My Rouge Wolf boyxboy

By GayRobert

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Zylen was your typical teen living a double life. His only friends knew everything about him. Echo was banish... More

My Rouge Wolf boyxboy
Haunting Past
Secrets and Scars
Love and the Truth


892 33 26
By GayRobert

Okay so i know its been a little bit but oh well XP.

Booboo:hehehehehehe its getting good! XP ENJOY IT! YES YOU ALL OF YOU WHO READ THIS ENJOY IT!

Zylen’s POV

I pulled off my shirt and tucked it in my back pocket. Running after Echo was hard. He was really fast. I didn’t know that he would take off after he shifted. It made me upset and I wanted to go find him and punch him.

I followed his sent through the woods. If he ran this fast in wolf form then damn he has to be super fast in human form. The sent was fading fast so I picked up the speed of my run dodging all the trees and roots sticking out of the ground. Soon enough the sent got stronger letting me know I could slow down a little. Echo wasn’t that far in front of me. I stopped for a second to catch my breath.

“Damn he is fast!” I punched the nearest tree and it fell over. It wasn’t an old tree I felt bad for knocking it over but I needed an outlet for my rage.

I concentrated on listening for Echo and I heard him talking with someone. Another man I got jealous as soon as I heard it. I took off with hatred in my eyes following the sound of Echo’s voice. I ran out of the woods to see a house. Echo’s sent is all over the place. I walked around to the window. I stared in at Echo who looked completely scared shitless. I stared at the half naked man sitting on the couch.

“Wrath why does she want to kill me so damn bad?” Echo said as he walked over to the man and handed him a drink.

“She says you broke her heart. Echo this isn’t something that I would just throw at anyone. I know that your sick and tired of running from death all the time but if you don’t then your going to be killed.”

Echo just stared at him with a blank look. I had heard enough I stormed to the front door and slammed my fist against it as hard as I could.


I heard someone get up and walk to the door. It opened in a flash and I was dragged inside and thrown to the floor. I rolled back and landed on my feet and knuckles. I felt my eyes shift and my feet were shifting when Echo stood in front of me.

“Zylen what are you doing here? And how the hell did you find me?”

“I followed your sent you ass! I asked you to shift and not run from me. But what did you do you shifted and ran!”

I stood up and walked toward Echo with my fist clenched shut. I was ready to punch him when the man pulled Echo backwards and slammed him to the floor.

“Wrath what..”

Wrath put his hand over Echo’s mouth and gave him the shush look. Echo suddenly went stiff and didn’t move. I smelled something strange outside. It didn’t smell like anyone here in the house. I walked to the window and peaked out. There was a girl outside and she had a bunch of wolfs with her. I knew that she was a wolf when she growled. I walked back and almost stepped on Echo’s hand.

“Who the hell is that chick and why does she look like she wants to burn this house to the ground?” I asked while stumbling back.

“That would be my sister.” Wrath said still down low to the ground. “And I wouldn’t put it past her to burn the place down just to get to Echo. She wants him bad and I get the feeling that if she doesn’t get him she would rather have him dead.”

Echo was still frozen on the ground with so much fear in his eyes. I glanced at Wrath and he gave me the look of fear also.

“Move.” I looked at both of them and started toward the door. Stepping over the both of them. The next thing I know I feel a hand grab my belt holding me back from opening the door. Spinning around I grab Echo’s hand and look at him with questioning eyes.

“Don’t…..please…….don’t go out there. She will kill you.” Echo was pleading with me to save me.

“Echo is right she is ruthless and wont stop until she gets what she wants. That is her pack out there with her and they are some of the meanest wolves I have ever seen.” Wrath said still on the ground.

Fine if I wasn’t going to go out there then I will at least protect my mate with my life if they come in.

“Echo Chaos get out here I know your in there.” the girl called.

I walked back and looked out the window. She was now closer to the house and the wolves were staring at the window I was in. Snarling and ready to attack. She walked up to the window and stared at me.

“Who do we have here? A friend of Echo’s?”

“None of your business.” I snapped. Spinning around I started to walk away from the window when I heard it get smashed.

“Echo run!” I grabbed his hand and pulled him after me. Shifting I motioned for him to get on.

“Zy I cant keep running from her. I have to stay here. This is my home now. I’m sick of running from her and fearing for my life.”

Wrath walked over and hit Echo over the head. Echo fell to the ground. I spun ready to attack Wrath for hitting the love of my life!.

“He will be out for about an hour get him the hell out of here.” Wrath said as he picked him up and put him on my back.

Confused I ran for it. I never looked back. I just ran. Slamming through the back door of my house I ran through up to my room. Throwing Echo on my bed I shifted back and got dressed.


She crashed through the house running up the stairs. She came into my room looking at Echo on the bed then she looked at me while I was putting on a undershirt.

“What the hell happened?”

“I will explain later but right now we have to get ready to fight for what I love.”

She looked at me confused as hell.

“What do you mean for what you love?”

I pointed to Echo who was still knocked out cold. Turning back to my computer I sent a mass message to every wolf I knew that would come to help.


Booboo: Oh Zylen! *jumps on Zylen* You little love bug you!!!! getting all jealous over Wrath XD SOOOOO CUTE!

Molly: Zylen whos this?

Booboo looks around and runs to the window!


Zylen: Mom I dont know him he just pops out of nowhere randomly and apparently is madly in love with me or Echo. He scares me.

Booboo jumps out of the window and runs into the woods flailing arms like a crazy person!


Hope you enjoyed!

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