Opposites do attract (An Aubr...

By Iamchampagnemamii

9.5K 182 39

a story about two people from the opposite side of the tracks that unexpectedly find each other and fall deep... More

Leaving the nest:)
Settling inn
Not again
Our Casual Lunch
Not Again Again
Turn Around
Show me a good time

Focus 2

781 16 2
By Iamchampagnemamii

I hope you enjoying the story.
I'm from South africa and my motivation for this Fic is my love for rapper Drake....

I don't believe in coincidence :)
Do you?????
Drake POV

"Thanks Angie, I'm glad you didn't ask me any Meek questions, Im kind of tired of them "I said grabbing my bottle of white wine spritzer from the deck.

"No problem Aubs, it was nice seeing you, you should come to the show more often. I'm sure twitter is gonna crash after this interview. I'm also sure the mystery girl heard the interview too. "

"Yeah well I hope so,but I don't even know her name so I might as well drown myself with work you know"

"You go do that Lil Bro, I have a meeting in 10,thanks for coming,I really appreciate it " she said opening her arms for a hug.

"Okay let me not waste anymore of your time, bye" I said resting my head on her shoulder.

She pulled away grabbing her phone and car keys off the deck table. She twisted the door knob putting her hand bag straps between her teeth, opening the door and waving her hand at me before closing the door.

I grabbed my Toronto Raptors OVO jacket off the chair and slipped it on.

Exiting the room and entering the hallway where the guys where waiting out for me .

"Yo Drizzy that was really good nigga , Twitter is going Ham for this , Future is going to be really happy with this, tomorrow night we going to the club to celebrate "Ryan said with a dab.

The reason why it was so exciting for the crew and I is because I haven't done any kind of media in a while and people have been waiting for me to break the silence about the projects I'm doing and did in 2015.

After Rolling Stone magazine twisted a few of my words, making me look  bad, I swore to never do anymore press. Thank god people were able to hear everything come directly from my mouth and the fact that it was short made the interview extra special. I just don't have time for this kind of stuff anymore especially if it's gonna take a long ass time. I would rather be in the studio smoking Loud and making really good music for the people.

"Yeah sure ,let's just head out yall, 40 is waiting for me at the studio at the house right now , I'm pulling an all nighter, finna party tomorrow"

"Yeah sure, Spoons is waiting for us in the car,there are no paps outside."

"Aight cool man"

We walked to the back parking lot and hopped into the black Escalade.

I got settled into my sit, slipped my phone out of my jacket pocket, immediately entering into Twitter.

" I don't even know what the fuss is over @Drake interview on Hot97 is, the guy claims to be a rapper, he doesn't even write his own raps"

"Oh my god I haven't heard @Drake on radio in a while, he sounds happy, I wish it was longer though, that's my man though <3"

"@Drake a fuck boy though smh"

"The interview @Drake did just got me even more hyped, Views!!!!@word on road"

And with that I'm done. I have always been a nice and cordial guy, that's how my momma raised me and for the longest time I always wanted to be liked by everyone ,a few years ago I realised that it was highly impossible, I can't be good enough for everyone. No one has ever been.

"For every single person that doesn't like you there is another person that loves and appreciates you",that's what my mom said to me all the time and she still says that to me till this day and I've begun understanding that quote just recently.

"So Drizzy why didn't I know about the mystery girl with the sexy accent?"Chubbs asked with his one eyebrow raised.

"I know I wasn't at the game but like why didn't you tell us about the lady? Or did you just make up the story?" Ryan questioned.

"Nah man, I didnt really think it was important, I bumped into her at the game a few weeks back man, I don't know she just left a lasting impression on me , she's not like those easy girls, I haven't had sex in a few weeks now, damn I think I lost my cool man" I vented with everyone's eyes glued on me.

"Nah man I think it's a choice you made subconsciously, I'm sure she doesn't know who you are, like you said she had a foreign accent "One of the guys said.

