Under Pressure

By QueenElizabeth827

59 3 3


Under Pressure

1. Only the Beginning

31 2 3
By QueenElizabeth827

                Life…could not get any worse. He…hates me and I just put up with it, physically and mentally. I’ll spare you the details of what happened now and what he does to me. Mostly, I don’t know what happened. I mean, what is the purpose of a rabbit? I don’t know! So, that’s the answer I have for what his reasoning behind the punches and insults is.

            How it happened? Well, like any situation filled with hate, it started out with disagreements then it just progressed. You’re probably thinking ‘GET SOME HELP!!’ I wish it was that simple but I’m sorry. It isn’t. If I actually had the courage to go up to a teacher and say, “My life is being ruined by an egotistical maniac”, I would but c’mon, we all know that teacher would give me the funny look, call an ambulance, and I would be in the nut house sharing my peanuts with squirrels.

            So, I guess I just have to deal with the consequences every day at school. Like today, like right now. I just finished chemistry so I that means I have about five minutes before he actually goes to class…cool beans. I don’t even know why I’m counting down how much time I have. I’m just at the point right now where I really don’t care what he does, as long as he gets it over with.

            I walk across the huge school known as Deep Grove High school and make it to my locker by the student parking lot. Good thing is that it’s by my next class, Women’s Choir. I quickly turn the lock and it opens within a matter of seconds. I put my over-sized textbooks in and get my music folder. I’m stuffing my folder in my bag when my locker door slams shut.

            My whole body tenses because I know what’s going to happen next. I look up and I see the cynical face of Julian. Julian, in case you haven’t guessed yet, has a purpose in his life to make my life a living hell. His pitch black hair styled in spikes makes me want to puke and his icy blue eyes just fit with his character.

            He’s quarterback on the football team (typical, I know) so he has a pretty good muscle build but he has no balls. Honestly, what kind of guy bullies a girl? Hmm? A guy with no balls, that’s who.

“Well, lookie here. We have ourselves a little ballerina. Now tell me Marisa, is twirling around in tights liberating because you have no sex life or is it just your way of trying to make yourself more attractive?”

            Wow…where did he get having no sex life from wearing tights? And how did he even know I dance? No one knows that, except Sebastian, my best friend. But still! How did he even make that connection?!

“Woah, take it easy Julian. You don’t wanna strain yourself from too much thinking. It must’ve taken you forever to come with that sentence. Did you break a sweat?”  I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. He pushed me up against my locker, his face centimeters from mine. “What was that? You little bitch?!” I swallowed hard and replied a simple, “Nothing.”

He pushed himself off of me and took a step back. I adjusted my bag and turned to walk to chorus but macho man blocked the path.

“Keep ignoring me and this might get sent to everyone.” He held his phone in front of me so I could see a video of me dancing at a competition in New York City. How did he get a video of me dancing in New York when he lives in Georgia? I acted like I couldn’t see so I pulled the phone closer to me and with a simple flick of my finger, I deleted the video.

“Whatever are you talking about?” The sarcasm in my voice was almost comical, as was the look on his face when he saw what I did.

            His face twisted in anger and I walked away quickly before he could break a bone on my body. I made it three doors away from the chorus room when he slammed me into the wall. I moved my face to the side and I guess he thought that was rude because he yanked my chin so I would face him.

“You’re just asking for a beating aren’t you? I was gonna wait until after school but we can always get it over with now.” The fear that I had been so good at pushing down bubbled up to the surface and I was ready to panic.

“What’s going on here?” My choir teacher’s voice filled the silence and Jake jerked his head towards him. I was still pinned against the wall so I couldn’t do much.

“Oh, nothing Mr. Rome, we’re just messing around.” Jake smiled and I wanted to slap that look right off his face but that would only just make my life even worse.

“Well, if ya’ll wanna have sex, do it on your own time. Got it?” I wanted to puke all over the floor. Have sex with Jake?! That’s repulsive!!

            Julian backed up awkwardly and I walked towards class. Even though I honestly just wanted to get away from Julian, I couldn’t. He had free period and if he wanted to, he could watch and I’m pretty sure that’s what he’s going to do. I walked in and he was right behind me. It figures. I made my way to my chair and he sat across the room from me.

            When the bell rang, I made a beeline for the door and didn’t even bother going to my locker. I busted through the door to the student parking lot and ran for my car. I could not take him beating me today. I just want to go home and see Sebastian.

