Kaden's (un)lawful adventures

נכתב על ידי Maya_2011

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Follow Kaden (from Dragon's Treasure) on his previous adventures according to the readers. :) This will be a... עוד

Storming the Castle
An Unlikely Opponent
A day well spent
Kaden's Tree House
The Missing Chimney
The Cabinet of Wonders
Kaden and the Squirrel Families
His Love's Belt

Horses Watch

1.4K 102 7
נכתב על ידי Maya_2011

Here's a new short about Kaden's adventures and horses. Written by AlishaDeLeonBrown, a young wwriter with big aspirations,  check out her story When Darkness Surrenders.

A light shimmered in the distance.

As the dragon flew, his yellow amber eyes scanning the area, they finally rested upon it. Kaden stretched his wings out before landing softly in a field, not too far away from this strange, shimmering silver object. He crouched low, wishing for only a moment that he was smaller so the fall grass could confine his scales. He narrowed his eyes at the object as he sneaked closer, as far as he could see, no one was in sight. He continued to crawl, stopping ever few seconds to make sure no one had spotted him. 

The glistening object seemed to dance when the warm rays of sun hit it. Kaden took in his surroundings. It was just there, sitting on top of what looked like a hay bale. There was a small wooden cabin in the background and a fence where a few horses all joined, each one staring at the huge dragon crawling his way to the silver object. He thudded his tail against the ground trying to get the horses to look away, but still; each one watched. Stared at him, making him feel uneasy. Smoke rose from his nostrils as he grumbled. Tearing his eyes from the horses he continued on his way.

He reached the hay bale. His eyes widened in wonder, it was a huge, shiny metal ball. His possessive side got the better of him.

This ball was his.

It was made for him.

Without another thought, the dragon opened its jaws and scooped the metal ball inside when something else caught his eye. He was halfway in the air when a brown saddle caused him to turn.

Sighing, he carefully flew towards it, taking a risk in being too close to a person’s home. And again the horses stared. As if silently asking him to cut them loose. He glared at one horse in particular. A brown mare with a brown saddle strapped to its back. He wanted that saddle, but he did not know how to remove it with his claws. The horse neighed and started bobbing her head up and down, Kaden glared.

"Oh, shut up," he growled.

The horse took no thought of his words and trotted away. A bit of a swagger in her steps. She flicked her tail as if taunting Kaden. He growled, suddenly feeling possessiveness over the saddle and the horse. He flew up, and over the fence, the other horses neighing and galloping away, but the brown mare did not. It just stood there, its back towards him and her head low. Eating some of what was left of the yellowed falls grass. Kaden loathed the horse’s unspoken temper. He flew lowered and snatched the horse in his claws.

Finally, the horse neighed and squealed, as if she now just remembered she was a horse. Kaden grinned as he carried his new treasures away, not looking back to see a dumbstruck little girl, her hands to her side with what looked like a fur made stuffed animal in her hands dragging in the dust. The girl didn't scream, but tilted her head in curiosity as the creature flew off with her favorite horse.

It was only when the dragon’s scales disappeared into the sun when the girls bottom lip quivered, she was about to cry when she was cut short by her mother’s nervous voice.

"Kasandra! Get in here."

The girl only shook her head, turned around and ran into her mother’s arms. More than a little confused.

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