Raising Cain

By Sara_Anwer

6.4K 303 73

This is a follow up of sorts to my previous story, And you know heroes aren't meant to survive. I say of sort... More

"We make a great team out there"
Let the sky fall
Brothers by choice and by blood
This one's on you Artemis
Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy
Beginnings, Missions and Promises
Ohana means family
Surprise Visits
Overdue meetings and surprising friendships

Red stained sands

540 21 3
By Sara_Anwer

Hey guys so I wasn't sure if I would post this but what do you know, here we are. Oh well, enjoy!

Percy was furious. He left for Camp for one freaking week and of course, the world goes to hell in the meantime. Honestly, he didn't even know why he was surprised anymore.

Tensions had already been running high because of the Superhero Registration Act and Chiron had asked him to come to camp for a week because of an emergency. After all, nothing could go too wrong in just a week right? Wrong. If Fury and Natasha hadn't stopped him, he might actually have sent some heads rolling. Heck, he still might with the way things were shaping up.

He truly understood both view points, though. After Ultron, Tony wasn't quite the same genius engineer they had come to know and love. The devastation Ultron had caused was immense and Tony took full blame. It was understandable that he wanted that accountability. It was also understandable that Steve wanted to protect Bucky from that same act considering he wanted to do the same. He still wanted to punch both his brother and Steve in the face after understanding what exactly had come to pass during his absence.

He arrived just in time to see a lone Tony fighting both Steve and Bucky. Well, he said 'fighting.' Tony was on his knees in the armor, barely holding his own, his moves purely defensive even though the suit could easily take on the both of them. He had seen the suit in action. There was no way they could take it down that easily. Steve did something to the armour, causing Tony to lash out instinctively and sent the super soldier flying against the wall. That was when Bucky ripped the arc reactor out of the suit and Tony's chest.

~line break~

To say Percy was pissed was an understatement of the highest proportion. This had gone too far about two weeks ago. He pressed a hand to the concrete floor and wrenched, the building's very foundation shuddering, the sudden movement unbalancing both his brother and Steve who had just gotten up.
He froze the two in place, Steve in ice, which, admittedly, was kind of evil on his part considering the Captain still had the occasional nightmare of being trapped in ice. Percy couldn't particularly find it in him to care much about that at the moment.

He had once sworn never to use this particular ability of his again because it terrified him like nothing else had. Belatedly, he thanked his lucky stars that he hadn't sworn on the Styx as his rage took over at seeing Tony falling to the ground, his reactor gripped tight in Bucky's hand and he froze his brother in place using the very blood that flowed through his veins.

The twenty year old took the reactor from his brother and after hitting a manual release on the suit that Tony had shown him in case of emergencies, he gently pushed the reactor back into Tony's chest, standing back a little as the older man gasped for air that wasn't quite reaching his lungs just yet. Only once he was sure that Tony would be alright did he turn back to his brother and Steve, casually waving a hand and unfreezing them. To all those who knew him, however, the movement was anything but casual. Pure rage was radiating off him in waves, but this was the deadly calm kind of rage. The quiet, patient kind that would annihilate everything in its path no matter how long it had to wait before it exploded. The kind that would watch the world burn and smile as the flames consumed everything.

"How dare you?" His voice was hard as ice, his eyes dark with anger as he looked at them, hands curled into fists at his sides and his shoulders tense. "Steve, Bucky may be your brother, he's mine too, but how dare you tear this team apart because you think there's no other way to get the government off our backs? There is always another way. Believe me, I know all about being willing and able to destroy the world for a friend, but it has never been at the cost of the others who matter. Never.

"Do you really think any of us would take this Registration Act lying down? Because you clearly need a wake up call if that's what this is because obviously you don't understand any one on this team. Since when did we become the enemy? Since when did your team, your friends become the equivalent of HYDRA? Because I would really appreciate it if someone explained how the Hell someone became the enemy just because they disagreed with you based on their own fucking morals! You know what we call that? Fucking free will! The same thing that you have always fought so hard to protect! So let that sink in for a minute because last I checked, opinions have a habit of differing and you know what we do to overcome that? Find a bloody compromise!" He picked up Steve's shield from where it lay on the floor, his eyes immediately going to the white star proudly painted in the centre and he scoffed, throwing it at Steve's feet in one rough movement. "I used to think that this shield meant something, something important and meaningful." He shook his head, almost sad despite the anger that still darkened his eyes. "I'm not so sure I still believe that anymore. Not so sure I can believe that anymore."

