Cardcaptor S

YumiGoddess tarafından

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On Sora's 13th birthday she received a gift she could never give back. Her once ordinary life took a wrong tu... Daha Fazla

☆1: The Zoo & Dreams☆
☆2: Happy Birthday☆
☆3: The Very Cloudy Day☆
☆4: The Unlucky Boy (1)☆
☆5: The Unlucky Boy (2)☆
☆6: The Boy and Thunder☆
☆7: New Rival☆
☆8: The Spooky Shrine☆
☆9: A Festival to Enjoy☆
☆10: Potential Teammates☆
☆11: A Day with Naomi☆
☆12: The Hot Air Balloon trip☆
☆13: Dance Practice☆
☆14: A New Enemy☆
☆15: The Random Storm☆
☆16: Skai's Very Long Day☆
☆17: Sora's Dream☆
☆19: The Loyal One☆
☆20: The Labyrinth of Erase☆
☆21: The Mysterious Note☆
☆22: The Fish of Ice☆
☆23: The HeartRacing Truth☆
☆24: Sora and the Nutcracker☆

☆18: A New Teammate☆

73 4 3
YumiGoddess tarafından


Naomi and I were reviewing footage from the past three months. All our card captures, it was amazing seeing them through Naomi's camera lens. The videos were in a surprisngly good quality too. Plus we had a good excuse in case anyone came by us and saw the videos, we would told them it was "special effects". I thought about all the cards we caught: Power, Mist, Wave, Big, Little, Voice, Sand, Flower, Rain and Through. However, Mist, Through and Voice belonged to Skai. Which I was grateful for because those cards were incredibly difficult to catch, if he wasn't there I don't think I would have been able to capture them. Together we had 33 cards. I still wasn't really sure how many cards there were in total, but Kero said we are almost done. I really need to ask him. Plus Miura-kun was teaching me how to strategize under pressure. He would use his own magic along with his own cards to help me boost up my own magic. I was getting better at planning just like he would. Plus Mirror and I have had a lot of time together, she kept me company whenever Mom and Dad were gone. She would help me with chores or just hang around. She was also like my messenger between the cards and I.

"The cards say they are really grateful that you are the one who is capturing us." Mirror told me one time while we were washing dishes. I was really the one washing them while she dried them off with a towel. Hearing that put a smile on my face. The fact my cards liked me was a really good sign. "Please, don't hesitate to use us. We really enjoy coming to your aid." Mirror turned and bowed as she returned back into a card. Luckily we were done washing dishes that I was able to grab her card. I started at her for a bit then returned her back into the clow book.

So everything was going great with my cards. I felt like Miura and I were bonding better over the last few months as well. Since he was there for basically every capture. Naomi gave me his number after the time I gave him my get well gift. Ever since I've been keeping in contact with him. Whenever I sensed a card I made sure to call him first. He seemed grateful for that.

Also, things at school were becoming better. Since Rei and I were able to settle the misunderstanding we had a few months back. I explained to her countless times that I was only wanting to tell Miura my dream. At first she didn't believe it but after a while she must have realized I wasn't lying. I told her I didn't have feelings for Miura so she shouldn't worry. But she told me she doesn't want anything to do with Miura-kun. I felt like it was my fault but she only told me not to worry about it. Since then, we haven't really spoken as much as we did before. Rei was also avoiding Aiko, so Aiko was hanging out with us more especially during lunch time. We didn't mind, though now we had to limit what we talked about which was mostly about the choreography for the Christmas play we were going to have two weeks from now. Naomi mentioned that we would probably need a replacement dancer, but before I could express any concern she reassured me that she had someone in mind.

We continued to watch the videos on her camera. Naomi admired every single moment of each video. She would point out every little detail on each costume, from the stitching to the material she had used. I didn't understand most of what she said but I would nod every time she spoke just to show I was listening. "Oh! I don't think we've reviewed this one." She clicks onto a video called "Power".
The video starts with Miura running towards me. We were teaming up on the Power card. It was an intense capture since Power kept lounging things at us. The only reason we were able to catch it was thanks to Miura. He used Time to stop it and well the rest wasn't really special. Though he did give me the card when it flew to him. "Li-san that's Power card!" Miura shouts through the camera's speakers. "How about we don't watch the rest of that!" The real life Miura grabbed the camera with one hand, while the other covered his mouth. I jumped in my seat out of fright. I didn't expect him to be in school so early. Naomi and were in charge of the morning cleaning and we arrived way too early so we were watching videos to pass time. I guess it was almost time for school.

