleepy eyes told Emma that this had woken her up.

"Emma?" She looked over at her, concerned.

Emma peeked over at Bennett, who seemed to have himself in complete check. He was simply oozing self confidence. Emma couldn't believe it. Even she was buying it, but his chest rising and falling at an increased pace was the only giveaway. There was no way Abby would notice that unless she really observed him. He looked down at Emma from the corner of his eye.

This was her chance, and he knew it. She could run screaming from the room, and Bennett would be humiliated. She stood in her place stoically. No, she was not going to call him out. This was above and beyond- above and beyond everything, but she had to see this through. She was delighted that he was here, even under these circumstances.

"I'm okay, Abby, go back to bed," Emma tried hard to sound in order but there was no way she felt the courage of her convictions. She could only hope Abby would buy it.

She did. And when she closed the door Bennett turned back to her. His demeanor seemed to have softened ever so slightly. Maybe the interruption had snapped some sense into him.

"Why would you think that it didn't matter, Emma? You know it matters to me." He may have appeared calmer, but his voice was still tinged with annoyance.

Emma shook her head slowly, still treading water. "Not when you told me you just want to be friends. I thought that it would not matter anymore,"

"Friends? When did I say that?" The confusion on his face seemed genuine enough.

"At Rock's, on Monday, Bennett. You told me you had never mixed friendships with work," Emma replied. How he could forget something so poignant was beyond her. She had not stopped thinking about those words, and had spent a week wallowing in even more self pity because of it.

"Yes, I told you that. I haven't mixed friendships with work before Emma. I told you that because I thought we are friends. When I told you I wanted more, I thought that's what we had become, friends. Friends working towards more,. I never said it was all I wanted."

Idiot! Emma's subconscious screamed at her. She felt so stupid. But she was also confused. How did one night talking classify them as friends? Yes, he had professed he was interested in being friends with her, but he had left without any contact, how was that working towards friendship?

Emma watched him, as he ran two hands through his hair, exasperated. His voice had subdued, and he was now much more settled down. The fire in his green eyes had almost been extinguished, and his erratic breathing had calmed down. Her revelation had disarmed him, and his wall of anger had been taken down some. He had undoubtedly been expecting a different answer, and the truth had disabled his rage, almost as though she had just diffused a ticking time bomb. Her nervous energy also simmered down, although her arousal still ran rampant, coursing through her body. An unwelcome reminder of just how much she responded to every bit of him, bad or good. It was somewhat frightening. He was just far too handsome, far too appealing, out of her league.

As much as she wanted to close the small space between them, and wrap her arms around him after that declaration, she needed answers. She found herself sitting down on her bed instead, and taking a long, deep breath. That had been intense.

"Honestly, Bennett, what am I supposed to think? You drove me home, you came into my house and told me you wanted more, and then you disappeared. The first time, I understand you were away, but you have had this past week to spend time with me, as friends," She emphasised the last two words. "But you haven't even called me. How can I believe that you want more when you can't even begin a friendship with me?"

He opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it. Good! Emma thought. I'm not done here.

"Then you came here and waited for me like a stalker to tell me that I disobeyed you?"

Bennett's chiselled features crinkled as he cringed and Emma suddenly felt bad. He did it because he cares about you, dummy! Would you want to see him do this to someone else? Anyone else would love to find this man stalking them in their bedroom! Shut up!

Moments passed. Bennett stood, looking lost and alone, staring out of her window. The longer the silence dragged on, the worse Emma felt. But he has to know this is not ok! Emma fought an internal battle with herself.

When he turned to face her, he seemed completely defeated. "You're right, Emma. I've screwed up. Everything you have just said, it's true. I'm sorry," He turned to leave.

"No!," Emma cried out, and lunged off the bed, grabbing him by his arm. If she let him walk out of that door, she was almost certain he would not come back. Holding onto his tight arm, she looked up at him. "Don't go,"

His face was a melange of emotions. He knew he had overstepped the mark, by prowling around in her room when she wasn't there, Emma knew that, but now she was giving him the opportunity to make it right. His hands ran through his dishevelled blonde hair, which was now falling all over his face, the usual pristine condition abandoned.

"I don't know if I should. I think I've gone too far," He confessed, and the pained expression on his face of both incredible confusion and a hint of embarrassment made Emma's heart soften .

That was when she realised that Bennett was not an aggressive man. The tortured expression, it was genuine. He did not have it in him. Emma felt relief at her judgement.

Does he really have no idea? Like you? She just could not help but wonder.

"I want to move past this, start again. Let's pretend I invited you in," Emma was almost pleading.

