My Super-Story

By Hollybear12

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Young Grace Hunter finds herself in trouble when she decides to write a book about all the superheroes and vi... More

2: The Book
3: The Other World
4: That Night
5: Awake And Afraid
6: The Demon Of Innocence
7: Waking Up To Smirking Guy
8: Shopping With My Bro
9: The Mansion of Wayne
10: The File
11: Niece meets aunt
12: Being Chased In My PJs
13: Scarred For Life
14: What Is Happening To Me part:1
15: What Is Happening To Me part2
16: I Remember, Almost Everything
17: Crying, Dancing, Kidnapped...
18: Death Is My Curse
19: The Truth In Lies
20: Breaking News!
21: Vengance At Last
22: Only The Beginning
23: Grace Hunter
24: Audrey Piper
25: Valentina Francesca
26: Sapphire Starr
27: How To Dazzle A Villain
28: A Mission Of Fun
29: When Best Friends Reunite
30: Team, Friends or play mates?
31: A Dance With The Devil
32: The Heart Of Steel
33: Man Oh Man
35- Captain
36- Doctor Who?
37-Seargent Of The 107th
38-Escape From The Center of Attention
39- Letters to Howard
40: Well That Turned Out Well
41: A Leap Of Faith
42: Running Start
43: Greene is a Drama Queen
44: The End of Wolf
45: This Is It I Guess

34: Want It Back

25 1 1
By Hollybear12

Guest writer, so please don't hate!:)

Black Bow's P.O.V

       I followed White Cheetah to the art gala. It was held at the National Historic Art Museum of Central City. It happened to be where her arch nemesis lived and who would of thought he'd show up...hmmm...lets see, not her mentor that's for sure. I didn't want White Cheetah to see me and think that I was spying on her, although I was. So, I decided to turn invisible, so no one could see me, duh. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that she got the diamond , completed her mission and left without getting caught ( if you know what I mean). When the gala finished and White Cheetah zoomed away, I waited till the back street was clear before I turned visible again. As I was walking down the street, someone or something nudged me in the shoulder.
     "Watch where you're going pal!" I screamed after the quick moving yellow blur with red streaks up ahead. "Hey", I thought to myself, "That looks at lot like the yellow blur who was at my...." Quickly realizing who it was, I started to run but he caught up to me.
     " Well, well , well it looks like we meet again." he said.
     " Well it sure looks like it", I replied sarcastically. The Reverse-Flash was standing right in front of me.
    "Nice to see you too", he said smirking.
      "What do you want" I said, stringing my bow. I pulled the string back and all the way up to the side of my cheek, ready to release it anytime.
"Oh did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning".
"Maybe." I said, smirkingly," I would insult you back ,but nature already did!"
" You're a feisty one aren't you."
" You could say that." I said, releasing the arrow, I stringed earlier. It was one of those arrows I stole, I mean 'borrowed' from the Green Arrow. It hit him right in the gut and I started to run as fast as I could. I modified the arrows so that they can last longer, but longer wasn't long enough. I was about nearly three blocks away until the arrow began to rub off. The Reverse-Flash came zooming behind me and shoved me to the ground. I quickly got up and brushed myself off. I grabbed my bow in my left hand and an arrow in the right, getting ready to string it, when I heard the Reverse-Flash say
"Your mother used to use a bow like that," and he came running towards me, grabbed my bow right out of my hand and snapped it in half.
"Hey that was my favourite bow" I said staring at the pieces on the ground,
"You're going to pay for this!"
"Oh hold on let me go get my wallet"
"Oh no need" I said pulling a hand full of ninja stars out from under my sleeve. I threw them all at him but he caught them in mid air and turned them back at me. I managed to dodge all of them, except for the last one, it cut the strap of my quiver. All the arrows fell to the ground and scattered everywhere. As mad as I was there was no time to waste, so I grabbed two daggers from my boots and ran towards him. I stabbed one in his right leg, making him fall to his knee and stabbed the other one in his left shoulder. As I pushed it in deeper and I whispered into his ear
  " Listen here pal, you're going to leave me and my friends alone, or ....." I glanced behind me at a rattling noise. The sewer cover started to shift, then slowly came completely off.
    "Or what!" said the Reverse-Flash and push me down to the underground tunnels.
   "Aaaaahhhhhhh" I screamed till I hit the floor. Luckily a pile of rocks broke my fall, wait a pile of rocks that's it.
   "I have no other choice, I have to use my powers" I told myself. I don't like using my powers because I haven't fully mastered them, yet. I stood up and stared the Reverse-Flash in the eyes, and using my telekinesis, I picked up the pile of rocks and aimed them at him. They went flying and a couple hit him. Since, he was buried under a pile of rocks, I decided to find an exit. I ran down a tunnel and then turned down another. I reached a gigantic tunnel intersection. On one side all the tunnels were boarded up. Actually it seemed like all the tunnels were boarded up, except for two, the one I was standing in and one that had thick metal bars all the way to the top. The ceiling was extremely high all through the intersection. And right in the middle of the room was two steel posts about arms width apart, each with one steel shackle. I turned around to leave, when the Reverse-Flash zoomed in and said
     "Leaving so soon ", and punched me in the face. I started punching and kicking back. Then I self-duplicated, so that there was five of me. We all started fighting him, when suddenly a loud roar came from behind me. Grodd was behind me.
"You're surrounded, kid! Give up!", yelled the Reverse-Flash.
  "Never", I yelled back. Grodd knocked out my duplicates and they disappeared. I looked around me for things to throw at them; rocks, boulders, etc.. Nothing. The Reverse-Flash must of understood what I was doing because he said proudly,
" This underground chamber, unlike the other one, is telekinesis proof." Then Grodd grabbed me by the torso.
"Let me go", I screamed, kicking and pounding his fist. Grodd tightened his grasp. The Reverse-Flash said loudly with pride in his voice,
" The more you squirm, the tighter it gets!" The next thing I knew the Reverse-Flash uttered something to Grodd and I heard something snap. Then Grodd threw me against the wall and left. There was an excruciating pain in my left side. I think I broke a few ribs. I pulled myself up against the wall, clutching my side.
"Is this yours?" the Reverse-Flash said, holding up a hand gun. Shoot, I must have dropped it. He flipped it in his hand, "It's a nice gun", he said, pointing it at me. He pulls the trigger and it hits my left shoulder.
"uh,"I groaned in pain, and my shoulder starts bleeding like crazy.
"It was a near miss!", said the Reverse-Flash smiling.