"Good morning Miura-kun!" I greeted with a smile. He nods in return then looks over to Naomi. She and Miura exchanged glances. His face gets red so he instantly looks away. They have been getting a lot closer as well. He turned to look at me.

"Next time you're watching a video, tell me." His face was still red. "And good morning Li." He greets. "There are some.. videos... I don't want you to watch." He grumbled. I gave a soft awkward chuckle. I didn't know how to react to his statement. I then notice Naomi was giggling. I arched an eyebrow at her. She then gives a weird look to Miura.

"They are my videos so I can review them when I please." Naomi giggles sadistically. At times like this it was hard to understand what was going on in her mind. "So do you understand them now?" She winks at him which makes Miura gulp. He nods in response and nothing more. "Good. So do you plan on to?"

"Hmm? Understand what? Plan what?" I couldn't help but intervene. If they were doing something behind my back I wanted to know. Especially since they were doing this in front of me, I mean if you're going to plan something you don't do it publically. Miura completely hid his face. He then glanced up at Naomi, they were hiding something from me! Hmm... its not my birthday. I was trying to think what it could be. Then again Christmas is soon.. Maybe it's that?

"Oh. I haven't told you? Im helping him with Math and two other subjects." Naomi smiles. Miura-kun didn't seem to like her answer. He was about to argue until I spoke up.

"You need a tutor? I can help!" I offered without thinking about it. "I may not be the best at math, but we could help each other out! And if the other two subjects are something I'm good at then maybe I can help out with those too." I offer a helping hand. He gulps at my offer. He was about to say something until Naomi interrupts him this time.

"Great! I can't tutor him anymore because some things are coming up." Naomi's face lit up with satisfaction. I was glad to have a study buddy, there were a few things I didn't understand either. Plus it gave me more time to know more about Miura. If he and Naomi were going to get me something I wanted to be able to give them back something in return. This time something he would genuinely like and not what I would. I wasn't even sure if he kept the plush. I then noticed Miura's expression, he didn't really seem so thrilled about me being his tutor. Maybe he likes Naomi and wanted to spend more time with her? I assumed.

"Oh? I'm sorry. Is that ok with you?" I had to ask Miura for approval. He sat up instantly and he nodded.

"But I don't nee-" Miura began but then Naomi nudges him. "Uh.. I.. Y-yeah!" He blurted. Naomi looked between Miura and I with a pleased expression. She then clapped her hands together.

"I normally tutor him on sundays. So please don't break it." Naomi winks at Miura. I arched an eyebrow at the sight but then nod. "Ok good. Preferably in the afternoons." She was going to say something else but Ms. Fujimichi came into the class. Our class was about to begin. We all greeted her while she greeted us back as a class. I was trying to think of all the equations and tests we had. Maybe I can ask him to show me his tests so I can see what he doesn't understand. I was already thinking of a game plan. It was my first time being a tutor. I was getting caught up with this that I noticed students were answering a few questions. Ok, I need to pay attention to class.

"Ok so for the next question. What is your biggest fear?" The teacher asked us in a foreign language. We were to answer her question in the same language. I had to give it some time to think. I needed to think of what I was going to say and how to say it. Some students were already answering it.




I then thought of a random word. "The dark." I blurted out. I was embarrassed right afterwards. The teacher stopped to respond to only mine.

"Good, but there's no reason to fear her. She's just very misunderstood." She said. It was very confusing. Plus she wasn't even looking at me directly. I gulped a bit at her response. Was she even talking to me? I then heard Miura growl behind me. "A poet once said something about the dark that we all need to think about. 'In Darkness there will be light, and in the Light there will always be darkness.' So you just need to find your light during a dark situation." She then turned and winked at me. This caught my attention. Why would she say that? And she directed it to me. Miura was glaring at her now. He looked at me and nodded. There is something wrong with what shes telling me. I couldn't really understand what was going on. But I just knew it wasn't something good.


Miura was walking home with us this time. Naomi was lost in her own thoughts. She fiddled with her phone as we walked. Miura-kun was talking though. "That was weird today. The way that teacher spoke to you." He had his arms crossed. He wasn't smiling at all. He was wearing his serious expression.

"Well, yeah kinda in a way. But she did make sense." I replied with a smile. She was a nice teacher too. "It made me really think. So now I can really think about my fear in a positive way." I was pretty glad that she did answer me though.