Noticing his brother about to speak, he immediately cut him off. Neither of them got to speak until he was done. Not after this. Not when Tony was still struggling to stand up behind him, breathing heavily because his reactor wasn't working as it should have been.

"Bucky, I really don't give a shit about anything either of you have to say right now. Thank Natasha and Jarvis that I was able to get here in time or... well, let's just say I'd be ten times more pissed than I was when Pietro nearly died and we all know what happened then. I really don't like it when people hurt my friends, no matter who those people are." Percy smiled darkly as the earth rumbled slightly. This was far worse than when Percy lashed out in anger, when he wasn't fully in control of his emotions or powers. Right now, He knew exactly what he was doing and his powers responded to every emotion, every shift immediately and with a vengeance. Every movement screamed danger and a tight control over nearly limitless power brought out by pure rage.

He looked towards his brother then, his expression remaining unchanged from its ice hard state. His voice was quiet as he asked him a simple question. "Did you intend on killing Tony or incapacitating him?" He nodded stiffly as a horrified Bucky's answer was the latter. A dry, nearly hysterical, half chuckle, half sob escaped his lips. "Well, you miserably failed! Next time, how about before ripping apart machinery you find out what it does? Don't know about you, but that sounds pretty damn reasonable to me!" His voice rose until by the end he was nearly screaming. "The reactor doesn't just power the suit like it did with Rhodey - and don't think I don't know that this is why Rhodey's in the hospital looking like he's done five rounds with Godzilla - the reactor keeps Tony alive!" The ground was rumbling far harder than it was before, tremors running through the already unstable building as Percy's rage took over for a bit before he managed to control it.

"Kid it's ok, you don't need to bring the building down on us all to prove a point." Tony's soft, raspy voice came from behind Percy as the older man struggled to speak as not nearly enough oxygen was reaching his lungs still. It was a voice he easily ignored because at this point, all he really wanted to do was kick Bucky and Steve's collective asses. "Kid I'm serious. If you start something in here, not only will you level this place but it will affect other buildings and people and you will regret it. Believe me, I've made the calculations. You bring down this one, the tremors and after effects bring down five others, even if abandoned, the rubble will definitely hurt some people, best case."

Percy tilted his head to the side, his tone unreadable, giving nothing away as he asked, "and worse case?"

"Pure chaos on a massive scale depending on the force you use to bring it down," was the immediate reply. Tony's voice was steady, completely sure and seemingly ignorant of the mass destruction this demigod was capable of. Then again, the man lived with gods, super spies and the Hulk, he was used to talking down things physically more powerful than himself. He was a business man after all. His words seemed to slightly calm Percy who toned down his death glare from 'murderous destructive' to just murderous.

Didn't stop him from shrugging off the hand Tony laid on his shoulder in a hopelessly useless attempt to hold him back ever so slightly and stepping forward and punching Bucky and Steve in their respective faces though. He shook out his hand as he stepped back, before dousing them in freezing cold water. Damn, super soldier jaws were hard! What were they made of, metal? Bucky wasn't really affected by the water though, being a son of Poseidon, it simply energised him a bit. He'd be getting the silent treatment for at least a week after this. Maybe he could recruit Natasha and Bruce to help him prank Bucky for the next... month let's say? That should be enough. Maybe.

Natasha would know the best places and ways and Bruce came up with the best stuff. His mild mannered scientist look hid an absolutely evil genius when it came to pranks. Pietro could help too if he wanted to. Percy nodded to himself. He wouldn't kill the two of them just yet. Maybe another time. Right now he'd settle for the occasional glare and embarrassing the both of them. After all, in seven years, he picked up quite a few tricks from the Stolls. Maybe Tony would let him borrow Dum-e...

He barely registered the two barely audible sighs of relief, one from Tony and the other from Bucky, the two most aware of what he was capable of, and he let a small smile creep it's way onto his face. Good. Let them be afraid. Steve and Bucky still weren't of the hook. "I really don't know what you're waiting for, the quinjets outside. Natasha flew." He spoke nonchalantly, as if this was just the end of another mission SHIELD had sent him on.

"Tasha's here too?" Bucky asked, his confusion mirrored on the faces of the other two men.

"Yup." Percy said calmly, popping the 'p' as he spoke. "We both agreed it was best if I handled the situation alone because that way she was less likely to get hurt in the crossfire when I destroyed this entire building, which I still might. Also, it was strategically sound and she needed to keep SHIELD and the others off us. And that little thing of plausible deniability. It's not like we advertised the fact that we were coming." He shrugged, pretty nonchalant about the entire situation as he led them to the roof of the building. "I mean, stealth mode is all well and good but Fury was bound to notice the missing jet eventually."

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