I wake up to the screaming of a boy.
"Please stop" the boy pleaded. In front of me, pined to the wall with knives is the Kid Flash and beside him, the Reverse-Flash holding a hand full of knives. I'm laying on the floor in a small pool of blood. My shoulder was wrapped in a ripped piece my sleeve. I'm in a small cage made of steel. My wrists are in a pair of steel shackles that are attached to the wall. The cage is in the corner of the room. I must've passed out from all the blood I lost. I sat up in the cage, making more noise then I intended to.
"Ah! I see that you're awake", said the Reverse-Flash, "So let's get started!" And he stuck the rest of the knives in the wall and walked away.

"How'd you get here", asked the Kid Flash.
"I could ask you the same", I replied.
"Well", he started," I attended the Art Gala because a little birdie told me your friend would show up. Then by the end of the night the Reverse-Flash came barging in to my place claiming to be looking for the Flash' and grab me and brought me here. I told you about me now tell me 'bout you."
"Well, I also attended to the Art Gala and as I was leaving..." I stopped because the Reverse-Flash entered.
"Ah! Where was I", said the Reverse-Flash," Oh yeah, the fun was just beginning!" He walked over to my cage and opened it. "Get up!", he yelled. " Get up now!"
"Hey give her a minute, dude!", said Kid Flash.
      The Reverse-Flash grabbed one of the knives off the wall but before he could do any harm, I got up and kicked it out of his hand. He took another one off the wall and quickly grabbed my right wrist and carved his symbol on it. Then he super-sped to Kid Flash and did the same thing. He unhooked the shackles from the wall and super-sped me to the middle of the room. He re-hooked them to the two post and pushed me down to my knees.
"What do you want from me?!" I asked daringly.
" You know, you're stronger than I thought!" said the Reverse-Flash rhetorically. He didn't answer my question. Since he didn't answer my statement, I'm not giving him my time of day, I just stared at him in disgust. A few minutes later, I finally spoke up
   "I remember you..." I trailed off, "Your the one who killed my Aunt!" I exclaimed.
"Yes I know," he started "I meant to kill you. You destroyed my life the second you were born." He finished. Interrupting him I said, "What did I ever do to you?"
"You Eliana Thawne, you ruined my life!"
"My name is Sapphire Starr!"
"No it's not. It's Eliana Thawne, your aunt gave you a new name to protect you."
"Why should I believe you!"
"Stop interrupting me, twerp!" and he slaps me across the face.
He continued," Before you were born I was going to be the rightful ruler of planet steel, but then when you and your brother, Ethan Thawne, came along..."
" What brother?" I asked. And he slaps me again.
   "What did I say about interrupting! Oh yeah! You don't know! How could I forget such an important detail? You have a twin brother! He's over there." He said pointing to Kid Flash. We both looked shocked.
" This doesn't even make sense, how can Wally West be my twin brother he's three years older then me." I said, still shocked.
"You'll see," he said and continued from where he left off , " Before you were born I was going to be the rightful ruler of Planet Steel, but then when you, Eliana Thawne, and your brother, Ethan Thawne, came along you took all that away from me. So I intended to kill you, by bringing over all that steel but my stupid brother, your dad, sent you to planet Earth far far away from me. Your father, Thaddeus Thawne, and your mother, Daisy West, sent you to your aunt, Stacy Starr and your brother to your uncle , Joe West. They both renamed you to protect you from me. Your parents sent you individually in a space craft. Ethan's landed safely in central city, while your's got lost in space for three days. But three space days were three earth years. So Ethan turned three when you arrived to earth. Your aunt moved to gotham city so you would never run into Wally. And when you got to earth I couldn't find you. For three years I searched, until I saw you and your aunt driving, I raced up to kill you but that stupid woman turned her car to save you and I ended up killing her. For 11 years I've been searching everywhere for you until today. You ruined my life so I'm going to ruin yours!"