"She feels a bit odd. I mean, the aura she sends off. It's getting stronger. What if she has something to do with Mikado?" He was trying to make out who she was, but I felt like he was off. Though I haven't felt anything weird. I thought I would have felt some kind of magic presence from her since I am becoming better at this magic stuff. "You are becoming powerful, but I think she might be covering herself from you. I don't know why." He was trying to think. Naomi felt a bit awkward since she has no magic nor did it really involve her. She normally kept to herself whenever she didn't know what we were talking about. However, she helped out a lot with the Little and Big card. She was the one who helped us find each of them thanks to her camera and zoom. She also didn't really talk when Miura-kun and I were trying to plan out how to capture a card. Unless once again, she knew what we were up against. She would primarily focus on cheering me on and recording. Which we both didn't mind. We ended up walking to the Shopping District. It's where we normally end up at or Penguin Park. We saw people starting to put up decorations and lights.

"Oh my! Christmas is soon!" Naomi was excited at the sight of the Christmas lights. It was her favorite holiday of the whole year. She also liked Valentine's day. Only because she enjoyed giving chocolates. It's the same reason why she likes Christmas. We all stopped to watch the worker finish with decorations.

"I need to get you guys a gift!" I exclaimed. I forgot what we were talking about and focused on the season at hand. First we have a dance performance then it's Christmas. Oh! That reminds me. "Miura-kun, do you want to come to our dance performance?" I invited him since he was a real close friend of ours now. He instantly looked at Naomi. She didn't say anything but she did give him a smile.

"He would love to." Naomi spoke for him. "Isn't that right?" He coughed and nodded. "Also, I need to make sure to get you a gift too Sora-chan. You too Miura." Naomi gave us her best smile. I'm really happy they are my friends.

"HEY! Wait for me!" We heard a voice shout out behind us. It was a very familiar voice. We turned around and noticed Daijin shouting at us. He waved his arms like a mad man. Miura rolled his eyes and sighed. "Can I join you?" I nod and right when he was about to catch up multiple arrows landed right in between us. "Whoa!" He jumped back in fright trying to avoid the arrows at all cost. Miura seemed shocked as well. I glance at him and he looks around. "What was that?" I look in the direction of where the arrows came from. That's when we saw a girl holding up a bow. "Hey! Can you like not do that?" Daijin shouted at her with no fear whatsoever. He was like this, a very straight forward person. The girl lifted her bow then loaded one arrow. "She's not listening!"

"Clow card!" Miura-kun shouted at me. "Daijin duck!" Daijin didn't listen to him, or he just couldn't hear him. The girl shot the arrow. Daijin looked ready to dodge it but the one arrow multiplied into two then four. They were multiplying on their own. Daijin screamed as he ran into the opposite direction of where the arrows started to land.

"Daijin!" I cried out to Daijin. He was examining the card. "Miura, I did not sense the card!"

"I didn't either." Miura responded. I could tell he was getting worried and was trying to come up with a plan. I need to use my magic. The girl pointed her bow directly at Daijin. Oh no!

"Release!" I shouted without having to chant the whole thing. The wand formed and I took out one of my cards. "Shield!" I shouted as the card formed around Daijin. The arrows flew and hit Shield. The forcefield protected Daijin from the arrows, but the shield began to crack.

"He's not valuable to you! Shield is stronger when it protects something valuable to its owner! At this rate Shield is going to break soon!" Miura shouted over Daijin's screams. I could see the fear in Naomi's eyes as the girl reloaded her bow. "We need to think of something.. And quick!" Miura looked around. Then the arrow was released and all of a sudden Naomi ran towards the shield. She ran straight into the battlefield.

"NAOMI!!!!" I shouted in a painful cry. Miura turned and pulled me towards him. I could feel dust and air blow all around us. I covered my eyes in fear and to avoid the dust getting in my eyes. I was too scared to see if anything went wrong. Miura held on to me even tighter. When the dust clears up we both turn to look at Shield. Miura was still hugging me and I was holding onto his arms. I open my eyes slowly to see Naomi taking pictures of us while she was in the shield. "She made it!" I was wiping the tears away while Miura pushed me off. Luckily I was kinda expecting it so I was able to regain my posture.

"U-uh! It's not-" Miura stumbles and then turns away quickly. I let a small sigh of relief. I then notice that the shield had reformed. It seemed to be stronger than before. Miura shook his head softly at the sight. "She's so crazy."

"Yeah. But she's still my best friend." I giggle as she smiled at the two of us.

"There. Now Shield should be stronger." She seemed to be thankful that I valued her more than I valued Daijin Sorry Daijin. I chuckle.