"She knew exactly who I was, she even said I should greet Stephen for her imagine that shit okay ,what she said was "Drake you a great musician and everything but I'm not one of those groupie girls, bye oh say hi to Stephen Curry by the way" she was brutal,I liked it though" I said trying to imitate how I think she spoke.

"Ohhhhhhhhh shit "was all the guys said.

"I know I know "I started laughing and soon all the guys joined in, now the SUV was filled with all kinds of  laughter.

"Gentleman we have arrived "the driver said putting the car in park.

"Thanks Danny, you picking us up tomorrow night right????" grabbing my wallet and tipping him generously.

"Yes sir, you going to the club right on boulevard ????"he asked taking the money and placing it into his pocket.
I just nodded at him and soon all the guys had exited the car.
I left the car, closing the door and headed to the front door.
"Goodnight sir" Danny shouted out.

I waved at Danny and opened the front door.

I walked into the kitchen where Ob was heating something in the microwave heater.

"What are you eating man I'm starved, I skipped lunch. "

"Uhm theres pizza in the oven, freshly made by this guy"he said pointing at himself with a grin, looking happy with himself.

" I see you my nigga, you have been on some chef tip lately so you gonna be Ob O'brein rapper turned chef now?"

"Hahaha nah bruuh ,but seriously though how was the interview with 97, you don't have a radio in your house man "

"You know there's a radio on your phone right????you know what Ob never mind you will listen to it tomorrow, the interview was good, she asked all the right questions and it was short so it was perfect"he bobbed his head while I was speaking.

"So who is this girl I'm reading about on twitter? "I grabbed a plate, washed my hands and grabbed a slice of pizza and a Dr pepper from the fridge.

"Her, she's some girl I met at the basketball game, it doesn't really matter now, ey man ima head to the studio, 40 is waiting for me"

"Ayt man, tell 40 I might come in after your session "

I had the plate in one hand and did our signature hand shake with the other, I made the top szn hand sign and went down stairs to the studio where 40 was sipping on something, lean probably whilst playing back on a beat.

"Drizzy are you gonna stand there or come make good ass joints?" 40 said with a little chuckle.

I chuckled and slowly walked up to a sit next to him and looked over the controls.

After hearing the beat a few more times . I totally wanted to jump on it but I felt like it need something a little extra even before I got into the booth.

"I think we need something else in order to make this song a "moment " in music" I made air quotes.

" Like you know how we had to change the whole feel and beat for Pound Cake? I have the same kind of feeling, not towards the beat though, the beat is really good, I think we should get someone else on the hook, like a vocalist "

"What about Roy man???"40 suggested.
"Nah man I feel like we need a female vocalist"

"Jhene maybe Uhm or Lorde?,remember you said you wanted to work with her?"

"Nah not for this joint bruuh, Uhm I got it, how about SZA? She got that range I need on the song " I suggested with my fingers tapping lightly on the controls.

"Oh yeah we could work with that, so you still wanna lay your verse tonight as in now or when you with her?"

" Nah I think I'm gonna do it tonight, improv though"

"So you wanna freestyle "

I grabbed the headsets, took my leather jacket off placing it on the custom BAPE couch and then heading into the booth.
"Yeah, just play the beat I will tell you when I'm ready "

I entered the booth, placed the headsets on my head. 40 played the beat back several times.

"I'm ready, turn the beat up a little,uh......."


I woke up to my cellphone ringing and the caller id clearly showed that it was my amazing mother and Immediately a smile formed on my face.

"Maaaaa" I said with a smile drawn on my face.

"Oh my baby, I miss you so so much baby,I hope you not in workaholic mode, are you skipping meals, god forbid Aubrey if you skipping meals..."

"I miss you too, mom I'm not twelve you know, I'm 29,I  can't not be in workaholic mode, I'm working on the album right now ,is Anita taking good care of you? "

Anita was my mom's caretaker, since she's been having health problems, I'm glad I can afford the appropriate care for her now.

"Yes Aubrey, ,shes a darling, so I heard your interview,I'm so proud of you baby"she said squealing into the phone.