" But why are you after me and not the both of us?" I asked curiously.
"Because when your brother first got his powers, I tracked him down, kidnapped him and injected him with a special formula that prevents him from travelling into the future. He's only able to travel back to the past or stay in the present. So now you're the only rightful one able to claim the throne." he said ,"And I'll give you time to reflect and make a decision."
"Wait what decision?" I asked and he slapped me again and super-sped me back to cage.
     "To get some food for you and Wally but have to come somewhere with me or stay here with no food. Your choice!" said the Reverse-Flash and walked out. Without a doubt I knew what I would choose, I had no choice. I would have to choose the first one because yes its been a few days with no food and yes I was pretty hungry but the Kid Flash was more. Food was his number one weakness and we all knew it.

"Why do you do it?" asked the Kid Flash suddenly.
    "What do you mean?", I asked, lunsure of his question.
"Why do you do what you do?" He asked again.
"You have to be more specific." I replied, still not knowing what he meant. There was a pause but then he said finally,
   " Why are you a villain?"
There was another pause, as I thought about it. But before I could answer the Reverse-Flash returned, asking,
       "So which one will it be?"
"I choose the first one!" I said.
      "Ah! Perfect!" He said, letting out a little laugh. He came back a few minutes later with paper plates, he dropped them in front of us and said,
" Don't take to long, we're leaving soon, finished or not!" and he started walking away. "Hey", I yelled at him,"How's Wally suppose to eat!" The Reverse-Flash completely ignored me and kept walking. Once again I said, "HEY! How's Wally suppose to eat!"
He still kept walking and said," Well I guess you'll have to figure it out!"
"HEY", I said for the third time," HOW'S WALLY SUPPOSE TO EAT!" This time he stopped in his place, turned around and came back towards us, saying,
"Wow! You really can't let this go, can you!" He walked towards Wally and pulled out all the knives. He fell to the floor but before he could do anything, the Reverse-Flash pulled a lever and 4 metal belts came out of the ground. One went over each of Kid Flash's ankles, one over his legs and one came out of the wall and went over his chest. When they reached the other side, the Reverse-Flash pulled another lever that fastened each one securely in place. Then he grabbed a pair of shackles, attached it to the wall and cuffed his hands.
"Happy?", he said but before I could even answer he was gone.
             I took the paper plate and examined it. There was a half eaten chicken leg, a brown banana and a piece of slimy tomato.
                "Thanks!" I heard the Kid Flash say.
         "Here," I said and pushed him my plate, " You can have it."
    "No, no I can't take it, you must be hungry too. " he said kindly.
  " No you take it." I said insisting.
             He took it and ate it all. Did you know watching other people eat just makes you more hungry. The Reverse-Flash walked back in.
       "Time to go", he said.
         I stood up and waited for him to open the cage. I didn't argue because I made a deal and a deal was a deal. He came over and unhooked the chains off the wall and attached them together. "Here",he said and tossed me a blindfold,
       "Put it on." So I did, not saying anything.
"Ready?!" he said.
     I nodded hesitently. He picked me up and started running super fast.


