ั‚oฯ…cะฝ ะฝer and yoฯ…'re dead (Sh...

By eggsaladlegosi

63.2K 1.6K 1.4K

Art/Book cover not mine. ;-; I'll create one soon. *Disclaimer* All Sonic Characters are rightfull owned by... More

Chapter 1- Promise Me
Chapter 2-"Blood?"
Chapter 3-"Twins?!"
Chapter 4 -Be my princess
Chapter 5- Are you okay?
Chapter 6- Lovestruck
Chapter 7- Sonic's Flash back
Chapter 8- Before It's To Late
Chapter 9- You're Satan
Chapter 10- Defeat
Chapter 11-Bad News
Chapter 12- Changes
Chapter 13- Feelings
Chapter 14- Shopping
Chapter 15-Touch Her And You're Dead
Chapter 16-Trust Your Feelings
Chapter 18 -Arcade
Chapter 19-
Chapter 20- (Lemon)
Chapter 21- Blue's shoes check
Ch-22 Hanging out with Shadzter (includes-LEMON)


2K 55 32
By eggsaladlegosi


The sun has risen,the birds chirped as they flew by my window. I felt the luminous sun rays hit my eyes.I grabbed one of my pillows and covered my face then tugged the sheets of the bed towards my body to keep warm.

There was a soft knock on the door." (Y/n) good morning it's breakfast time!" Silver said in a dulcet voice.

I lifted my head a little." Be there in a few minutes." I said sleeply gently laying my head back down on the fluffy pillow.

A sudden flash ran through my mind."When will I see you again?" I heard Scourge's voice said. I felt a small pang in my heart and felt my cheeks warm up. I sighted and slowly open my eyes to look down at the floor where my purse lay there randomly.

I got up and pick up my purse digging through it to make sure my belongings were all there."Good." I said relieved."Wait, didn't I had  mascara?...eh." I shrugged.

I put my purse away in a safe place then ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Silver kept calling my name.

"(Y/n) you better hurry up before the food is gone, yum!" Silver said almost to where it sounded like he was muffling.

I laughted and dried my hair. I walked out of the bathroom just in time for Silver to come in my room holding a tray with some delicious  homade looking breakfast.

"He-hey did I interrupted your privacy?" Silver said looking down at the tray embarrased.

"Oh,no,no,no." I said waving my hands.

Silver looked up and smiled."okay if you say so!" He said walking towards the bed.

"I made this breakfast specially for you (y/n) it's a pleasure to have another roomate other than Shadow." Silver grumbled.

"Thank you Silver.Who's the owner of this house?" I asked out of curiosity.

Silver placed the tray on the bed and sat down."Shadow is the one who works to substain this house." He said looking directly at me.

"Oh, do you work Silver?" I said taking a seat next to the tray, I sure wanted to eat the breakfast so badly without Silver having to be in here.

Silver shook his head."I work but I really don't earn money, I made a deal with Shadow.We both agreed to do our roles.He works to earn cash and I'm responsible for the house duties, that also includes cooking." Silver said picking up a plate stacked of pancakes veenered with honey syrup at a point to which matched Silver's golden eyes.

"Silver these pancakes look delicious I-"

Before I could finish my sentence Silver cut a bite size piece with a fork and stuffed the sweet treat inside my mouth.

"Eat!" Silver said smiling warmly.

"Mmm!" I chewed.I got to say these were the greatest pancakes I had in such a long time,its like if my taste buds were reborned.

"How did you learn to cook so good?" I said grabing the plate and licking my lips.

Silver laughted."Shadow was strict with my cooking skills...I wasn't an ideal chef.He once said that my cooking was complete crap." Silver's ears dropped.

"That was until we got into this argument.Shadow came  to  slap me with a cook book and said: " Cook properly 

"I took the book and from there on I mastered almost every cooking skill."Silver said with glory.

I noded and stuffed my face with the pancakes."Mmm~" I said savoring the syrup in my mouth.

Something caught Silver's eyes.
"(Y/n)...can you explain to me what happened back there...? Silver's voice cracked as he pointed at the broken window.