Daijin was in complete shock. "Wh-what the heck is going on?!" He asked with complete confusion. He then demanded an explanation. Naomi and I giggled while Miura rolled his eyes but he had a slight smile on his face. The arrows shot again. I completely forgot about the card. I tried to not get distracted by Daijin's screaming for an explanation. I glance over to Naomi, who was now recording since she knew she was safe. We need to seal this card. But what could I use to make her return? I looked down to my cards. I peeped back up to Naomi who looked annoyed by his screaming. She seems to be asking for permission with her eyes and I simply nod.

"Sora and Miura-kun are both cardcaptors who are capturing those," She points to Arrow and I held up the cards as an example, "magic cards before the world ends." She smiles at the end. Daijin stares at her with wide eyes. He panics a bit but then Naomi tries to calm him down. "Don't worry they are almost done. So the world isn't going to end. In fact, you've been attacked by those cards before." This made Daijin either freak out or made him feel invincible. I couldn't tell since I was semi-paying attention to their conversation. I heard tidbits of their talk while I tried to focus on the fight at hand. "You were knocked out by the Fly. Then possessed by the Sword. You were almost caught by the Float card. Which I don't remember as much because then we were put to sleep with the Sleep card on countless occasions. And now you're getting attacked by..." She stops her quick explanation to not only catch her breath but to look at us for an answer. "Who is that?" Naomi asked. I began to laugh because of Daijin's reaction to everything. He was trying to follow Naomi's every word but she kept talking so fast. You get use to it after a while. I thought while giggling. The card was still attacking us but wasn't doing as much damage as before.

"Arrow!" Miura-kun shouted back the answer. He then uses Illusion to distract the card. "Show her a target to attack." She fell for the trap since she turned her bow to Illusion. She shot her arrows to it and they would simply go through the target created by illusion.

"Right, I should have known that." Naomi sighs and facepalms. "Well, now you are being attacked by Arrow. Any questions?" Before I could hear if he did have questions I heard Miura shouting at me.

"Li, use Shot!" He pointed to my cards. I thought about it for a second and then nodded.

"Shot, use your strength to stop Arrow! Shot!" The card blasts its way out of the card and aimed straight for Arrow. Before Arrow could reload an arrow on her bow, Shot hit her. "Dash!" I activated another card and ran to Arrow. Miura and Naomi shouted out for me. I didn't let them distract me. Arrow loaded the arrow but I was a bit more faster. "Return to the first true form you were made in, Clow card!" I shouted. The tip of the arrow was sucked into the card and soon the rest followed. The card flew to me. Yes! Another victory! I ran back to my friends. Shield returns into a card and flies to me too, and so does Shot.

"So that's why you two have gotten so close! That was sweet!" Daijin was excited. Miura and I nodded. I had a huge smile on my face. I was really pumped, and now I knew exactly how Shot worked. "So you two have like magic powers! Do you?" He turns to Naomi. She shook her head.

"I don't but I do have one power." She giggled. She tossed me a pen. "I'm keeper of the pen. So whenever either one of them catches a card I make sure to hand them a pen so they can officially capture it." I signed it. The card burned and reformed. Daijin was super amazed.

"Whoa! That's awesome!" Daijin had stars in his eyes. He then turns to Naomi. She had her phone in her hands and was still recording.

"And I'm keeper of the videos. So whenever they catch a card I make sure to record it." She smiled. We were all surprised.

"When did you have that?! I didn't even see you pull it out." Daijin was surprised the most. He was with her.

"My other super power. I told you I'm keeper of the video." She was happy. "I can show you all the videos I have."Daijin was pumped about that.

"Yeah! I want in!" He was happy.

"OK, but this is a secret. There are people out there that want these cards. So you must keep your mouth shut." Miura growled.

"I got your back bro!" Daijin was smiling. I was kinda happy. We had a new friend in our group now. Our little cardcaptor group. Founded by me and ran by Naomi. This was pretty exciting cause now Naomi had someone to talk to that didn't have magic either. I wonder how this will all play out afterwards. Like once all the cards are caught. What will happen after that? The thought pops up. I don't want this to end. I looked down at my cards I had 24 and Miura had ten, in total 44. How many cards were there in total? I pouted. Miura noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Wait, how many cards are there?" I asked him. He began to think.

"Fifty-two, why?" He told me. I sighed, only eighteen more cards to go... I shook my head. With a bit of disappointment. I really didn't want this to end so soon. Maybe the eighteen cards will be every month or so! I lashed Miura a smile.

"Nothing. Thank you Miura-kun!"

Okumaya devam et

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