The Reverse-Flash let go and I fell to the ground.
     "Thanks for the warning," I muttered. The ground was cold and smooth. It felt old but untouched. The air was fresh and crisp. But there was something strange about all of it. Something heavy. The Reverse-Flash hooked the chains to something on the ground.
     " Where are we?" I ask, a bit scared to find out.
   "Take look for yourself ," he said, removing the blind fold.
     I stood up and looked around. The ground was sliver and the sky was different shades of grey. Actually, everything around me was some sort of grey. There was no buildings or houses in sight. Just an empty grey lot in an empty grey sky.
I felt a little dizzy. " Where are we?" I asked again.
          "We're on Planet Steel, year 8016." He replied happily. I turned around. There was two people tied to a chair. "Time to make acquaintances!" said the Reverse-Flash.
        "Eliana Thawne meet Thaddeus and Daisy Thawne!" he said looking at me. Then he looked at them,
        " Thaddeus and Daisy meet Eliana!"
       "Oh Eliana! I missed you so much! Is Ethan okay?" started Daisy, I nodded, but Thaddeus interrupted,
" Why'd you bring her here, Eoboard!"
     "To meet her real parents of course" he replied. There was a long pause of silence.
     " Well we can't be here to long," started the Reverse-Flash,
     "Let's get this thing done and over with."
"What thing?" I asked.
         "The execution!" he replied, smiling evilly. "Stay put!" The Reverse-Flash commanded.
        I wasn't really sure who he was talking to.
    "Don't move", he said this time looking at me.
       Daisy said,"We love you, you know. We only sent you to Earth to protect you," she trailed off crying a bit,"It was our only choice. You're actually 17. You were born seventeen years ago, on Monday November 1, 7999."
      "Alright Daisy, that's enough!" The Reverse-Flash said interrupting. From far I heard a faint sound of metal grinding. I looked around to see where it was coming from. It wasn't far at all, it was coming from the chair Thaddeus was sitting in. He was cutting the chains with nothing. The object must've been invisible. He was about done and the Reverse-Flash didn't even notice. He was probably to focused on his huge ego. Thaddeus started levitating. "Oh, my dear brother, could you have forgotten , that I'm capable of doing this!" He said, levitating a couple of boulders and throwing them at the Reverse-Flash. "No! But did you forget that I could do this!" the Reverse-Flash replied. "I'm afraid not brother, for I'm came prepared for your trickery!" Thaddeus said. And they went head on. Throwing a couple of punches, fighting, kicking and using their powers. I have to admit, it was pretty cool to watch. Then the Reverse-Flash super punched Thaddeus, and he went flying. The Reverse-Flash ran up to him and said,
"What happened to you brother, you used to be on my side!" "That was 35 years ago, I'm no longer Kid Zoom! I've developed new powers now and a family!" Thaddeus said weakly. "That's a shame, brother. I'll miss you but not as much as I missed my throne!" He reached into Thaddeus, grabbed his heart and crushed it into a million of pieces. "Thaddues, my love, why", Daisy said in tears. Next the Reverse-Flash ran over to Daisy and said, "Do you have something to say to that!" "Why, yes I actually do, Eoboard," she said politely," You're a monster, jerk and an imbecile, all combined into one ugly, messed up person!" "Why, thank you Daisy", he said smirkingly. I got up and ran as far as I could, trying to stop him. But it was to late , he crushed her heart. "What's wrong with you, you're a low, selfish ..." But he cut me off, maybe it's better he did cause you don't want to hear what I was going to say." What did I say about moving!" He said firmly. "I don't know, like I was listening!", I said sarcastically. "You've must of not of understood! You move, I break!" He said with a grin on his face. I didn't know what was going to happen but I was going to be prepared. I took fighting stance, looking around me, waiting for him to strike. "Oh, you didn't get the warning? You move, I break!" He said smiling. We started to fight. He kept repeating himself,"You move, I break!" We kept at it. A few punches here and there. A few flip tricks and kicks. I was so mad. At him, at myself. I went in for a punch but he moved and I tripped. Then he picked up a boulder and dropped it on my left ankle. I heard a snap and a huge amount of pain struck my ankle. I sat up and pushed the boulder off it. It already started to swell and turn blue. The Reverse-Flash just stood there, smiling. He looked at his watch, "Oh", he said," Time to go!" He walked over to me, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes. I started hitting him but he zoomed off anyways.