"Uh I..I-I."

How did I forgot about the window?!

Curse Scourge for the trouble he's gotten me today!

"Shadow is going to be furious!" Silver jumped off the bed." Do you know how much those windows cost?!" Silver panicked gripping the back of his ivory quills

"I have no idea..." I said expressing guilt across my face.

"Neither do I! Quick we have to fix the window before."

"Before I find out?" We heard a deep voice boom behind us.

Silver jumped and turned around."Hi..Shadow.." Silver said creating a fake smile as he moved himself in front of the broken window.

"Mhm..." Shadow said crossing his arms tightly as he layed his back against the door way.

"I'm not furious."

"You're not? Phew!" Silver said relieved.

Shadow chuckled darkly.

" No...I'm INFURIATED!!"

Shadow raised his right fist.
"Omph!" Silver cried as he flew out the window.

"I want this window fixed by the time I get back got it?" Shadow hissed outside the window.

"Yes sir.." Silver said defeated.

All I did was sit there and see the berserk scene before my eyes.

Poor Silver this is all my fault..wait no its not its Scourge's!
Shadow walked out my room and stood on the door way having his back facing me.I could see that he was looking at me with the corner of his eye.


He looked at me with a serious look on his face and left.

"That was strange." I said under my breath.

"I'm okay..." Silver groaned from outside.

"Hold on Silver I'll be there!" I said as I quickly put my shoes on.



"Not like that Scourge!! You're doing it all wrong!" Fiona wined as I struggled to get a hold of my breath.

"Let's try this again. One...two...three!" Fiona charged at me and I positioned myself to grab a hold of her body in order to lift her up and spin her around.

"So tell me again why we're doing this Fiona?" I kept spinning Fiona in air.

"Didn't I send you my message?" Fiona said as she stretched her arms out like a bird."This is so fun."

I growled a little."Not for me it is.." I stop and dropped her on the floor.

"Ow! You idiot!" Fiona hissed.

"My hand slipped sorry Fi." I said carelessly and grabbed a waterbottle from my fridge."Hey Fi want something to drink?"

"I'm good Scourge." I could hear Fiona mumbling colorful words under her breath from the living room.

"alright your loss." I said taking a sip of my cold water.

I came back and sat on the couch to find Fiona packing her stuff.

"Well I need to head home Scourge cya." She said hustling.

"Why in such a rush Fi?" I raised a brow.

"Important stuff. We'll practice some more later ok?" Fiona said as she shut the front door.

"Ok." I said to myself.What the heck was that about? I had this odd feeling but I ignored it to the side. I'm just glad she left because I'm not really into this dance competition with Fiona.

What can I say. I was too nice to be her dance partner. Yeah,Be my guest.

Now I got something to take care of first.I need a plan to get my revenge on Shadow.But what? What could his weakness be?

I rubbed my chin. "I need to plot my revenge carefully."I rubbed my palms together and cackled. "He won't know what's coming to him."

But for now I play the waiting game.I held out (y/n)'s phone. eh, thought I was stupid to let go of her? Not a chance. This gives me another opportunity to see her.Ain't I clever?

I got up and stretched. "well time for my morning run." I dashed out my house and ran at full speed.My vision was kinda blury but I was still able to see my surroundings.I saw hot babes.

"looking good ladies!" I shouted and without looking at my direction I tripped on something  sending me flying in the air then my fly was broken by smashing my face against a brick wall."That's gunna leave a mark." I fell backwards and I groaned in pain.

"Curses." I rubbed my face and glaced over my shoulder to see what I tripped on.

I  got on my feet and walked to the thing and observed.It was some type of colorful object, a roundish sorta thing, it moved sideways."what the heck it's an huge egg?" I jumped back a bit.

"I think I killed it." I leaned forward and slightly nudge the object with my foot which squeaked in response.

"Its a chao egg and its hatching." My eyes widened."Oh,no."

The egg cracked open revealing a new born chao opening his or her eyes? I really don't know the gender Ok?

The chao stared at me and it blinked.

