35- Captain

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How in the devil's name did they get in here, quick, I have to do something, I lean against the couch and act natural, well as natural as I am.
"What are you doing here!" I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air.
There stood Aqualad, dressed in his weird Manta armour that is normally characterized as Black Manta's attire, funny thing is they're father and son. MIND BLOWN! Yeah, that was my reaction, but then again I "knew" him as a good guy (one fight, very serious and stoic, but handsome makes up for it all, (Great, now I'm starting to sound like Cheetah!) I also know him from the show Young Justice 'back home').
"What, exactly, is this place?" He asked, turning in a full circle.
"Well," I started, twiddling my thumbs, "it's my teams villain lair, except you know, tweaked with Ivy flair?!"
Kaldur nodded, still looking around in almost awe (he's still not very good at acting).
"I was wondering, why did you help me?" Kaldur asked suddenly turning serious.
"I helped you? When? I can't seem to remember, but then again, with what's going on I don't see how I can remember anything. So, care to clarify? Jeez that sounded weird." I muttered the last sentence.
"Let's see... you know I'm not actually bad but didn't turn me in, you knew I needed to give Nightwing secret villain information and didn't call me out on it, dove into danger to save a hero when it could kill you as well, saved Nightwing bringing him to safety in the middle of nowhere, leaving him with that weird licorice you gave me and not leaving until you were sure someone had come to get him. Yeah that's not something a villain would do it's something a hero would do, so why would you ally yourself with villains?" Kaldur elaborated.
"Times are changing, you need to be prepared for what will happen. I am receiving the best possible training I could receive with the League of Assassins. I'm preparing for a future I can not prevent." I said, standing tall and gazing at him in defiance.
"And, exactly what future are you talking about?" Asked a voice from around the corner of the door.
    Turning the corner and leaning against the door frame stood Nightwing, he was wearing his costume with a brown biker jacket, a motorcycle helmet, which he removed, and shook his raven hair. The way you see it in the movies, slow motion and is the absolute most handsome way of taking off a helmet, well if you had the hair for it. Nightwing totally had the hair for it, just saying.
"Well make yourself comfortable why don't you." I said sarcastically upon seeing Nightwing, I was definitely not in the mood to be interrogated. Also my best friend is now dead, not a happy camper. "How did you get in here anyways?" I asked while flopping, ungracefully, onto the nearby love seat.
"You leave the door wide open." Nightwing explained to me.
"So do you!" I exclaimed in retaliation and frustration.
"Alright let us all calm down," Kaldur stated calmly.
       So we chatted it up, I think they calmed me down. We talked about loads, well they mostly asked me questions I avoided answering but it was fun because we hung out and I got to see a more fun side of both Nightwing the super-hero and Aqualad, the super-hero turned villain spy but still good on the inside guy. Hey that rhymed! Wow now I'm so proud of myself for making an unintentional rhyme. Well I got to know a little more about Aqualad, he was surprisingly very open about himself, his story was interesting to listen to.
   His weapon is a special kind of Atlantean magic. He trained with his close friend Garth and Tula, a girl he liked. Garth and him saved their king from a daring foe named Ocean-Master, although they did not defeat him they gained enough time for their king, Arthur Curry to recover and defeat Ocean-Master. King Arthur who is also Aquaman offered for both Garth and Kaldur to be his proteges, although Garth refused and returned to his studies, Kaldur jumped at the chance and then became known as Aqaulad. During his time working with the co-ops team, Young Justice, he missed Tula and his home, so he returned to Poseidonis, only to find Tula and Garth together, while he was dreadfully behind on his magical studies. About a year and a half later Tula joined the team as Aquagirl. She was a valuable member of the team but about a month ago, during a large battle Tula sacrificed herself to seal away a mystical beast. He then decided that it would be a good time to change sides, he had learnt awhile ago, that his father was Black Manta, and thus used this information to his advantage and used his grief towards Tula's death as a base for his villainous acts. Since I knew he was a good guy, he didn't leave out a lot. I felt that there was a connection between him and I in that moment. But the difference was that he choose the right side first, and I tended to block all my feelings away, almost like turning that part of my brain off.
   I was telling them about how totally awesome I am, but then realized that they weren't supposed to be there. Well I was reminded by an alarm screeching.
" INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" With red flashing lights, it was funny.
Then I made them leave through the zeta tubes.
"Come on, Come on, come on, you have to leave now!" I said quickly while pushing them towards the zeta.
"Aye, Aye Captain!" Nightwing said while saluting when he was being beamed away.

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