I sat in my cage hugging my right knee and crying silently. "Where'd you go? What took you so long, you were gone like 3 days? Why are you crying? What happened to your ankle?" asked Kid Flash ,curiously. "3 days? It felt like 3 hours." I said and then told him everything. I told him about Planet Steel, about our parents, about the Reverse-Flash, about the fight. "You know mom asked about you, I told her you were fine. And you're exactly like Dad. You have his eyes and his hair. And his powers. Just you're a hero and he used to be a villain." And I started to cry again.


The Reverse-Flash walked in and dragged me out of the cage and to the middle of the room.
" Here's what" he said," I'll let you go, if you can get up and walk away." "Haha, very funny!" I said, knowing I couldn't get up, let alone walk away. Then he opened Grodd's cage and let him out. "It's time Grodd", he said nodding at him. At first I didn't know what he was doing, until I felt an excruciating pain in my head. He was trying to telepathically invade my space. If he's able to succeed then it will hurt more since I'm telekinetic but I can try to use my telekinesis to stop him. The pain started to spread but I tried my best to my best to stop it. He was too strong, and I only had one option to stop him. I tugged on my necklace, regretting my decision already and threw it on the ground. It shattered in a million of pieces. Just in time because as the shattering noise pierced my ears, the mental barrier broke. Grodd was in. The pain was sharp and killing. I couldn't think or concentrate. Then I started getting flashbacks/nightmares of my parents dying, of my friends turning their backs on me, of betrayal. I fell to the floor, clutching my head. It killed. I tried to speak, but no words came out. The pain was overbearing. I tried to focus. It killed. I tried to block it out. I couldn't see straight. I started to scream, not even knowing how. Then I saw myself in a whole new dimension. I was looking at myself, there laying on the floor, screaming. It flicked on and off. It was kind of like I was stuck between two dimensions, reality and hope. I faintly heard the Reverse-Flash say, laughing," It's working Grodd, keep doing it."

Wolf's P.O.V.

"School bell rings"

I met up with Audrey and Valentina, after school. "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully, "How was your day?" "Ugh, it was boring, the teacher decided to teach everyone about quantum physics, and no body understood. It was driving me crazy!" Audrey said. "Well, unlike your day, Audrey, mine was fantastic! In science got to dissect a mouse! It was really cool! Plus my partner puked! So I got to do the lab all by myself!" Said Valentina. "Oh, did you eat it after?" asked Audrey, mockingly. "What!? Who, me? Pssh, no. I only like my mice sautéed in butter and cooked to puuuuurrrfection. Who do you think I am, a wild animal?" said Valentina. "Well....." Drey replied. "Alright guys, that's enough", I said, "Let's just get back to the base, and we can settle this the right way, the villain way. Anyone up for a game of tag, with lasers?" " Oh ya! Definitely!" They replied. So we started to walked back to the base when I asked," Guys have you seen Sapphire?" "Um no,she wasn't in home room" Val said. "And she wasn't at lunch, either" Drey said. Suddenly, White cheetah fainted. Luckily, Shadow was behind her and caught her. "Come on, Shadow" I said, " We got to get back!" We rushed back the base and laid her down on the floor. "Go get her a glass of water" I yelled. And as Shadow was about to leave, White Cheetah shot up, breathless. She said really fast, "Help. Black Bow. Trouble. Pain."
    "Slow down,slow down" I said. She took a few deep breaths to calm down." Okay", she started, " We need to go help Black Bow. She's in trouble and in a lot of pain."        
     "How do you know?" asked Shadow.
     "I'm not sure. But I feel it." White Cheetah said.
    "Okay, where did you see her?" I asked.
"She's underground, somewhere. It's all grey and blurry. But I'm not sure where she is."
"I have an idea" I said," She might be in Central City."
  "Why would she be there?" They both asked at the same time.
  "Well, see, I, um.... Sent her to follow White Cheetah on her mission because Cat Woman practically sent you on a death wish. I know your mad but there's time to waste. Suit up!" I said.
No one budged.
  "Only the leader can say that." Said White Cheetah.
"Wait so no laser tag," Shadow asked disappointed.
    "Yes! We've got more important things to do!" I said. And we left.