I finally made it to my truck and I dug through my bag for my keys but I couldn’t find them. NO!! I need to get out of here! Any minute now, he’ll come and find me. I can’t take that right now. I thought I could but I…I just can’t.

I was on the verge of freaking out when I felt a tap on my shoulder. That fear bubbled up to the surface again and I turned around slowly.

Thank goodness it was just Sebastian. I sighed heavily and threw my arms around him. Usually, a normal person would be weirded out by this but Sebastian was used to it. Plenty of times he has seen me in ruins because of Jake so he did what he always did, he hugged me tightly. After a good minute, he slowly let go of me and took my hand.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Oh, yeah I’m totally fine. Except for the fact that this,” I did this crazy gesture. “Never stops.” I leaned against my car and took a deep breath. He rummages through his bag a bit until he pulls out my keys. WHAT THE FUDGE?!

“You dropped them in the parking lot this morning.” I smiled and said, “Thanks Seb.” Not the most original nickname.

“No problem. Let me take you home, okay?” I nodded and walked over to the passenger side and climbed in. Once I had my seatbelt on, he had already started the ignition and we started speeding down the road toward my house.

Once we got there, I noticed like five cars in the driveway. Great… I hopped out of the truck and got my bag from the back. Sebastian and I trudged up to the front door. He gave me my keys and I unlocked the door only to be met by tons of people. I mean tons!! How did this many people come in only five cars? Are they clowns? If they are…I will have a panic attack; I HATE clowns.

No one even noticed me so Sebastian and I climbed the really big staircase. I’m gonna explain how my life works really quickly. My parents are über rich and they have this rule, they don’t give me any money at all because living under their roof is generous enough. Specifically, that’s my mom’s rule and my dad is too sweet to go against it. So, in order for me to buy clothes and supplies, I have to work at some crappy restaurant downtown.

How do I get the money to dance? My grandmother gave me lessons as a birthday gift so when I go to competition, she pays for it. Thank goodness food was a part of my mother’s generosity. So, I don’t starve and that’s a step up.

Once we got to my room, Sebastian sprawled himself on my bed while I went into my bathroom to change out of my stupid school uniform. Hanging on my bathroom door was a beige dress with a black belt that was simply astounding. It was pretty simple but I still loved it. The neckline was the same as it would be on a tank top and it went down to my knee. Hanging on it was a note:


I picked this dress out for you. Please put it on and report downstairs immediately. And please send Sebastian home.


Typical; she wanted me to dress up and play the world’s favorite daughter. I put on the dress and a pair of black heels sitting next to the dress. I don’t care what she said, Sebastian is staying. I walk back into my room and Sebastian’s eyes widened; he smiled and wolf-whistled until I broke out into a huge smile.

“Sexy mama in the house!!” I laughed hard and threw my brush at him. “OW!! No need to be violent. I was just being the greatest best friend in the world.” I rolled my eyes and walked to my mirror. He was right, I looked pretty good. The dress was definitely my style. I quickly French braided my hair.

“Is it mother-proof?” He got up from my bed and walked over to me. He circled me, acting like he was judging a fashion show. Finally, he spoke.

“You look…astounding. Shall we?” He offered me his arm and we descended the ridiculously long staircase and joined the party.

            Every one kept giving me secretive looks and I’m so close to punching a few of them. If you have something to say, say it!! Sebastian and I finally made it to the back patio and my dad and mom were lounging with Julian’s parents which meant…he was here.

I looked around and he was sitting right across from me with a sly smirk. Oh that’s just great, perfect!

“Finally, Marisa has arrived. Sweetheart, we have some news.” My mom had her usual attitude when guest were here. I smile at her so I don’t look rude.

“And that is?” My mom smiled even bigger and said, “Julian’s parents have announced they are going on European tour.” I smiled genuinely at them and said, “Congratulations.”

My mom held up a finger and said, “But the best part is that their son will be staying with us for the next month.” My whole world just stopped…

            WAS SHE CRAZY?!?! He could rape me and no one would know! I must’ve killed somebody in another life because this is going to be HELL.

I have posted this story but I ended up deleting it because I didn't have many ideas to continue it but now I do! WARNING: this story will have bullying and curse words so read at your own risk! Please comment and vote! Lots of Love, Always

-Melissa xxooxx :)


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