Secrets and Scars

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Okay heres chapter 6 i know its been a while but ya know ive been busy here on the farm! XP But here you go!

Echo’s POV

I woke up on a bed. Looking around I didn’t know where I was. I got off the bed and looked at the desk. Walking over to it and look around looking for clues at who’s house I am in. I find a piece of paper with a name and it was Zylen’s. Staring around the room I spin around when the door opened. Zylen walked in and smiled walking over to me and giving me a big hug.

“Zy what happened?”

“Wrath hit you in the back of the head and knocked you out. I brought you back here as fast as I could so I could get cloths on and so my mom could take a look at your head to make sure he didn’t hurt you too hard.”

I blushed at the fact that he cared that much to have his mother Molly look and make sure that I was okay.

“Are you alright Echo you seem a little dazed from life at the moment.” he chuckled as he finished his sentence.

“I’m fine but Zy what happened to Wrath?” I asked worried about my old alpha.

As I asked this question Zylen flinched at the name looking angry at the facet that I asked about Wrath. He seemed like the question pained him in a way that no other question I asked did.

“Zylen? Are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine. About Wrath…” Zylen paused before continuing making me worry even more. “His sister hurt him really bad…..Echo she almost killed him herself.”

When I heard those words I almost passed out. I stumbled backward almost falling on the floor but Zylen caught me and picked me up and put me on the bed again sitting up I stared at him.

“Zy where is he?”

“He’s downstairs resting mom has been taking care of him since I got him back here.”

Getting off the bed I rushed down the stairs almost falling really and looked around I heard Molly talking to someone and rushed to see where she was. I found myself looking down into the basement. Zylen walked up behind me and wrapped his hands around my hips.

“He’s down there with mom she’s been doing her best to keep him alive.”

I turned to face Zylen looking at him right in the eyes they were beautiful. Blushing I moved my gaze to his lips. They looked so inviting and gentle. Feeling my heart racing I broke my stare and walked to the living room. Sitting on the couch I put my hands on my head.

“Echo….I need you to tell me everything that you can about Wrath’s sister.” Zylen said as he walked in and sat next to me.

“Right now?” I asked looking at him dumbfounded.

“No but soon.” He looked at me with curious eyes. I put my head back in my hands and rubbed my temples.

“Zylen we need to talk.” I said ever so carefully to make sure I didn’t scare him with my deep voice. I leaned back and rested my head on the back of the couch.

“Echo… you get the feeling that we are meant to be together for the rest of our lives?”

At Zylen’s question my eyes popped open I stared at him with questioning eyes. He was blushing when I looked at him. Slowly he moved closer to me taking my hand in his. Carefully he lifted it up and placed my palm on his chest over his heart. I felt it beating fast and hard. I could feel my own heart beating just as fast and hard as his almost like our hearts were in rhythm of each other.

I grabbed his hand with my free hand and placed it over my heart. Looking at him while he closed his eyes and focused to feel my heart I blushed as he reopened his eyes. We sat there on his couch like that for what felt like an eternity. I smiled still blushing and looked at him.

“I guess that means yes?” Zylen said looking at me blushing even more.

Without warning my body reacted to his voice. My hands grabbed his shoulders and pulled him over to me crushing our lips together. I felt him put his hands on my cheeks. Pulling me closer to deepen our kiss his tongue slipped into my mouth. Instinctively my tongue tangled with his. I raked his tongue with my teeth and he moaned.

Flipping me on my back and climbing on top of me his eyes got darker with lust and passion. I stared at him startled at how dark his eyes got. Suddenly the phone rang making us both jump. He dashed into the kitchen.

“Hello?” I heard him talking on the phone.

“Yes this is he.”

Silence washed over the kitchen. Waiting I looked around the living room spotting pictures of Zylen and his mother I got up and walked over to look at them. He was a very cute little boy. Looking around more I spotted my bag going over to it I noticed that it had been gone through. I picked it up and started looking for things that might be missing. I looked for the picture of my family. It had myself my parents and my sister. It was the most precious thing I owned. I couldn’t find it and started getting angry. I slammed my bag to the floor and threw myself on the couch. Hiding my face in the throw pillows I didn’t see Zylen walk back in.


O_o What will i think of next? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WILL NEVER TELL!!! XD

Booboo: *jumps on Echo* hahahahaha good to see you awake! XP

Echo: not you again............GO AWAY!

Booboo: thats not nice *pouts* you should be nicer to the person who created you!

Zylen:*walks in and growls at Booboo*

Booboo: *scurrys away from Echo and Zylen* TILL NEXT TIME MY DARLINGS! TILL NEXT TIME!

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