Black Bow's P.O.V

"Alright Grodd, that's enough", said the Reverse-Flash. Grodd stopped. And I laid there on the ground twitching. My head killed. It felt like there was a wrestling match going on in my brain. The Reverse-Flash dragged me to the two post and chained me up. "Why?" I said weakly," Why go through all this trouble to kill me, when you could of done it in one shot?" "Because, it's fun to watch people suffer." He replied. "You're sick!" I said. "Why thank you" he said and slapped me across the face. I coughed a bit and spat up some blood.

Wolf's P.O.V

"Here's the place!" said White Cheetah.
  "The National Historic Art Museum of Central City", I said.
   We circled the building, in and out. When we got to the back side of the building, Shadow noticed something.      
   "Hey look, this looks like Black Bow's bow", said Shadow.
   "And her arrows and quiver", said White Cheetah.
"She was definitely here", I said, pointing out the
   "Wait look, the sewer cover isn't completely on. And you did say she was underground."
    "You're right. And there's only one way to find out..." said White Cheetah.
    "Wait are you saying that we have to go in the sewer?" Asked Shadow.
"But I just got these boots!"

Black Bow's P.O.V

I peered out the corner of my eye and saw Wolf, Shadow and White Cheetah. They got my message. "It's time!" said the Reverse-Flash, "Any last words!" "Ya, just promise me one thing: whatever happens to me and happened to me, will never happen to my friends. Promise me that you will never hurt my friends!"I said with all my might. "Okay" he said." No! Promise! PROMISE!" I yelled. "Alright I promise to never hurt your friends. But I never promised not to hurt you!" He said. And reached in and crushed my heart.

Kid Flash's P.O.V

Noooooooooo! I couldn't speak, no words could come out of my mouth. I saw Wolf in the corner, how embarrassing, seeing me like this. And I don't understand I'm so confused. So Sapphire Starr or I mean Eliana Thawne is my twin sister and I'm Ethan Thawne. Why didn't anyone tell me. She saved my life three times, and I did nothing to help her. I guess every villain has a hero in them, and every hero has a villain in them.

Wolf's P.O.V.

Noooooo! We're too late. Why? Black Bow fell to the floor lifeless. Her last words were 'promise to not hurt my friends', she didn't even care about what could happen to her.
"How could you"I said.
"Don't worry, I got this" said White Cheetah and she walked right up him and said,
"You know I'm faster then you, right? So why don't you fight like a man and I'll fight like one too!"
"I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta run", he said and zoomed off.
"Untie her" I said and ran towards Kid Flash.
"What happened?" I asked him, concerned.
"Didn't you see?" he replied.
"How do I open this" I asked.
"The lever!" He said, and I pulled it, "Thanks".
"Wait, where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm going back in time, I need to reverse this!" He said desperately, turning and walking away.
"No you can't, if you go you won't be able to come back. I need you Wally...."
"But it's the right thing, to do, and I'll still be alive" he said turning to look at me sadly.
"But you won't be here, with me..." I trailed off and he ran away, "Wait....".
"Coming, coming." I said. Shadow untied Black Bow as White Cheetah picked up all the pieces of the shattered necklace. I pick up Black Bow and we left.


We walked into the infirmary of the base. I was carrying Black Bow in my arms. Which was a feat considering I was the smallest and probably weakest of the group. I set her down on the operating table. The mentors were having a conversation, then stopped when we walked in. They rushed over to the table.
"What happened?" Asked Catwoman.
"The Reverse-Flash crushed her heart. She's... dead." I said, chocking on my own words.
"Oh well that's too bad, " said Sportsmaster,"She was pretty good."
"Too bad? Can't you do anything!" I yelled at them.
"No" he said," I don't have those kind of powers."
"How about you, Ra's Al Ghul?" I asked desperately.
"No, I can't do anything. My powers are to weak to bring back someone from the dead." There was a long pause of silence. Then everyone left. I was there all alone. I fell to my knees and started to cry in my hands. How could she be dead? Why didn't she asked for help before? Was Wally really leaving? All these thoughts kept going around and around in my head.
"It's all my fault!" I cried out loud.
I heard movement behind me and someone said,
    "It's all your fault, eh? So what are you going to do about?"
    I turned around. The last person that I wanted to see, was standing right behind me. What was I supposed to do now...

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