"Now what am I suppose to do with you?" I frowned and gently picked up the chao."what are you looking at?" I said shooting it a glare.The chao squeaked enthusiasticly and nuzzled my chest."Oh no you dont!" I said pulling the chao away from me. "I don't have boobs kid."

The chao smiled and closed its eyes."you're so small to be a chao you barley fit on the size of my palm." I said poking its belly."Where's your mom?"

The chao squeaked in responce."Chao!Chao!"

"Ah, fascinating.." Here I am having a descent convo with a newborn. Note my sarcasm.

"Let's find your momma little fella." I said carrying it on my arms.

I hate to even do this but its for a go-good cause because I don't want to end up caring for this creature.

"Hey! You there!" An angry voice shouted.

"Hm?" I turned around.There was a group of dudes that looked tough and had glares on their faces and revealed sharp teeth.

"What's up?" I said calmly.

"Hand over that chao you bastard." One of the guys who seemed to look like the leader barked.

"What if I don't?" I smirked and held the chao on my arms closely.

The leader signaled his gang to come at me.

"You asked for it." The leader laught evilly.

I planted my feet on the ground."Go for it punks." I raised my chin and gave them a smug look.

I placed the chao inside my jacket and I zipped it up.

"Ahhh!" A dude  with a knive charged at me.I ran towards him and gave him an uppercut.Another dude kicked me  from behind and I gave him a head lock and slammed him on the floor knee kicking his gut.

I jumped up a high tree and placed the chao on a safe branch."stay here while I go kick bad guys butt." The chao gave me a sad face and it squeaked." fine you can play with my sunglasses." I removed them from my head and gave it to the chao.The chao gratefully took it and started nibbling  on them."No tooth marks when I'm back" I warned but I didn't really mean it.

I landed on the ground only to be surrounded by six though looking dudes."we got you now green slob." A bad guy chuckled.

"Huh, If you say so." I punched a guy on the face, kneeled down and tripped him backwards with my leg.Another one grabbed my neck from behind and started to choke me then another punched me on the gut."omph!" I growled and kicked his jaw then swinged my body backwards and landed behind the dude who was grabbing my neck.I side kicked his back at full strength cracking his spine. The dude cried in agony as I panted to catch my breath.

I rested my hands on my knees and looked up to see the left of the group reaching for the chao.
"Fuck." I whispered under my breath.

I spin dashed directly at the enemies and did a homing attack .I wiped the guys down in a flash.

"Heh,losers." I said spiting at the floor."Messing with me ain't an option.You dudes made a big mistake." I cracked my knuckles and smiled.

"This was a fun game anyone wanna play some more?"
The dudes on the ground  widened their eyes and ran off."Come back for more games gentlemen I'll be glad to fix all of your smiles at no cost." I yelled.

I jumped up the tree and the chao was crying."what's wrong little guy?" I gently held him and he looked at me."what is it." The chao whimpered.

Shit.this is all my fault.I ran my eyes on the Chao's head and it had a cut. One of the guys must have tried to kill him."shit. Let me get you home." the chao became quiet and I wrapped him inside my lather jacket to keep him warm."This is all my fault."
I ran back home to get help from anti-miles.

I can't believe I'm standing in from of Scourge's home.Why you may ask? I think you know why.

I knocked on the door and there was no answer.
I knocked again   loudly and still no answer."Hellooo?" I said then the door finally opened.

"Hello miss, may I help you?"said the same yellow fox from yesterday.

"Is Scourge here?" I asked nervously.

"No." He said simply.

"Oh, well he damaged my friend's window and I came to claim the charges he caused.

"Okay, I'll notify him once he comes back.Hmm...you know what? why don't  you come in,he should be coming any minute. It's past his morning run.

"Okay." I entered and took a seat on the green couch.

"Anything you wish to drink mam'?" Anti-miles asked.

"No, I'm good." I smiled and looked around Scourge's place it was really huge.

The door flew open and Scourge almost fell on the floor. "Miles! Help!" Scourge said between his breathing.

"what happened?" I yelled and ran towards him.

"I found this chao and it's hurt." Scourge said taking out a small chao from his jacket.