"You know that Meek guy that was supposed to be your friend was really stupid going against my son, the best rapper in the world!!!!"

" Hahaha nah ma, I heard you went out with Norm a while ago, I think he likes you, it's so weird to watch "

"Agh Aubrey he is just a friend, anyways I have to go, he is waiting outside for me, we going out for lunch"

"Bye ma"

"Remember for every single person that hates you there is another person that loves and appreciates you"
Those words again!!!! With that she hung up.

Now I can go about my day in a good mood.

I rolled out of bed, it was already noon so I am basically getting ready for the club.
I unlocked my phone, the time is

I made my bed and then walked to the bathroom, relieving myself, washing my hands and then brushing my teeth.

I grabbed my phone and went down stairs to the kitchen where all the guys were gathered up eating a late breakfast.

"The fuck yall niggas eating man, I'm about to fall over" I said scratching my head.

"Chef O'brien is making fried chicken and waffles "Ryan stood from his sit dabbing me up and then going to the fridge.

"Where Mr reign at? " I was confused, due to the fact that everyone else was here except for him and shit that nigga loves to eat.

"In bed with some Asian girl that can't even speak English " Ryan added.

"Yes sirrr" P reign came down stairs escorting a girl out the front door.

"There's an uber waiting out for you , know a taxi, take you home "

The girl scrunched her face up in confusion. And then p reign started making hand motions as if he was driving a car. Slowly the girl started to nod. P reign kissed her cheek walking her out the door.

"Nigguhs what yall looking at? " Reign said as he started shaking his head  walking back into the kitchen.

"Man whatever" I shot back.

We then continued doing whatever we were busy with before and I continued devouring the homemade wings.

I opened up the bi and threw  the bones that were left from the wings, I placed my plate inside the almost full dishwasher.

"Fuck nigguhs empty this thing when you done using it,the paint from the plates finna come off, if the plates are being washed everyday without even being used."not really.

Ob gave me a salute.

"I'm going to get ready for the club,apparently Meek's camp is gonna be there too , but I don't really care as long as they don't give any of us trouble "

"Are you sure you wanna go with him being there and whatever?" Chubbs raised his one eyebrow.

"Yeah man Drizzy we could celebrate another day" someone suggested.

"Naw let's just go to the club, I'm tired of having to avoid him , we obviously going to meet many many times at events since we in the same field, we will just have to see how this night plays out,  by the why Future is playing at the club to night"

"Our Future or comma's Future? "

"Both actually, I'ma go take a shower, see yall in a bit"

Taking bites of the waffle I had in hand, I walked up stairs to my room to get ready.


After hours and hours of playing pool and NBA 2015, we were all heading to the club that was just a few minutes away from the estate, I swear this night is going to be interesting . People are going to for sure steal glances at each other.

I walked into the club sandwiched between Chubbs and Spoons for obvious security reasons. We walked to the Vip lounge which was closed off just for us,  Future the prince my manager, Future, SZA and a bunch of other folks were already seated down having conversations amount themselves.

Meek's camp was just arriving settling into their own lounge. Thing that ticked me off about this place was the fact that we shared a bar, so we had to fetch our drinks all at the same place
If the waitress was too busy somewhere else.

I sat down ,opened up my bottle of Ace of Spades pouring it into my wiskey glass.

"Hey Courtney you want some ace? "
Courtney is my assistant and is Future the prince's girl.

"Uhm sure yeah thanks"she said holding her glass at me as I poured the drink into her cup.

"Courtney ask future if he would like some ace?"

Future shook his head and I put the bottle down on the  table.

The club was buzzing, people on the floor below us were dancing and having drunken conversations and people up here were having business and personal conversations.

"Aubrey I'm going to get a bottle of Ciroc at the bar, is there something you need?"Courtney startled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah a bottle of water please"

With that she left her seat and went up to the bar talking to the tender as he gave her the bottle of Ciroc and my bottled water. Soon enough one of Meek's people came up to Courtney. I think that is just utter disrespect cause they know very well that Future and Courtney are together.