"How? You and I both know I behaved terribly,"

"Which you apologised for and I accept your apology. Now, come sit beside me. It's okay," Emma smiled sincerely and relief washed over her when his arm loosened and allowed her to lead the way. They sat down on the bed beside each other. Her heart leapt with joy.

They were silent for a long time. The electrical current was passing through Emma at lightning speed, being in such a close proximity to him. She wish she knew if he could feel it, too.

He was looking down at the ground, quiet, brooding. Had she tried to hold him back for nothing? Was he staying because he felt bad over what he had done? His reluctance to speak, or even look at her was unnerving. Emma studied his side profile, observing as much as she could between the strands of hair that were almost covering his face like a curtain. His square slightly stubbly jaw was twitching sporadically and his eyebrows were furrowed together with worry. Dressed sharply in his suit, which was tailor made to a tee, he must have been working. Did he come straight from work to here? Her insides danced as she entertained the thought. He looked and smelt divine and Emma had a hard time even comprehending how on earth this man sitting beside her had never had a real relationship before.

"Is it true?" She found herself saying out loud.

He looked up and into her eyes. Oh geez, yes, you are beautiful.

"Is what true?" He frowned as he asked her, uncertainty laced in his deep, husky voice.

"Well, rumour has it that you've never really had a serious relationship with any one before. I was just wondering if it was true," She felt her face heat up at the question. Oh please, he's gorgeous, how could he not!

His lips twitched and a brief smile played on his lips. "Rumour has it?"

"Yes" She breathed, feeling stupid. She was next to look down at the cream coloured carpet.

"I have been in a relationship before. It didn't work out,"

Oh? Well this was news. Who was she? Emma wanted to know.

"If you are going to listen to everything everyone else tells you about me, you might not get the truth," He continued.

She knew she had to ask the next question. It was the right time, and she was already humiliating herself enough, what was one more question going to hurt?

"So you don't go to the Tiger Bar to get laid?"

Bennett's eyes widened in surprise. He straightened up. "Who told you that?"

Emma shook her head, She was not ratting Seth out. Even though he had rebounded off of her and used her as a booty call. Oh you did too, Miss Innocent!

"Rumours going around work I guess," Emma shrugged. She wasn't giving anything away.

Bennett frowned at her, agitated. His hand made a return through his hair.

"Sometimes I do, Emma. I have to be honest,"

Wow. What a revelation.

"I'm only admitting this to you because I want you to trust me. That person that you saw before waiting for you, that's not me. I don't know what came over me. When I found out you had gone there again, against my wishes, I don't know. Something inside me just exploded."

"It's not a bad place. I mean you own the club yourself," She said.

"I know. But I know why I go in there, when I do. Those girls are cheap, easy to get. I wouldn't want you to fall into anyone's stupid trap,"

The memory of last night broke through the surface, and Emma suddenly felt repulsed. Had Seth set up a trap for her to fall into? It was becoming far too clear, and it stung. Seth was, had, been a friend and now she just felt used by him. Should she confess this to Bennett? No, it was better not to. Seth probably felt bad enough as it was. If she told Bennett, he would lose his job for sure.

The back of his hand suddenly caressed her cheek and gently pulled her bottom lip out of her mouth. All her thoughts combusted.

"I haven't been in there since I saw you. I haven't put one foot in there," His voice was soft. Was he ashamed? "Fooling around with them girls, is a lot easier then having to get to know someone and then find out they are only with me for my money. It's kept me safe,"

"And now? Why me? What makes me so different?" Emma pressed on.

He continued stroking Emma's face, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "You are beautiful, and I don't think you are anything like other girls. I feel like you are different. And even if you were only after my money, I don't think I would care. I want to get to know you better, and yes more then friends," He was an open book.

With that, his hand slipped to the back of her neck and he gently brought her forward. Emma closed her eyes as his soft mouth met hers. The electrical current pulsated now, and desire returned deep and low in her belly. Parting her mouth ever so slightly, Bennett took the cue, and slipped his tongue inside, finding hers. They caressed and explored, and Emma dissolved into his arms. This was the perfect anti dote to Adam. Yes, this was it. Not Seth, not anything else. Nothing would come close. She felt the energy, the charge that only Adam had made her feel once upon a time, and she embraced it. She lost herself in his arms, in his mouth and the world's problems slipped away for a little while.

When their kiss ended, Bennett held her in his arms and smiled down at her. He kissed her hair and inhaled.

"You smell so good, Emma. I really want to try with you, and if you let me, I'll do better from now on. Just give me a chance?" His words were a plea, as he stroked her hair. "You caught me by surprise and I tried to stop myself but I don't think I can,"

Emma felt like the only thing holding her down was Bennett's arms, otherwise she'd be floating to the ceiling. She looked up at him and smiled. "I'll give you a chance, Bennett." How could she refuse?

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