The chao stirred and cried."Don't worry Scourge I got this." Miles said and took the chao off his hands.I looked at the chao and it had a cut on his forehead.

"I hope he's okay." I said biting my nails.

"Thanks Miles you always have my back." Scourge patted his head then Miles quickly ran to his lab.

"Why Hello there." Scourge turned to me.

"Hi-hi.." I nervously said.

"So my plan worked afterall." He said with a smirk.He had quite a mood swing there.

"What plan?" I eyed him suspiciously.

"I have your phone baby." He said taking it out his pocket.

"What? How did? Give it back!" I went towards him and tried to reach my phone from his hands.

"Oh, I'll give it back once you give me something in return~" He chuckled.

"What is it?" I crossed my arms.

Don't let it be a date.

"Let's hang out tonight. As friends nothing more." He offered.

He didn't said as a date so I guess its okay..."Fine but only because I want my phone." I snatched it off his hands.

"Sounds good to me baby!" He howled."oh dont mind  but I stole your digits." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Of course..now pay up for the damaged you did last night..."

"Oh!yeah the window.." He smiled sheepishly."I hope Shadow didn't gave you hell."

"He gave Silver some..and you must pay." I punched him on the arm.

He laught. "Wow, you're so weak!" He taunted.

"Shut up!" I smacked his face.
"Hey watch it!".He playfully glared.

I felt two arms sweep me off my feet and trew me on the couch.

"You're all mine" Scourge  said seductively as he crawled on top of me and I blushed madly.

"Scourge what are you doing?" My eyes widened as my heart began to pick up the pace.

"Kiss me..." He whispered and  puckered his lips.

"....." I froze.

He gently touched my face as he leaned forward to give me a kiss.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing? helloooo?" Scourge waved a hand.

"wh-what?!" I snapped out of it.

"Are you okay? You seem to freeze for a bit are you alright?" Scourge looked concerned.


"Daydreaming huh? What about it if I may ask?" He looked at me with amusent.

"Nothing..." I gave him a grimace expression.

"Oh okay" he raised his hands."I was just asking no need to give me a glare." He stick his tongue out playfully."

I huffed." I need to go" I walked out his door.

"Here." Scourge grabbed my hand and placed a stack of money."this should pay for the damages." He noded.

"Thanks.." I said and walked out the door.

"I can't believe I day dreamed about him back there..." I looked at the money.
I wonder how much he gave me?
I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out and there was  a  message from an unknown user.

'Can't wait to see you tonight we're going to have a blast' ;-) -Scourge

I typed back.

(y/n): 'Yup I'll  be there'

Scourge: R√  (typing)

'Cool see ya then ;p '

(y/n): 'Bye'

Scourge: R√ (typing)

'Bye beautiful  :-*

Alrighty then. I put my phone away. A 'Date' with Scourge...I suddently screamed like a fan girl.

"I must be dreaming!" I slapped myself."nope!"

I saw someone walking towards me and they gave me an ugly look. "Move out the way child."
The female voice said.

"Um okay?" I moved and I looked at her and she looked at me back with a what-the-hell-are-you-looking-at kind of face."Next time keep your eyes on sight." She said looking down at me.

I shrugged and walked away."yeah good to know sister."

She huffed."wait a second, you look so familiar."she tugged my arm. "What?" I asked clueless.

"You're the one who tried to get away with my boyfriend." She retorted.

"No I didn't!" I said struggling to pull my arm off her grip.

"A word of advise.. You try anything with him..I swear you'll won't live another day after that little girl so I  advise you to stay away from him." She threaten seeing hate in her eyes.

I laught." Look I'm not the one who's trying to steal your guy.  Who knows maybe he's ready to move on from a nasty person like you.I can see why he didn't mention you in the first place."

Her mouth was agape and she let go of my arm and I victoriously walked away.

Hahaha! Take that queen bitch.

(Y/n) is going out with Scourge~ >w>

Wait what about Shadow? O.O

You'll find out on  the next chapter ;)

A/N: Sorry on the late update. I hope my readers enjoyed.Theres still more to come.  Ԅ¯ԅ)


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