He started a conversation with her that I couldn't really hear over the loud music,but soon enough he grabbed her hand and all I could hear was Courtney saying the word "no" repeatedly, but the guy didn't back off.

Future flew off of his seat and went up to the guy, Courtney stood between the two guys acting as a barrier.

"What the fuck nigga, you know damn well that is my lady and you keep on talking to her ,you even have the nerve to touch her"Future said to the guy.

"It's whatever man, she isn't even that hot, she just like every other hoe in the club" his finger pointed at multiple women dancing on the dancefloor.

I knew shit was about to pop off real soon, I just tried my best to stay out of it.
When the guy was least expecting it Future went ahead  punched the dude on the face. Courtney was screaming for Future to stop. I was startled and went up to the three of them where I yelled at Courtney to go back to the lounge.

Shit was getting out of hand. Chubbs and Spoons were no where in sight so I just decided to calm everyone down.

I lifted Future off of the guy and before I knew it some other guy came out of no where missing my face and instead punching me in the shoulder, soon all the adrenalin pumped to my muscles. I was ready to attack. I saw Red. I punched the guy in the face shouting out profanities and continued assaulting him. All I remember is Chubbs pulling me off of the guy and spoons dealing with future. Damn I beat up that guy up real bad, but he shouldn't have tried that shit with me. I was trying to take care of the situation and he decided to act a damn fool.

We were all scattered outside the club. Waiting by our different cars. I went up to Courtney tryna see how she was doing .

"Are you okay?" I said hugging her neck.

"Yeah I'm alright, where is Future? "Courtney asked about her boyfriend whereabouts.

"He is still inside, the guys are trying to calm him down."I responded to her.
Then suddenly...... I experienced a stinging pain in my shoulder.

"Shit oh fuck" I said holding onto my shoulder, I think I broke it or something,because of the adrenalin rush I'm only feeling the pain now,somethings not right.

"What's wrong Aubrey?"Courtney looked up at me with her face scrunched up,she touched my shoulder and I winced immediately in response.

Future came out the doors and came right up to me, kissing Courtney on the forehead and dapping me up.

"Thanks man "

"No problem, you know we wasn't gonna let that fuck boy disrespect your lady llik that "

He gave me a salute and took Courtneys hand, walking towards their Escalade and thereafter opening up the door for her.

"Why did you do that babe?" she asked him while hopping in.

"I wasn't going to let him disrespect you like that " he responded.

I really admire their relationship.

Maybe some day...

I winced, remembering the agonising pain in my shoulder.

"Let's get you to the hospital man" Chubbs said opening the car for me.

We have arrived at the hospital which isn't really far from the club and there were hundreds of paparazzi that followed us here. Due to them hearing about the brawl that took place just minutes before.

Chubbs snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You alright Aubs" he said with his face drawn with worry.

"Yeah just got to check this shoulder out "

"Okay everyone we gonna enter the entrance now now, make sure you at a safe distance okay otherwise you will get lost in the flood of paps,we got to get this youngin's shoulder checked out. " Chubbs commanding voice filled the SUV .

We walked out into the flood of paps where I was once again sandwiched between the both of them. .

There's no telling what Meek's camp is gonna do now, we a walking  target now.

We soon entered the hospital, with all the other guys sat in the waiting room whilst Chubbs  and I entered the luxury hospital room.

"I'm sorry I didn't do my job right today man "Chubbs said

"It's cool man this kind of shit happens "

An old nurse came inside the room and I hopped on the examination bed.
"Mr Graham, I'm nurse Wesley,please fill this form in for me " She said handing the form along with a pen to me. Soon enough I was done and placed it on the bedside table.

"Okay thanks, Dr zulu will be here in a bit " she grabbed the form and slid it outside my room door in this weird thing.

"What the fuck is taking this Dr Zulu so long, I want drugs" I chuckled and Chubbs just shook his head at me.

This was going to be a long ass night..........

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